context("Convert Video") test_that("Set log level", { av_log_level(16) expect_equal(av_log_level(), 16) }) q <- 1 n <- 50 framerate <- 10 width <- 640 * q height <- 480 * q png_path <- file.path(tempdir(), "frame%03d.png") png_files <- sprintf(png_path, 1:n) wonderland <- system.file('samples/Synapsis-Wonderland.mp3', package='av', mustWork = TRUE) # If libx264 is available, it is usually the default. # Note that it is not available for libavfilter-free-devel in Fedora has_libx264 <- "libx264" %in% av_muxers()$video test_that("convert images into video formats", { png(png_path, width = width, height = height, res = 72 * q) par(ask = FALSE) for(i in 1:n){ hist(rnorm(100, mean = i), main = paste("histogram with mean", i)) } for(ext in c("mkv", "mp4", "mov", "flv", "gif")){ filename <- paste0("test.", ext) av::av_encode_video(png_files, filename, framerate = framerate, verbose = FALSE) expect_true(file.exists(filename)) info <- av_media_info(filename) expect_equal(info$video$width, width) expect_equal(info$video$height, height) if(has_libx264){ expect_equal(info$video$codec, switch(ext, gif='gif', flv='flv', 'h264')) } expect_equal(info$video$framerate, framerate) # Gif doesn't have video metadata (duration) if(ext != 'gif'){ expect_equal(info$duration, n / framerate) # Test converting video to video av_video_convert(filename, 'test2.mp4', verbose = FALSE) info <- av_media_info('test2.mp4') unlink('test2.mp4') expect_equal(info$video$width, width) expect_equal(info$video$height, height) expect_equal(info$video$framerate, framerate) expect_null(info$audio) } unlink(filename) } }) test_that("audio sampling works", { for(ext in c("mkv", "mp4", "mov", "flv")){ filename <- paste0("test.", ext) if(ext == 'mkv' && grepl("(Fedora|Red Hat)", osVersion)){ # libavfilter-free-devel only supports certain audio bitrates wonderland <- av_audio_convert(wonderland, tempfile(fileext = '.mka'), sample_rate = 48000, verbose = FALSE) } input_rate <- av_media_info(wonderland)$audio$sample_rate av::av_encode_video(png_files, filename, framerate = framerate, verbose = FALSE, audio = wonderland) expect_true(file.exists(filename)) info <- av_media_info(filename) expect_equal(info$video$width, width) expect_equal(info$video$height, height) if(has_libx264){ expect_equal(info$video$codec, switch(ext, flv='flv', 'h264')) } expect_equal(info$video$framerate, framerate) expect_equal(info$audio$channels, 2) expect_equal(info$audio$sample_rate, input_rate) # Audio stream may slightly alter the duration, 5% margin expect_equal(info$duration, n / framerate, tolerance = 0.05) # Test converting video to video av_video_convert(filename, 'test2.mp4', verbose = FALSE) info <- av_media_info('test2.mp4') unlink('test2.mp4') expect_equal(info$video$width, width) expect_equal(info$video$height, height) expect_equal(info$video$framerate, framerate) expect_equal(info$audio$channels, 2) expect_equal(info$audio$sample_rate, input_rate) # Audio stream may slightly alter the duration, 5% margin expect_equal(info$duration, n / framerate, tolerance = 0.05) # Cleanup unlink(filename) } }) test_that("fractional framerates work", { framerate <- 1/5 av::av_encode_video(png_files, 'test.mp4', framerate = framerate, verbose = FALSE) info <- av_media_info('test.mp4') unlink('test.mp4') expect_equal(info$video$framerate, framerate) expect_equal(info$duration, length(png_files) / framerate) }) test_that("speed up/down filters", { for (x in c(0.1, 0.5, 2, 10)){ framerate <- 25 filter <- sprintf("setpts=%s*PTS", as.character(x)) av::av_encode_video(png_files, 'speed.mp4', framerate = framerate, vfilter = filter, verbose = FALSE) info <- av_media_info('speed.mp4') unlink('speed.mp4') expect_equal(info$video$framerate, (framerate / x)) expect_equal(info$duration, length(png_files) / (framerate / x)) } }) test_that("test error handling", { wrongfile <- system.file('DESCRIPTION', package='av') file.copy(wrongfile, tmp <- tempfile(fileext = '.png')) unlink("video.mp4") expect_error(av_encode_video(wrongfile, verbose = FALSE), "input") expect_false(file.exists("video.mp4")) expect_error(av_encode_video(tmp, verbose = -8), "input") expect_false(file.exists("video.mp4")) expect_error(av_encode_video(png_files, vfilter = "doesnontexist", verbose = -8), "filter") expect_false(file.exists("video.mp4")) # Test missing stream expect_error(av_encode_video(png_files, audio = png_files[1]), "audio") expect_false(file.exists("video.mp4")) expect_error(av_encode_video(wonderland), "video") expect_false(file.exists("video.mp4")) # Test time limit setTimeLimit(cpu = 2, transient = TRUE) timings <- system.time(expect_error(av_encode_video(rep(png_files, 100), verbose = FALSE), "time")) setTimeLimit() expect_lt(timings[['sys.self']], 2.5) expect_equal(get_open_handles(), 0) })