library(data.table) library(testthat) test_that("warning for only one N", { expect_warning({ seconds.limit <- 0.001 atime.list <- atime::atime( wait=Sys.sleep(seconds.limit), TRE=regexpr(pattern, subject, perl=FALSE), setup={ subject <- paste(rep("a", N), collapse="") pattern <- paste(rep(c("a?", "a"), each=N), collapse="") }, seconds.limit=seconds.limit) }, "please increase max N or seconds.limit, because only one N was evaluated for wait", fixed=TRUE) }) test_that("error for N wrong type", { expect_error({ atime.list <- atime::atime( PCRE=regexpr(pattern, subject, perl=TRUE), TRE=regexpr(pattern, subject, perl=FALSE), setup={ subject <- paste(rep("a", N), collapse="") pattern <- paste(rep(c("a?", "a"), each=N), collapse="") }, N="foo") }, "N should be a numeric vector") }) test_that("error for length(N)==1", { expect_error({ atime.list <- atime::atime( PCRE=regexpr(pattern, subject, perl=TRUE), TRE=regexpr(pattern, subject, perl=FALSE), setup={ subject <- paste(rep("a", N), collapse="") pattern <- paste(rep(c("a?", "a"), each=N), collapse="") }, N=100) }, "length(N) should be at least 2", fixed=TRUE) }) test_that("more units defined in 1 row result", { expr.list <- atime::atime_grid( list(perl=c(TRUE,FALSE)), regexpr=data.table( num=1, int=2L, match.len={ L <- regexpr(pattern, subject, perl=perl) at <- attr(L,"match.length") if(is.numeric(at))at else NA_integer_ } ) ) atime.list <- atime::atime( expr.list=expr.list, setup={ subject <- paste(rep("a", N), collapse="") pattern <- paste(rep(c("a?", "a"), each=N), collapse="") }, result=TRUE, N=1:30) ref.list <- atime::references_best(atime.list) disp.units <- sort(unique(ref.list$measurements$unit)) expected.units <- c("int","kilobytes","match.len","num","seconds") expect_identical(disp.units, expected.units) expect_error({ predict(ref.list, match.len=40) }, "match.len=40 is outside range of data, please change to a value that intersects at least one of the empirical curves") expect_error({ predict(ref.list, match.len=0) }, "match.len=0 is outside range of data, please change to a value that intersects at least one of the empirical curves") match.len <- 2 my.pred.length <- predict(ref.list, match.len=match.len) if(interactive())plot(my.pred.length) expect_true(all(my.pred.length$prediction[["unit"]]=="match.len")) expect_true(all(my.pred.length$prediction[["unit.value"]]==match.len)) expect_error({ predict(ref.list, foobar=0) }, paste("foobar is not a valid unit; argument names of predict must be one of these valid units:", paste(expected.units, collapse=", "))) my.pred.both <- predict( ref.list, match.len=match.len, seconds=ref.list$seconds.limit) if(interactive())plot(my.pred.both) <- table(my.pred.both$prediction$unit) expect_identical(names(, c("match.len","seconds")) }) test_that("result returned when some are NULL and others not", { atime.list <- atime::atime( N=10^seq(-3, 0), setup={}, seconds.limit=0.01, slow={ Sys.sleep(N) list(msg="slow") }, result = TRUE, fast=NULL) expect_is(atime.list$mea$result, "list") }) test_that("sensible error when duplicate names", { expect_error({ atime::atime( N=10^seq(-3, 0), setup={}, fast=1, expr.list = list(fast=2)) }, "each expression must have a unique name, problems: fast") }) test_that("atime_grid error if param not in expr", { expect_error({ atime::atime_grid( list(THREADS=1:2, LAZY=c(TRUE,FALSE)), fread.prob=fread(f.csv, threads=THREADS), fread=fread(f.csv, threads=THREADS, lazy=LAZY), read_csv=read_csv(f.csv, lazy=LAZY)) }, "each param should be present in each expr, problems: LAZY not in fread.prob, THREADS not in read_csv") }) test_that("atime_grid two params, two exprs", { expr.list <- atime::atime_grid( list(THREADS=1:2, LAZY=c(TRUE,FALSE)), fread=fread(f.csv, threads=THREADS, lazy=LAZY), read_csv=read_csv(f.csv, num_threads=THREADS, lazy=LAZY)) expect_equal(length(expr.list), 8) }) test_that("atime_grid error for THREADS not used", { expect_error({ atime::atime_grid( list(THREADS=1:3), "[.data.table"={ loss.dt[, .( loss_length=.N, loss_mean=mean(loss), loss_sd=sd(loss) ), by=.(set, epoch)] }) }, "each param should be present in each expr, problems: THREADS not in [.data.table", fixed=TRUE) }) test_that("atime_grid ok when THREADS used", { expr.list <- atime::atime_grid( list(THREADS=1:3), "[.data.table"={ data.table::setDTthreads(THREADS) loss.dt[, .( loss_length=.N, loss_mean=mean(loss), loss_sd=sd(loss) ), by=.(set, epoch)] }) expect_equal(length(expr.list), 3) }) test_that("atime_grid symbol.params arg OK", { grid.result <- atime::atime_grid(list( PERL=TRUE, FUN="strcapture" ), foo=FUN(regex, text, proto, perl = PERL), symbol.params="FUN") expect_identical(grid.result, list("foo PERL=TRUE,FUN=strcapture"=quote(strcapture(regex, text, proto, perl=TRUE)))) }) test_that("atime_grid error for list of funs", { expect_error({ atime::atime_grid(list(FUN=list(gsub)), strcapture=FUN(regex, text, proto, perl = TRUE)) }, "param.list elements must be atomic, but some are not: FUN") }) test_that("atime_grid error for un-named expr in ...", { expect_error({ atime::atime_grid(list(FUN=1:2), FUN(regex, text, proto, perl = TRUE)) }, "each expression in ... must be named") }) test_that("atime_grid error for args named sorted, unique", { expect_error({ atime::atime_grid(list(sorted=1:2), foo=FUN(regex, text, proto, perl = TRUE)) }, "param.list must not have elements named: sorted") }) test_that("null is faster than wait", { suppressWarnings({ alist <- atime::atime( N=1:2, setup={}, wait=Sys.sleep(0.01), null=NULL, seconds.limit=0.001) }) expect_equal(nrow(alist$measurements["null"]), 2) }) test_that("no error for results=FALSE", { suppressWarnings({ alist <- atime::atime( N=1:2, setup={}, wait=Sys.sleep(0.01), null=NULL, results=FALSE, seconds.limit=0.001) }) expect_is(alist, "atime") expect_equal(sort(alist$measurements$, c("null","null","results","results","wait")) }) my.atime <- atime::atime( vector=x, "vector+1"=x+1, matrix=matrix(x, N, N), setup={ x <- rep(1, N) }, N=unique(as.integer(10^seq(0,4,l=100)))) if(interactive())plot(my.atime) <- atime::references_best(my.atime) if(interactive())plot( test_that("predict gives seconds.limit by default", { my.pred.default <- predict( if(interactive())plot(my.pred.default) expect_true(all(my.pred.default$prediction[["unit"]]=="seconds")) expect_true(all( my.pred.default$prediction[["unit.value"]]==my.pred.default$seconds.limit)) }) test_that("errors for predict method", { expect_error({ predict(, 5) }, "... has an un-named argument, but must have a unit as the name of each argument", fixed=TRUE) expect_error({ predict(, kilobytes=100, 5) }, "... has an un-named argument, but must have a unit as the name of each argument", fixed=TRUE) expect_error({ predict(, kilobytes="a") }, "... has a non-numeric argument (kilobytes), but each argument must be numeric (unit value at which to interpolate/predict N)", fixed=TRUE) expect_error({ predict(, kilobytes=NA_real_) }, "... has a non-finite argument (kilobytes) but each argument must be finite (unit value at which to interpolate/predict N)", fixed=TRUE) expect_error({ predict(, kilobytes=1:2) }, "... has an argument with length != 1 (kilobytes), but each argument must be scalar (unit value at which to interpolate/predict N)", fixed=TRUE) expect_error({ predict(, kilobytes=1000, kilobytes=100, foo=5, bar=5, foo=3, foo=1) }, "argument names should be unique, problem(count): foo(3), kilobytes(2)", fixed=TRUE) }) test_that("atime_versions_exprs error when called with setup", { expect_error({ atime::atime_versions_exprs( pkg.path="~/R/data.table", N=10^seq(2,10), setup={ set.seed(1L) dt <- data.table( id = seq_len(N), val = rnorm(N)) }, expr=data.table:::`[.data.table`(dt[, .(vs = (sum(val))), by = .(id)]), "Before"="be2f72e6f5c90622fe72e1c315ca05769a9dc854", "Regression"="e793f53466d99f86e70fc2611b708ae8c601a451", "Fixed"="58409197426ced4714af842650b0cc3b9e2cb842") }, "each ... argument value and sha.vec element must be a string (package version, length=1, not NA), problems: N, setup", fixed=TRUE) }) test_that("atime_versions_exprs error when sha.vec element not string", { expect_error({ atime::atime_versions_exprs( pkg.path="~/R/data.table", sha.vec=list(N=10^seq(2,10)), expr=data.table:::`[.data.table`(dt[, .(vs = (sum(val))), by = .(id)]), "Before"="be2f72e6f5c90622fe72e1c315ca05769a9dc854", "Regression"="e793f53466d99f86e70fc2611b708ae8c601a451", "Fixed"="58409197426ced4714af842650b0cc3b9e2cb842") }, "each ... argument value and sha.vec element must be a string (package version, length=1, not NA), problems: N", fixed=TRUE) }) test_that("atime_versions_exprs error when sha.vec element char vector", { expect_error({ atime::atime_versions_exprs( pkg.path="~/R/data.table", sha.vec=list(foo=c("bar","baz")), expr=data.table:::`[.data.table`(dt[, .(vs = (sum(val))), by = .(id)]), "Before"="be2f72e6f5c90622fe72e1c315ca05769a9dc854", "Regression"="e793f53466d99f86e70fc2611b708ae8c601a451", "Fixed"="58409197426ced4714af842650b0cc3b9e2cb842") }, "each ... argument value and sha.vec element must be a string (package version, length=1, not NA), problems: foo", fixed=TRUE) }) test_that("atime_versions error when ... value NA", { expect_error({ atime::atime_versions( pkg.path="~/R/data.table", expr=data.table:::`[.data.table`(dt[, .(vs = (sum(val))), by = .(id)]), "Before"=NA_character_, "Regression"="e793f53466d99f86e70fc2611b708ae8c601a451", "Fixed"="58409197426ced4714af842650b0cc3b9e2cb842") }, "each ... argument value and sha.vec element must be a string (package version, length=1, not NA), problems: Before", fixed=TRUE) }) test_that("atime_versions error when sha.vec element not named", { expect_error({ atime::atime_versions( pkg.path="~/R/data.table", expr=data.table:::`[.data.table`(dt[, .(vs = (sum(val))), by = .(id)]), sha.vec=c( "e793f53466d99f86e70fc2611b708ae8c601a451", "Fixed"="58409197426ced4714af842650b0cc3b9e2cb842")) }, "each ... argument and sha.vec element must be named", fixed=TRUE) }) test_that("atime_versions error when no versions specified", { expect_error({ atime::atime_versions( pkg.path="~/R/data.table", expr=data.table:::`[.data.table`(dt[, .(vs = (sum(val))), by = .(id)])) }, "need to specify at least one git SHA, in either sha.vec, or ...", fixed=TRUE) }) if(requireNamespace("nc")){ test_that("only one value in grid is OK", { expr.list <- atime::atime_grid( list(ENGINE="PCRE"), nc=nc::capture_first_vec(subject, pattern, engine=ENGINE)) expect_identical(names(expr.list), "nc ENGINE=PCRE") }) test_that("error for expr.list not list", { expr.list <- atime::atime_grid( list(ENGINE=c( if(requireNamespace("re2"))"RE2", "PCRE", if(requireNamespace("stringi"))"ICU")), nc=nc::capture_first_vec(subject, pattern, engine=ENGINE)) dolist <- function(elist){ atime::atime( N=1:25, setup={ rep.collapse <- function(chr)paste(rep(chr, N), collapse="") subject <- rep.collapse("a") pattern <- list(maybe=rep.collapse("a?"), rep.collapse("a")) }, expr.list=elist) } atime.list <- dolist(expr.list) expect_is(atime.list, "atime") expect_error({ dolist(structure(2, class=c("foo","bar"))) }, "expr.list should be a list of expressions to run for various N, but has classes foo, bar") }) } test_that("references for non-NA unit, with NA unit",{ atime.list <- atime::atime( missing=data.frame(my_unit=NA), constant=data.frame(my_unit=1), linear=data.frame(my_unit=N), quadratic=data.frame(my_unit=N^2), seconds.limit=0.001, result=TRUE) (atab <- table(atime.list$meas$ ref.list <- atime::references_best(atime.list) if(interactive())plot(ref.list) (rtab <- table(ref.list$references[unit=="my_unit",])) expect_identical(sort(names(rtab)), c("linear","quadratic")) }) test_that("references for non-NA unit, with NA unit",{ expect_error({ atime::atime( missing=data.frame(my_unit=NA), constant=data.frame(foo=1), linear=data.frame(my_unit=N), quadratic=data.frame(my_unit=N^2), seconds.limit=0.001, result=TRUE) }, "results are all 1 row data frames, but some have different names (missing, constant); please fix by making row names of results identical", fixed=TRUE) }) test_that("error for new unit name conflicting with existing", { expect_error({ atime::atime( missing=data.frame(median=NA, kilobytes=1, ok=2), constant=data.frame(median=1, kilobytes=1, ok=2), linear=data.frame(median=N, kilobytes=1, ok=2), quadratic=data.frame(median=N^2, kilobytes=1, ok=2), seconds.limit=0.001, result=TRUE) }, "result is 1 row data frame with column(s) named median, kilobytes (reserved for internal use); please fix by changing the column name(s) in your results", fixed=TRUE) })