R Under development (unstable) (2023-07-10 r84676 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2023 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > library(testthat) > library(bgw) > > test_check("bgw") Simple mnl example 1 - non-verbose Outcome of estimation search: ***** Relative function convergence ***** Number of iterations: 4 MLE parameter estimate: 0.2792773 -0.7460936 -0.3949249 Estimated t-ratios: 2.138118 -5.998204 -3.142233 BGW is using FD derivatives for model Jacobian. (Caller did not provide derivatives.) Valid user-provided bgw_setting names(s) detected... bgw_settings[["printLevel"]] is set to user-provided value (2). BetaName InitialBeta(i) D(i) 1 b1 0 0 2 b2 0 0 3 b3 0 0 it nf F RELDF PRELDF RELDX MODEL stppar 0 1 1.386294361e+03 1 4 1.362272756e+03 1.733e-02 1.574e-02 1.00e+00 G 0.00e+00 2 5 1.361971802e+03 2.209e-04 2.063e-04 5.85e-02 G 0.00e+00 3 6 1.361970195e+03 1.180e-06 1.182e-06 4.39e-03 S 0.00e+00 4 7 1.361970195e+03 1.636e-11 1.680e-11 1.42e-05 S 0.00e+00 ***** Relative function convergence ***** FUNCTION 1.361970195e+03 RELDX 1.423e-05 PRELDF 1.680e-11 NPRELDF 1.680e-11 func. evals 7 grad. evals 6 vcHessianMethod = Gauss-Newton/BHHH Estimated upper bound on reciprocal of Euclidean condition number of vcHessian: 0.9465308 (Condition number = ratio of smallest singular value to largest singular value.) Value of unit roundoff = machine epsilon for comparison purposes: 2.220446e-16 BetaName FinalBeta(i) s.e.(i) t.rat.(0) G(i) D(i) 1 b1 0.2792773 0.1306183 2.138118 5.388073e-05 7.706524 2 b2 -0.7460936 0.1243862 -5.998204 -5.103494e-07 8.041956 3 b3 -0.3949249 0.1256829 -3.142233 2.110044e-06 7.957112 BGW is using FD derivatives for model Jacobian. (Caller did not provide derivatives.) Valid user-provided bgw_setting names(s) detected... bgw_settings[["printLevel"]] is set to user-provided value (2). bgw_settings[["vcHessianMethod"]] is set to user-provided value ("none"). BetaName InitialBeta(i) D(i) 1 b1 0 0 2 b2 0 0 3 b3 0 0 it nf F RELDF PRELDF RELDX MODEL stppar 0 1 1.386294361e+03 1 4 1.362272756e+03 1.733e-02 1.574e-02 1.00e+00 G 0.00e+00 2 5 1.361971802e+03 2.209e-04 2.063e-04 5.85e-02 G 0.00e+00 3 6 1.361970195e+03 1.180e-06 1.182e-06 4.39e-03 S 0.00e+00 4 7 1.361970195e+03 1.636e-11 1.680e-11 1.42e-05 S 0.00e+00 ***** Relative function convergence ***** FUNCTION 1.361970195e+03 RELDX 1.423e-05 PRELDF 1.680e-11 NPRELDF 1.680e-11 func. evals 7 grad. evals 5 No variance-covariance matrix computation was requested. BetaName FinalBeta(i) G(i) D(i) 1 b1 0.2792773 5.388073e-05 7.706524 2 b2 -0.7460936 -5.103493e-07 8.041956 3 b3 -0.3949249 2.110044e-06 7.957112 [ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 3 ] > > proc.time() user system elapsed 0.62 0.09 0.70