vpts <- example_vpts vpi <- integrate_profile(vpts) # No tests for error on incorrect parameters: # summary() is generic and works for every input # is.vpi() returns TRUE/FALSE and works for every input test_that("summary.vpi() prints metadata to the console", { # print.vpi() will just print the data.frame to the console expect_output(summary(vpi), "Vertically integrated profile(s) (class vpi)", fixed = TRUE) expect_output(summary(vpi), "radar:", fixed = TRUE) expect_output(summary(vpi), "# profiles:", fixed = TRUE) expect_output(summary(vpi), "time range (UTC):", fixed = TRUE) }) test_that("is.vpi() returns TRUE/FALSE correctly", { expect_true(is.vpi(vpi)) expect_false(is.vpi("not_a_vpts")) expect_false(is.vpi(vpts)) })