test_that("match & %in% basics work", { x = as.integer64(2:5) y = as.integer64(3:6) expect_identical(match(x, y), c(NA, 1:3)) expect_identical(match(y, x), c(2:4, NA)) expect_identical(match(2:5, y), c(NA, 1:3)) expect_identical(match(as.numeric(2:5), y), c(NA, 1:3)) expect_identical(match(y, 2:5), c(2:4, NA)) expect_identical(match(y, as.numeric(2:5)), c(2:4, NA)) expect_identical(match(x, y, nomatch=0L), 0:3) expect_identical(x %in% y, c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE)) expect_identical(y %in% x, c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)) expect_identical(x %in% 3:6, c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE)) expect_identical(x %in% c(3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0), c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE)) }) test_that("Different method= for match() and %in% work", { x = as.integer64(2:5) y = as.integer64(3:6) expected = c(NA_integer_, 1:3) expect_identical(match(x, y, method="hashpos"), expected) expect_identical(match(x, y, method="hashrev"), expected) expect_identical(match(x, y, method="sortorderpos"), expected) expect_error(match(x, y, method="_unknown_"), "unknown method _unknown_", fixed=TRUE) # TODO(#58): Fix this, currently fails. # expect_identical(match(x, y, method="orderpos"), expected) # NB: %in% is quite a bit different; while there's a public API to # `%in%.integer64`, likely, there shouldn't be (it's strange to export # an S3 method like is currently done). The tests are designed to tickle # the different methods through the public API only; this makes them # prone to winding up testing something totally different later. I think # that's fine; now that we have coverage tests up, any refactor that bumps # around what exactly the following tests are covering, will show up in the PR. # method="hashrin" used when x is "short" but table is "long" x = as.integer64(seq_len(10L)) table = as.integer64(seq_len(2.0**16.0 * 2.0/3.0 + 10.0)) # invert condition for bx>=16, 10.0 arbitrary buffer expect_identical(x %in% table, rep(TRUE, 10L)) }) # TODO(#59): Don't call table.integer64() directly. test_that("duplicated, unique, table methods work", { x = as.integer64(1:3) expect_identical(duplicated(x), rep(FALSE, 3L)) expect_identical(unique(x), x) expect_identical(table.integer64(x), table(x = 1:3)) x = as.integer64(rep(1L, 3L)) expect_identical(duplicated(x), c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE)) expect_identical(unique(x), x[1L]) expect_identical(table.integer64(x), table(x = rep(1L, 3L))) x = as.integer64(c(1L, 2L, 1L)) expect_identical(duplicated(x), c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)) expect_identical(unique(x), x[1:2]) expect_identical(table.integer64(x), table(x = c(1L, 2L, 1L))) x = as.integer64(c(1L, 1L, 2L)) expect_identical(duplicated(x), c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)) expect_identical(unique(x), x[c(1L, 3L)]) expect_identical(table.integer64(x), table(x = c(1L, 1L, 2L))) expect_error(duplicated(x, method="_unknown_"), "unknown method _unknown_", fixed=TRUE) expect_error(unique(x, method="_unknown_"), "unknown method _unknown_", fixed=TRUE) }) test_that("different method= for duplicated, unique work", { x = as.integer64(c(1L, 2L, 1L)) exp_dup = c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE) exp_unq = x[1:2] expect_identical(duplicated(x, method="hashdup"), exp_dup) expect_identical(unique(x, method="hashmapuni"), exp_unq) expect_identical(unique(x, method="hashuni"), exp_unq) expect_identical(duplicated(x, method="sortorderdup"), exp_dup) expect_identical(unique(x, method="sortorderuni"), exp_unq) expect_identical(unique(x, method="sortuni"), exp_unq) # TODO(#58): Fix this, currently fails. # expect_identical(duplicated(x, method="orderdup"), exp_dup) expect_identical(unique(x, method="orderuni"), exp_unq) }) test_that("more coercion works", { expect_identical(as.factor(as.integer64(2:4)), factor(2:4)) expect_identical(as.ordered(as.integer64(2:4)), as.ordered(2:4)) expect_identical(as.integer64(factor(2:11)), as.integer64(1:10)) # NB: _not_ 2:11! }) test_that("sorting methods work", { x = as.integer64(c(10L, 4L, 8L)) x_rank = c(3.0, 1.0, 2.0) expect_identical(rank(x), x_rank) expect_identical(rank(x, method="orderrnk"), x_rank) x = as.integer64(1:100) q = as.integer64(c(1L, 26L, 50L, 75L, 100L)) expect_identical(quantile(x, names=FALSE), q) expect_identical(median(x), q[3L]) names(q) = c('0%', '25%', '50%', '75%', '100%') expect_identical(quantile(x), q) expect_identical(quantile(x, 0.2, names=FALSE), as.integer64(21L)) expect_error(quantile(x, type=7L), "only.*qtile.*supported") expect_error(median(NA_integer64_), "missing values not allowed") expect_error(quantile(NA_integer64_), "missing values not allowed") x = as.integer64(1:100) q = as.integer64(c(1L, 26L, 50L, 75L, 100L)) names(q) = c('0%', '25%', '50%', '75%', '100%') expect_identical(qtile(x, method="sortqtl"), q) expect_identical(qtile(x, method="orderqtl"), q) x = as.integer64(c(1L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 2L, 4L)) x_tiepos = c(1L, 2L, 3L, 5L) expect_identical(tiepos(x), x_tiepos) expect_identical(tiepos(x, method="ordertie"), x_tiepos) expect_error(rank(x, method="_unknown_"), "unknown method _unknown_", fixed=TRUE) expect_error(qtile(x, method="_unknown_"), "unknown method _unknown_", fixed=TRUE) expect_error(tiepos(x, method="_unknown_"), "unknown method _unknown_", fixed=TRUE) }) # These tests were previously kept as tests under \examples{\dontshow{...}}. # Converted to "proper" unit tests for clarity, after making them more # canonical within {testthat}, e.g. better capturing expected warnings, # changing stopifnot(identical(...)) to expect_identical(...). test_that("Old \\dontshow{} tests continue working", { xi = c(1L, 1L, 2L) xi64 = as.integer64(xi) yi = c(3L, 4L, 4L) yi64 = as.integer64(yi) t_xi = table(x=xi) t_xi_yi = table(x=xi, y=yi) expect_identical(table.integer64(x=xi64), t_xi) expect_identical(table.integer64(x=xi64, y=yi64), t_xi_yi) expect_warning( expect_identical(table.integer64(x=xi), t_xi), "coercing first argument to integer64", fixed = TRUE ) expect_warning( expect_identical(table.integer64(x=xi64, y=yi), t_xi_yi), "coercing argument 2 to integer64", fixed = TRUE ) expect_warning( expect_identical(table.integer64(x=xi, y=yi64), t_xi_yi), "coercing argument 1 to integer64", fixed = TRUE ) expect_identical(table(x=xi64), t_xi) expect_identical(table(x=xi64, y=yi64), t_xi_yi) expect_identical(table(x=xi64, y=yi), t_xi_yi) expect_identical(table(x=xi, y=yi64), t_xi_yi) }) test_that("unipos() works as intended", { x = as.integer64(c(1L, 2L, 1L, 3L, 2L, 4L)) x_unipos = c(1L, 2L, 4L, 6L) expect_identical(unipos(x), x_unipos) expect_identical(unipos(x, method="hashupo"), x_unipos) expect_identical(unipos(x, method="sortorderupo"), x_unipos) expect_identical(unipos(x, method="orderupo"), x_unipos) expect_error(unipos(x, method="_unknown_"), "unknown method _unknown_", fixed=TRUE) }) test_that("keypos() works as intended", { x = as.integer64(c(5L, 2L, 5L, 3L, 2L, 4L)) x_keypos = c(4L, 1L, 4L, 2L, 1L, 3L) expect_identical(keypos(x), x_keypos) expect_identical(keypos(x, method="orderkey"), x_keypos) expect_error(keypos(x, method="_unknown_"), "unknown method _unknown_", fixed=TRUE) }) test_that("summary() works as intended", { x = as.integer64(c(1L, 2L, 10L, 20L, NA, 30L)) # NB: as.integer64() strips names, so as.integer64(c(Min. = ...)) won't work x_summary = as.integer64(c(1L, 2L, 10L, 12L, 20L, 30L, 1L)) names(x_summary) = c("Min.", "1st Qu.", "Median", "Mean", "3rd Qu.", "Max.", "NA's") expect_identical(summary(x), x_summary) expect_identical(summary(x[-5L]), x_summary[-7L]) }) test_that("prank() works as intended", { x = as.integer64(1:100) expect_identical(prank(x), (x-1.0)/99.0) expect_identical(prank(x[1L]), NA_integer64_) })