data(sesamesim) sesamesim$sex <- factor(sesamesim$sex) bw <- lm(cbind(prenumb, postnumb, funumb)~sex-1 + age + peabody, data=sesamesim) coef(bw) est1 <-coef(bw)[1,1:3] # the three means for sex = 1 est2 <-coef(bw)[2,1:3] # the three means for sex = 2 est3 <-coef(bw)[3,1:3] # the covs for age est4 <-coef(bw)[4,1:3] # the covs for peabody estimate <- c(est1,est2,est3,est4) names(estimate) <- c("pre1", "post1", "fu1","pre2", "post2", "fu2","a1", "a2", "a3", "p1", "p2", "p3") ngroup<-table(sesamesim$sex) cov1 <-vcov(bw) cov2 <- vcov(bw) covariance<-list(cov1,cov2) set.seed(100) test_that("Bain stops MANOVA with covariates", expect_error(bain(estimate, "pre1 - pre2 = post1 - post2 = fu1 -fu2; pre1 - pre2 > post1 - post2 > fu1 -fu2" , n=ngroup, Sigma=covariance, group_parameters=3, joint_parameters = 6)))