test_that("the `render_block_title()` function returns the expected output", { # Create a title block block_title <- blocks(block_title("Test Title")) expect_snapshot(block_title) }) test_that("the `render_block_text()` function returns the expected output", { # Create a text block block_text <- blocks(block_text("Test Text")) expect_snapshot(block_text) }) test_that("the `render_block_articles()` function returns the expected output", { # Create an articles block with one article block_articles_1 <- block_articles( article( title = "title_1", content = "content_1", link = "link_1" ) ) expect_snapshot(block_articles_1) # Create an articles block with two articles block_articles_2 <- block_articles( article( title = "title_1", content = "content_1", link = "link_1" ), article( title = "title_2", content = "content_2", link = "link_2" ) ) expect_snapshot(block_articles_2) # Create an articles block with three articles block_articles_3 <- block_articles( article( title = "title_1", content = "content_1", link = "link_1" ), article( title = "title_2", content = "content_2", link = "link_2" ), article( title = "title_3", content = "content_3", link = "link_3" ) ) expect_snapshot(block_articles_3) }) test_that("the social link functions work correctly", { social_link_1 <- social_link(service = "Dribbble", link = "https://dribbble.com") expect_snapshot(social_link_1) # Expect that the `social_service_icons()` function # returns a tibble social_service_icons() %>% expect_s3_class("tbl_df") social_service_icons() %>% ncol() %>% expect_equal(2) social_service_icons() %>% nrow() %>% expect_equal(29) social_service_icon_variants %>% expect_equal(c("color", "bw", "dark_gray", "gray", "light_gray")) })