test_that("base generic overwrites work", { x = c(2L, 4L, 3L) expect_identical(rank(x), c(1.0, 3.0, 2.0)) expect_identical(order(x), c(1L, 3L, 2L)) }) # These tests were previously kept as tests under \examples{\dontshow{...}}. # Converted to "proper" unit tests for clarity, after making them more # canonical within {testthat}, e.g. better capturing expected warnings, # changing stopifnot(identical(...)) to expect_identical(...). test_that("Old \\dontshow{} tests continue working", { expect_identical(match(as.integer64(2L), as.integer64(0:3)), match(2L, 0:3)) expect_identical(as.integer64(2L) %in% as.integer64(0:3), 2L %in% 0:3) xi = c(1L, 1L, 2L) xi64 = as.integer64(xi) yi = c(3L, 4L, 4L) yi64 = as.integer64(yi) zi = c(1L, NA_integer_, 2L) zi64 = as.integer64(zi) expect_identical(unique(xi64), as.integer64(unique(xi))) expect_identical(rank(xi64), rank(xi)) expect_identical(table(x=xi64), table(x=xi)) expect_identical(table(x=xi64, y=yi64), table(x=xi, y=yi)) expect_identical(table(x=xi64, y=yi), table(x=xi, y=yi)) expect_identical(table(x=xi, y=yi64), table(x=xi, y=yi)) expect_identical(order(zi64), order(zi)) expect_identical(order(zi64, decreasing=TRUE), order(zi, decreasing=TRUE)) })