## 'check_along_is_time' ------------------------------------------------------ test_that("'check_along_is_time' returns true with valid model object", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = 0:9, sex = c("F", "M"), time = 2001:2005) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) formula <- deaths ~ (age + sex + time)^2 mod <- mod_pois(formula = formula, data = data, exposure = popn) expect_true(check_along_is_time(mod)) mod <- set_prior(mod, age:time ~ N()) expect_true(check_along_is_time(mod)) }) test_that("'check_along_is_time' returns true when there is no time variable", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = 0:9, sex = c("F", "M")) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) formula <- deaths ~ (age + sex)^2 mod <- mod_pois(formula = formula, data = data, exposure = popn) mod <- set_prior(mod, age:sex ~ RW(along = "age")) expect_true(check_along_is_time(mod)) }) test_that("'check_bage_mod' returns expected error message with invalid model object", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = 0:9, sex = c("F", "M"), time = 2001:2005) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) formula <- deaths ~ (age + sex + time)^2 mod <- mod_pois(formula = formula, data = data, exposure = popn) mod <- set_prior(mod, age:time ~ RW(along = "age", s = 0.5)) expect_error(check_along_is_time(mod), "Unable to forecast term \"age:time\".") }) ## 'check_bage_mod' ----------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_bage_mod' returns true with valid model object", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = 0:9, sex = c("F", "M")) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) formula <- deaths ~ age + sex mod <- mod_pois(formula = formula, data = data, exposure = popn) expect_true(check_bage_mod(mod)) }) test_that("'check_bage_mod' returns expected error message with invalid model object", { expect_error(check_bage_mod(x = NULL, nm_x = "model"), "`model` does not have class") }) ## 'check_con_n_by' ------------------------------------------------------ test_that("'check_con_n_by' returns TRUE with valid inputs", { expect_true(check_con_n_by(con = "by", n_by = 2L, nm = "x")) expect_true(check_con_n_by(con = "none", n_by = 2L, nm = "x")) expect_true(check_con_n_by(con = "none", n_by = 1L, nm = "x")) }) test_that("'check_con_n_by' throws correct error with invalid inputs", { expect_error(check_con_n_by(con = "by", n_by = 1L, nm = "x"), "`con` is \"by\" but `x` term is a main effect.") }) ## 'check_est' ---------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_est' returns TRUE with valid inputs", { est <- list(effectfree = c(a = 1, a = 2, b = 3, c = 4, c = 5), hyper = c(a = 1), hyperrandfree = double(), log_disp = c(disp = 3)) expect_true(check_est(est)) }) test_that("'check_est' returns correct error message with one NA", { est <- list(effectfree = c(a = 1, a = 2, b = 3, c = 4, c = NA), hyper = c(a = 1), hyperrandfree = double(), log_disp = c(disp = 3)) expect_error(check_est(est), "Problem deriving posterior distribution.") }) test_that("'check_est' returns correct error message with multiple NAs", { est <- list(effectfree = c(a = 1, a = 2, b = NA, c = 4, c = NA), hyper = c(a = 1), hyperrandfree = double(), log_disp = c(disp = NA)) expect_error(check_est(est), "Problem deriving posterior distribution.") }) ## 'check_flag' --------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_flag' returns TRUE with valid inputs", { x <- TRUE expect_true(check_flag(x, nm_x = "x")) x <- FALSE expect_true(check_flag(x)) }) test_that("'check_flag' throws expected error non-length-1", { y <- logical() expect_error(check_flag(y, nm_x = "z"), "`z` does not have length 1") z <- c(TRUE, TRUE) expect_error(check_flag(z, nm_x = "z"), "`z` does not have length 1") }) test_that("'check_flag' throws expected error non-logical", { x <- "hello" expect_error(check_flag(x, nm_x = "x"), "`x` does not have class ") }) test_that("'check_flag' throws expected error NA", { x <- NA expect_error(check_flag(x, nm_x = "xx"), "`xx` is NA") }) ## 'check_format_prior_formula' ----------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_format_prior_formula' returns TRUE with valid inputs", { expect_true(check_format_prior_formula(age ~ N())) expect_true(check_format_prior_formula(time:sex~RW())) }) test_that("'check_format_prior_formula' returns correct error with invalid inputs", { expect_error(check_format_prior_formula(N()), "`formula` not a formula.") expect_error(check_format_prior_formula("age~N()"), "`formula` not a formula.") expect_error(check_format_prior_formula(~N()), "`formula` has too few elements") }) ## 'check_formula_has_intercept' ---------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_formula_has_intercept' returns TRUE with valid inputs", { expect_true(check_formula_has_intercept(y ~ x + z)) expect_true(check_formula_has_intercept(y ~ 1)) }) test_that("'check_formula_has_intercept' returns correct error with invalid inputs", { expect_error(check_formula_has_intercept(y ~ age - 1), "`formula` does not include an intercept.") }) ## 'check_formula_has_response' ----------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_formula_has_response' returns TRUE with valid inputs", { expect_true(check_formula_has_response(y ~ x + z)) expect_true(check_formula_has_response(y ~ x + z - 1)) expect_true(check_formula_has_response(y ~ 1)) }) test_that("'check_formula_has_response' returns correct error with invalid inputs", { expect_error(check_formula_has_response(~ x + z), "`formula` does not include a response variable.") expect_error(check_formula_has_response(~ 1), "`formula` does not include a response variable.") }) ## 'check_formula_has_variable' ----------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_formula_has_variable' returns TRUE with valid inputs", { expect_true(check_formula_has_variable(name = "age", formula = deaths ~ age*sex + time)) expect_true(check_formula_has_variable(name = "age", formula = deaths ~ age:sex + time)) expect_true(check_formula_has_variable(name = "time", formula = deaths ~ age*sex + time)) }) test_that("'check_formula_has_variable' returns correct error with invalid inputs", { expect_error(check_formula_has_variable(name = "wrong", formula = deaths ~ age*sex + time), "`formula` does not have variable \"wrong\"") }) ## 'check_formula_vnames_in_data' --------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_formula_vnames_in_data' returns TRUE with valid inputs", { expect_true(check_formula_vnames_in_data(y ~ x + z, data.frame(x = 1, y = 2, z = 3))) expect_true(check_formula_vnames_in_data(y ~ x + z - 1, data.frame(x = 1, y = 2, z = 3))) expect_true(check_formula_vnames_in_data(y ~ 1, data.frame(x = 1, y = 2, z = 3))) }) test_that("'check_formula_vnames_in_data' returns correct error with invalid inputs", { expect_error(check_formula_vnames_in_data(y ~ wrong, data.frame(x = 1, y = 2, z = 3)), "Variable `wrong` from `formula` not found in `data`.") }) ## 'check_has_disp_if_condition_on_expected' ---------------------------------- test_that("'check_has_disp_if_condition_on_expected' works", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = 0:9, sex = c("F", "M")) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) formula <- deaths ~ age + sex mod <- mod_pois(formula = formula, data = data, exposure = popn) expect_true(check_has_disp_if_condition_on_expected(mod)) mod <- set_disp(mod, mean = 0) expect_error(check_has_disp_if_condition_on_expected(mod), "`condition_on` is \"expected\" but model has no dispersion term") }) ## 'check_has_no_dots' -------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_has_no_dots works with unnamed invalid arguments", { f <- function(x, ...) { check_has_no_dots(...) } expect_true(f(x = 3)) expect_error(f(x = 3, "wrong"), "Invalid unnamed argument") expect_error(f(x = 3, "wrong", 1:10), "2 invalid unnamed arguments") }) test_that("'check_has_no_dots works with named invalid arguments", { f <- function(x, y, ...) { check_has_no_dots(...) } expect_true(f(x = 3, y = 1)) expect_error(f(x = 3, y = 4, z = "wrong"), "`z` is not a valid argument.") expect_error(f(x = 3, z = "wrong", y = 4, q = "alsowrong"), "`z` is not a valid argument.") }) ## 'check_is_dataframe' ------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_is_dataframe' works with valid inputs", { expect_true(check_is_dataframe(x = data.frame(), nm_x = "data")) expect_true(check_is_dataframe(x = tibble(), nm_x = data)) }) test_that("'check_is_dataframe' throws correct error with non-dataframe", { expect_error(check_is_dataframe(x = "a", nm_x = "val"), "`val` is not a data frame.") }) ## 'check_is_fitted' ---------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_is_fitted' works", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = 0:9, sex = c("F", "M")) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) formula <- deaths ~ age + sex mod <- mod_pois(formula = formula, data = data, exposure = popn) expect_error(check_is_fitted(x = mod, nm_x = "Y"), "`Y` has not been fitted.") mod <- fit(mod) expect_true(check_is_fitted(x = mod, nm_x = "Y")) }) ## 'check_is_formula' --------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_is_formula' returns TRUE when 'formula' is a formula", { expect_true(check_is_formula(deaths ~ age + sex)) expect_true(check_is_formula(~ age)) }) test_that("'check_is_formula' throws correct error when not formula", { expect_error(check_is_formula("~age"), "`formula` is not an R formula.") }) ## 'check_is_matrix' ---------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_is_matrix' works with valid inputs", { expect_true(check_is_matrix(x = matrix(), nm_x = "data")) }) test_that("'check_is_matrix' throws correct error with non-matrix", { expect_error(check_is_matrix(x = "a", nm_x = "val"), "`val` is not a matrix.") }) ## 'check_is_ssvd' ------------------------------------------------------------ test_that("'check_is_ssvd' works with valid inputs", { expect_true(check_is_ssvd(x = HMD, nm_x = "ssvd")) expect_error(check_is_ssvd(x = NULL, nm_x = "ssvd"), "`ssvd` does not hold scaled SVD values.") }) ## 'check_n_along_ge' --------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_n_along_ge' returns TRUE with valid inputs", { expect_true(check_n_along_ge(n_along = 10L, min = 3L, nm = "age:sex", prior = Lin())) }) test_that("'check_n_along_ge' throws correct error with length less than min", { expect_error(check_n_along_ge(n_along = 1L, min = 2L, nm = "age:sex", prior = Lin()), "`Lin\\(\\)` prior cannot be used for `age:sex` term.") }) ## 'check_length_effect_ge' ------------------------------------------------------ test_that("'check_length_effect_ge' returns TRUE with valid inputs", { expect_true(check_length_effect_ge(length_effect = 10L, min = 3L, nm = "age", prior = N())) }) test_that("'check_length_effect_ge' throws correct error with length less than min", { expect_error(check_length_effect_ge(length_effect = 1L, min = 2L, nm = "age", prior = N()), "`N\\(\\)` prior cannot be used for `age` term.") }) ## 'check_mod_est_sim_compatible' --------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_mod_est_sim_compatible' returns TRUE with indentical models", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = 0:9, time = 2000:2005, sex = c("F", "M")) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) formula <- deaths ~ age + sex + time mod <- mod_pois(formula = formula, data = data, exposure = popn) expect_true(check_mod_est_sim_compatible(mod, mod)) }) test_that("'check_mod_est_sim_compatible' raises correct error with different classes", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = 0:9, time = 2000:2005, sex = c("F", "M")) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) formula <- deaths ~ age + sex + time mod <- mod_pois(formula = formula, data = data, exposure = popn) expect_error(check_mod_est_sim_compatible(mod, 1L), "`mod_est` and `mod_sim` have different classes") }) test_that("'check_mod_est_sim_compatible' raises correct error with different outcomes", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = 0:9, time = 2000:2005, sex = c("F", "M")) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths1 <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) data$deaths2 <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) formula1 <- deaths1 ~ age + sex + time formula2 <- deaths2 ~ age + sex + time mod1 <- mod_pois(formula = formula1, data = data, exposure = popn) mod2 <- mod_pois(formula = formula2, data = data, exposure = popn) expect_error(check_mod_est_sim_compatible(mod1, mod2), "`mod_est` and `mod_sim` have different outcome variables") }) test_that("'check_mod_est_sim_compatible' raises correct error when data have different variables", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = 0:9, time = 2000:2005, sex = c("F", "M")) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) data2 <- data data2$region <- "a" formula <- deaths ~ age + sex + time mod1 <- mod_pois(formula = formula, data = data, exposure = popn) mod2 <- mod_pois(formula = formula, data = data2, exposure = popn) expect_error(check_mod_est_sim_compatible(mod1, mod2), "`mod_est` and `mod_sim` have different variables.") }) test_that("'check_mod_est_sim_compatible' raises correct error when data have different values", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = 0:9, time = 2000:2005, sex = c("F", "M")) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) data2 <- data data2$time[118] <- 2004 formula <- deaths ~ age + sex + time mod1 <- mod_pois(formula = formula, data = data, exposure = popn) mod2 <- mod_pois(formula = formula, data = data2, exposure = popn) expect_error(check_mod_est_sim_compatible(mod1, mod2), "`mod_est` and `mod_sim` have different data") }) ## 'check_mod_has_obs' -------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_mod_has_obs' returns TRUE with valid data", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = 0:9, time = 2000:2005, sex = c("F", "M")) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) formula <- deaths ~ age + sex + time mod <- mod_pois(formula = formula, data = data, exposure = popn) expect_true(check_mod_has_obs(mod)) }) test_that("'check_mod_has_obs' returns correct error with zero-row data", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = 0:9, time = 2000:2005, sex = c("F", "M")) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) formula <- deaths ~ age + sex + time mod <- mod_pois(formula = formula, data = data[FALSE, ], exposure = popn) expect_error(check_mod_has_obs(mod), "No data for fitting model.") }) test_that("'check_mod_has_obs' returns correct error with no valid rows - has exposure", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = 0:9, time = 2000:2005, sex = c("F", "M")) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) data$popn[1:5] <- NA data$popn[6] <- 0 data$deaths[6] <- 0 data$deaths[-(1:6)] <- NA formula <- deaths ~ age + sex + time mod <- mod_pois(formula = formula, data = data, exposure = popn) expect_error(check_mod_has_obs(mod), "No data for fitting model.") }) test_that("'check_mod_has_obs' returns correct error with no valid rows - no exposure", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = 0:9, time = 2000:2005, sex = c("F", "M")) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) data$deaths <- NA formula <- deaths ~ age + sex + time mod <- mod_pois(formula = formula, data = data, exposure = 1) expect_error(check_mod_has_obs(mod), "No data for fitting model.") }) ## 'check_min_max_ar' -------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_min_max_ar' returns TRUE with valid inputs", { expect_true(check_min_max_ar(min = -1, max = 1)) expect_true(check_min_max_ar(min = 0, max = 0.9)) }) test_that("'check_min_max_ar' returns correct error with non-numeric", { expect_error(check_min_max_ar(min = "-1", max = 1), "`min` is non-numeric.") }) test_that("'check_min_max_ar' returns correct error with wrong length", { expect_error(check_min_max_ar(min = -1, max = 1:2), "`max` does not have length 1.") }) test_that("'check_min_max_ar' returns correct error with NA", { expect_error(check_min_max_ar(min = NA_real_, max = 1), "`min` is NA.") }) test_that("'check_min_max_ar' returns correct error with min < -1", { expect_error(check_min_max_ar(min = -1.00001, max = 1), "`min` is less than -1.") }) test_that("'check_min_max_ar' returns correct error with max < 1.0001", { expect_error(check_min_max_ar(min = -1, max = 1.00001), "`max` is greater than 1.") }) test_that("'check_min_max_ar' returns correct error with max <= min", { expect_error(check_min_max_ar(min = 0, max = 0), "`max` is less than or equal to `min`.") }) ## 'check_number' ------------------------------------------------------------------ test_that("'check_number' returns TRUE with valid inputs", { expect_true(check_number(x = 1L, nm_x = "x")) expect_true(check_number(x = -1, nm_x = "x")) }) test_that("'check_number' throws correct error with non-numeric", { expect_error(check_number(x = "4", nm_x = "x"), "`x` is non-numeric.") }) test_that("'check_number' throws correct error with length not equal to 1", { expect_error(check_number(x = integer(), nm_x = "x"), "`x` has length 0.") expect_error(check_number(x = 1:2, nm_x = "x"), "`x` has length 2.") }) test_that("'check_number' throws correct error with NA", { expect_error(check_number(x = NA_real_, nm_x = "x"), "`x` is NA.") }) test_that("'check_number' throws correct error with Inf", { expect_error(check_number(x = Inf, nm_x = "x"), "`x` is non-finite.") }) ## 'check_numeric' ------------------------------------------------------------------ test_that("'check_numeric' returns TRUE with valid inputs", { expect_true(check_numeric(x = 1:4, nm_x = "x")) expect_true(check_numeric(x = c(-1, 0), nm_x = "x")) }) test_that("'check_numeric' throws correct error with non-numeric", { expect_error(check_numeric(x = "4", nm_x = "x"), "`x` is non-numeric") }) test_that("'check_numeric' throws correct error with 0 length", { expect_error(check_numeric(x = integer(), nm_x = "x"), "`x` has length 0") }) test_that("'check_numeric' throws correct error with NA", { expect_error(check_numeric(x = c(1, NA), nm_x = "x"), "`x` has NA") }) test_that("'check_numeric' throws correct error with Inf", { expect_error(check_numeric(x = c(100, -1, Inf), nm_x = "x"), "`x` has non-finite value.") }) ## 'check_offset_in_data' ----------------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_offset_in_data' returns TRUE with valid formula", { expect_true(check_offset_in_data(vname_offset = "~popn + deaths", nm_offset = "exposure", data = data.frame(deaths = 1, popn = 2))) }) test_that("'check_offset_in_data' throws correct error with invalid formula", { expect_error(check_offset_in_data(vname_offset = "~popn + wrong", nm_offset = "exposure", data = data.frame(deaths = 1, popn = 2)), "Problem with formula used for `exposure`.") }) test_that("'check_offset_in_data' returns TRUE with valid name", { expect_true(check_offset_in_data(vname_offset = "popn", nm_offset = "exposure", data = data.frame(deaths = 1, popn = 2))) }) test_that("'check_offset_in_data' returns correct error with invalid name - exposure", { expect_error(check_offset_in_data(vname_offset = "popn", nm_offset = "exposure", data = data.frame(deaths = 1, wrong = 2)), "`exposure` not found in `data`") }) test_that("'check_offset_in_data' returns correct error with invalid name - size", { expect_error(check_offset_in_data(vname_offset = "popn", nm_offset = "size", data = data.frame(deaths = 1, wrong = 2)), "`size` not found in `data`") }) ## 'check_offset_nonneg' ---------------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_offset_nonneg' returns TRUE with valid inputs - formula", { expect_true(check_offset_nonneg(vname_offset = "~popn - deaths", nm_offset = "exposure", data = data.frame(sex = 1:2, popn = c(0, 1.1), deaths = 0:1))) }) test_that("'check_offset_nonneg' returns TRUE with valid inputs - name", { expect_true(check_offset_nonneg(vname_offset = "popn", nm_offset = "exposure", data = data.frame(sex = 1:2, popn = c(0, 1.1), deaths = 0:1))) }) test_that("'check_offset_nonneg' returns correct error with invalid inputs - formula", { expect_error(check_offset_nonneg(vname_offset = "~popn - 1", nm_offset = "exposure", data = data.frame(sex = 1:2, popn = c(-1, 1), deaths = 0:1)), "`exposure` has negative value.") }) test_that("'check_offset_nonneg' returns correct error with invalid inputs - name", { expect_error(check_offset_nonneg(vname_offset = "popn", nm_offset = "exposure", data = data.frame(sex = 1:3, popn = c(-1, 1, -3), deaths = 0:2)), "`exposure` has negative values.") }) ## 'check_offset_not_in_formula' ---------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_offset_not_in_formula' returns TRUE with valid inputs - formula", { expect_true(check_offset_not_in_formula(vname_offset = "~popn^2 + log(popn) + deaths", nm_offset = "exposure", formula = deaths ~ age + time)) }) test_that("'check_offset_not_in_formula' returns TRUE with valid inputs - name", { expect_true(check_offset_not_in_formula(vname_offset = "popn", nm_offset = "exposure", formula = deaths ~ age + time)) }) test_that("'check_offset_not_in_formula' returns correct error with invalid inputs - name", { expect_error(check_offset_not_in_formula(vname_offset = "popn", nm_offset = "exposure", formula = popn ~ age + time), "`exposure` included in `formula`.") }) ## 'check_old_version' -------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_old_version' returns TRUE with valid version model", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = 0:9, sex = c("F", "M"), time = 2001:2005) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) formula <- deaths ~ (age + sex + time)^2 mod <- mod_pois(formula = formula, data = data, exposure = popn) expect_true(check_old_version(mod)) }) test_that("'check_old_version' raises error with invalid version", { set.seed(0) data <- expand.grid(age = 0:9, sex = c("F", "M"), time = 2001:2005) data$popn <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 100) data$deaths <- rpois(n = nrow(data), lambda = 10) formula <- deaths ~ (age + sex + time)^2 mod <- mod_pois(formula = formula, data = data, exposure = popn) mod$draws_hyperrandfree <- NULL expect_error(check_old_version(mod, nm_x = "object"), "`object` appears to have been created with an old version of bage.") }) ## 'check_resp_le_offset' ----------------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_resp_le_offset' returns TRUE with valid inputs - formula", { data <- data.frame(deaths = c(0, 1, NA, 0, NA), sex = rep("F", 5), popn = c(0, 1, 2, NA, NA)) expect_true(check_resp_le_offset(formula = deaths ~ sex, vname_offset = "~ popn", nm_offset = "size", data = data)) }) test_that("'check_resp_le_offset' returns TRUE with valid inputs - name", { data <- data.frame(deaths = c(0, 1, NA, 0, NA), sex = rep("F", 5), popn = c(0, 1, 2, NA, NA)) expect_true(check_resp_le_offset(formula = deaths ~ sex, vname_offset = "popn", nm_offset = "size", data = data)) }) test_that("'check_resp_le_offset' raises correct error with invalid inputs - formula", { data <- data.frame(deaths = c(0, 1, NA, 0, 2), sex = rep("F", 5), popn = c(0, 1, 2, NA, 1)) expect_error(check_resp_le_offset(formula = deaths ~ sex, vname_offset = "~popn - 0.1", nm_offset = "size", data = data), "Response greater than `size`.") }) test_that("'check_resp_le_offset' raises correct error with invalid inputs - formula", { data <- data.frame(deaths = c(0, 1, NA, 0, 2), sex = rep("F", 5), popn = c(0, 1, 2, NA, 1)) expect_error(check_resp_le_offset(formula = deaths ~ sex, vname_offset = "popn", nm_offset = "size", data = data), "Response greater than `size`.") }) ## 'check_resp_zero_if_offset_zero' ------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_resp_zero_if_offset_zero' returns TRUE with valid inputs - formula", { data <- data.frame(deaths = c(0, 1, NA, 0, NA), sex = rep("F", 5), popn = c(0, 1, 2, NA, NA)) expect_true(check_resp_zero_if_offset_zero(formula = deaths ~ sex, vname_offset = "~popn^2", nm_offset = "exposure", data = data)) }) test_that("'check_resp_zero_if_offset_zero' returns TRUE with valid inputs - name", { data <- data.frame(deaths = c(0, 1, NA, 0, NA), sex = rep("F", 5), popn = c(0, 1, 2, NA, NA)) expect_true(check_resp_zero_if_offset_zero(formula = deaths ~ sex, vname_offset = "popn", nm_offset = "exposure", data = data)) }) test_that("'check_resp_zero_if_offset_zero' raises correct error with invalid inputs - formula", { data <- data.frame(deaths = c(0, 1, NA, 0, 1), sex = rep("F", 5), popn = c(0, 1, 2, NA, 0)) expect_error(check_resp_zero_if_offset_zero(formula = deaths ~ sex, vname_offset = "~popn^2", nm_offset = "exposure", data = data), "Response is non-zero but `exposure` is zero.") }) test_that("'check_resp_zero_if_offset_zero' raises correct error with invalid inputs - name", { data <- data.frame(deaths = c(0, 1, NA, 0, 1), sex = rep("F", 5), popn = c(0, 1, 2, NA, 0)) expect_error(check_resp_zero_if_offset_zero(formula = deaths ~ sex, vname_offset = "popn", nm_offset = "exposure", data = data), "Response is non-zero but `exposure` is zero.") }) ## 'check_response_nonneg' ---------------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_response_nonneg' returns TRUE with valid inputs", { expect_true(check_response_nonneg(formula = deaths ~ sex, data = data.frame(sex = 1:2, deaths = 0:1), nm_distn = "pois")) }) test_that("'check_response_nonneg' returns correct error with invalid inputs", { expect_error(check_response_nonneg(formula = deaths ~ sex, data.frame(sex = 1:2, deaths = c(-1, 1)), nm_distn = "Poisson"), "Model uses Poisson distribution but response variable has negative value.") expect_error(check_response_nonneg(formula = deaths ~ sex, data.frame(sex = 1:2, deaths = c(-1, -2)), nm_distn = "Poisson"), "Model uses Poisson distribution but response variable has negative values.") }) ## 'check_scale' -------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_scale' returns TRUE with valid inputs", { expect_true(check_scale(1L, nm_x = "x", zero_ok = FALSE)) expect_true(check_scale(0.001, nm_x = "x", zero_ok = FALSE)) }) test_that("'check_scale' returns correct error with non-numeric", { expect_error(check_scale("1", nm_x = "x", zero_ok = FALSE), "`x` is non-numeric.") }) test_that("'check_scale' returns correct error with non-numeric", { expect_error(check_scale("1", nm_x = "x", zero_ok = FALSE), "`x` is non-numeric.") }) test_that("'check_scale' returns correct error with wrong length", { expect_error(check_scale(1:2, nm_x = "x", zero_ok = FALSE), "`x` does not have length 1.") }) test_that("'check_scale' returns correct error with NA", { expect_error(check_scale(NA_real_, nm_x = "x", zero_ok = FALSE), "`x` is NA.") }) test_that("'check_scale' returns correct error with Inf", { expect_error(check_scale(Inf, nm_x = "x", zero_ok = FALSE), "`x` is infinite.") }) test_that("'check_scale' returns correct error with negative", { expect_true(check_scale(0, nm_x = "x", zero_ok = TRUE)) expect_error(check_scale(-1, nm_x = "x", zero_ok = TRUE), "`x` is negative.") }) test_that("'check_scale' returns correct error with non-positive", { expect_error(check_scale(0, nm_x = "x", zero_ok = FALSE), "`x` is non-positive.") expect_error(check_scale(-1, nm_x = "x", zero_ok = FALSE), "`x` is non-positive.") }) ## 'check_string' -------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_string' returns TRUE with valid inputs", { expect_true(check_string("age", nm_x = "x")) }) test_that("'check_string' returns correct error with non-numeric", { expect_error(check_string(1, nm_x = "x"), "`x` is non-character.") }) test_that("'check_string' returns correct error with wrong length", { expect_error(check_string(c("a", "b"), nm_x = "x"), "`x` does not have length 1.") }) test_that("'check_string' returns correct error with NA", { expect_error(check_string(NA_character_, nm_x = "x"), "`x` is NA.") }) test_that("'check_string' returns correct error with blank", { expect_error(check_string("", nm_x = "x"), "`x` is blank.") }) ## 'check_ssvd_has_sexgender' ------------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_ssvd_has_sexgender' works", { expect_true(check_ssvd_has_sexgender(x = HMD, nm_x = "ssvd")) HMD_nogender <- HMD HMD_nogender$data <- HMD_nogender$data[sapply(HMD_nogender$data$labels_sexgender, is.null),] expect_error(check_ssvd_has_sexgender(x = HMD_nogender, nm_x = "ssvd"), "`ssvd` does not have a sex/gender dimension.") }) ## 'check_svd_agesex' --------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_svd_agesex' works with bage_prior_svd, correct inputs", { prior <- SVD(HMD) expect_true(check_svd_agesex(prior = prior, var_age = "age", nm = "age:sex", agesex = "age:sex")) }) test_that("'check_svd_agesex' throws correct error when 'var_age' is NULL", { prior <- SVD_AR1(HMD) expect_error(check_svd_agesex(prior = prior, nm = "bla", var_age = NULL, agesex = "other"), "Problem with `SVD_AR1\\(\\)` prior for term `bla`.") }) test_that("'check_svd_agesex' throws correct error when agesex is 'other'", { prior <- SVD_RW(HMD) expect_error(check_svd_agesex(prior = prior, nm = "bla", var_age = "age", agesex = "other"), "Problem with `SVD_RW\\(\\)` prior for term `bla`.") }) ## 'check_prior_age' --------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_prior_age' works with bage_prior_rw2infant, correct inputs", { prior <- RW2_Infant() expect_true(check_prior_age(prior = prior, nm = "age:year:gender", var_age = "year")) }) test_that("'check_prior_age' throws correct error when age variable not identified", { prior <- RW2_Infant() expect_error(check_prior_age(prior = prior, nm = "reg:time:age", var_age = NULL), "Problem with `RW2_Infant\\(\\)` prior for term `reg:time:age`.") }) test_that("'check_prior_age' throws correct error when age variable not present", { prior <- RW2_Infant() expect_error(check_prior_age(prior = prior, nm = "reg:time:sex", var_age = "age"), "Problem with `RW2_Infant\\(\\)` prior for term `reg:time:sex`.") }) ## 'check_prior_time' --------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_prior_time' works with bage_prior_svd_ar, correct inputs", { prior <- SVD_AR1(HMD) expect_true(check_prior_time(prior = prior, nm = "age:year:gender", var_time = "year")) }) test_that("'check_prior_time' throws correct error when time variable not identified", { prior <- SVD_RW(HMD) expect_error(check_prior_time(prior = prior, nm = "reg:age:time", var_time = NULL), "Problem with `SVD_RW\\(\\)` prior for term `reg:age:time`.") }) test_that("'check_prior_time' throws correct error when time variable not present", { prior <- SVD_RW2(HMD) expect_error(check_prior_time(prior = prior, nm = "reg:age:sex", var_time = "time"), "Problem with `SVD_RW2\\(\\)` prior for term `reg:age:sex`.") }) ## 'check_var_prec' ----------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_var_prec' returns TRUE with valid inputs", { x <- matrix(1, nr = 7, nc = 7, dimnames = list(c("a", "a", "b", "c", "c", "a", "disp"), c("a", "a", "b", "c", "c", "a", "disp"))) est <- list(effectfree = c(a = 1, a = 2, b = 3, c = 4, c = 5), hyper = c(a = 1), hyperrandfree = double(), log_disp = c(disp = 3)) expect_true(check_var_prec(x = x, est = est)) }) test_that("'check_var_prec' throws correct error message with single NA", { x <- matrix(1, nr = 7, nc = 7, dimnames = list(c("a", "a", "b", "c", "c", "a", "disp"), c("a", "a", "b", "c", "c", "a", "disp"))) x[2,2] <- NA est <- list(effectfree = c(a = 1, a = 2, b = 3, c = 4, c = 5), hyper = c(a = 1), hyperrandfree = double(), log_disp = c(disp = 3)) expect_error(check_var_prec(x = x, est = est), "Problem deriving posterior distribution.") }) test_that("'check_var_prec' throws correct error message with multiple NAs", { x <- matrix(1, nr = 7, nc = 7, dimnames = list(c("a", "a", "b", "c", "c", "a", "disp"), c("a", "a", "b", "c", "c", "a", "disp"))) x[3,3] <- NA x[6,6] <- NA x[7,7] <- NA est <- list(effectfree = c(a = 1, a = 2, b = 3, c = 4, c = 5), hyper = c(a = 1), hyperrandfree = double(), log_disp = c(disp = 3)) expect_error(check_var_prec(x = x, est = est), "Problem deriving posterior distribution.") }) ## 'check_vars_inner' --------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_vars_inner' returns TRUE with valid inputs", { expect_true(check_vars_inner(c("age", "sex"))) }) test_that("'check_vars_inner' throws correct error with non-character", { expect_error(check_vars_inner(1:2), "`vars_inner` is not a character vector.") }) test_that("'check_vars_inner' throws correct error with length 0", { expect_error(check_vars_inner(character()), "`vars_inner` has length 0.") }) test_that("'check_vars_inner' throws correct error with NA", { expect_error(check_vars_inner(c("age", NA)), "`vars_inner` has NA.") expect_error(check_vars_inner(c("age", NA, NA)), "`vars_inner` has NAs.") }) test_that("'check_vars_inner' throws correct error with blanks", { expect_error(check_vars_inner(c("age", "")), "`vars_inner` has blank.") expect_error(check_vars_inner(c("age", "", "")), "`vars_inner` has blanks.") }) test_that("'check_vars_inner' throws correct error with duplicates", { expect_error(check_vars_inner(c("age", "age")), "`vars_inner` has duplicate.") expect_error(check_vars_inner(c("age", "age", "age")), "`vars_inner` has duplicates.") }) ## 'check_widths' ------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_widths' returns TRUE with valid inputs", { expect_true(check_widths(0.96)) expect_true(check_widths(c(0.2, 0.8))) expect_true(check_widths(c(0.001, 1))) }) test_that("'check_widths' throws expected error non-numeric", { expect_error(check_widths(TRUE), "`widths` has class .") }) test_that("'check_widths' throws expected error length 0", { expect_error(check_widths(integer()), "`widths` has length 0.") }) test_that("'check_widths' throws expected error NA", { expect_error(check_widths(c(NA, 1)), "`widths` has NA.") expect_error(check_widths(c(NA, 1, NA)), "`widths` has NAs.") }) test_that("'check_widths' throws expected error too low", { expect_error(check_widths(0), "`widths` has value not in interval \\(0, 1\\].") }) test_that("'check_widths' throws expected error too high", { expect_error(check_widths(c(1.2, 1.3)), "`widths` has values not in interval \\(0, 1\\].") })