## 'aggregate_report_aug' ----------------------------------------------------- test_that("'aggregate_report_aug' works with valid inputs", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = 0:9, time = 2000:2005, sex = c("F", "M")) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) formula <- deaths ~ age + sex + time mod <- mod_pois(formula = formula, data = data, exposure = popn) mod_sim <- mod mod_est <- mod mod_sim <- set_n_draw(mod, n = 1) aug_sim <- augment(mod_sim, quiet = TRUE) mod_est$outcome <- as.numeric(aug_sim$deaths) mod_est <- fit(mod_est) aug_est <- augment(mod_est) perform_aug <- list(perform_aug(est = aug_est, sim = aug_sim, i_sim = 1L, point_est_fun = "median", widths = c(0.6, 0.8))) report_aug <- make_report_aug(perform_aug = perform_aug, aug_sim = aug_sim) report_aug <- rvec_to_mean(report_aug) ans_obtained <- aggregate_report_aug(report_aug) expect_identical(names(ans_obtained), setdiff(names(report_aug), c("age", "sex", "time", "popn", "deaths"))) expect_identical(unique(ans_obtained$.var), unique(report_aug$.var)) }) ## 'aggregate_report_comp' ---------------------------------------------------- test_that("'aggregate_report_comp' works with valid inputs", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = 0:9, time = 2000:2005, sex = c("F", "M")) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) formula <- deaths ~ age + sex + time mod <- mod_pois(formula = formula, data = data, exposure = popn) mod_sim <- mod mod_est <- mod prior_class_est <- make_prior_class(mod_est) prior_class_sim <- make_prior_class(mod_sim) mod_sim <- set_n_draw(mod, n = 1) comp_sim <- components(mod_sim, quiet = TRUE) aug_sim <- augment(mod_sim, quiet = TRUE) mod_est$outcome <- as.numeric(aug_sim$deaths) mod_est <- fit(mod_est) comp_est <- components(mod_est) perform_comp <- list(perform_comp(est = comp_est, sim = comp_sim, prior_class_est = prior_class_est, prior_class_sim = prior_class_sim, i_sim = 1L, point_est_fun = "median", widths = c(0.5, 0.95))) report_comp <- make_report_comp(perform_comp = perform_comp, comp_est = comp_est, comp_sim = comp_sim, prior_class_est = prior_class_est, prior_class_sim = prior_class_sim) report_comp <- rvec_to_mean(report_comp) ans_obtained <- aggregate_report_comp(report_comp) expect_identical(names(ans_obtained), setdiff(names(report_comp), "level")) expect_identical(unique(ans_obtained$term), unique(report_comp$term)) }) ## 'draw_vals_ar' ------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'draw_vals_ar' works with bage_prior_ar - n_by = 1", { prior <- AR(n_coef = 3) n_sim <- 10 vals_hyper <- draw_vals_hyper(prior = prior, n_sim = n_sim) vals_hyperrand <- list() levels_effect <- letters matrix_along_by <- matrix(0:25, nr = 26, dimnames = list(letters, NULL)) ans <- draw_vals_ar(coef = vals_hyper$coef, sd = vals_hyper$sd, matrix_along_by = matrix_along_by, levels_effect = levels_effect) expect_identical(dimnames(ans), list(letters, NULL)) }) test_that("'draw_vals_ar' works with bage_prior_ar - n_by = 2", { prior <- AR(n_coef = 3) matrix_along_by <- matrix(0:25, nr = 13, dimnames = list(letters[1:13], NULL)) n_sim <- 10 vals_hyper <- draw_vals_hyper(prior = prior, n_sim = n_sim) ans <- draw_vals_ar(coef = vals_hyper$coef, sd = vals_hyper$sd, matrix_along_by = matrix_along_by, levels_effect = letters) expect_identical(dimnames(ans), list(letters, NULL)) }) ## 'draw_vals_ar_inner' ------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'draw_vals_ar_inner' works", { set.seed(0) prior <- AR(n = 2) coef <- draw_vals_coef(prior, n_sim = 5L) ans <- draw_vals_ar_inner(n = 10000, coef = coef, sd = seq(0.6, 1, 0.1)) expect_identical(nrow(ans), 10000L) expect_identical(ncol(ans), 5L) expect_equal(apply(ans, 2, sd), seq(0.6, 1, 0.1), tolerance = 0.02) }) ## 'draw_vals_ar_one' --------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'draw_vals_ar_one' works", { set.seed(0) prior <- AR(n = 2) coef <- draw_vals_coef(prior, n_sim = 1L) ans <- draw_vals_ar_one(n = 5000L, coef = coef, sd = 0.5) expect_identical(length(ans), 5000L) expect_equal(sd(ans), 0.5, tolerance = 0.02) }) ## 'draw_vals_coef' ----------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'draw_vals_coef' works with n = 1", { set.seed(0) prior <- AR1() ans <- draw_vals_coef(prior, n_sim = 5) expect_true(all(ans > 0.8)) expect_true(all(ans < 0.98)) prior <- AR(n = 1) ans <- draw_vals_coef(prior, n_sim = 5) expect_true(all(ans > -1)) expect_true(all(ans < 1)) }) test_that("'draw_vals_coef' works with n = 2", { set.seed(0) prior <- AR(n = 2) ans <- draw_vals_coef(prior, n_sim = 3) expect_true(all(abs(ans) < 1)) expect_identical(dim(ans), c(2L, 3L)) }) test_that("'draw_vals_coef' works with n = 10", { set.seed(0) prior <- AR(n = 10) ans <- draw_vals_coef(prior, n_sim = 3) expect_true(all(abs(ans) < 1)) expect_identical(dim(ans), c(10L, 3L)) }) ## 'draw_vals_components_unfitted' -------------------------------------------- test_that("'draw_vals_components_unfitted' works", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = 0:9, time = 2000:2005, sex = c("F", "M")) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) formula <- deaths ~ age * time + sex mod <- mod_pois(formula = formula, data = data, exposure = popn) mod <- set_prior(mod, age ~ Sp()) mod <- set_prior(mod, age:time ~ Sp()) n_sim <- 2 ans <- draw_vals_components_unfitted(mod = mod, n_sim = n_sim) ans_est <- components(fit(mod)) comb <- merge(ans, ans_est, by = c("component", "term", "level"), all.x = TRUE, all.y = TRUE) expect_true(identical(nrow(comb), nrow(ans))) }) ## 'draw_vals_disp' ----------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'draw_vals_disp' works with 'bage_mod_norm'", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = 0:9, time = 2000:2005, sex = c("F", "M")) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) formula <- deaths ~ age + sex + time mod <- mod_norm(formula = formula, data = data, weights = 1) ans <- draw_vals_disp(mod, n_sim = 10000) expect_equal(rvec::draws_median(ans), qexp(0.5), tolerance = 0.01) }) ## draw_vals_effect_mod ---------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'draw_vals_effect_mod' works with bage_mod_pois", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = c(0:59, "60+"), time = 2000:2002, sex = c("F", "M")) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) formula <- deaths ~ age * time + age:sex mod <- mod_pois(formula = formula, data = data, exposure = popn) mod <- set_prior(mod, age:sex ~ SVD(HMD)) n_sim <- 2 vals_hyper <- draw_vals_hyper_mod(mod, n_sim = n_sim) vals_hyperrand <- draw_vals_hyperrand_mod(mod, vals_hyper = vals_hyper, n_sim = n_sim) vals_spline <- draw_vals_spline_mod(mod = mod, vals_hyper = vals_hyper, n_sim = n_sim) vals_svd <- draw_vals_svd_mod(mod = mod, vals_hyper = vals_hyper, n_sim = n_sim) ans <- draw_vals_effect_mod(mod, vals_hyper = vals_hyper, vals_hyperrand = vals_hyperrand, vals_spline = vals_spline, vals_svd = vals_svd, n_sim = n_sim) expect_setequal(names(ans), c("(Intercept)", "age", "time", "age:time", "age:sex")) expect_true(all(sapply(ans, ncol) == n_sim)) expect_identical(sapply(ans, nrow), sapply(make_matrices_effect_outcome(mod$data, mod$dimnames_terms), ncol)) }) ## draw_vals_hyper_mod -------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'draw_vals_hyper_mod' works with bage_mod_pois", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = 0:9, time = 2000:2005, sex = c("F", "M")) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) formula <- deaths ~ age * time + sex mod <- mod_pois(formula = formula, data = data, exposure = popn) ans <- draw_vals_hyper_mod(mod, n_sim = 10) expect_identical(names(ans), c("(Intercept)", "age", "time", "sex", "age:time")) expect_identical(length(ans$age$sd), 10L) }) ## draw_vals_hyperrand_mod -------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'draw_vals_hyperrand_mod' works with bage_mod_pois", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = 0:9, time = 2000:2005, sex = c("F", "M")) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) formula <- deaths ~ age * time + sex mod <- mod_pois(formula = formula, data = data, exposure = popn) mod <- set_prior(mod, age:time ~ Lin(con = "by")) vals_hyper <- draw_vals_hyper_mod(mod = mod, n_sim = 10) ans <- draw_vals_hyperrand_mod(mod, vals_hyper = vals_hyper, n_sim = 10) expect_identical(names(ans), c("(Intercept)", "age", "time", "sex", "age:time")) expect_identical(nrow(ans[["age:time"]]$slope), 10L) expect_identical(sapply(ans, length), c("(Intercept)" = 0L, age = 0L, time = 0L, sex = 0L, "age:time" = 3L)) }) ## 'draw_vals_lin' ----------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'draw_vals_lin' works - along dimension is first", { set.seed(0) prior <- Lin() n_sim <- 10 matrix_along_by <- matrix(0:11, nr = 3) colnames(matrix_along_by) <- 11:14 slope <- draw_vals_slope(mean_slope = prior$const[["mean_slope"]], sd_slope = prior$const[["sd_slope"]], matrix_along_by = matrix_along_by, n_sim = n_sim) sd <- draw_vals_sd(prior = prior, n_sim = n_sim) labels <- 1:12 set.seed(0) ans_obtained <- draw_vals_lin(slope, sd = sd, matrix_along_by = matrix_along_by, labels = labels) set.seed(0) slope1 <- rep(slope, each = 3) intercept1 <- -((3 + 1)/2) * slope1 sd1 <- rep(sd, each = 12) ans_expected <- rnorm(12 * n_sim, mean = intercept1 + (1:3) * slope1, sd = sd1) ans_expected <- matrix(ans_expected, ncol = n_sim) dimnames(ans_expected) <- list(1:12, NULL) expect_equal(ans_obtained, ans_expected) }) test_that("'draw_vals_lin' works - along dimension is second", { set.seed(0) prior <- Lin() n_sim <- 10 matrix_along_by <- t(matrix(0:11, nr = 3)) colnames(matrix_along_by) <- 1:3 sd <- draw_vals_sd(prior = prior, n_sim = n_sim) slope <- draw_vals_slope(mean_slope = prior$const[["mean_slope"]], sd_slope = prior$const[["sd_slope"]], matrix_along_by = matrix_along_by, n_sim = n_sim) labels <- 1:12 set.seed(0) ans_obtained <- draw_vals_lin(slope = slope, sd = sd, matrix_along_by = matrix_along_by, labels = labels) set.seed(0) slope1 <- rep(slope, each = 4) intercept1 <- -0.5 * (4 + 1) * slope1 sd1 <- rep(sd, each = 12) ans_expected <- rnorm(12 * n_sim, mean = intercept1 + (1:4) * slope1, sd = sd1) ans_expected <- matrix(ans_expected, nrow = 12) ans_expected <- ans_expected[c(1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 10, 3, 7, 11, 4, 8, 12),] dimnames(ans_expected) <- list(1:12, NULL) expect_equal(ans_obtained, ans_expected) }) ## 'draw_vals_linar' ----------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'draw_vals_linar' works - along dimension is first", { set.seed(0) prior <- Lin_AR() n_sim <- 10 matrix_along_by <- matrix(0:11, nr = 3) colnames(matrix_along_by) <- 11:14 slope <- draw_vals_slope(mean_slope = prior$const[["mean_slope"]], sd_slope = prior$const[["sd_slope"]], matrix_along_by = matrix_along_by, n_sim = n_sim) sd <- draw_vals_sd(prior = prior, n_sim = n_sim) coef <- draw_vals_coef(prior = prior, n_sim = n_sim) labels <- 1:12 set.seed(0) ans_obtained <- draw_vals_linar(slope = slope, sd = sd, coef = coef, matrix_along_by = matrix_along_by, labels = labels) intercept <- -(3 + 1) * slope / 2 mean <- matrix(1:3, nrow = 3, ncol = 4 * n_sim) * rep(slope, each = 3) + rep(intercept, each = 3) sd <- rep(sd, each = 4) coef <- matrix(apply(coef, 2, rep, times = 4), nr = 2) set.seed(0) error <- draw_vals_ar_inner(n = 3, coef = coef, sd = sd) ans_expected <- mean + error ans_expected <- matrix(ans_expected, ncol = n_sim) dimnames(ans_expected) <- list(1:12, NULL) expect_equal(ans_obtained, ans_expected) }) ## 'draw_vals_lintrend' ------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'draw_vals_lintrend' works - along dimension is first", { set.seed(0) prior <- Lin() n_sim <- 10 matrix_along_by <- matrix(0:11, nr = 3) colnames(matrix_along_by) <- 11:14 slope <- draw_vals_slope(mean_slope = prior$const[["mean_slope"]], sd_slope = prior$const[["sd_slope"]], matrix_along_by = matrix_along_by, n_sim = n_sim) labels <- 1:12 set.seed(0) ans_obtained <- draw_vals_lintrend(slope, matrix_along_by = matrix_along_by, labels = labels) set.seed(0) slope1 <- rep(slope, each = 3) intercept1 <- -((3 + 1)/2) * slope1 ans_expected <- intercept1 + (1:3) * slope1 ans_expected <- matrix(ans_expected, ncol = n_sim) dimnames(ans_expected) <- list(1:12, NULL) expect_equal(ans_obtained, ans_expected) }) test_that("'draw_vals_lintrend' works - along dimension is second", { set.seed(0) prior <- Lin() n_sim <- 10 matrix_along_by <- t(matrix(0:11, nr = 3)) colnames(matrix_along_by) <- 1:3 slope <- draw_vals_slope(mean_slope = prior$const[["mean_slope"]], sd_slope = prior$const[["sd_slope"]], matrix_along_by = matrix_along_by, n_sim = n_sim) labels <- 1:12 set.seed(0) ans_obtained <- draw_vals_lintrend(slope = slope, matrix_along_by = matrix_along_by, labels = labels) set.seed(0) slope1 <- rep(slope, each = 4) intercept1 <- -0.5 * (4 + 1) * slope1 ans_expected <- intercept1 + (1:4) * slope1 ans_expected <- matrix(ans_expected, nrow = 12) ans_expected <- ans_expected[c(1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 10, 3, 7, 11, 4, 8, 12),] dimnames(ans_expected) <- list(1:12, NULL) expect_equal(ans_obtained, ans_expected) }) ## 'draw_vals_norm' ------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'draw_vals_norm' works", { set.seed(0) sd <- runif(10) labels <- letters set.seed(0) ans_obtained <- draw_vals_norm(sd = sd, labels = labels) set.seed(0) ans_expected <- rnorm(n = 26 * 10, sd = rep(sd, each = 26)) ans_expected <- matrix(ans_expected, nc = 10) dimnames(ans_expected) <- list(letters, NULL) expect_equal(ans_obtained, ans_expected) }) ## 'draw_vals_rw' ---------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'draw_vals_rw' works - n_by = 1, sd_init 0", { set.seed(0) prior <- RW() n_sim <- 1000 sd <- draw_vals_sd(prior = prior, n_sim = n_sim) levels_effect <- 1:200 matrix_along_by <- matrix(0:199, 200) set.seed(0) ans <- draw_vals_rw(sd = sd, sd_init = 0, matrix_along_by = matrix_along_by, levels_effect = levels_effect) expect_equal(unname(apply(ans, 2, function(x) sd(diff(x)))), sd, tolerance = 0.05) expect_identical(dim(ans), c(200L, 1000L)) expect_identical(dimnames(ans), list(as.character(seq_len(200)), NULL)) }) test_that("'draw_vals_rw' works - along dimension is first, sd_init 0.2", { set.seed(0) prior <- RW() n_sim <- 10 matrix_along_by <- matrix(0:2999, nc = 3) sd <- draw_vals_sd(prior = prior, n_sim = n_sim) levels_effect <- 1:3000 set.seed(0) ans <- draw_vals_rw(sd = sd, sd_init = 0.2, matrix_along_by = matrix_along_by, levels_effect = levels_effect) expect_identical(dim(ans), c(3000L, 10L)) expect_identical(dimnames(ans), list(as.character(1:3000), NULL)) ans <- matrix(ans, nrow = 1000) expect_equal(unname(apply(ans[2:1000,], 2, function(x) sd(diff(x)))), rep(sd, each = 3), tolerance = 0.05) }) test_that("'draw_vals_rw' works - along dimension is second", { set.seed(0) prior <- RW() n_sim <- 10 matrix_along_by <- t(matrix(0:2999, nc = 1000)) sd <- draw_vals_sd(prior = prior, n_sim = n_sim) levels_effect <- 1:3000 set.seed(0) ans <- draw_vals_rw(sd = sd, sd_init = 0.2, matrix_along_by = matrix_along_by, levels_effect = levels_effect) expect_identical(dim(ans), c(3000L, 10L)) expect_identical(dimnames(ans), list(as.character(1:3000), NULL)) ans <- array(ans, dim = c(3, 1000, 10)) ans <- aperm(ans, perm = c(2, 1, 3)) ans <- matrix(ans, nrow = 1000) expect_equal(unname(apply(ans[2:1000,], 2, function(x) sd(diff(x)))), rep(sd, each = 3), tolerance = 0.05) }) ## 'draw_vals_rw2' ----------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'draw_vals_rw2' works", { set.seed(0) prior <- RW2() n_sim <- 1000 sd <- draw_vals_sd(prior = prior, n_sim = n_sim) sd_slope <- 0.5 levels_effect <- 1:100 set.seed(0) ans <- draw_vals_rw2(sd = sd, sd_init = 0, sd_slope = 0.5, matrix_along_by = matrix(0:99, nr = 100), levels_effect = levels_effect) expect_equal(unname(apply(ans, 2, function(x) sd(diff(x, diff = 2)))), sd, tolerance = 0.1) expect_identical(dim(ans), c(100L, 1000L)) expect_identical(dimnames(ans), list(as.character(seq_len(100)), NULL)) }) test_that("'draw_vals_rw2' works - along dimension is first", { set.seed(0) prior <- RW2() n_sim <- 10 matrix_along_by <- matrix(0:2999, nc = 3) sd <- draw_vals_sd(prior = prior, n_sim = n_sim) levels_effect <- 1:3000 set.seed(0) ans <- draw_vals_rw2(sd = sd, sd_init = 0.5, sd_slope = 0.1, matrix_along_by = matrix_along_by, levels_effect = levels_effect) expect_identical(dim(ans), c(3000L, 10L)) expect_identical(dimnames(ans), list(as.character(1:3000), NULL)) ans <- matrix(ans, nrow = 1000) expect_equal(unname(apply(ans[3:1000,], 2, function(x) sd(diff(x, diff = 2)))), rep(sd, each = 3), tolerance = 0.05) }) ## draw_vals_sd --------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'draw_vals_sd' works", { prior <- N(s = 0.2) n_sim <- 10 set.seed(0) ans_obtained <- draw_vals_sd(prior = prior, n_sim = n_sim) set.seed(0) ans_expected <- abs(rnorm(n = 10, sd = 0.2)) expect_identical(ans_obtained, ans_expected) }) ## draw_vals_sd_seas --------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'draw_vals_sd_seas' works", { prior <- RW_Seas(n = 2, s_seas = 0.5) n_sim <- 10 set.seed(0) ans_obtained <- draw_vals_sd_seas(prior = prior, n_sim = n_sim) set.seed(0) ans_expected <- abs(rnorm(n = 10, sd = 0.5)) expect_identical(ans_obtained, ans_expected) }) ## 'draw_vals_seasfix' ---------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'draw_vals_seasfix' works - along dimension is first", { set.seed(0) n_sim <- 10 matrix_along_by <- matrix(0:29, nc = 3) set.seed(0) ans <- draw_vals_seasfix(n = 4, sd_init = 0.2, matrix_along_by = matrix_along_by, n_sim = n_sim) expect_identical(dim(ans), c(30L, 10L)) expect_equal(ans[1:4,], ans[5:8,], ignore_attr = "dimnames") expect_equal(colSums(ans[1:4,]), rep(0, times = 10)) expect_equal(sd(c(as.numeric(ans[1:3,]), as.numeric(ans[11:13,]), as.numeric(ans[21:23,]))), 0.2, tolerance = 0.2) }) test_that("'draw_vals_seasfix' works - along dimension is second", { set.seed(0) n_sim <- 10 matrix_along_by <- t(matrix(0:29, nc = 10)) set.seed(0) ans <- draw_vals_seasfix(n = 4, sd_init = 0.2, matrix_along_by = matrix_along_by, n_sim = 10) expect_identical(dim(ans), c(30L, 10L)) ans <- array(ans, dim = c(3, 10, 10)) ans <- aperm(ans, perm = c(2, 1, 3)) ans <- matrix(ans, nrow = 10) expect_equal(ans[1:4,], ans[5:8,], ignore_attr = "dimnames") }) ## 'draw_vals_seasvary' ---------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'draw_vals_seasvary' works - along dimension is first", { set.seed(0) n_sim <- 10 matrix_along_by <- matrix(0:2999, nc = 3) sd_innov <- abs(rnorm(n = 10)) set.seed(0) ans <- draw_vals_seasvary(n = 4, sd_init = 0.3, sd_innov = sd_innov, matrix_along_by = matrix_along_by) expect_identical(dim(ans), c(3000L, 10L)) ans <- matrix(ans, nrow = 1000) ans <- ans[seq.int(from = 0, to = nrow(ans) - 1) %% 4 != 0,] expect_equal(unname(apply(ans[-(1:3),], 2, function(x) sd(diff(x, lag = 3)))), rep(sd_innov, each = 3), tolerance = 0.05) }) test_that("'draw_vals_seasvary' works - along dimension is second", { set.seed(0) n_sim <- 10 matrix_along_by <- t(matrix(0:2999, nc = 1000)) sd_innov <- abs(rnorm(n = 10)) set.seed(0) ans <- draw_vals_seasvary(n = 4, sd_init = 0.5, sd_innov = sd_innov, matrix_along_by = matrix_along_by) expect_identical(dim(ans), c(3000L, 10L)) ans <- array(ans, dim = c(3, 1000, 10)) ans <- aperm(ans, perm = c(2, 1, 3)) ans <- matrix(ans, nrow = 1000) ans <- ans[seq.int(from = 0, to = nrow(ans) - 1) %% 4 != 0,] expect_equal(unname(apply(ans[-(1:3),], 2, function(x) sd(diff(x, lag = 3)))), rep(sd_innov, each = 3), tolerance = 0.05) }) ## draw_vals_slope ------------------------------------------------------------ test_that("'draw_vals_slope' works - has 'by' variables", { set.seed(0) n_sim <- 1000 mean_slope <- -0.1 sd_slope <- 0.5 matrix_along_by <- matrix(0:9, nr = 5, dimnames = list(1:5, c("a", "b"))) ans_obtained <- draw_vals_slope(mean_slope = mean_slope, sd_slope = sd_slope, matrix_along_by = matrix_along_by, n_sim = n_sim) set.seed(0) ans_expected <- matrix(rnorm(n = 2000, mean = rep(-0.1, each = 2), sd = rep(0.5, each = 2)), nr = 2) rownames(ans_expected) <- paste("slope", c("a", "b"), sep = ".") expect_identical(ans_obtained, ans_expected) }) test_that("'draw_vals_slope' works - no 'by' variables", { set.seed(0) n_sim <- 1000 mean_slope <- 0.1 sd_slope <- 0.5 matrix_along_by <- matrix(0:9, nr = 10, dimnames = list(1:10)) ans_obtained <- draw_vals_slope(mean_slope = mean_slope, sd_slope = sd_slope, matrix_along_by = matrix_along_by, n_sim = n_sim) set.seed(0) ans_expected <- matrix(rnorm(n = 1000, 0.1, 0.5), nr = 1) rownames(ans_expected) <- "slope" expect_identical(ans_obtained, ans_expected) }) ## draw_vals_spline_mod ------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'draw_vals_spline_mod' works", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = 0:9, time = 2000:2005, sex = c("F", "M")) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) formula <- deaths ~ age * time + sex mod <- mod_pois(formula = formula, data = data, exposure = popn) mod <- set_prior(mod, age ~ Sp(n_comp = 4)) vals_hyper <- draw_vals_hyper_mod(mod = mod, n_sim = 10) ans <- draw_vals_spline_mod(mod, vals_hyper = vals_hyper, n_sim = 10) expect_identical(names(ans), c("(Intercept)", "age", "time", "sex", "age:time")) expect_identical(dim(ans[["age"]]), c(4L, 10L)) }) ## draw_vals_svd_mod ------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'draw_vals_svd_mod' works", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = poputils::age_labels(type = "lt", max = 60), time = 2000:2005, sex = c("F", "M")) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) formula <- deaths ~ age * time + sex mod <- mod_pois(formula = formula, data = data, exposure = popn) mod <- set_prior(mod, age ~ SVD(HMD)) mod <- set_prior(mod, age:time ~ SVD_RW(HMD)) vals_hyper <- draw_vals_hyper_mod(mod = mod, n_sim = 10) ans <- draw_vals_svd_mod(mod, vals_hyper = vals_hyper, n_sim = 10) expect_identical(names(ans), c("(Intercept)", "age", "time", "sex", "age:time")) expect_identical(dim(ans[["age"]]), c(3L, 10L)) }) ## error_point_est ------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'error_point_est' works", { var_est <- rvec::rvec_dbl(matrix(rnorm(300), nr = 3)) var_sim <- c(0, -1, 1) point_est_fun <- "mean" ans_obtained <- error_point_est(var_est = var_est, var_sim = var_sim, point_est_fun = point_est_fun) ans_expected <- rvec::draws_mean(var_est) - var_sim expect_equal(ans_obtained, ans_expected) }) ## 'get_error_point_est' ------------------------------------------------------ test_that("'get_error_point_est' works with valid inputs", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = 0:9, time = 2000:2005, sex = c("F", "M")) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) formula <- deaths ~ age + sex + time mod <- mod_pois(formula = formula, data = data, exposure = popn) mod_sim <- mod mod_est <- mod mod_sim <- set_n_draw(mod, n = 1) aug_sim <- augment(mod_sim, quiet = TRUE) mod_est$outcome <- as.numeric(aug_sim$deaths) mod_est <- fit(mod_est) aug_est <- augment(mod_est) perform <- list(perform_aug(est = aug_est, sim = aug_sim, i_sim = 1L, point_est_fun = "median", widths = c(0.6, 0.8))) ans_obtained <- get_error_point_est(perform) expect_identical(sapply(ans_obtained, names), c(.fitted = ".error", .expected = ".error")) expect_identical(sapply(ans_obtained, nrow), c(.fitted = nrow(aug_est), .expected = nrow(aug_est))) }) ## 'get_is_in_interval' ------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'get_is_in_interval' works with valid inputs", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = 0:9, time = 2000:2005, sex = c("F", "M")) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) formula <- deaths ~ age + sex + time mod <- mod_pois(formula = formula, data = data, exposure = popn) mod_sim <- mod mod_est <- mod mod_sim <- set_n_draw(mod, n = 1) aug_sim <- augment(mod_sim, quiet = TRUE) mod_est$outcome <- as.numeric(aug_sim$deaths) mod_est <- fit(mod_est) aug_est <- augment(mod_est) perform <- list(perform_aug(est = aug_est, sim = aug_sim, i_sim = 1L, point_est_fun = "median", widths = c(0.5, 0.95))) ans_obtained <- get_is_in_interval(perform) expect_identical(lapply(ans_obtained, names), list(.fitted = c(".cover_50", ".cover_95"), .expected = c(".cover_50", ".cover_95"))) expect_identical(sapply(ans_obtained, nrow), c(.fitted = nrow(aug_est), .expected = nrow(aug_est))) }) ## 'get_length_interval' ------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'get_error_point_est' works with valid inputs", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = 0:9, time = 2000:2005, sex = c("F", "M")) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) formula <- deaths ~ age + sex + time mod <- mod_pois(formula = formula, data = data, exposure = popn) mod_sim <- mod mod_est <- mod mod_sim <- set_n_draw(mod, n = 1) aug_sim <- augment(mod_sim, quiet = TRUE) mod_est$outcome <- as.numeric(aug_sim$deaths) mod_est <- fit(mod_est) aug_est <- augment(mod_est) perform <- list(perform_aug(est = aug_est, sim = aug_sim, i_sim = 1L, point_est_fun = "median", widths = c(0.5, 0.95))) ans_obtained <- get_length_interval(perform) expect_identical(lapply(ans_obtained, names), list(.fitted = c(".length_50", ".length_95"), .expected = c(".length_50", ".length_95"))) expect_identical(sapply(ans_obtained, nrow), c(.fitted = nrow(aug_est), .expected = nrow(aug_est))) }) ## is_in_interval -------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'is_in_interval' works - include_upper is TRUE", { var_est <- rvec::rvec_dbl(matrix(rnorm(300), nr = 3)) var_sim <- c(-1, 0, 1) widths <- c(0.5, 0.9, 1) ans_obtained <- is_in_interval(var_est = var_est, var_sim = var_sim, widths = widths) q <- rvec::draws_quantile(var_est, probs = c(0, 0.05, 0.25, 0.75, 0.95, 1)) ans_expected <- list("50" = (var_sim >= q[[3]] & var_sim <= q[[4]]), "90" = (var_sim >= q[[2]] & var_sim <= q[[5]]), "100" = (var_sim >= q[[1]] & var_sim <= q[[6]])) expect_equal(ans_obtained, ans_expected) }) ## length_interval ------------------------------------------------------------ test_that("'length_interval' works", { var_est <- rvec::rvec_dbl(matrix(1:300, nr = 3)) widths <- c(0.5, 0.9, 1) ans_obtained <- length_interval(var_est = var_est, widths = widths) q <- rvec::draws_quantile(var_est, probs = c(0, 0.05, 0.25, 0.75, 0.95, 1)) ans_expected <- list("50" = q[[4]] - q[[3]], "90" = q[[5]] - q[[2]], "100" = q[[6]] - q[[1]]) expect_equal(ans_obtained, ans_expected) }) ## 'make_report_aug' ---------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'make_report_aug' works with valid inputs - Poisson", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = 0:9, time = 2000:2005, sex = c("F", "M")) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) formula <- deaths ~ age + sex + time mod <- mod_pois(formula = formula, data = data, exposure = popn) mod_sim <- mod mod_est <- mod mod_sim <- set_n_draw(mod, n = 1) aug_sim <- augment(mod_sim, quiet = TRUE) mod_est$outcome <- as.numeric(aug_sim$deaths) mod_est <- fit(mod_est) aug_est <- augment(mod_est) perform_aug <- list(perform_aug(est = aug_est, sim = aug_sim, i_sim = 1L, point_est_fun = "median", widths = c(0.6, 0.8))) ans_obtained <- make_report_aug(perform_aug = perform_aug, aug_sim = aug_sim) expect_setequal(names(ans_obtained), c(".var", "age", "time", "sex", "deaths", "popn", ".observed", ".error", ".cover_60", ".cover_80", ".length_60", ".length_80")) expect_identical(nrow(ans_obtained), 2L * nrow(aug_sim)) }) test_that("'make_report_aug' works with valid inputs - normal", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = 0:9, time = 2000:2005, sex = c("F", "M")) data$weights <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$income <- rnorm(n = nrow(data)) formula <- income ~ age + sex + time mod <- mod_norm(formula = formula, data = data, weights = weights) mod_sim <- mod mod_est <- mod mod_sim <- set_n_draw(mod, n = 1) aug_sim <- augment(mod_sim, quiet = TRUE) mod_est$outcome <- as.numeric(aug_sim$income) mod_est <- fit(mod_est) aug_est <- augment(mod_est) perform_aug <- list(perform_aug(est = aug_est, sim = aug_sim, i_sim = 1L, point_est_fun = "median", widths = c(0.6, 0.8))) ans_obtained <- make_report_aug(perform_aug = perform_aug, aug_sim = aug_sim) expect_setequal(names(ans_obtained), c(".var", "age", "time", "sex", "income", "weights", ".error", ".cover_60", ".cover_80", ".length_60", ".length_80")) expect_identical(nrow(ans_obtained), nrow(aug_sim)) }) ## 'make_report_comp' --------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'make_report_comp' works with valid inputs", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = 0:9, time = 2000:2005, sex = c("F", "M")) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) formula <- deaths ~ age + sex + time mod <- mod_pois(formula = formula, data = data, exposure = popn) mod_sim <- mod mod_est <- mod prior_class_est <- make_prior_class(mod_est) prior_class_sim <- make_prior_class(mod_sim) mod_sim <- set_n_draw(mod, n = 1) comp_sim <- components(mod_sim, quiet = TRUE) aug_sim <- augment(mod_sim, quiet = TRUE) mod_est$outcome <- as.numeric(aug_sim$deaths) mod_est <- fit(mod_est) comp_est <- components(mod_est) perform_comp <- list(perform_comp(est = comp_est, sim = comp_sim, prior_class_est = prior_class_est, prior_class_sim = prior_class_sim, i_sim = 1L, point_est_fun = "median", widths = c(0.5, 0.95))) ans_obtained <- make_report_comp(perform_comp = perform_comp, comp_est = comp_est, comp_sim = comp_sim, prior_class_est = prior_class_est, prior_class_sim = prior_class_sim) expect_setequal(names(ans_obtained), c("term", "component", "level", ".error", ".cover_50", ".cover_95", ".length_50", ".length_95")) }) ## 'perform_aug' ------------------------------------------------------ test_that("'perform_aug' works with valid inputs - models same", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = 0:9, time = 2000:2005, sex = c("F", "M")) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) formula <- deaths ~ age + sex + time mod <- mod_pois(formula = formula, data = data, exposure = popn) mod_sim <- mod mod_est <- mod mod_sim <- set_n_draw(mod, n = 1) aug_sim <- augment(mod_sim, quiet = TRUE) mod_est$outcome <- as.numeric(aug_sim$deaths) mod_est <- fit(mod_est) aug_est <- augment(mod_est) ans_obtained <- perform_aug(est = aug_est, sim = aug_sim, i_sim = 1L, point_est_fun = "median", widths = c(0.6, 0.8)) names(aug_est)[6:8] <- paste(names(aug_est)[6:8], "est", sep = "_") names(aug_sim)[6:8] <- paste(names(aug_sim)[6:8], "sim", sep = "_") ans_expected <- list(.fitted = list(error_point_est = error_point_est(var_est = aug_est[[".fitted_est"]], var_sim = as.numeric(aug_sim[[".fitted_sim"]]), point_est_fun = "median"), is_in_interval = is_in_interval(var_est = aug_est[[".fitted_est"]], var_sim = as.numeric(aug_sim[[".fitted_sim"]]), widths = c(0.6, 0.8)), length_interval = length_interval(var_est = aug_est[[".fitted_est"]], widths = c(0.6, 0.8))), .expected = list(error_point_est = error_point_est(var_est = aug_est[[".expected_est"]], var_sim = as.numeric(aug_sim[[".expected_sim"]]), point_est_fun = "median"), is_in_interval = is_in_interval(var_est = aug_est[[".expected_est"]], var_sim = as.numeric(aug_sim[[".expected_sim"]]), widths = c(0.6, 0.8)), length_interval = length_interval(var_est = aug_est[[".expected_est"]], widths = c(0.6, 0.8)))) expect_equal(ans_obtained, ans_expected) }) test_that("'perform_aug' works with valid inputs - models different", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = 0:9, time = 2000:2005, sex = c("F", "M")) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) mod_sim <- mod_pois(deaths ~ age + sex + time, data = data, exposure = popn) mod_est <- mod_pois(deaths ~ age * sex + time, data = data, exposure = popn) mod_sim <- set_n_draw(mod_sim, n = 1) aug_sim <- augment(mod_sim, quiet = TRUE) mod_est$outcome <- as.numeric(aug_sim$deaths) mod_est <- fit(mod_est) aug_est <- augment(mod_est) ans_obtained <- perform_aug(est = aug_est, sim = aug_sim, i_sim = 1L, point_est_fun = "median", widths = c(0.6, 0.8)) names(aug_est)[6:8] <- paste(names(aug_est)[6:8], "est", sep = "_") names(aug_sim)[6:8] <- paste(names(aug_sim)[6:8], "sim", sep = "_") ans_expected <- list(.fitted = list(error_point_est = error_point_est(var_est = aug_est[[".fitted_est"]], var_sim = as.numeric(aug_sim[[".fitted_sim"]]), point_est_fun = "median"), is_in_interval = is_in_interval(var_est = aug_est[[".fitted_est"]], var_sim = as.numeric(aug_sim[[".fitted_sim"]]), widths = c(0.6, 0.8)), length_interval = length_interval(var_est = aug_est[[".fitted_est"]], widths = c(0.6, 0.8))), .expected = list(error_point_est = error_point_est(var_est = aug_est[[".expected_est"]], var_sim = as.numeric(aug_sim[[".expected_sim"]]), point_est_fun = "median"), is_in_interval = is_in_interval(var_est = aug_est[[".expected_est"]], var_sim = as.numeric(aug_sim[[".expected_sim"]]), widths = c(0.6, 0.8)), length_interval = length_interval(var_est = aug_est[[".expected_est"]], widths = c(0.6, 0.8)))) expect_equal(ans_obtained, ans_expected) }) ## 'perform_comp' --------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'perform_comp' works with valid inputs - models same", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = 0:9, time = 2000:2005, sex = c("F", "M")) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) formula <- deaths ~ age + sex + time mod <- mod_pois(formula = formula, data = data, exposure = popn) mod_sim <- mod mod_est <- mod prior_class_est <- make_prior_class(mod_est) prior_class_sim <- make_prior_class(mod_sim) mod_sim <- set_n_draw(mod, n = 1) comp_sim <- components(mod_sim, quiet = TRUE) aug_sim <- augment(mod_sim, quiet = TRUE) mod_est$outcome <- as.numeric(aug_sim$deaths) mod_est <- fit(mod_est) comp_est <- components(mod_est) ans_obtained <- perform_comp(est = comp_est, sim = comp_sim, prior_class_est = prior_class_est, prior_class_sim = prior_class_sim, i_sim = 1L, point_est_fun = "median", widths = c(0.6, 0.8)) names(comp_est)[[4]] <- ".fitted_est" names(comp_sim)[[4]] <- ".fitted_sim" merged <- merge(comp_est, comp_sim, sort = FALSE) ans_expected <- list(.fitted = list(error_point_est = error_point_est(var_est = merged[[".fitted_est"]], var_sim = as.numeric(merged[[".fitted_sim"]]), point_est_fun = "median"), is_in_interval = is_in_interval(var_est = merged[[".fitted_est"]], var_sim = as.numeric(merged[[".fitted_sim"]]), widths = c(0.6, 0.8)), length_interval = length_interval(var_est = merged[[".fitted_est"]], widths = c(0.6, 0.8)))) expect_equal(ans_obtained, ans_expected) }) test_that("'perform_comp' works with valid inputs - models different", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = 0:9, time = 2000:2005, sex = c("F", "M")) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) formula_est <- deaths ~ age + sex + time mod_est <- mod_pois(formula = formula_est, data = data, exposure = popn) formula_sim <- deaths ~ age * sex + time mod_sim <- mod_pois(formula = formula_sim, data = data, exposure = popn) mod_sim <- set_prior(mod_sim, time ~ AR1()) mod_sim <- set_n_draw(mod_sim, n = 1) comp_sim <- components(mod_sim, quiet = TRUE) aug_sim <- augment(mod_sim, quiet = TRUE) mod_est$outcome <- as.numeric(aug_sim$deaths) mod_est <- fit(mod_est) comp_est <- components(mod_est) prior_class_est <- make_prior_class(mod_est) prior_class_sim <- make_prior_class(mod_sim) ans_obtained <- perform_comp(est = comp_est, sim = comp_sim, prior_class_est = prior_class_est, prior_class_sim = prior_class_sim, i_sim = 1L, point_est_fun = "median", widths = c(0.6, 0.8)) names(comp_est)[[4]] <- ".fitted_est" names(comp_sim)[[4]] <- ".fitted_sim" merged <- merge(comp_est, comp_sim, sort = FALSE) merged <- merged[!(merged$term == "time" & merged$component == "hyper"),] ans_expected <- list(.fitted = list(error_point_est = error_point_est(var_est = merged[[".fitted_est"]], var_sim = as.numeric(merged[[".fitted_sim"]]), point_est_fun = "median"), is_in_interval = is_in_interval(var_est = merged[[".fitted_est"]], var_sim = as.numeric(merged[[".fitted_sim"]]), widths = c(0.6, 0.8)), length_interval = length_interval(var_est = merged[[".fitted_est"]], widths = c(0.6, 0.8)))) expect_equal(ans_obtained, ans_expected) }) ## 'report_sim' --------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'report_sim' works when mod_sim is identical to mod_est - short", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = 0:5, sex = c("F", "M")) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) formula <- deaths ~ age + sex mod <- mod_pois(formula = formula, data = data, exposure = popn) set.seed(0) ans_obtained <- report_sim(mod, n_sim = 2) expect_setequal(names(ans_obtained), c("components", "augment")) ans_obtained_long <- report_sim(mod, n_sim = 2, report = "long") expect_setequal(names(ans_obtained_long), c("components", "augment")) ans_obtained_full <- report_sim(mod, n_sim = 2, report = "full") expect_setequal(names(ans_obtained_full), c("components", "augment")) }) test_that("'report_sim' works when mod_sim more complicated that mod_est", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = 0:5, sex = c("F", "M")) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) mod_est <- mod_pois(deaths ~ age + sex, data = data, exposure = popn) mod_sim <- mod_pois(deaths ~ age * sex, data = data, exposure = popn) |> set_prior(age ~ N()) set.seed(0) ans_obtained <- report_sim(mod_est = mod_est, mod_sim = mod_sim, n_sim = 2) expect_setequal(names(ans_obtained), c("components", "augment")) }) test_that("'report_sim' works with rr3 model", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = poputils::age_labels(type = "five", max = 60), sex = c("F", "M")) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- 3 * rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 5) mod_est <- mod_pois(deaths ~ age + sex, data = data, exposure = popn) |> set_prior(age ~ SVD(HMD)) |> set_datamod_outcome_rr3() set.seed(0) ans_obtained <- report_sim(mod_est, n_sim = 2) expect_setequal(names(ans_obtained), c("components", "augment")) }) test_that("'report_sim' works when mod_sim is identical to mod_est - parallel processing", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = 0:4, sex = c("F", "M")) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) formula <- deaths ~ age + sex mod <- mod_pois(formula = formula, data = data, exposure = popn) ans_obtained <- report_sim(mod, n_sim = 2, n_core = 2) expect_identical(names(ans_obtained), c("components", "augment")) }) test_that("'report_sim' works with fitted model", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = 0:2, time = 2000:2002, sex = c("F", "M")) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) formula <- deaths ~ age * time + sex mod <- mod_pois(formula = formula, data = data, exposure = popn) |> fit() set.seed(0) ans1 <- suppressMessages(report_sim(mod_est = mod, n_sim = 1)) expect_true(is.list(ans1)) set.seed(0) ans2 <- suppressMessages(report_sim(mod_est = mod, mod_sim = mod, n_sim = 1)) expect_identical(ans1, ans2) }) ## 'vals_disp_to_dataframe' --------------------------------------------------- test_that("'draw_vals_disp' works with 'bage_mod_pois'", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = 0:9, time = 2000:2005, sex = c("F", "M")) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) formula <- deaths ~ age + sex + time mod <- mod_pois(formula = formula, data = data, exposure = popn) vals_disp <- draw_vals_disp(mod, n_sim = 10) ans_obtained <- vals_disp_to_dataframe(vals_disp) ans_expected <- tibble::tibble(term = "disp", component = "disp", level = "disp", .fitted = vals_disp) expect_equal(ans_obtained, ans_expected) }) ## 'vals_effect_to_dataframe' ------------------------------------------------- test_that("'vals_effect_to_dataframe' works", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = 0:9, time = 2000:2005, sex = c("F", "M")) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) formula <- deaths ~ age * time + sex mod <- mod_pois(formula = formula, data = data, exposure = popn) n_sim <- 2 vals_hyper <- draw_vals_hyper_mod(mod, n_sim = n_sim) vals_hyperrand <- draw_vals_hyperrand_mod(mod, vals_hyper = vals_hyper, n_sim = n_sim) vals_spline <- draw_vals_spline_mod(mod, vals_hyper = vals_hyper, n_sim = n_sim) vals_svd <- draw_vals_svd_mod(mod, vals_hyper = vals_hyper, n_sim = n_sim) vals_effect <- draw_vals_effect_mod(mod, vals_hyper = vals_hyper, vals_hyperrand = vals_hyperrand, vals_spline = vals_spline, vals_svd = vals_svd, n_sim = n_sim) ans_obtained <- vals_effect_to_dataframe(vals_effect) ans_expected <- tibble::tibble(term = rep(c("(Intercept)", "age", "time", "sex", "age:time"), times = c(1, 10, 6, 2, 60)), component = "effect", level = c("(Intercept)", 0:9, 2000:2005, c("F", "M"), paste(0:9, rep(2000:2005, each = 10), sep = ".")), .fitted = rvec::rvec(unname(do.call(rbind, vals_effect)))) expect_equal(ans_obtained, ans_expected) }) ## vals_hyper_to_dataframe ---------------------------------------------------- test_that("'vals_hyper_to_dataframe' works", { set.seed(0) n_sim <- 5 data <- expand.grid(age = poputils::age_labels(type = "lt", max = 60), time = 2000:2009, sex = c("F", "M")) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) formula <- deaths ~ age * sex + time mod <- mod_pois(formula = formula, data = data, exposure = popn) mod <- set_prior(mod, age:sex ~ SVD(HMD)) mod <- set_prior(mod, age ~ AR()) vals_hyper <- draw_vals_hyper_mod(mod = mod, n_sim = n_sim) ans <- vals_hyper_to_dataframe(mod, vals_hyper = vals_hyper, n_sim = n_sim) expect_setequal(names(ans), c("term", "component", "level", ".fitted")) }) ## vals_hyper_to_dataframe_one ------------------------------------------------ test_that("'vals_hyper_to_dataframe_one' works", { prior <- AR(n_coef = 3) vals_hyper <- draw_vals_hyper(prior = prior, n_sim = 10) ans_obtained <- vals_hyper_to_dataframe_one(nm = "time", vals_hyper = vals_hyper, n_sim = 10) ans_expected <- tibble::tibble(term = "time", component = "hyper", level = c("coef1", "coef2", "coef3", "sd"), .fitted = rvec::rvec(unname(rbind(vals_hyper[[1]], vals_hyper[[2]])))) expect_equal(ans_obtained, ans_expected) }) test_that("'vals_hyper_to_dataframe_one' works", { prior <- NFix() vals_hyper <- draw_vals_hyper(prior = prior, n_sim = 10) ans_obtained <- vals_hyper_to_dataframe_one(vals_hyper = vals_hyper, nm = "time", n_sim = 10) ans_expected <- tibble::tibble(term = character(), component = character(), level = character(), .fitted = rvec::rvec_dbl(matrix(0, nr = 0, nc = 10))) expect_equal(ans_obtained, ans_expected) }) ## vals_hyperrand_to_dataframe ------------------------------------------------ test_that("'vals_hyper_to_dataframe' works", { set.seed(0) n_sim <- 5 data <- expand.grid(age = poputils::age_labels(type = "lt", max = 60), time = 2000:2009, sex = c("F", "M")) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) formula <- deaths ~ age * sex + time mod <- mod_pois(formula = formula, data = data, exposure = popn) mod <- set_prior(mod, age:sex ~ SVD(HMD)) mod <- set_prior(mod, age ~ AR()) vals_hyper <- draw_vals_hyper_mod(mod = mod, n_sim = n_sim) vals_hyperrand <- draw_vals_hyperrand_mod(mod = mod, vals_hyper = vals_hyper, n_sim = n_sim) ans <- vals_hyper_to_dataframe(mod, vals_hyper = vals_hyper, n_sim = n_sim) expect_setequal(names(ans), c("term", "component", "level", ".fitted")) }) ## vals_hyperrand_to_dataframe_one -------------------------------------------- test_that("'vals_hyperrand_to_dataframe_one' works with 'bage_prior_ar'", { prior <- AR(n_coef = 3) vals_hyperrand <- list() ans_obtained <- vals_hyperrand_to_dataframe_one(prior = prior, vals_hyperrand = vals_hyperrand, dimnames_term = list(time = 2001:2010), var_age = "age", var_time = "time", n_sim = 10) ans_expected <- tibble::tibble(term = character(), component = character(), level = character(), .fitted = rvec::rvec(matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = 10))) expect_equal(ans_obtained, ans_expected) }) test_that("'vals_hyperrand_to_dataframe_one' works with bage_prior_lin", { set.seed(0) prior <- Lin() n_sim <- 10 dimnames_term <- list(time = 2001:2010, region = c("a", "b", "c")) var_age <- "age" var_time <- "time" vals_hyper <- list(sd = runif(n_sim)) vals_hyperrand <- draw_vals_hyperrand(prior = prior, vals_hyper = vals_hyper, dimnames_term = dimnames_term, var_time = var_time, var_age = var_age, n_sim = n_sim) ans_obtained <- vals_hyperrand_to_dataframe_one(prior = prior, dimnames_term = list(time = 2001:2010, region = 1:3), var_age = "age", var_time = "time", vals_hyperrand = vals_hyperrand, n_sim = n_sim) .fitted <- rbind(vals_hyperrand$slope, vals_hyperrand$trend, vals_hyperrand$error) .fitted <- unname(.fitted) .fitted <- rvec::rvec(.fitted) ans_expected <- tibble::tibble(term = "time:region", component = rep(c("hyper", "trend", "error"), times = c(3, 30, 30)), level = c(paste("slope", c("a", "b", "c"), sep = "."), rep(paste(2001:2010, rep(c("a", "b", "c"), each = 10), sep = "."), times = 2)), .fitted = .fitted) expect_equal(ans_obtained, ans_expected) }) ## 'vals_spline_to_dataframe' ------------------------------------------------- test_that("'vals_spline_to_dataframe' works", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = 0:9, time = 2000:2005, sex = c("F", "M")) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) formula <- deaths ~ age * time + sex mod <- mod_pois(formula = formula, data = data, exposure = popn) mod <- set_prior(mod, age ~ Sp(n_comp = 4)) mod <- set_prior(mod, time ~ Sp(n_comp = 4)) vals_hyper <- draw_vals_hyper_mod(mod = mod, n_sim = 10) vals_spline <- draw_vals_spline_mod(mod, vals_hyper = vals_hyper, n_sim = 10) ans <- vals_spline_to_dataframe(mod = mod, vals_spline = vals_spline, n_sim = 10) expect_setequal(names(ans), c("term", "component", "level", ".fitted")) }) ## 'vals_spline_to_dataframe_one' --------------------------------------------- test_that("'vals_spline_to_dataframe_one' works", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = 0:9, time = 2000:2005, sex = c("F", "M")) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) formula <- deaths ~ age * time + sex mod <- mod_pois(formula = formula, data = data, exposure = popn) mod <- set_prior(mod, age ~ Sp(n_comp = 4)) vals_hyper <- draw_vals_hyper_mod(mod = mod, n_sim = 10) vals_spline <- draw_vals_spline_mod(mod, vals_hyper = vals_hyper, n_sim = 10)$age ans_obtained <- vals_spline_to_dataframe_one(vals_spline = vals_spline, nm = "age", n_sim = 10) ans_expected <- tibble::tibble(term = "age", component = "spline", level = paste0("comp", 1:4), .fitted = rvec::rvec(unname(vals_spline))) expect_identical(ans_obtained, ans_expected) }) ## 'vals_svd_to_dataframe' ---------------------------------------------------- test_that("'vals_svd_to_dataframe' works", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = 0:9, time = 2000:2005, sex = c("F", "M")) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) formula <- deaths ~ age * time + sex mod <- mod_pois(formula = formula, data = data, exposure = popn) mod <- set_prior(mod, age ~ Sp(n_comp = 4)) mod <- set_prior(mod, time ~ Sp(n_comp = 4)) vals_hyper <- draw_vals_hyper_mod(mod = mod, n_sim = 10) vals_svd <- draw_vals_svd_mod(mod, vals_hyper = vals_hyper, n_sim = 10) ans <- vals_svd_to_dataframe(mod = mod, vals_svd = vals_svd, n_sim = 10) expect_setequal(names(ans), c("term", "component", "level", ".fitted")) }) ## 'vals_svd_to_dataframe_one' ------------------------------------------------ test_that("'vals_svd_to_dataframe_one' works", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = poputils::age_labels(type = "lt", max = 60), time = 2000:2005, sex = c("F", "M")) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) formula <- deaths ~ age * time + sex mod <- mod_pois(formula = formula, data = data, exposure = popn) mod <- set_prior(mod, age ~ SVD(HMD, n_comp = 4)) vals_hyper <- draw_vals_hyper_mod(mod = mod, n_sim = 10) vals_svd <- draw_vals_svd_mod(mod, vals_hyper = vals_hyper, n_sim = 10)$age ans_obtained <- vals_svd_to_dataframe_one(vals_svd = vals_svd, nm = "age", n_sim = 10) ans_expected <- tibble::tibble(term = "age", component = "svd", level = paste0("comp", 1:4), .fitted = rvec::rvec(unname(vals_svd))) expect_identical(ans_obtained, ans_expected) })