context("generic functions") source(system.file("common", "groupedData.R", package = "bartCause")) set.seed(22) fit <- bartc(y, z, x, data = testData, method.trt = "glm", n.samples = 50L, = g, use.ranef = FALSE, group.effects = TRUE, n.burn = 25L, n.chains = 4L, n.threads = 1L, verbose = FALSE) p.score <- fitted(glm(z ~ x + g, family = stats::binomial, data = testData)) set.seed(22) x.train <- cbind(z = testData$z, testData$x, p.score, testData$g) x.test <- x.train; x.test[,"z"] <- 1 - x.test[,"z"] bartFit <- dbarts::bart2(x.train, testData$y, x.test, n.samples = 50L, n.burn = 25L, n.chains = 4L, n.threads = 1L, verbose = FALSE) obsCfToTrtCtl <- function(obs, cf, trt) { if (length(dim(obs)) > 2L) { aperm(aperm(obs, c(3L, 1L, 2L)) * trt + aperm(cf, c(3L, 1L, 2L)) * (1 - trt), c(2L, 3L, 1L)) } else { t(t(obs) * trt + t(cf) * (1 - trt)) } } samples.obs <- bartFit$yhat.train <- bartFit$yhat.test <- obsCfToTrtCtl(samples.obs,, 1 - testData$z) <- obsCfToTrtCtl(samples.obs,, testData$z) test_that("combine chains works as expected", { combineChains <- bartCause:::combineChains mu.obs <- extract(fit, "mu.obs") expect_equal(as.vector(mu.obs), as.vector(aperm(fit$mu.hat.obs, c(2, 1, 3)))) sigma <- extract(fit, "sigma") expect_equal(sigma, as.vector(t(fit$fit.rsp$sigma))) }) test_that("fitted matches manual fit", { cate <- fitted(fit, "cate") mu.1 <- fitted(fit, "mu.1") mu.0 <- fitted(fit, "mu.0") icate <- fitted(fit, "icate") mu.obs <- fitted(fit, "mu.obs") expect_equal(mu.0, apply(, 3L, mean)) expect_equal(mu.1, apply(, 3L, mean)) expect_equal(icate, apply( -, 3L, mean)) expect_equal(mu.obs, apply(samples.obs, 3L, mean)) expect_equal(fitted(fit, "p.score"), p.score) groups <- levels(as.factor(testData$g)) expect_equal(length(cate), length(groups)) for (group in groups) expect_equal(cate[[as.character(group)]], mean(icate[testData$g == group])) }) test_that("extract matches manual fit", { ## first that combine chains works mu.0 <- extract(fit, "mu.0") expect_equal(mu.0, matrix(aperm(, c(2L, 1L, 3L)), dim([1L] * dim([2L], dim([3L])) mu.0 <- extract(fit, "mu.0", combineChains = FALSE) mu.1 <- extract(fit, "mu.1", combineChains = FALSE) cate <- extract(fit, "cate", combineChains = FALSE) icate <- extract(fit, "icate", combineChains = FALSE) mu.obs <- extract(fit, "mu.obs", combineChains = FALSE) expect_equal(mu.0, expect_equal(mu.1, expect_equal(icate, - expect_equal(mu.obs, samples.obs) groups <- levels(as.factor(testData$g)) expect_equal(length(cate), length(groups)) for (group in groups) expect_equal(cate[[as.character(group)]], apply(icate[,,testData$g == group], c(1L, 2L), mean)) }) test_that("ppd-based estimates match manual", { expect_equal(as.numeric((testData$y - fitted(fit, "")) * (2 * testData$z - 1)), fitted(fit, "ite")) expect_equal(mean((testData$y - fitted(fit, "")) * (2 * testData$z - 1)), sum(fitted(fit, "sate") * (table(testData$g) / length(testData$y)))) expect_equal(testData$y[testData$z == 1], fitted(fit, "y.1")[testData$z == 1]) expect_equal(testData$y[testData$z == 0], fitted(fit, "y.0")[testData$z == 0]) }) test_that("summary object contains correct information", { sum <- summary(fit) testCall <- parse(text = 'bartc(response = y, treatment = z, confounders = x, data = testData, method.trt = "glm", = g, group.effects = TRUE, use.ranef = FALSE, n.samples = 50L, n.burn = 25L, n.chains = 4L, n.threads = 1L, verbose = FALSE)')[[1L]] expect_true(length(testCall) == length(sum$call) && all(names(sum$call) %in% names(testCall)) && all(names(testCall) %in% names(sum$call)) && all(sum$call[order(names(sum$call))] == testCall[order(names(testCall))])) expect_equal(sum$method.rsp, "bart") expect_equal(sum$method.trt, "glm") expect_equal(sum$$, eval(formals(bartCause:::summary.bartcFit)$[1L]) expect_equal(sum$$ci.level, eval(formals(bartCause:::summary.bartcFit)$ci.level)) expect_equal(tail(sum$n.obs, 1L), length(testData$y)) expect_equal(sum$n.samples, 50L) expect_equal(sum$n.chains, 4L) expect_equal(head(sum$estimates$estimate, -1L), unname(fitted(fit, "cate"))) }) test_that("generics work for p.weights", { pfit <- bartc(y, z, x, data = testData, method.trt = "bart", method.rsp = "p.weight", estimand = "att", = g, group.effects = TRUE, n.chains = 3L, n.samples = 7L, n.burn = 3L, n.threads = 1L, verbose = FALSE) pfit.sum <- summary(pfit) p.weights <- extract(pfit, "p.weights", sample = "all") groups <- levels(as.factor(testData$g)) g.sel <- lapply(groups, function(group) which(testData$g == group)) boundValues <- bartCause:::boundValues ## match internal bounding yBounds <- c(.005, .995) p.scoreBounds <- c(0.025, 0.975) # warnings because "mu.0" isn't meaningful if using p-weights to compute ATT mu.0 <- suppressWarnings(extract(pfit, type = "mu.0", sample = "all")) mu.1 <- suppressWarnings(extract(pfit, type = "mu.1", sample = "all")) p.score <- extract(pfit, sample = "all", type = "p.score") for (j in seq_along(groups)) { m <- min(testData$y[g.sel[[j]]]); M <- max(testData$y[g.sel[[j]]]) mu.hat.0 <- boundValues((boundValues(mu.0[,g.sel[[j]]], c(m, M)) - m) / (M - m), yBounds) mu.hat.1 <- boundValues((boundValues(mu.1[,g.sel[[j]]], c(m, M)) - m) / (M - m), yBounds) icate <- mu.hat.1 - mu.hat.0 # replicate internal with: # temp <- bartCause:::getPWeightEstimates(testData$y[g.sel[[j]]], testData$z[g.sel[[j]]], NULL, "att", mu.hat.0, mu.hat.1, # extract(pfit, sample = "all", type = "p.score")[g.sel[[j]],], yBounds, p.scoreBounds) # f <- bartCause:::getPWeightFunction("att", NULL, icate, boundValues(p.weights[g.sel[[j]],], p.scoreBounds)) # mean(f(testData$z[g.sel[[j]]], NULL, icate, p.score[g.sel[[j]],])) * (M - m) est.unscaled <- mean(apply((icate * boundValues(p.score[,g.sel[[j]]], p.scoreBounds)), 2L, mean)) / mean(testData$z[g.sel[[j]]]) expect_equal(pfit.sum$est$estimate[j], est.unscaled * (M - m)) } expect_equal(apply(p.weights, length(dim(p.weights)), mean), fitted(pfit, "p.weights", sample = "all")) }) test_that("summary works with different styles", { expect_is(summary(fit, = "norm"), "bartcFit.summary") expect_is(summary(fit, = "quant"), "bartcFit.summary") expect_is(summary(fit, = "hpd"), "bartcFit.summary") expect_is(summary(fit, = "ppd"), "bartcFit.summary") set.seed(22) unweighted_fit <- bartc(y, z, x, data = testData, method.trt = "glm", verbose = FALSE, n.chains = 2L, n.threads = 1L, n.burn = 0L, n.samples = 7L, n.trees = 13L) expect_is(unweighted_summary <- summary(unweighted_fit, = "var.exp"), "bartcFit.summary") set.seed(22) weighted_fit <- bartc(y, z, x, data = testData, method.trt = "glm", verbose = FALSE, weights = rep(1, length(testData$y)), n.chains = 2L, n.threads = 1L, n.burn = 0L, n.samples = 7L, n.trees = 13L) expect_is(weighted_summary <- summary(weighted_fit, = "var.exp"), "bartcFit.summary") expect_equal(unweighted_summary$estimate$est, weighted_summary$estimate$est) expect_equal(unweighted_summary$estimate$sd, weighted_summary$estimate$sd) icates <- extract(unweighted_fit, "icate") n.samples <- dim(icates)[1L] n.obs <- dim(icates)[2L] var_tot <- var(as.vector(icates)) var_w <- var(extract(unweighted_fit, "cate")) var_b <- mean(apply((icates - apply(icates, 1, mean))^2, 1, sum) / (n.obs - 1)) expect_equal(sqrt(var_w + var_b), unweighted_summary$estimate$sd) expect_equal(var_tot, (var_w * (n.samples - 1) / n.samples + var_b * (n.obs - 1) / n.obs) * n.obs * n.samples / (n.obs * n.samples - 1)) }) test_that("summary works with different styles for method tmle", { skip_on_cran() oldWarn <- getOption("warn") if (!requireNamespace("tmle", quietly = TRUE)) options(warn = -1) fit <- bartc(y, z, x, data = testData, method.trt = "glm", method.rsp = "tmle", verbose = FALSE, = g, group.effects = TRUE ,use.ranef = FALSE, n.chains = 2L, n.threads = 1L, n.burn = 0L, n.samples = 7L, n.trees = 13L) options(warn = oldWarn) expect_is(summary(fit), "bartcFit.summary") expect_is(summary(fit, = "ppd"), "bartcFit.summary") }) test_that("summary works with att/atc", { fit <- bartc(y, z, x, data = testData, estimand = "att", method.trt = "bart", method.rsp = "bart", verbose = FALSE, n.chains = 2L, n.threads = 1L, n.burn = 0L, n.samples = 7L, n.trees = 13L) expect_is(summary(fit, "pate"), "bartcFit.summary") expect_is(summary(fit, "sate"), "bartcFit.summary") expect_is(summary(fit, "cate"), "bartcFit.summary") }) test_that("summary gives consistent answers with grouped data", { inGroupFit <- bartc(y, z, x, data = testData, estimand = "ate", = g, group.effects = TRUE, method.trt = "bart", method.rsp = "bart", verbose = FALSE, n.chains = 2L, n.threads = 1L, n.burn = 0L, n.samples = 7L, n.trees = 13L) sum.g.cate <- summary(inGroupFit, target = "cate") sum.g.sate <- summary(inGroupFit, target = "sate") sum.g.pate <- summary(inGroupFit, target = "pate") # test that sub group estimates are actually subgroup estimates samples.icate <- extract(inGroupFit, "icate", "all") samples.gcate <- lapply(unique(testData$g), function(j) rowMeans(samples.icate[,testData$g == j])) names(samples.gcate) <- unique(testData$g) expect_equal(sum.g.cate$estimates[names(samples.gcate),]$estimate, unname(sapply(samples.gcate, mean))) expect_equal(sum.g.cate$estimates[names(samples.gcate),]$sd, unname(sapply(samples.gcate, sd))) expect_equal(sum.g.cate$estimates["total",]$estimate, mean(samples.icate)) expect_equal(sum.g.cate$estimates["total",]$sd, sd(rowMeans(samples.icate))) expect_equal(nrow(sum.g.cate$estimates), length(unique(testData$g)) + 1L) expect_true(length(unique(sum.g.sate$estimates$estimate)) > 1L) expect_equal(sum.g.cate$estimates$estimate, sum.g.pate$estimates$estimate) expect_true(all(sum.g.pate$estimates$sd > sum.g.cate$estimates$sd)) expect_equal(unname(sapply(extract(inGroupFit, "cate"), mean)), head(sum.g.cate$estimates$estimate, -1L)) }) test_that("common support cutoffs are being applied consistently", { n.chains <- 2L n.samples <- 7L n.obs <- length(testData$y) fit <- bartc(y, z, x, data = testData, estimand = "ate", method.trt = "bart", method.rsp = "bart", verbose = FALSE, commonSup.rule = "sd", seed = 5, n.chains = n.chains, n.threads = 1L, n.burn = 0L, n.samples = n.samples, n.trees = 13L) sum.cate <- summary(fit, target = "cate") sum.sate <- summary(fit, target = "sate") icates <- extract(fit, "icate", "all")[,fit$commonSup.sub] y.obs <- as.vector(testData$y) oldSeed <- .GlobalEnv$.Random.seed .GlobalEnv$.Random.seed <- fit$seed <- extract(fit, "", combineChains = TRUE) iscates <- t((y.obs - t( * (2 * testData$z - 1)) iscates <- iscates[,fit$commonSup.sub] <- aperm(array(, c(n.samples, n.chains, n.obs)), c(2L, 1L, 3L)) expect_equal(, extract(fit, "", combineChains = FALSE)) sigma <- rep(extract(fit, "sigma", combineChains = FALSE), times = n.samples) epsilon <- rnorm(prod(dim(, 0, sigma) .GlobalEnv$.Random.seed <- oldSeed <- + epsilon expect_equal(, extract(fit, "", combineChains = FALSE)) <- matrix(aperm(, c(2L, 1L, 3L)), nrow = n.samples * n.chains) expect_equal(, extract(fit, "", combineChains = TRUE)) ites <- t((y.obs - t( * ifelse(testData$z == 1, 1, -1)) ites <- ites[,fit$commonSup.sub] expect_equal(sd(apply(ites, 1, mean)), sd(extract(fit, "sate"))) expect_true(!is.nan(sum.cate$estimates$estimate) && is.finite(sum.cate$estimates$estimate)) expect_true(!is.nan(sum.sate$estimates$estimate) && is.finite(sum.sate$estimates$estimate)) expect_equal(sum.cate$estimates$estimate, mean(icates)) expect_equal(sum.cate$estimates$sd, sd(apply(icates, 1, mean))) expect_equal(sum.sate$estimates$estimate, mean(iscates)) expect_equal(sum.sate$estimates$sd, sqrt(var(rowMeans(iscates)) + mean(extract(fit, "sigma")^2) / sum(fit$commonSup.sub))) }) source(system.file("common", "friedmanData.R", package = "bartCause")) test_that("sate summary is correct quantity", { data <- generateFriedmanData(n = 100, causal = TRUE) fit <- bartc(y, z, x, data = data, verbose = FALSE, samples = 50L, n.burn = 25L, n.chains = 4L, n.threads = 1L, seed = 0) fit_sum <- summary(fit, "sate") samples.sate <- extract(fit, "sate") expect_true(abs(fit_sum$estimates$estimate - mean(samples.sate)) < 1e-1) expect_true(abs(fit_sum$estimates$sd - sd(samples.sate)) < 1e-1) })