test_that("Query VNP46A1", { skip() # Define bearer token bearer <- Sys.getenv("BEARER_NASA_TOKEN") # sf polygon of Switzerland (covers 2 black marble tiles) roi_sf <- geodata::gadm(country = "CHE", level = 0, path = tempdir()) # Daily data ntl_df <- bm_extract(roi_sf = roi_sf, product_id = "VNP46A1", date = "2021-10-03", bearer = bearer) expect_true(class(ntl_df)[1] == "tbl_df", info = "r is not a tibble" ) }) test_that("Query VNP46A2", { skip() # Define bearer token bearer <- Sys.getenv("BEARER_NASA_TOKEN") # sf polygon of Switzerland (covers 2 black marble tiles) roi_sf <- geodata::gadm(country = "CHE", level = 0, path = tempdir()) # Daily data ntl_df <- bm_extract(roi_sf = roi_sf, product_id = "VNP46A2", date = "2021-10-03", bearer = bearer) expect_true(class(ntl_df)[1] == "tbl_df", info = "r is not a tibble" ) }) test_that("Query VNP46A3", { skip() # Define bearer token bearer <- Sys.getenv("BEARER_NASA_TOKEN") # sf polygon of Switzerland (covers 2 black marble tiles) roi_sf <- geodata::gadm(country = "CHE", level = 0, path = tempdir()) # Daily data ntl_df <- bm_extract(roi_sf = roi_sf, product_id = "VNP46A3", date = "2021-10", bearer = bearer) expect_true(class(ntl_df)[1] == "tbl_df", info = "r is not a tibble" ) }) test_that("Query VNP46A4", { skip() # Define bearer token bearer <- Sys.getenv("BEARER_NASA_TOKEN") # sf polygon of Switzerland (covers 2 black marble tiles) roi_sf <- geodata::gadm(country = "CHE", level = 0, path = tempdir()) # Daily data ntl_df <- bm_extract(roi_sf = roi_sf, product_id = "VNP46A4", date = 2021, bearer = bearer) expect_true(class(ntl_df)[1] == "tbl_df", info = "r is not a tibble" ) })