# Simulate a random network for testing simulate_network <- function(){ N <- 1000 K <- 50 memb <- rep(1:K, each = N / K) x <- sample(1:10, size = N, replace = TRUE) y <- sample(1:10, size = N, replace = TRUE) list_within_params <- c(-1, 1, 1, 0.5) list_between_params <- c(-3.5, 0.5, 0.5) formula <- g ~ edges + nodematch("x") + nodematch("y") + triangle vertex_id <- 1:N df <- tibble::tibble( id = vertex_id, memb = memb, x = x, y = y ) simulate_hergm( formula_for_simulation = formula, data_for_simulation = df, colname_vertex_id = "id", colname_block_membership = "memb", coef_within_block = list_within_params, coef_between_block = list_between_params, ergm_control = ergm::control.simulate.formula(MCMC.burnin = 1000000, MCMC.interval = 1000), seed = 1, n_sim = 1, directed = FALSE, output = "network" ) } # Function that checks that the number of files in the directory is the expected number check_files <- function(dir, expected_number){ expect_equal(length(list.files(dir, '*.rds')), expected_number) } cleanup <- function(){ do.call(file.remove, list(list.files(tempdir(), '*.rds', full.names = TRUE))) } test_that('Estimation with a disk cache stores data in the correct directory', { on.exit(cleanup()) # Use this directory for caching in disk dir <- tempdir() # Simulate a network g_1 <- simulate_network() # There should be no cached files in the directory check_files(dir, 0) # Perform estimation bigergm::hergm( object = g_1 ~ edges + nodematch("x"), n_clusters = 20, n_em_step_max = 3, initialization_method = 1, clustering_with_features = TRUE, verbose=2, cache = cachem::cache_disk(dir) ) # The estimation should have stored one RDS object in the cache directory. check_files(dir, 1) bigergm::hergm( object = g_1 ~ edges + nodematch("x"), n_clusters = 20, n_em_step_max = 3, initialization_method = 1, clustering_with_features = TRUE, verbose=2, cache = cachem::cache_disk(dir) ) # Running again the estimation on the same network should reuse the previously stored RDS object # and not store a new one. check_files(dir, 1) # Generate a different network g_2 <- simulate_network() # Perform estimation on the new network. bigergm::hergm( object = g_2 ~ edges + nodematch("x"), n_clusters = 20, n_em_step_max = 3, initialization_method = 1, clustering_with_features = TRUE, verbose=2, cache = cachem::cache_disk(dir) ) # The network has changed, so the previously cached RDS is not reused and a new cache file is generated. check_files(dir, 2) })