# BigQueryStorage ------------------------------------------------------- auth_fn <- function() { tmp <- tempfile(pattern = ".json") on.exit(unlink(tmp)) writeBin(base64enc::base64decode(Sys.getenv("GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT")), tmp) bigrquery::bq_auth(path = tmp) } test_that("BigQuery json and BigQuery return the same results", { auth_fn() # Compare with bigrquery method dt <- bqs_table_download("bigquery-public-data.usa_names.usa_1910_current", bigrquery::bq_test_project(), n_max = 50000, as_tibble = TRUE, quiet = TRUE) dt2 <- bigrquery::bq_table_download("bigquery-public-data.usa_names.usa_1910_current", n_max = 50000, quiet = TRUE) expect_equal(dt, dt2) }) test_that("Optional BigQuery Storage API parameters work", { auth_fn() # Check other features dt <- bqs_table_download("bigquery-public-data.usa_names.usa_1910_current", bigrquery::bq_test_project(), selected_fields = c("name", "number", "state"), row_restriction = 'state = "WA"', quiet = TRUE ) expect_length(names(dt), 3) expect_identical(as.character(unique(dt$state)), "WA") # BigQuery tables are organized into data blocks. The TABLESAMPLE clause works by randomly # selecting a percentage of data blocks from the table and reading all of the rows in the # selected blocks. The sampling granularity is limited by the number of data blocks. # # Typically, BigQuery splits tables or table partitions into blocks if they are larger than # about 1 GB. Smaller tables might consist of a single data block. In that case, the TABLESAMPLE # clause reads the entire table. If the sampling percentage is greater than zero and the table # is not empty, then table sampling always returns some results. dt <- bqs_table_download( "bigquery-public-data.usa_names.usa_1910_current", bigrquery::bq_test_project(), selected_fields = "number", sample_percentage = 0, quiet = TRUE ) expect_true(nrow(dt) == 0) }) # types ------------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("can read utf-8 strings", { auth_fn() sql <- "SELECT '\U0001f603' as x" tb <- bigrquery::bq_project_query(bigrquery::bq_test_project(), sql, quiet = TRUE) df <- bqs_table_download(tb, bigrquery::bq_test_project(), as_tibble = TRUE, quiet = TRUE) x <- df$x[[1]] expect_equal(Encoding(x), "UTF-8") expect_equal(x, "\U0001f603") }) # https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/storage/#arrow_schema_details # DATETIME does not a have a timezone test_that("can convert date time types", { auth_fn() sql <- "SELECT datetime, CAST (datetime as DATE) as date, CAST (datetime as TIME) as time, CAST (datetime as TIMESTAMP) as timestamp FROM (SELECT DATETIME '2000-01-02 03:04:05.67' as datetime) " tb <- bigrquery::bq_project_query(bigrquery::bq_test_project(), sql, quiet = TRUE) df <- bqs_table_download(tb, bigrquery::bq_test_project(), as_tibble = TRUE, quiet = TRUE) df2 <- bigrquery::bq_table_download(tb, quiet = TRUE) base <- ISOdatetime(2000, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.67, tz = "UTC") expect_equal(df, df2, tolerance = 0.67) expect_equal(df$datetime, base) expect_equal(df$timestamp, base) expect_equal(df$date, as.Date(base)) expect_equal(df$time, hms::hms(hours = 3, minutes = 4, seconds = 5.67)) }) test_that("correctly parse logical values", { auth_fn() query <- "SELECT TRUE as x" tb <- bigrquery::bq_project_query(bigrquery::bq_test_project(), query) df <- bqs_table_download(tb, bigrquery::bq_test_project(), as_tibble = TRUE, quiet = TRUE) expect_true(df$x) }) test_that("the return type of integer columns is set by the bigint argument", { auth_fn() x <- c("-2147483648", "-2147483647", "-1", "0", "1", "2147483647", "2147483648", "18014398509481984", "9007199254740992") sql <- paste0("SELECT * FROM UNNEST ([", paste0(x, collapse = ","), "]) AS x") qry <- bigrquery::bq_project_query(bigrquery::bq_test_project(), sql) expect_warning( out_int <- bqs_table_download(qry, bigrquery::bq_test_project(), as_tibble = TRUE, bigint = "integer", quiet = TRUE)$x, "loss of precision in conversion to double" ) expect_identical(out_int, suppressWarnings(as.integer(x))) x <- c("-2147483648", "-2147483647", "-1", "0", "1", "2147483647", "2147483648") sql <- paste0("SELECT * FROM UNNEST ([", paste0(x, collapse = ","), "]) AS x") qry <- bigrquery::bq_project_query(bigrquery::bq_test_project(), sql) out_int64 <- bqs_table_download(qry, bigrquery::bq_test_project(), as_tibble = TRUE, bigint = "integer64", quiet = TRUE)$x expect_identical(out_int64, bit64::as.integer64(x)) out_dbl <- bqs_table_download(qry, bigrquery::bq_test_project(), as_tibble = TRUE, bigint = "numeric", quiet = TRUE)$x expect_identical(out_dbl, as.double(x)) out_chr <- bqs_table_download(qry, bigrquery::bq_test_project(), as_tibble = TRUE, bigint = "character", quiet = TRUE)$x expect_identical(out_chr, x) }) test_that("float return as numeric", { auth_fn() x <- c("-2.147483648", "-1.5", "0.5", "1.5") sql <- paste0("SELECT * FROM UNNEST ([", paste0(x, collapse = ","), "]) AS x") qry <- bigrquery::bq_project_query(bigrquery::bq_test_project(), sql) out <- bqs_table_download(qry, bigrquery::bq_test_project(), as_tibble = TRUE, quiet = TRUE)$x expect_identical(out, as.numeric(x)) }) test_that("n_max returns no more rows than actual originaly in table", { auth_fn() query <- "SELECT TRUE as x" tb <- bigrquery::bq_project_query(bigrquery::bq_test_project(), query) df <- bqs_table_download(tb, bigrquery::bq_test_project(), as_tibble = TRUE, quiet = TRUE, n_max = 50) expect_equal(nrow(df), 1) }) # Geography is mapped to an utf8 string in input, # it would have to be converted to a geography by the user test_that("can convert geography type", { auth_fn() skip_if_not_installed("wk") sql <- "SELECT ST_GEOGFROMTEXT('POINT (30 10)') as geography" tb <- bigrquery::bq_project_query(bigrquery::bq_test_project(), sql, quiet = TRUE) df <- bqs_table_download(tb, bigrquery::bq_test_project(), as_tibble = TRUE, quiet = TRUE) expect_identical(df$geography, wk::wkt("POINT(30 10)")) }) test_that("can convert bytes type", { auth_fn() sql <- "SELECT ST_ASBINARY(ST_GEOGFROMTEXT('POINT (30 10)')) as bytes" tb <- bigrquery::bq_project_query(bigrquery::bq_test_project(), sql, quiet = TRUE) df <- bqs_table_download(tb, bigrquery::bq_test_project(), as_tibble = TRUE, quiet = TRUE) expect_identical( df$bytes, blob::as_blob(as.raw(c( 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x3d, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x24, 0x40 ))) ) }) test_that("nested list type", { auth_fn() sql <- " SELECT STRUCT(1 AS a, 'abc' AS b) as s, [1, 2, 3] as a, [STRUCT(1 as a, 'a' as b), STRUCT(2, 'b'), STRUCT(3, 'c')] as aos, STRUCT([1, 2, 3] as a, ['a', 'b'] as b) as soa " tb <- bigrquery::bq_project_query(bigrquery::bq_test_project(), sql, quiet = TRUE) df <- bqs_table_download(tb, bigrquery::bq_test_project(), as_tibble = TRUE, quiet = TRUE) expect_equal(df[["s"]], tibble::tibble(a = 1, b = "abc")) expect_equal(df[["a"]], list(1:3)) expect_equal(df[["aos"]], list(tibble::tibble(a = 1:3, b = c("a", "b", "c")))) expect_equal(df[["soa"]], tibble::tibble(a = list(1:3), b = list(c("a", "b")))) }) test_that("post process parse works", { auth_fn() sql <- " SELECT '\U0001f603' as unicode, datetime, TRUE as logicaltrue, FALSE as logicalfalse, CAST ('Hi' as BYTES) as bytes, CAST (datetime as DATE) as date, CAST (datetime as TIME) as time, CAST (datetime as TIMESTAMP) as timestamp, ST_GEOGFROMTEXT('POINT (30 10)') as geography, STRUCT(1 AS a, 'abc' AS b) as s, [1, 2, 3] as a, [STRUCT(1 as a, ST_GEOGFROMTEXT('POINT (5 5)') as b), STRUCT(2, ST_GEOGFROMTEXT('POINT (10 10)')), STRUCT(3, ST_GEOGFROMTEXT('POINT (15 15)'))] as aos, STRUCT([1, 2, 3] as a, ['a', 'b'] as b) as soa, STRUCT([CAST ('Hi' as BYTES), CAST ('Bob' as BYTES)] as a, ['a', 'b'] as b) as bb, STRUCT([ST_GEOGFROMTEXT('POINT (30 10)'), ST_GEOGFROMTEXT('POINT (15 15)')] as geo) as gg FROM (SELECT DATETIME '2000-01-02 03:04:05.67' as datetime)" tb <- bigrquery::bq_project_query(bigrquery::bq_test_project(), sql, quiet = TRUE) df <- bqs_table_download(tb, bigrquery::bq_test_project(), as_tibble = TRUE, quiet = TRUE) df2 <- bqs_table_download(tb, bigrquery::bq_test_project(), as_tibble = TRUE, quiet = TRUE, selected_fields = c("bb.a", "uniCODE", "aos")) expect_equal(attr(df$datetime,"tzone"), "UTC") expect_true(inherits(df$bytes, "blob")) expect_true(inherits(df$geography, "wk_wkt")) expect_true(inherits(df$aos[[1]]$b, "wk_wkt")) expect_true(inherits(df$bb$a[[1]], "blob")) expect_true(inherits(df$gg$geo[[1]], "wk_wkt")) expect_equal(length(df2), 3) })