context("bartc main function") source(system.file("common", "linearData.R", package = "bartCause")) test_that("bartc fails with invalid inputs", { expect_error(bartc(not.found, z, x, data = testData, verbose = FALSE)) expect_error(bartc(y, not.found, x, data = testData, verbose = FALSE)) expect_error(bartc(y, z, not.found, data = testData, verbose = FALSE)) expect_error(bartc(y, z, x, data = testData, verbose = FALSE, method.rsp = "not-a-method")) expect_error(bartc(y, z, x, data = testData, verbose = FALSE, method.trt = "not-a-method")) expect_error(bartc(y, z, x, data = testData, verbose = FALSE, estimand = "not-an-estimand")) expect_error(bartc(y, z, x, data = testData, verbose = FALSE, = not.found)) expect_error(bartc(y, z, x, data = testData, verbose = FALSE, p.scoreAsCovariate = NA)) expect_error(bartc(y, z, x, data = testData, verbose = FALSE, keepCall = NA)) expect_error(bartc(y, z, x, data = testData, verbose = NA)) }) test_that("bartc matches manual fit", { set.seed(22) bartcFit <- bartc(y, z, x, data = testData, method.rsp = "bart", method.trt = "bart", verbose = FALSE, n.burn = 3L, n.samples = 13L, n.trees = 7L, n.chains = 1L, n.threads = 1L) set.seed(22) fit.trt <- dbarts::bart2(z ~ x, testData, verbose = FALSE, n.burn = 3L, n.samples = 13L, n.trees = 7L, n.chains = 1L, n.threads = 1L) p.score <- apply(pnorm(fit.trt$yhat.train), 2L, mean) expect_equal(p.score, fitted(bartcFit, type = "p.score")) x.train <- cbind(z = testData$z, testData$x, ps = p.score) x.test <- cbind(z = 1, testData$x, ps = p.score) x.test <- rbind(x.test, x.test) x.test[$x) + 1L, nrow(x.test)),"z"] <- 0 fit.rsp <- dbarts::bart2(x.train, testData$y, x.test, verbose = FALSE, n.burn = 3L, n.samples = 13L, n.trees = 7L, n.chains = 1L, n.threads = 1L) expect_equal(extract(bartcFit, type = "mu.0"), fit.rsp$yhat.test[,$x) + 1L, nrow(x.test))]) }) test_that("bartc returns valid ouput with one chain", { n.obs <- length(testData$y) fit <- bartc(y, z, x, data = testData, method.trt = "glm", method.rsp = "bart", verbose = FALSE, n.burn = 3L, n.samples = 13L, n.trees = 7L, n.chains = 1L, n.threads = 1L) expect_is(fit, "bartcFit") expect_equal(dim(fit$mu.hat.obs), c(13L, n.obs)) expect_equal(dim(fit$, c(13L, n.obs)) expect_equal(length(fit$p.score), n.obs) expect_true(is.null(fit$samples.p.score)) fit <- bartc(y, z, x, data = testData, method.trt = "bart", method.rsp = "bart", verbose = FALSE, n.burn = 3L, n.samples = 13L, n.trees = 7L, n.chains = 1L, n.threads = 1L) expect_is(fit, "bartcFit") expect_equal(dim(fit$mu.hat.obs), c(13L, n.obs)) expect_equal(dim(fit$, c(13L, n.obs)) expect_equal(length(fit$p.score), n.obs) expect_equal(dim(fit$samples.p.score), c(13L, n.obs)) }) test_that("bartc returns valid ouput with two chains", { n.obs <- length(testData$y) fit <- bartc(y, z, x, data = testData, method.trt = "glm", method.rsp = "bart", verbose = FALSE, n.burn = 3L, n.samples = 13L, n.trees = 7L, n.chains = 2L, n.threads = 1L) expect_is(fit, "bartcFit") expect_equal(dim(fit$mu.hat.obs), c(2L, 13L, n.obs)) expect_equal(dim(fit$, c(2L, 13L, n.obs)) expect_equal(length(fit$p.score), n.obs) expect_true(is.null(fit$samples.p.score)) fit <- bartc(y, z, x, data = testData, method.trt = "bart", method.rsp = "bart", verbose = FALSE, n.burn = 3L, n.samples = 13L, n.trees = 7L, n.chains = 2L, n.threads = 1L) expect_is(fit, "bartcFit") expect_equal(dim(fit$mu.hat.obs), c(2L, 13L, n.obs)) expect_equal(dim(fit$, c(2L, 13L, n.obs)) expect_equal(length(fit$p.score), n.obs) expect_equal(dim(fit$samples.p.score), c(2L, 13L, n.obs)) }) test_that("bartc runs with all treatment settings and one chain", { expect_is(bartc(y, z, x, data = testData, method.trt = "glm", method.rsp = "bart", verbose = FALSE, n.burn = 3L, n.samples = 13L, n.trees = 7L, n.chains = 1L, n.threads = 1L), "bartcFit") expect_is(bartc(y, z, x, data = testData, method.trt = "bart", method.rsp = "bart", verbose = FALSE, n.burn = 3L, n.samples = 13L, n.trees = 7L, n.chains = 1L, n.threads = 1L), "bartcFit") }) test_that("bartc runs with all treatment settings and two chains", { expect_is(bartc(y, z, x, data = testData, method.trt = "glm", method.rsp = "bart", verbose = FALSE, n.samples = 3L, n.burn = 5L, n.trees = 25L, n.chains = 2L), "bartcFit") expect_is(bartc(y, z, x, data = testData, method.trt = "bart", method.rsp = "bart", verbose = FALSE, n.samples = 3L, n.burn = 5L, n.trees = 25L, n.chains = 2L), "bartcFit") }) test_that("bartc runs with all response settings and one chain", { expect_is(bartc(y, z, x, data = testData, method.trt = "bart", method.rsp = "bart", verbose = FALSE, n.burn = 3L, n.samples = 13L, n.trees = 7L, n.chains = 1L, n.threads = 1L), "bartcFit") expect_is(bartc(y, z, x, data = testData, method.trt = "bart", method.rsp = "p.weight", verbose = FALSE, n.burn = 3L, n.samples = 13L, n.trees = 7L, n.chains = 1L, n.threads = 1L), "bartcFit") }) test_that("bartc runs with all response settings and one chain for method tmle", { skip_on_cran() oldWarn <- getOption("warn") if (!requireNamespace("tmle", quietly = TRUE)) options(warn = -1) expect_is(bartc(y, z, x, data = testData, method.trt = "bart", method.rsp = "tmle", verbose = FALSE, n.burn = 3L, n.samples = 13L, n.trees = 7L, n.chains = 1L, n.threads = 1L), "bartcFit") options(warn = oldWarn) }) test_that("bartc runs with all response settings and two chains", { expect_is(bartc(y, z, x, data = testData, method.trt = "bart", method.rsp = "bart", verbose = FALSE, n.burn = 3L, n.samples = 13L, n.trees = 7L, n.chains = 2L, n.threads = 1L), "bartcFit") expect_is(bartc(y, z, x, data = testData, method.trt = "bart", method.rsp = "p.weight", verbose = FALSE, n.burn = 3L, n.samples = 13L, n.trees = 7L, n.chains = 2L, n.threads = 1L), "bartcFit") }) test_that("bartc runs with all response settings and two chains for method tmle", { skip_on_cran() oldWarn <- getOption("warn") if (!requireNamespace("tmle", quietly = TRUE)) options(warn = -1) expect_is(bartc(y, z, x, data = testData, method.trt = "bart", method.rsp = "tmle", verbose = FALSE, n.burn = 3L, n.samples = 13L, n.trees = 7L, n.chains = 2L, n.threads = 1L), "bartcFit") options(warn = oldWarn) }) source(system.file("common", "groupedData.R", package = "bartCause")) test_that("bartc runs with all response settings and set", { expect_is(bartc(y, z, x, data = testData, method.trt = "bart", method.rsp = "bart", verbose = FALSE, = g, group.effects = TRUE, n.burn = 3L, n.samples = 13L, n.trees = 7L, n.chains = 2L, n.threads = 1L), "bartcFit") expect_is(bartc(y, z, x, data = testData, method.trt = "bart", method.rsp = "p.weight", verbose = FALSE, = g, group.effects = TRUE, n.burn = 3L, n.samples = 13L, n.trees = 7L, n.chains = 2L, n.threads = 1L), "bartcFit") expect_is(bartc(y, z, x, data = testData, method.trt = "bart", method.rsp = "bart", verbose = FALSE, = g, group.effects = TRUE, n.burn = 3L, n.samples = 13L, n.trees = 7L, n.chains = 2L, n.threads = 1L), "bartcFit") expect_is(bartc(y, z, x, data = testData, method.trt = "bart", method.rsp = "p.weight", verbose = FALSE, = g, group.effects = TRUE, n.burn = 3L, n.samples = 13L, n.trees = 7L, n.chains = 2L, n.threads = 1L), "bartcFit") # check a bart/bart with fixed effects expect_is(bartc(y, z, x, data = testData, method.trt = "bart", method.rsp = "bart", verbose = FALSE, = g, group.effects = FALSE, use.ranef = FALSE, n.burn = 3L, n.samples = 13L, n.trees = 7L, n.chains = 2L, n.threads = 1L), "bartcFit") }) test_that("bartc runs with all response settings and set for method tmle", { skip_on_cran() oldWarn <- getOption("warn") if (!requireNamespace("tmle", quietly = TRUE)) options(warn = -1) expect_is(bartc(y, z, x, data = testData, method.trt = "bart", method.rsp = "tmle", verbose = FALSE, = g, group.effects = TRUE, n.burn = 3L, n.samples = 13L, n.trees = 7L, n.chains = 2L, n.threads = 1L, maxIter = 5L), "bartcFit") options(warn = oldWarn) }) test_that("bartc runs with missing data", { testData$y[seq_len(10L)] <- NA expect_is(bartc(y, z, x, data = testData, method.trt = "bart", method.rsp = "bart", verbose = FALSE, = g, group.effects = TRUE, n.burn = 3L, n.samples = 13L, n.trees = 7L, n.chains = 2L, n.threads = 1L), "bartcFit") expect_is(bartc(y, z, x, data = testData, method.trt = "bart", method.rsp = "p.weight", verbose = FALSE, = g, group.effects = TRUE, n.burn = 3L, n.samples = 13L, n.trees = 7L, n.chains = 2L, n.threads = 1L), "bartcFit") }) test_that("bartc model argument overrides work correctly", { bartcFit <- bartc(y, z, x, data = testData, method.rsp = "bart", method.trt = "bart", verbose = FALSE, n.burn = 3L, n.samples = 13L, n.trees = 7L, n.chains = 2L, n.threads = 1L, k = "chi(1, Inf)") expect_true(!is.null(bartcFit$fit.trt$k)) expect_true(!is.null(bartcFit$fit.rsp$k)) bartcFit <- bartc(y, z, x, data = testData, method.rsp = "bart", method.trt = "bart", verbose = FALSE, n.burn = 3L, n.samples = 13L, n.trees = 7L, n.chains = 2L, n.threads = 1L, args.trt = list(k = "chi(1, Inf)")) expect_true(!is.null(bartcFit$fit.trt$k)) expect_true( is.null(bartcFit$fit.rsp$k)) }) test_that("bartc works with '.' as confounders", { testDF <- with(testData, data.frame(y = y, z = z, x = x)) bartcFit <- bartc(y, z, ., data = testDF, method.rsp = "bart", method.trt = "bart", verbose = FALSE, n.burn = 3L, n.samples = 13L, n.trees = 7L, n.chains = 2L, n.threads = 1L) expect_true(!("y" %in% dimnames(bartcFit$fit.trt$varcount)[[3L]])) }) test_that("bartc runs with missing data for method tmle", { skip_on_cran() oldWarn <- getOption("warn") if (!requireNamespace("tmle", quietly = TRUE)) options(warn = -1) expect_is(bartc(y, z, x, data = testData, method.trt = "bart", method.rsp = "tmle", verbose = FALSE, = g, group.effects = TRUE, n.burn = 3L, n.samples = 13L, n.trees = 7L, n.chains = 2L, n.threads = 1L, maxIter = 5L), "bartcFit") options(warn = oldWarn) })