test_that("x must be a named list", { expect_error(average_estimates(list(ecx4param, nec4param))) expect_error(average_estimates(ecx4param, nec4param)) }) test_that("output is a vector of appropriately name elements", { ae1 <- average_estimates(list(ecx4param = ecx4param, nec4param = nec4param)) expect_equal(length(ae1), 3) expect_equal(names(ae1), c("Q50", "Q2.5", "Q97.5")) }) test_that("xform passes correctly", { ae1 <- average_estimates(list(ecx4param = ecx4param, nec4param = nec4param)) ae2 <- average_estimates(list(ecx4param = ecx4param, nec4param = nec4param), xform = exp) expect_gt(ae2[1], ae1[2]) }) test_that("posterior passes correctly", { ae3 <- average_estimates(list(ecx4param = ecx4param, nec4param = nec4param), posterior = TRUE) expect_equal(length(ae3), 100) }) test_that("prob_vals passes correctly", { ae4 <- average_estimates(list(ecx4param = ecx4param, nec4param = nec4param), prob_vals = c(0.5, 0.3, 0.7)) expect_equal(names(ae4), c("Q50", "Q30", "Q70")) })