# Test extract Remotes ---- test_that("find_remotes works with no error", { # Cannot verify directly if this works because it depends on user installation # From CRAN or Github. At least there should be no error. expect_true(length(find_remotes("desc")) == 0 | length(find_remotes("desc") == 1)) # base package avoided expect_true(length(find_remotes("stats")) == 0) }) # find_remotes does not fail with packages installation errors ---- test_that("find_remotes does not fail with packages installation errors", { tmplibpath <- tempfile("tmplibpath") dir.create(tmplibpath) dir.create(file.path(tmplibpath, "emptydir")) withr::with_libpaths(tmplibpath, { expect_warning(packageDescription("zazazaz"), "no package 'zazazaz' was found") expect_message( suppressWarnings( find_remotes( c( list.dirs(tmplibpath, full.names = FALSE, recursive = FALSE), "dontexistspkg" ) )), regexp = "emptydir.*dontexistspkg.*They are removed from exploration." ) }) unlink(tmplibpath, recursive = TRUE) expect_warning( expect_message( res <- find_remotes("dontexistspkg"), regexp = "dontexistspkg does not seem to be a package. It is removed from exploration." ) ) expect_null(res) }) # Test core of find_remotes ---- test_that("extract_pkg_info extracts code", { # R-universe from tar.gz # One day, maybe we can specify to use r-universe by default fake_desc_universe <- list( list( RemoteType = "url", Repository = "https://thinkr-open.r-universe.dev", RemoteUrl = "https://thinkr-open.r-universe.dev/src/contrib/fusen_0.4.0.9000.tar.gz", RemoteRef = "HEAD", RemoteSha = "bfd6867bdc00976206479d5e784cdc9f057e0991", Package = "fusen" ) ) %>% setNames("fusen") expect_equal( extract_pkg_info(fake_desc_universe)[["fusen"]], c("r-universe: need to set options to repos=\"https://thinkr-open.r-universe.dev\"" = NA)) #"universe::thinkr-open/fusen" # R-universe from repos changed fake_desc_universe2 <- list( list( Repository = "https://thinkr-open.r-universe.dev", RemoteUrl = "https://github.com/ThinkR-open/fusen", RemoteRef = "HEAD", RemoteSha = "bfd6867bdc00976206479d5e784cdc9f057e0991", Version = "", Package = "fusen" ) ) %>% setNames("fusen") expect_equal( extract_pkg_info(fake_desc_universe2)[["fusen"]], c("r-universe: need to set options to repos=\"https://thinkr-open.r-universe.dev\"" = NA)) #"universe::thinkr-open/fusen" # Github fake_desc_github <- list( list( RemoteType = "github", RemoteHost = "api.github.com", RemoteRepo = "fusen", RemoteUsername = "ThinkR-open" ) ) %>% setNames("fusen") expect_equal(extract_pkg_info(fake_desc_github)[["fusen"]], "ThinkR-open/fusen") # Github with branch fake_desc_github_with_branch <- list( list( RemoteType = "github", RemoteHost = "api.github.com", RemoteRepo = "fusen", RemoteUsername = "ThinkR-open", RemoteRef = "branchdev" ) ) %>% setNames("fusen") expect_equal(extract_pkg_info(fake_desc_github_with_branch)[["fusen"]], "ThinkR-open/fusen@branchdev") # GitLab fake_desc_gitlab <- list( list( RemoteType = "gitlab", RemoteHost = "gitlab.com", RemoteRepo = "fakepkg", RemoteUsername = "statnmap" ) ) %>% setNames("fakepkg") expect_equal(extract_pkg_info(fake_desc_gitlab)[["fakepkg"]], "gitlab::statnmap/fakepkg") # GitLab with branch fake_desc_gitlab_with_branch <- list( list( RemoteType = "gitlab", RemoteHost = "gitlab.com", RemoteRepo = "fakepkg", RemoteRef = "fakebranch", RemoteUsername = "statnmap" ) ) %>% setNames("fakepkg") expect_equal(extract_pkg_info(fake_desc_gitlab_with_branch)[["fakepkg"]], "gitlab::statnmap/fakepkg@fakebranch") # Git fake_desc_git <- list( list( RemoteType = "xgit", RemoteUrl = "https://github.com/fakepkggit.git" ) ) %>% setNames("fakepkggit") expect_equal(extract_pkg_info(fake_desc_git)[["fakepkggit"]], "git::https://github.com/fakepkggit.git") fake_desc_git2r <- list( list( RemoteType = "git2r", RemoteUrl = "https://MyForge.com/fakepkggit2r", RemoteRepo = NULL, RemoteUsername = NULL ) ) %>% setNames("fakepkggit2r") expect_equal(extract_pkg_info(fake_desc_git2r)[["fakepkggit2r"]], "git::https://MyForge.com/fakepkggit2r") # Git with branch fake_desc_git2r_with_branch <- list( list( RemoteType = "git2r", RemoteUrl = "https://MyForge.com/fakepkggit2r", RemoteRepo = NULL, RemoteRef = "fakepkgbranch", RemoteUsername = NULL ) ) %>% setNames("fakepkggit2r") expect_equal(extract_pkg_info(fake_desc_git2r_with_branch)[["fakepkggit2r"]], "git::https://MyForge.com/fakepkggit2r@fakepkgbranch") # Bioconductor fake_desc_bioc <- list( list( URL = "https://bioconductor.org/packages/fakepkgbioc", git_branch = "RELEASE_3_3", Package = "fakepkgbioc" ) ) %>% setNames("fakepkgbioc") expect_equal(extract_pkg_info(fake_desc_bioc)[["fakepkgbioc"]], "bioc::3.3/fakepkgbioc") # Other installations # local package path fake_desc_local <- list( list( RemoteType = "local", RemoteUrl = "/path/fakelocal", RemoteHost = NULL, RemoteRepo = NULL, RemoteUsername = NULL ) ) %>% setNames("fakelocal") expect_equal(extract_pkg_info(fake_desc_local)[["fakelocal"]], "local::/path/fakelocal") # Other specific unknown remotetype fake_desc_unknown <- list( list( RemoteType = "svn", RemoteHost = "host", RemoteRepo = "repo", RemoteUsername = "username" ) ) %>% setNames("fakeunknown") expect_equal(extract_pkg_info(fake_desc_unknown)[["fakeunknown"]], c("Maybe ?" = "svn::host:username/repo")) # Other installations fake_desc_other <- list( list( RemoteType = NULL, RemoteHost = NULL, RemoteRepo = NULL, RemoteUsername = NULL ) ) %>% setNames("fakenull") expect_true(is.na(extract_pkg_info(fake_desc_other)[["fakenull"]])) expect_equal(names(extract_pkg_info(fake_desc_other)[["fakenull"]]), "local maybe ?") # Test internal_remotes_to_desc ---- tmpdir <- tempfile(pattern = "pkginternalremotes") dir.create(tmpdir) file.copy(system.file("dummypackage",package = "attachment"), tmpdir, recursive = TRUE) dummypackage <- file.path(tmpdir, "dummypackage") path.d <- file.path(dummypackage, "DESCRIPTION") cat("Remotes:\n ThinkR-open/attachment\n", append = TRUE, file = path.d) remotes <- c( extract_pkg_info(fake_desc_github), extract_pkg_info(fake_desc_gitlab), extract_pkg_info(fake_desc_other), extract_pkg_info(fake_desc_git), extract_pkg_info(fake_desc_git2r), extract_pkg_info(fake_desc_bioc), extract_pkg_info(fake_desc_local) ) expect_error( internal_remotes_to_desc(remotes, path.d = path.d, stop.local = TRUE), "'fakenull' was probably installed from source locally" ) packages_names_sort <- sort(c('attachment', 'fusen', 'fakepkg', 'fakepkggit', 'fakepkggit2r', 'fakepkgbioc', 'fakelocal')) expect_message( expect_message( internal_remotes_to_desc(remotes, path.d = path.d, stop.local = FALSE, clean = FALSE), "installed from source locally" ), paste("Remotes for", glue::glue_collapse(glue("'{packages_names_sort}'"), sep = ", ", last = " & "), "were added to DESCRIPTION.") ) new_desc <- readLines(path.d) w.remotes <- grep('Remotes:', new_desc) expect_length(w.remotes, 1) expect_equal( gsub(",", "", new_desc[w.remotes + which(packages_names_sort == "attachment")] ), " ThinkR-open/attachment") expect_equal( gsub(",", "", new_desc[w.remotes + which(packages_names_sort == "fusen")] ), " ThinkR-open/fusen") expect_equal( gsub(",", "", new_desc[w.remotes + which(packages_names_sort == "fakepkg")] ), " gitlab::statnmap/fakepkg") expect_equal( gsub(",", "", new_desc[w.remotes + which(packages_names_sort == "fakepkggit")] ), " git::https://github.com/fakepkggit.git") expect_equal( gsub(",", "", new_desc[w.remotes + which(packages_names_sort == "fakepkgbioc")] ), " bioc::3.3/fakepkgbioc") expect_equal( gsub(",", "", new_desc[w.remotes + which(packages_names_sort == "fakelocal")] ), " local::/path/fakelocal") expect_equal( gsub(",", "", new_desc[w.remotes + which(packages_names_sort == "fakepkggit2r")] ), " git::https://MyForge.com/fakepkggit2r") # Test clean before expect_message( internal_remotes_to_desc(remotes["fusen"], path.d = path.d, stop.local = FALSE, clean = TRUE), regexp = "'fusen' was added to DESCRIPTION") new_desc <- readLines(path.d) w.remotes <- grep('Remotes:', new_desc) expect_length(w.remotes, 1) expect_equal(new_desc[w.remotes + 1], " ThinkR-open/fusen") expect_false(any(grepl("attachment", new_desc))) expect_false(any(grepl("fakepkg", new_desc))) expect_false(any(grepl("fakepkggit", new_desc))) expect_false(any(grepl("fakepkggit2r", new_desc))) expect_false(any(grepl("fakelocal", new_desc))) expect_false(any(grepl("fakepkgbioc", new_desc))) # Test what happens if null and clean FALSE expect_message( internal_remotes_to_desc(NULL, path.d = path.d, stop.local = FALSE, clean = FALSE), regexp = "'fusen' was added to DESCRIPTION") new_desc_null <- readLines(path.d) expect_equal(new_desc_null, new_desc) # Test what happens if null and clean FALSE expect_message( internal_remotes_to_desc(NULL, path.d = path.d, stop.local = FALSE, clean = TRUE), regexp = "Remotes were cleaned, no new remote to add." ) new_desc_null <- readLines(path.d) expect_false(any(grepl("Remotes", new_desc_null))) unlink(tmpdir, recursive = TRUE) }) # test set_remotes_to_desc ---- tmpdir <- tempfile(pattern = "pkgset") dir.create(tmpdir) file.copy(system.file("dummypackage",package = "attachment"), tmpdir, recursive = TRUE) dummypackage <- file.path(tmpdir, "dummypackage") test_that("set_remotes_to_desc return nothing if local installs", { skip_on_cran() # We do not know whether some packages are installed manually from source on CRAN pkgs <- att_amend_desc(dummypackage) %>% att_from_description() remotes <- find_remotes(pkgs) desc_file <- file.path(dummypackage, "DESCRIPTION") if (is.null(remotes)) { # Do not test if some are compiled locally expect_message( set_remotes_to_desc(desc_file), "no remote packages installed" ) } else { pkgnames <- glue::glue_collapse(glue::glue("'{names(remotes)}'"), sep = ", ", last = " & ") nona <- unlist(lapply(remotes, is.na)) expect_message( set_remotes_to_desc(desc_file), paste("Remotes for", pkgnames[nona]) ) } # Add attachment in DESCRIPTION as should be local installed desc_lines <- readLines(desc_file) desc_lines[desc_lines == "Suggests: "] <- "Suggests: \n attachment," writeLines(desc_lines, con = desc_file) expect_message( set_remotes_to_desc(desc_file), "Package 'attachment' was probably installed from source locally" ) # Add pkglocal in DESCRIPTION as should be local installed from a path desc_lines <- readLines(desc_file) desc_lines <- c(desc_lines,"Remotes: \n local::/path/pkglocal") writeLines(desc_lines, con = desc_file) expect_message( set_remotes_to_desc(desc_file), "Package 'attachment' was probably installed from source locally" ) }) unlink(tmpdir, recursive = TRUE)