with_mock_api({ test_that("We can see what files there are", { local_config() # Get employee directory ef <- get_employee_file(id = 123, file_id = "view", suppress_view = TRUE) ef <- httr::content(ef) categories <- ef %>% purrr::pluck("categories", 1) %>% tibble::as_tibble() %>% tidyr::unnest_wider(.data$files, names_sep = "_") employee <- ef %>% purrr::pluck("employee", 1) %>% tibble::as_tibble() # Combine tibbles ef <- dplyr::left_join(employee, categories, by = character()) # Rename column names that are ambiguous to user and view table ef <- ef %>% dplyr::rename(employee_id = .data$value, category_id = .data$id, category_name = .data$name) #Check a tibble is returned expect_s3_class(ef, "tbl_df") expect_named(ef, c("employee_id", "category_id", "category_name", "canRenameCategory", "canDeleteCategory", "canUploadFiles", "displayIfEmpty", "files_id", "files_name", "files_originalFileName", "files_size", "files_dateCreated", "files_createdBy", "files_shareWithEmployee", "files_canRenameFile", "files_canDeleteFile", "files_canChangeShareWithEmployeeFieldValue")) expect_equal(nrow(ef), 1) expect_equal(ef$files_createdBy[1], "A. Person") }) })