library('bayescount') data <- rpois(100, 10) data[1:15] <- 0 likelihood('ZIP', data, mean=10, zi=15) # now calculate the likelihood for the same data using an MCMC object # to provide the values for mean and zero-inflation ## Not run: values <- fec.analysis(data, model='ZISP', raw.output=TRUE)$mcmc means <- c(values[,'mean'][[1]], values[,'mean'][[2]]) zis <- (1-c(values[,'prob'][[1]], values[,'prob'][[2]]))*100 # The function outputs the prevalence of disease when raw.ouput is # TRUE, so zero-inflation must be calculated from this likes <- likelihood('ZIP', data, mean=means, zi=zis, raw.output=TRUE)$likelihood hist(likes, breaks='fd', col='red')