test_that("composite_ppi() returns error on incorrect parameters", { pvol <- read_pvolfile(system.file("extdata", "volume.h5", package = "bioRad")) ppis <- lapply(pvol$scans, project_as_ppi) expect_error( composite_ppi(example_vp), regexp = "'composite' expects objects of class ppi only", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error( composite_ppi(ppis[2:3], nx = "a"), regexp = "'nx' should be an integer", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error( composite_ppi(ppis[2:3], ny = "a"), regexp = "'ny' should be an integer", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error( composite_ppi(ppis[2:3], xlim = "a"), regexp = "'xlim' should be a numeric vector of length two", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error( composite_ppi(ppis[2:3], xlim = c(1,9,4)), regexp = "'xlim' should be a numeric vector of length two", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error( composite_ppi(ppis[2:3], xlim = c(9,NA)), regexp = paste("'xlim' should be a vector with two numeric values", "for lower and upper bound respectively"), fixed = TRUE ) expect_error( composite_ppi(ppis[2:3], ylim = "a"), regexp = "'ylim' should be a numeric vector of length two", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error( composite_ppi(ppis[2:3], ylim = c(1,9,4)), regexp = "'ylim' should be a numeric vector of length two", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error( composite_ppi(ppis[2:3], ylim = c(9,NA)), regexp = paste("'ylim' should be a vector with two numeric values", "for lower and upper bound respectively"), fixed = TRUE ) expect_error( composite_ppi(ppis[1:2], res = seq(3)), regexp = "length(res) not less than or equal to 2", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error( composite_ppi(ppis[1:2], res = c("a",2)), regexp = "res is not a numeric or integer vector", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error( composite_ppi(ppis[1:2], crs = "a"), regexp = "invalid crs: a", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error( composite_ppi(ppis[1:2], method = "not_a_method"), regexp = "'method' should be one or multiple of 'max', 'mean', 'min' or 'idw'", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error( composite_ppi(ppis[1:2], param = "all", method = c("max","min","mean")), regexp = "'method' should be of length 1 or length(param)", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error( composite_ppi(ppis[1:2], param = "DBZH", method = c("max","min")), regexp = "'method' should be of length 1 or length(param)", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error( composite_ppi(ppis[1:2], param = c("DBZH","ZDR"), method = c("max","min","mean")), regexp = "'method' should be of length 1 or length(param)", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error( composite_ppi(ppis[1:2], coverage = 1), regexp = "coverage is not a flag (a length one logical vector).", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error( composite_ppi(ppis[1:2], coverage = c(TRUE,TRUE)), regexp = "coverage is not a flag (a length one logical vector).", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error( composite_ppi(ppis[1:2], coverage = NA), regexp = "missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed", fixed = TRUE ) })