describe("as_bench_bytes", { it("accepts numeric input unchanged", { expect_equal(unclass(as_bench_bytes(123L)), 123L) expect_equal(unclass(as_bench_bytes(123)), 123) }) it("accepts bench_byte input unchanged", { x <- as_bench_bytes(123) expect_equal(as_bench_bytes(x), x) }) it("coerces character input", { expect_equal(unclass(as_bench_bytes("1")), 1) expect_equal(unclass(as_bench_bytes("1K")), 1024) expect_equal(unclass(as_bench_bytes("1M")), 1024 * 1024) expect_equal(unclass(as_bench_bytes("10M")), 10 * 1024 * 1024) expect_equal(unclass(as_bench_bytes("1G")), 1024 * 1024 * 1024) }) }) describe("format.bench_bytes", { it("formats bytes under 1024 as whole numbers", { expect_equal(format(bench_bytes(0)), "0B") expect_equal(format(bench_bytes(1)), "1B") expect_equal(format(bench_bytes(1023)), "1023B") }) it("formats bytes 1024 and up as abbreviated numbers", { expect_equal(format(bench_bytes(1024)), "1KB") expect_equal(format(bench_bytes(1025)), "1KB") expect_equal(format(bench_bytes(2^16)), "64KB") expect_equal(format(bench_bytes(2^24)), "16MB") expect_equal(format(bench_bytes(2^24 + 555555)), "16.5MB") expect_equal(format(bench_bytes(2^32)), "4GB") expect_equal(format(bench_bytes(2^48)), "256TB") expect_equal(format(bench_bytes(2^64)), "16EB") }) it("handles NA and NaN", { expect_equal(format(bench_bytes(NA)), "NA") expect_equal(format(bench_bytes(NaN)), "NaN") }) it("works with vectors", { v <- c(NA, 1, 2^13, 2^20, NaN, 2^15) expect_equal( format(bench_bytes(v), trim = TRUE), c("NA", "1B", "8KB", "1MB", "NaN", "32KB") ) expect_equal(format(bench_bytes(numeric())), character()) }) }) describe("sum.bench_bytes", { it("sums its input and returns a bench_byte", { expect_equal(sum(bench_bytes(0)), new_bench_bytes(0)) expect_equal(sum(bench_bytes(c(1, 2))), new_bench_bytes(3)) expect_equal(sum(bench_bytes(c(1, NA))), new_bench_bytes(NA_real_)) }) }) describe("min.bench_bytes", { it("finds minimum input and returns a bench_byte", { expect_equal(min(bench_bytes(0)), new_bench_bytes(0)) expect_equal(min(bench_bytes(c(1, 2))), new_bench_bytes(1)) expect_equal(min(bench_bytes(c(1, NA))), new_bench_bytes(NA_real_)) }) }) describe("max.bench_bytes", { it("finds maximum input and returns a bench_byte", { expect_equal(max(bench_bytes(0)), new_bench_bytes(0)) expect_equal(max(bench_bytes(c(1, 2))), new_bench_bytes(2)) expect_equal(max(bench_bytes(c(1, NA))), new_bench_bytes(NA_real_)) }) }) describe("[.bench_bytes", { it("retains the bench_bytes class", { x <- bench_bytes(c(100, 200, 300)) expect_equal(x[], x) expect_equal(x[1], new_bench_bytes(100)) expect_equal(x[1:2], new_bench_bytes(c(100, 200))) }) }) describe("Ops.bench_bytes", { it("errors for unary operators", { x <- bench_bytes(c(100, 200, 300)) expect_error(!x, "unary '!' not defined for \"bench_bytes\" objects") expect_error(+x, "unary '\\+' not defined for \"bench_bytes\" objects") expect_error(-x, "unary '-' not defined for \"bench_bytes\" objects") }) it("works with boolean comparison operators", { x <- bench_bytes(c(100, 200, 300)) expect_equal(x == 100, c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)) expect_equal(x != 100, c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE)) expect_equal(x > 100, c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE)) expect_equal(x >= 100, c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE)) expect_equal(x < 200, c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)) expect_equal(x <= 200, c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)) }) it("works with arithmetic operators", { x <- bench_bytes(c(100, 200, 300)) expect_equal(x + 100, bench_bytes(c(200, 300, 400))) expect_equal(x - 100, bench_bytes(c(0, 100, 200))) expect_equal(x * 100, bench_bytes(c(10000, 20000, 30000))) expect_equal(x / 2, bench_bytes(c(50, 100, 150))) expect_equal(x^2, bench_bytes(c(10000, 40000, 90000))) }) it("errors for other binary operators", { x <- bench_bytes(c(100, 200, 300)) expect_error(x %% 2, "'%%' not defined for \"bench_bytes\" objects") expect_error(x %/% 2, "'%/%' not defined for \"bench_bytes\" objects") expect_error(x & TRUE, "'&' not defined for \"bench_bytes\" objects") expect_error(x | TRUE, "'|' not defined for \"bench_bytes\" objects") }) })