test_that("historical API continues to work", { src <- src_bigquery(bq_test_project(), "basedata") x <- dplyr::tbl(src, "mtcars") expect_s3_class(x, "tbl") expect_true("cyl" %in% dbplyr::op_vars(x)) }) test_that("can work with literal SQL", { con_us <- DBI::dbConnect( bigquery(), project = "bigquery-public-data", dataset = "utility_us", billing = bq_test_project() ) x <- dplyr::tbl(con_us, dplyr::sql("SELECT * FROM country_code_iso")) expect_s3_class(x, "tbl") expect_true("fips_code" %in% dbplyr::op_vars(x)) }) test_that("can copy_to", { ds <- bq_test_dataset() con <- DBI::dbConnect(ds) expect_snapshot(dplyr::copy_to(con, mtcars), error = TRUE) bq_mtcars <- dplyr::copy_to(con, mtcars, temporary = FALSE) expect_s3_class(bq_mtcars, "tbl_BigQueryConnection") }) test_that("can collect and compute (no dataset)", { con <- DBI::dbConnect(bigquery(), project = bq_test_project()) bq_mtcars <- dplyr::tbl(con, "basedata.mtcars") %>% dplyr::filter(cyl == 4) # collect x <- dplyr::collect(bq_mtcars) expect_equal(dim(x), c(11, 11)) # compute: temporary temp <- dplyr::compute(bq_mtcars) expect_equal(dim(dplyr::collect(temp)), c(11, 11)) # compute: persistent name <- paste0("basedata.", random_name()) if (packageVersion("dbplyr") >= "") name <- I(name) perm <- dplyr::compute(bq_mtcars, name = name, temporary = FALSE) defer(DBI::dbRemoveTable(con, name)) expect_true(DBI::dbExistsTable(con, name)) expect_equal(dim(dplyr::collect(perm)), c(11, 11)) }) test_that("can collect and compute (with dataset)", { con <- DBI::dbConnect(bigquery(), project = bq_test_project(), dataset = "basedata" ) bq_mtcars <- dplyr::tbl(con, "mtcars") %>% dplyr::filter(cyl == 4) # collect x <- dplyr::collect(bq_mtcars) expect_equal(dim(x), c(11, 11)) # compute: temporary temp <- dplyr::compute(bq_mtcars) expect_equal(dim(dplyr::collect(temp)), c(11, 11)) # compute: persistent name <- random_name() perm <- dplyr::compute(bq_mtcars, temporary = FALSE, name = name) expect_equal(dim(dplyr::collect(perm)), c(11, 11)) defer(DBI::dbRemoveTable(con, name)) expect_true(DBI::dbExistsTable(con, name)) }) test_that("collect can identify directly download tables", { con <- DBI::dbConnect( bigquery(), project = bq_test_project(), dataset = "basedata" ) bq1 <- dplyr::tbl(con, "mtcars") expect_true(op_can_download(bq1)) expect_equal(op_rows(bq1), Inf) expect_equal(format(op_table(bq1)), "`mtcars`") bq2 <- head(bq1, 4) expect_true(op_can_download(bq2)) expect_equal(op_rows(bq2), 4) expect_equal(format(op_table(bq1)), "`mtcars`") bq3 <- head(bq2, 2) expect_true(op_can_download(bq3)) expect_equal(op_rows(bq3), 2) bq3 <- dplyr::filter(bq1, cyl == 1) expect_false(op_can_download(bq3)) x <- dplyr::collect(bq1) expect_s3_class(x, "tbl") bq5 <- dplyr::tbl(con, dplyr::sql("SELECT * FROM mtcars")) expect_false(op_can_download(bq5)) expect_false(op_can_download(head(bq5))) DBI::dbExecute(con, 'CREATE VIEW mtcars2 AS SELECT * FROM basedata.mtcars') defer(DBI::dbExecute(con, 'DROP VIEW mtcars2')) bq6 <- dplyr::tbl(con, "mtcars2") expect_false(op_can_download(bq6)) # INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES errors when we attempt to get metadata bq7 <- dplyr::tbl(con, "INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARTITIONS") expect_false(op_can_download(bq7)) expect_false(op_can_download(head(bq7))) }) test_that("casting uses bigquery types", { skip_if_not_installed("dbplyr") sql <- dbplyr::lazy_frame(x = "1") %>% dplyr::mutate(y = as.integer(x), z = as.numeric(x)) %>% dbplyr::sql_build(simulate_bigrquery()) expect_equal(sql$select[[2]], 'SAFE_CAST(`x` AS INT64)') expect_equal(sql$select[[3]], 'SAFE_CAST(`x` AS FLOAT64)') }) test_that("%||% translates to IFNULL", { skip_if_not_installed("dbplyr") sql <- dbplyr::lazy_frame(x = 1L) %>% dplyr::mutate(y = x %||% 2L) %>% dbplyr::sql_build(simulate_bigrquery()) expect_equal(sql$select[[2]], 'IFNULL(`x`, 2)') }) test_that("suffixes use _", { skip_if_not_installed("dbplyr", "1.99") expect_equal(dbplyr::sql_join_suffix(simulate_bigrquery()), c("_x", "_y")) }) test_that("all BigQuery tbls share the same src", { con1 <- DBI::dbConnect( bigquery(), project = bq_test_project() ) con2 <- DBI::dbConnect( bigquery(), project = "publicdata", billing = bq_test_project() ) tbl1 <- dplyr::tbl(con1, "basedata.mtcars", vars = "x") tbl2 <- dplyr::tbl(con2, "publicdata.samples.natality", vars = "x") expect_true(dplyr::same_src(tbl1, tbl2)) expect_false(dplyr::same_src(tbl1, mtcars)) }) test_that("runif is correctly translated", { expect_equal( dbplyr::translate_sql(runif(n()), con = simulate_bigrquery()), dbplyr::sql("RAND()") ) }) test_that("string functions correctly", { con <- simulate_bigrquery() expect_snapshot({ dbplyr::translate_sql(grepl("a.c", x), con = con) dbplyr::translate_sql(gsub("a.c", "", x), con = con) }) }) test_that("median is correctly translated", { expect_equal( dbplyr::translate_sql(median(x), con = simulate_bigrquery(), window = FALSE), dbplyr::sql("APPROX_QUANTILES(`x`, 2)[SAFE_ORDINAL(2)]") ) }) test_that("can correctly print a lazy query", { con <- DBI::dbConnect( bigquery(), project = bq_test_project(), dataset = "basedata" ) bq_mtcars <- dplyr::tbl(con, "mtcars") # not a snapshot test because column order can vary expect_no_error( expect_output( print(bq_mtcars) ) ) })