# Define non-default options sd_vvp_threshold <- 3 rcs <- 200 dual_pol <- TRUE rho_hv <- 0.8 elev_min <- 1 elev_max <- 5 azim_min <- 10 azim_max <- 350 range_min <- 4000 range_max <- 40000 n_layer <- 30 h_layer <- 150 nyquist_min <- 6 # Create function to extract task_args attributes of vol2bird as a list task_args <- function(x) { task_args_quoted <- paste0(gsub(",", "',", gsub("=", "='", x$attributes$how$task_args)), "'") eval(parse(text= paste0("list(", task_args_quoted, ")"))) } # Prepare test files tmpdir <- tempdir() pvolfile <- paste(tmpdir, "pvol.h5", sep = "/") pvolfile_out <- paste(tmpdir,"pvol_out.h5", sep = "/") vpfile <- paste(tmpdir, "vp.h5", sep = "/") file.copy(system.file("extdata", "volume.h5", package = "bioRad"), pvolfile, overwrite = TRUE) # TODO: # Arguments not yet tested: # - mistnet_elevations, because not stored in h5 currently # - dbz_quantity, because test file volume.h5 only has DBZH # - mount, because difficult to test # - local_install, because difficult to test # - local_mistnet, because difficult to test test_that("calculate_vp() returns error on incorrect parameters", { expect_error( calculate_vp(paste(tmpdir, "nofile.txt", sep = "/"), warnings = FALSE), regexp = sprintf("Path '%s' does not exist", file.path(tmpdir, "nofile.txt")), fixed = TRUE ) # vpfile: only tests if parent dir is writeable # pvolfile: only tests if parent dir is writeable expect_error( calculate_vp(pvolfile, warnings = FALSE, autoconf = "not_logical"), regexp = "autoconf is not a flag (a length one logical vector).", fixed = TRUE) expect_error( calculate_vp(pvolfile, warnings = FALSE, verbose = "not_logical"), regexp = "verbose is not a flag (a length one logical vector).", fixed = TRUE) expect_error( calculate_vp(pvolfile, warnings = "not_logical"), regexp = "warnings is not a flag (a length one logical vector).", fixed = TRUE) # mount: hard to test expect_error( calculate_vp(pvolfile, warnings = FALSE, sd_vvp_threshold = "not_numeric"), regexp = "sd_vvp_threshold is not a number (a length one numeric vector).", fixed = TRUE) expect_error( calculate_vp(pvolfile, warnings = FALSE, sd_vvp_threshold = -1), regexp = "sd_vvp_threshold not greater than or equal to 0", fixed = TRUE) expect_error( calculate_vp(pvolfile, warnings = FALSE, rcs = "not_numeric"), regexp = "rcs is not a number (a length one numeric vector).", fixed = TRUE) expect_error( calculate_vp(pvolfile, warnings = FALSE, rcs = 0), regexp = "rcs not greater than 0", fixed = TRUE) expect_error( calculate_vp(pvolfile, warnings = FALSE, dual_pol = "not_logical"), regexp = "dual_pol is not a flag (a length one logical vector).", fixed = TRUE) expect_error( calculate_vp(pvolfile, warnings = FALSE, rho_hv = "not_numeric"), regexp = "rho_hv is not a number (a length one numeric vector).", fixed = TRUE) expect_error( calculate_vp(pvolfile, warnings = FALSE, rho_hv = -0.1), "must be a number between") expect_error( calculate_vp(pvolfile, warnings = FALSE, rho_hv = 1.1), "must be a number between") expect_error( calculate_vp(pvolfile, warnings = FALSE, elev_min = "not_numeric"), regexp = "elev_min is not a number (a length one numeric vector).", fixed = TRUE) expect_error( calculate_vp(pvolfile, warnings = FALSE, elev_min = -91), "must be a number between") expect_error( calculate_vp(pvolfile, warnings = FALSE, elev_min = 91), "must be a number between") expect_error( calculate_vp(pvolfile, warnings = FALSE, elev_max = "not_numeric"), regexp = "elev_max is not a number (a length one numeric vector).", fixed = TRUE) expect_error( calculate_vp(pvolfile, warnings = FALSE, elev_max = -91), "must be a number between") expect_error( calculate_vp(pvolfile, warnings = FALSE, elev_max = 91), "must be a number between") expect_error( calculate_vp(pvolfile, warnings = FALSE, azim_min = "not_numeric"), regexp = "azim_min is not a number (a length one numeric vector).", fixed = TRUE) expect_error( calculate_vp(pvolfile, warnings = FALSE, azim_min = -1), "must be a number between") expect_error( calculate_vp(pvolfile, warnings = FALSE, azim_min = 361), "must be a number between") expect_error( calculate_vp(pvolfile, warnings = FALSE, azim_max = "not_numeric"), regexp = "azim_max is not a number (a length one numeric vector).", fixed = TRUE) expect_error( calculate_vp(pvolfile, warnings = FALSE, azim_max = -1), "must be a number between") expect_error( calculate_vp(pvolfile, warnings = FALSE, azim_max = 361), "must be a number between") expect_error( calculate_vp(pvolfile, warnings = FALSE, range_min = "not_numeric"), regexp = "range_min is not a number (a length one numeric vector).", fixed = TRUE) expect_error( calculate_vp(pvolfile, warnings = FALSE, range_min = -1), "must be a positive number") expect_error( calculate_vp(pvolfile, warnings = FALSE, range_max = "not_numeric"), regexp = "range_max is not a number (a length one numeric vector).", fixed = TRUE) expect_error( calculate_vp(pvolfile, warnings = FALSE, range_max = 0), "must be a positive number") expect_error( calculate_vp( pvolfile, warnings = FALSE, range_min = 35000, range_max = 5000 ), "must be larger than") expect_error( calculate_vp(pvolfile, warnings = FALSE, n_layer = "not_numeric"), regexp = "n_layer is not a count (a single positive integer)", fixed = TRUE) expect_error( calculate_vp(pvolfile, warnings = FALSE, n_layer = "1.0"), regexp = "n_layer is not a count (a single positive integer)", fixed = TRUE) # Not integer expect_error( calculate_vp(pvolfile, warnings = FALSE, h_layer = "not_numeric"), regexp = "h_layer is not a number (a length one numeric vector).", fixed = TRUE) expect_error( calculate_vp(pvolfile, warnings = FALSE, h_layer = -1), "must be a positive number") expect_error( calculate_vp(pvolfile, warnings = FALSE, dealias = "not_logical"), regexp = "`dealias` must be a logical value.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error( calculate_vp(pvolfile, warnings = FALSE, nyquist_min = "not_numeric"), regexp = "nyquist_min is not a number (a length one numeric vector).", fixed = TRUE) expect_error( calculate_vp(pvolfile, warnings = FALSE, nyquist_min = -1), "must be a positive number") expect_error( calculate_vp(pvolfile, warnings = FALSE, dbz_quantity = "invalid"), "must be either") expect_error( calculate_vp(pvolfile, warnings = FALSE, mistnet = "not_logical"), regexp = "`mistnet` must be a logical value.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error( calculate_vp( pvolfile, warnings = FALSE, mistnet_elevations = c( "not_numeric", "not_numeric", "not_numeric", "not_numeric", "not_numeric" ) ), regexp = "mistnet_elevations is not a numeric or integer vector", fixed = TRUE) expect_error( calculate_vp(pvolfile, warnings = FALSE, mistnet_elevations = c(0.5, 1.5)), regexp = "length(mistnet_elevations) not equal to 5", fixed = TRUE) # Not length 5 # local_install: hard to test # local_mistnet: hard to test }) test_that("calculate_vp() produces a vp object and optional vpfile, pvolfile", { vp <- calculate_vp(file = pvolfile, vpfile = vpfile, pvolfile_out = pvolfile_out, warnings = FALSE) vp_from_file <- read_vpfiles(vpfile) pvol_from_file <- read_pvolfile(pvolfile_out) expect_s3_class(vp, "vp") expect_s3_class(vp_from_file, "vp") expect_s3_class(pvol_from_file, "pvol") expect_s3_class(pvol_from_file$scans[[1]], "scan") scan <- get_scan(pvol_from_file, 0.5) expect_s3_class(scan$params$CELL, "param") }) test_that("calculate_vp() produces same vp from disk and from memory", { # how differs in file locations other wise they are equal vp_file<-calculate_vp(file = pvolfile, warnings = FALSE) vp_memory<- calculate_vp(file = read_pvolfile(pvolfile), warnings = FALSE) expect_equal(vp_file$data, vp_memory$data) expect_equal(vp_file$attributes$what, vp_memory$attributes$what) expect_equal(vp_file$attributes$where, vp_memory$attributes$where) expect_equal(vp_file$attributes$how$task_args, vp_memory$attributes$how$task_args) }) test_that("calculate_vp() parses input arguments for vol2bird", { # Run with non-default options vp <- calculate_vp(file = pvolfile, , warnings = FALSE, sd_vvp_threshold = sd_vvp_threshold, rcs = rcs, dual_pol = dual_pol, rho_hv = rho_hv, elev_min = elev_min, elev_max = elev_max, azim_min = azim_min, azim_max = azim_max, range_min = range_min, range_max = range_max, n_layer = n_layer, h_layer = h_layer, nyquist_min = nyquist_min) task_args <- task_args(vp) # sd_vvp_threshold is not part of task_args expect_equal(rcs, as.numeric(task_args$birdRadarCrossSection)) expect_equal(dual_pol, as.logical(as.numeric(task_args$dualPol))) expect_equal(rho_hv, as.numeric(task_args$rhohvThresMin)) expect_equal(elev_min, as.numeric(task_args$elevMin)) expect_equal(elev_max, as.numeric(task_args$elevMax)) expect_equal(azim_min, as.numeric(task_args$azimMin)) expect_equal(azim_max, as.numeric(task_args$azimMax)) expect_equal(range_min, as.numeric(task_args$rangeMin)) expect_equal(range_max, as.numeric(task_args$rangeMax)) expect_equal(n_layer, as.numeric(task_args$nLayers)) expect_equal(h_layer, as.numeric(task_args$layerThickness)) expect_equal(nyquist_min, as.numeric(task_args$minNyquist)) }) test_that("calculate_vp() ignores input arguments if autoconf", { # Run with non-default options vp <- calculate_vp(file = pvolfile, , warnings = FALSE, sd_vvp_threshold = sd_vvp_threshold, rcs = rcs, dual_pol = dual_pol, rho_hv = rho_hv, elev_min = elev_min, elev_max = elev_max, azim_min = azim_min, azim_max = azim_max, range_min = range_min, range_max = range_max, n_layer = n_layer, h_layer = h_layer, nyquist_min = nyquist_min, autoconf = TRUE) task_args <- task_args(vp) # sd_vvp_threshold is not part of task_args expect_false(rcs == as.numeric(task_args$birdRadarCrossSection)) expect_true(as.logical(as.numeric(task_args$dualPol))) # Set to true by autoconf expect_false(rho_hv == as.numeric(task_args$rhohvThresMin)) expect_false(elev_min == as.numeric(task_args$elevMin)) expect_false(elev_max == as.numeric(task_args$elevMax)) expect_false(azim_min == as.numeric(task_args$azimMin)) expect_false(azim_max == as.numeric(task_args$azimMax)) expect_false(range_min == as.numeric(task_args$rangeMin)) expect_false(range_max == as.numeric(task_args$rangeMax)) expect_false(n_layer == as.numeric(task_args$nLayers)) expect_false(h_layer == as.numeric(task_args$layerThickness)) expect_false(nyquist_min == as.numeric(task_args$minNyquist)) }) test_that("MistNet adds param WEATHER", { skip_if_no_mistnet() vp <- calculate_vp(file = pvolfile, pvolfile_out = pvolfile_out, warnings = FALSE, mistnet = TRUE) pvol_from_file <- read_pvolfile(pvolfile_out) # Check that the MistNet param "WEATHER" is added for a MistNet elevation scan <- get_scan(pvol_from_file, 0.5) expect_s3_class(scan$params$WEATHER, "param") }) test_that("Dealiasing can be toggled", { # run without dealiasing vp <- calculate_vp(file = pvolfile, warnings = FALSE, nyquist_min = nyquist_min, dealias = FALSE) # Dealias attribute is stored in two locations expect_equal(vp$attributes$how$dealiased, 0) expect_equal(task_args(vp)$dealiasVrad, "0") # run with dealiasing vp <- calculate_vp(file = pvolfile, warnings = FALSE, nyquist_min = nyquist_min, dealias = TRUE) expect_equal(vp$attributes$how$dealiased, 1) expect_equal(task_args(vp)$dealiasVrad,"1") }) test_that("Extension of vpfile is obeyed in output", { # Test with a .h5 file output_file <- calculate_vp(pvolfile, vpfile = vpfile) expect_equal(tools::file_ext(vpfile), "h5") expect_equal(guess_file_type(vpfile), "h5") #Change the extension of vpfile to .csv vpfile_csv <- sub("h5$", "csv", vpfile) # Test with a .csv file output_file <- calculate_vp(pvolfile, vpfile = vpfile_csv) expect_equal(tools::file_ext(vpfile_csv), "csv") expect_equal(guess_file_type(vpfile_csv), "csv") })