R Under development (unstable) (2024-03-11 r86098 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > library(testthat) > library(assignPOP) > > test_check("assignPOP") Correct assignment rates were estimated!! A total of 3 assignment tests for 3 pops. Results were also saved in a 'Rate_of_3_tests_3_pops.txt' file in the directory. Correct assignment rates were estimated!! A total of 3 assignment tests for 3 pops. Results were also saved in a 'Rate_of_3_tests_3_pops.txt' file in the directory. Converting data format... Encoding genetic data... ################ assignPOP v1.3.0 ################ A GENEPOP format file was successfully imported! Imported Data Info: 24 obs. by 5 loci (diploid) Number of pop: 3 Number of inds (pop.1): 8 Number of inds (pop.2): 10 Number of inds (pop.3): 6 DataMatrix: 24 rows by 20 columns, with 19 allele variables Data output in a list comprising the following three elements: YOUR_LIST_NAME$DataMatrix YOUR_LIST_NAME$SampleID YOUR_LIST_NAME$LocusName Parallele computing is off. Analyzing data using 1 CPU core... Monte-Carlo cross-validation done!! 3 assignment tests completed!! Parallele computing is off. Analyzing data using 1 CPU core... Monte-Carlo cross-validation done!! 3 assignment tests completed!! Parallele computing is off. Analyzing data using 1 CPU core... Monte-Carlo cross-validation done!! 6 assignment tests completed!! Parallele computing is off. Analyzing data using 1 CPU core... Monte-Carlo cross-validation done!! 12 assignment tests completed!! Parallele computing is off. Analyzing data using 1 CPU core... Monte-Carlo cross-validation done!! 12 assignment tests completed!! Parallele computing is off. Analyzing data using 1 CPU core... Monte-Carlo cross-validation done!! 3 assignment tests completed!! Converting data format... Encoding genetic data... ################ assignPOP v1.3.0 ################ A GENEPOP format file was successfully imported! Imported Data Info: 24 obs. by 5 loci (diploid) Number of pop: 3 Number of inds (pop.1): 8 Number of inds (pop.2): 10 Number of inds (pop.3): 6 DataMatrix: 24 rows by 20 columns, with 19 allele variables Data output in a list comprising the following three elements: YOUR_LIST_NAME$DataMatrix YOUR_LIST_NAME$SampleID YOUR_LIST_NAME$LocusName Converting data format... Encoding genetic data... ################ assignPOP v1.3.0 ################ A GENEPOP format file was successfully imported! Imported Data Info: 24 obs. by 5 loci (diploid) Number of pop: 1 Number of inds (pop.1): 24 DataMatrix: 24 rows by 20 columns, with 19 allele variables Data output in a list comprising the following three elements: YOUR_LIST_NAME$DataMatrix YOUR_LIST_NAME$SampleID YOUR_LIST_NAME$LocusName Known and unknown datasets have identical features. Performing PCA on genetic data for dimensionality reduction... Assignment test is done! See results in your designated folder. Predicted populations and probabilities are saved in [AssignmentResult.txt] Converting data format... Encoding genetic data... ################ assignPOP v1.3.0 ################ A GENEPOP format file was successfully imported! Imported Data Info: 24 obs. by 5 loci (diploid) Number of pop: 3 Number of inds (pop.1): 8 Number of inds (pop.2): 10 Number of inds (pop.3): 6 DataMatrix: 24 rows by 20 columns, with 19 allele variables Data output in a list comprising the following three elements: YOUR_LIST_NAME$DataMatrix YOUR_LIST_NAME$SampleID YOUR_LIST_NAME$LocusName Parallele computing is off. Analyzing data using 1 CPU core... K-fold cross-validation done!! 3 assignment tests completed!! Import a .CSV file. 4 additional variables detected. Checking variable data type... ng1(integer) ng2(integer) ng3(integer) ng4(integer) New data set created!! It has 24 observations by 24 variables including 4 loci(19 alleles) plus 4 additional variables(4 columns) Parallele computing is off. Analyzing data using 1 CPU core... K-fold cross-validation done!! 3 assignment tests completed!! Convert population label to factor. ng1(integer) ng2(integer) ng3(integer) ng4(integer) Parallele computing is off. Analyzing data using 1 CPU core... K-fold cross-validation done!! 3 assignment tests completed!! Results were saved in a 'High_Fst_Locus_Freq.txt' file in the directory.[ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 42 ] > > proc.time() user system elapsed 4.56 0.73 5.31