test_that("knitr_sidecar_prefix preconditions hold", { if (rmarkdown::pandoc_available()) { # Ensure that rmarkdown assumptions still hold rmd_path <- file.path(tempdir(), "test-utils.Rmd") file.copy(testthat::test_path("test-utils.Rmd"), rmd_path) rmarkdown::render(rmd_path, quiet = TRUE) } }) test_that("knitr_sidecar_prefix behavior", { if (rmarkdown::pandoc_available()) { # fig.path isn't set expect_null(knitr_sidecar_prefix(NULL)) expect_null(knitr_sidecar_prefix(NULL, condition = FALSE)) expect_null(knitr_sidecar_prefix(NULL, condition = TRUE)) expect_identical("default", knitr_sidecar_prefix("default")) expect_identical("default", knitr_sidecar_prefix("default", condition = FALSE)) expect_identical("default", knitr_sidecar_prefix("default", condition = TRUE)) # Explicitly provide an unusable fig.path expect_null(knitr_sidecar_prefix(NULL, fig_path = ".")) expect_null(knitr_sidecar_prefix(NULL, condition = FALSE, fig_path = ".")) expect_null(knitr_sidecar_prefix(NULL, condition = TRUE, fig_path = ".")) expect_identical("default", knitr_sidecar_prefix("default", fig_path = ".")) expect_identical("default", knitr_sidecar_prefix("default", condition = FALSE, fig_path = ".")) expect_identical("default", knitr_sidecar_prefix("default", condition = TRUE, fig_path = ".")) # Usable fig.path provided expect_identical( knitr_sidecar_prefix(NULL, condition = TRUE, fig_path = "a12 !_-x_files/b_files/figure-github_flavored_markdown/"), "a12 !_-x_files/b" ) expect_null( knitr_sidecar_prefix(NULL, condition = FALSE, fig_path = "a12 !_-x_files/b_files/figure-github_flavored_markdown/") ) expect_null( knitr_sidecar_prefix(NULL, fig_path = "a12 !_-x_files/b_files/figure-github_flavored_markdown/") ) } }) test_that("the `smtp_settings()` function returns the expected output", { # Expect that the table is a `tbl_df` smtp_settings() %>% expect_s3_class("tbl_df") # Expect 3 rows in the table smtp_settings() %>% nrow() %>% expect_equal(3) # Expect 8 columns in the table smtp_settings() %>% ncol() %>% expect_equal(6) }) test_that("the `get_provider_list()` function returns the expected output", { # Expect that the provider list vector contains # three items get_provider_list() %>% expect_equal(c("gmail", "outlook", "office365")) }) test_that("the `get_smtp_provider_values()` function returns the expected output", { # Expect that the `get_smtp_provider_values()` function # returns a list of values for a provider get_smtp_provider_values(provider = "gmail") %>% expect_type("list") # Expect the same set of names for each provider get_smtp_provider_values(provider = "gmail") %>% names() %>% expect_equal( c("short_name", "server", "port", "use_ssl", "user", "long_name") ) get_smtp_provider_values(provider = "outlook") %>% names() %>% expect_equal( c("short_name", "server", "port", "use_ssl", "user", "long_name") ) get_smtp_provider_values(provider = "office365") %>% names() %>% expect_equal( c("short_name", "server", "port", "use_ssl", "user", "long_name") ) })