describe("mark_", { it("If min_time is Inf, runs for max_iterations", { res <- .Call( mark_, quote(1), new.env(), Inf, as.integer(0), as.integer(10), FALSE ) expect_length(res, 10) res <- .Call( mark_, quote(1), new.env(), Inf, as.integer(0), as.integer(20), FALSE ) expect_length(res, 20) }) it("If min_time is 0, runs for min_iterations", { res <- .Call( mark_, quote(1), new.env(), 0, as.integer(1), as.integer(10), FALSE ) expect_length(res, 1) res <- .Call( mark_, quote(1), new.env(), 0, as.integer(5), as.integer(10), FALSE ) expect_length(res, 5) }) it("If min_time is 0, runs for min_iterations", { res <- .Call( mark_, quote({ i <- 1 while (i < 10000) i <- i + 1 }), new.env(), .1, as.integer(1), as.integer(1000), FALSE ) expect_gte(length(res), 1) expect_lte(length(res), 1000) }) it("Evaluates code in the environment", { e <- new.env(parent = baseenv()) res <- .Call( mark_, quote({ a <- 42 }), e, Inf, as.integer(1), as.integer(1), FALSE ) expect_equal(e[["a"]], 42) }) }) describe("mark", { it("Uses all.equal to check results by default", { res <- mark(1 + 1, 1L + 1L, check = TRUE, iterations = 1) expect_type(res$result, "list") expect_true(all.equal(res$result[[1]], res$result[[2]])) }) it("Can use other functions to check results like identical to check results", { # numerics and integers not identical expect_error( regexp = "Each result must equal the first result", mark(1 + 1, 1L + 1L, check = identical, iterations = 1) ) # Function that always returns false expect_error( regexp = "Each result must equal the first result", mark(1 + 1, 1 + 1, check = function(x, y) FALSE, iterations = 1) ) # Function that always returns true res <- mark(1 + 1, 1 + 2, check = function(x, y) TRUE, iterations = 1) expect_type(res$result, "list") expect_equal(res$result[[1]], 2) expect_equal(res$result[[2]], 3) }) it("works with capabilities('profmem')", { skip_if_not(capabilities("profmem")) res <- mark(1, 2, check = FALSE, iterations = 1) expect_length(res$memory, 2) expect_s3_class(res$memory[[1]], "Rprofmem") expect_equal(ncol(res$memory[[1]]), 3) expect_gte(nrow(res$memory[[1]]), 0) }) it("works without capabilities('profmem')", { res <- mark(1, 2, check = FALSE, iterations = 1, memory = FALSE) expect_equal(res$memory, vector("list", 2)) expect_equal(res$mem_alloc, as_bench_bytes(c(NA, NA))) }) it("Can handle `NULL` results", { res <- mark(if (FALSE) 1, max_iterations = 10) expect_equal(res$result, list(NULL)) }) it("Can errors with the deparsed expressions", { expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { mark(1, 1, 3, max_iterations = 10) }) }) it("Works when calls are different lengths", { expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { # Here the first call deparses to length 2, the second to length 4 mark(if (TRUE) 2, if (TRUE) 1 else 3) }) }) it("works with memory = FALSE", { res <- mark(1, memory = FALSE) expect_s3_class(res, "bench_mark") expect_equal(res$memory, vector("list", 1)) expect_equal(res$mem_alloc, as_bench_bytes(NA)) }) it("works with check = FALSE", { res <- mark(1, check = FALSE) expect_s3_class(res, "bench_mark") expect_equal(res$result, list(NULL)) }) it("works with memory = FALSE and check = FALSE", { res <- mark(1, memory = FALSE, check = FALSE) expect_s3_class(res, "bench_mark") expect_equal(res$memory, list(NULL)) expect_equal(res$mem_alloc, as_bench_bytes(NA)) }) it("fails for memory profiling failures", { skip_on_os("windows") skip_on_cran() keep_busy <- function(n = 1e3) { r <- rnorm(n) p <- pnorm(r) q <- qnorm(p) o <- order(q) } expect_error( res <- mark(parallel::mclapply(seq_len(1e3), keep_busy, mc.cores = 2)), "Memory profiling failed" ) }) it("ignores trailing arguments", { bench::mark( 1 + 3, 2 + 2, ) }) it("truncates long expressions when printing (#94)", { local_reproducible_output(width = 30) name <- paste0(rep("a", 100), collapse = "") exprs <- list( assign(name, 1, envir = environment()) out <- mark(exprs = exprs) # Only snapshot static columns out <- out[c("expression", "result")] expect_snapshot(out) }) }) describe("summary.bench_mark", { res <- bench_mark( tibble::tibble( expression = "1 + 1:1e+06", result = list(1:10), memory = list(NULL), time = list( c( 0.088492998, 0.109396977, 0.141906863, 0.005378346, 0.007563524, 0.002439451, 0.079715252, 0.003022223, 0.005948069, 0.002276121 ) ), gc = list( tibble::tibble( level0 = c(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0), level1 = c(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), level2 = c(0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0) ) ) ) ) it("computes relative summaries if called with relative = TRUE", { # remove memory column, as there likely are no allocations or gc in these # benchmarks res1 <- summary(res) for (col in setdiff(summary_cols, "mem_alloc")) { # Absolute values should always be positive expect_true(all(res1[[!!col]] >= 0)) } # Relative values should always be greater than or equal to 1 res2 <- summary(res, relative = TRUE) for (col in setdiff(summary_cols, c("mem_alloc", "n_gc"))) { expect_true(all(res2[[!!col]] >= 1)) } }) it("does not filter gc is `filter_gc` is FALSE", { res1 <- summary(res, filter_gc = TRUE) res2 <- summary(res, filter_gc = FALSE) expect_equal(res1$n_gc, 6) expect_equal(res1$n_gc, res2$n_gc) }) it("does not issue warnings if there are no garbage collections", { # This is artificial, but it avoids differences in gc on different # platforms / memory loads, so we can ensure the first has no gcs, and the # second has all gcs x <- bench_mark( tibble::tibble( expression = c(1, 2), result = list(1, 2), time = list( as_bench_time(c(0.166, 0.161, 0.162)), as_bench_time(c(0.276, 0.4)) ), memory = list(NULL, NULL), gc = list( tibble::tibble( level0 = integer(0), level1 = integer(0), level2 = integer(0) ), tibble::tibble( level0 = c(1L, 1L), level1 = c(0L, 0L), level2 = c(0L, 0L) ) ) ) ) expect_warning( regexp = "Some expressions had a GC in every iteration", res <- summary(x, filter_gc = TRUE) ) expect_equal(res$min, as_bench_time(c(.161, .276))) expect_equal(res$median, as_bench_time(c(.162, .338))) expect_equal(res$`itr/sec`, c(6.134969, 2.958580), tolerance = 1e-5) expect_equal(res$mem_alloc, as_bench_bytes(c(NA, NA))) expect_equal(res$`gc/sec`, c(0, 2.958580), tolerance = 1e-5) expect_equal(res$n_gc, c(0, 2)) expect_equal(res$n_itr, c(3, 2)) expect_equal(res$total_time, as_bench_time(c(.489, .676))) expect_no_warning(res2 <- summary(x, filter_gc = FALSE)) expect_identical(res, res2) }) }) describe("unnest.bench_mark", { it("does not contain result or memory columns", { skip_if_not_installed("tidyr", "1.0.0") bnch <- mark(1 + 1, 2 + 0) res <- tidyr::unnest(bnch, c(time, gc)) gc_cols <- colnames(bnch$gc[[1]]) expect_equal( colnames(res), c(head(colnames(bnch), n = -1), c(gc_cols, "gc")) ) expect_equal(nrow(res), length(bnch$time[[1]]) + length(bnch$time[[2]])) }) })