describe("bench_time", { skip_on_cran() res <- bench_time(1 + 1:1e7) it("returns process and real time", { expect_equal(names(res), c("process", "real")) }) it("returns times that are reasonable, system and real time are relatively close for process bound expressions", { epsilon <- abs(res[[1]] - res[[2]]) expect_true((epsilon / res[[1]]) < 5) }) it("returns times that are reasonable, system and real time are far apart for non-process bound expressions", { res <- bench_time(Sys.sleep(.5)) epsilon <- abs(res[[1]] - res[[2]]) expect_true((epsilon / res[[1]]) > 20) }) }) describe("bench_memory", { skip_on_cran() res <- bench_memory(1 + 1:1e7) it("returns memory allocation and the raw memory used", { expect_equal(names(res), c("mem_alloc", "memory")) }) it("returns reasonable memory allocation", { expect_true(res[["mem_alloc"]] > "10MB") }) })