success_result <- function(verb, the_call, columns, row_redux_call, description) { row_redux_message <- "" if (! row_redux_message <- paste0(" on ", row_redux_call, " row reduction") msg <- paste0("verification [", the_call, "]", row_redux_message, " passed!") success <- list( verb = verb, message = msg, call = the_call, columns = columns, row_redux_call = row_redux_call, description = description ) class(success) <- c("assertr_success", "success", "condition") list(success) } get_assertr_success <- function(assertion) { attr(assertion, "assertr_success") } test_that("success_append appends varification result to data", { expect_equal( get_assertr_success(success_append(mtcars, "method", "rule", "column", "redux", NA)), success_result("method", "rule", "column", "redux", NA) ) }) test_that("success_report works fine with verification methods", { # single assert rule outside chain expect_output( assert(mtcars, in_set(0, 1), am, success_fun=success_report), "assert: verification \\[in_set\\(0, 1\\)\\] passed! Verified columns: am " ) # single assert rule inside chain expect_output( mtcars %>% chain_start(store_success=TRUE) %>% assert(in_set(0, 1), am) %>% chain_end(success_report), "1 result verified: \\nassert: verification \\[in_set\\(0, 1\\)\\] passed! Verified columns: am " ) # single assert rule inside chain without store_success expect_output( mtcars %>% chain_start %>% assert(in_set(0, 1), am) %>% chain_end(success_report), "No success results stored." ) # two assert rules outside chain expect_output( assert(mtcars, in_set(0, 1), am, success_fun=success_report) %>% assert(in_set(0, 1), vs, success_fun=success_report), paste0( "assert: verification \\[in_set\\(0, 1\\)\\] passed! Verified columns: am \\nassert: verification ", "\\[in_set\\(0, 1\\)\\] passed! Verified columns: vs " ) ) # two assert rules inside chain expect_output( mtcars %>% chain_start(store_success=TRUE) %>% assert(in_set(0, 1), am) %>% assert(in_set(0, 1), vs) %>% chain_end(success_report), paste0( "2 results verified: \\nassert: verification \\[in_set\\(0, 1\\)\\] passed! Verified columns: am \\nassert: ", "verification \\[in_set\\(0, 1\\)\\] passed! Verified columns: vs " ) ) # two assert rules inside chain without store_success=TRUE expect_output( mtcars %>% chain_start() %>% assert(in_set(0, 1), am) %>% assert(in_set(0, 1), vs) %>% chain_end(success_report), "No success results stored." ) # single verify rule outside chain expect_output( mtcars %>% verify(drat > 2, success_fun=success_report), "verify: verification \\[drat > 2\\] passed!" ) # single verify rule inside chain expect_output( mtcars %>% chain_start(store_success=TRUE) %>% verify(drat > 2) %>% chain_end(success_report), "1 result verified: \\nverify: verification \\[drat > 2\\] passed!" ) # single verify rule inside chain without store_success expect_output( mtcars %>% chain_start %>% verify(drat > 2) %>% chain_end(success_report), "No success results stored." ) # two verify rules outside chain expect_output( mtcars %>% verify(drat > 2, success_fun=success_report) %>% verify(am %in% c(0, 1), success_fun=success_report), "verify: verification \\[drat > 2\\] passed!\\nverify: verification \\[am %in% c\\(0, 1\\)\\] passed!" ) # two verify rules inside chain expect_output( mtcars %>% chain_start(store_success=TRUE) %>% verify(drat > 2) %>% verify(am %in% c(0, 1)) %>% chain_end(success_report), "2 results verified: \\nverify: verification \\[drat > 2\\] passed!\\nverify: verification \\[am %in% c\\(0, 1\\)\\] passed!" ) # two verify rules inside chain without store_success=TRUE expect_output( mtcars %>% chain_start() %>% verify(drat > 2) %>% verify(am %in% c(0, 1)) %>% chain_end(success_report), "No success results stored." ) # single assert_rows rule outside chain expect_output( assert_rows(mtcars, rowSums, within_bounds(0,2), vs, am, success_fun=success_report), "assert_rows: verification \\[within_bounds\\(0, 2\\)\\] on rowSums row reduction passed! Verified columns: vs am " ) # single assert_rows rule inside chain expect_output( mtcars %>% chain_start(store_success=TRUE) %>% assert_rows(rowSums, within_bounds(0,2), vs, am, success_fun=success_report) %>% chain_end(success_report), paste0( "1 result verified: \\nassert_rows: verification \\[within_bounds\\(0, 2\\)\\] on rowSums row reduction passed! ", "Verified columns: vs am ") ) # single assert_rows rule inside chain without store_success expect_output( mtcars %>% chain_start %>% assert_rows(rowSums, within_bounds(0,2), vs, am) %>% chain_end(success_report), "No success results stored." ) # two assert_rows rules outside chain expect_output( mtcars %>% assert_rows(rowSums, within_bounds(0,2), vs, am, success_fun=success_report) %>% assert_rows(num_row_NAs, within_bounds(0,.1), vs, am, success_fun=success_report), paste0( "assert_rows: verification \\[within_bounds\\(0, 2\\)\\] on rowSums row reduction passed! Verified columns: vs am ", "\\nassert_rows: verification \\[within_bounds\\(0, 0.1\\)\\] on num_row_NAs row reduction passed! Verified columns: vs am " ) ) # two assert_rows rules inside chain expect_output( mtcars %>% chain_start(store_success=TRUE) %>% assert_rows(rowSums, within_bounds(0,2), vs, am, success_fun=success_report) %>% assert_rows(num_row_NAs, within_bounds(0,.1), vs, am, success_fun=success_report) %>% chain_end(success_report), paste0( "2 results verified: \\nassert_rows: verification \\[within_bounds\\(0, 2\\)\\] on rowSums row reduction passed! ", "Verified columns: vs am \\nassert_rows: verification \\[within_bounds\\(0, 0.1\\)\\] on num_row_NAs row reduction ", "passed! Verified columns: vs am " ) ) # two assert_rows rules inside chain without store_success=TRUE expect_output( mtcars %>% chain_start() %>% verify(drat > 2) %>% verify(am %in% c(0, 1)) %>% chain_end(success_report), "No success results stored." ) # single insist rule outside chain expect_output( insist(mtcars, within_n_sds(5), vs, success_fun=success_report), "insist: verification \\[within_n_sds\\(5\\)\\] passed! Verified columns: vs " ) # single insist rule inside chain expect_output( mtcars %>% chain_start(store_success=TRUE) %>% insist(within_n_sds(5), vs, success_fun=success_report) %>% chain_end(success_report), "1 result verified: \\ninsist: verification \\[within_n_sds\\(5\\)\\] passed! Verified columns: vs " ) # single insist rule inside chain without store_success expect_output( mtcars %>% chain_start %>% insist(within_n_sds(5), vs) %>% chain_end(success_report), "No success results stored." ) # two insist rules outside chain expect_output( mtcars %>% insist(within_n_sds(5), vs, success_fun=success_report) %>% insist(within_n_sds(5), am, success_fun=success_report), paste0( "insist: verification \\[within_n_sds\\(5\\)\\] passed! Verified columns: vs \\n", "insist: verification \\[within_n_sds\\(5\\)\\] passed! Verified columns: am " ) ) # two insist rules inside chain expect_output( mtcars %>% chain_start(store_success=TRUE) %>% insist(within_n_sds(5), vs, success_fun=success_report) %>% insist(within_n_sds(5), am, success_fun=success_report) %>% chain_end(success_report), paste0( "2 results verified: \\n", "insist: verification \\[within_n_sds\\(5\\)\\] passed! Verified columns: vs \\n", "insist: verification \\[within_n_sds\\(5\\)\\] passed! Verified columns: am " ) ) # two insist rules inside chain without store_success=TRUE expect_output( mtcars %>% chain_start() %>% insist(within_n_sds(5), vs) %>% insist(within_n_sds(5), am) %>% chain_end(success_report), "No success results stored." ) # single insist_rows rule outside chain expect_output( insist_rows(iris, maha_dist, within_n_sds(6), Sepal.Length:Petal.Length, success_fun=success_report), "insist_rows: verification \\[within_n_sds\\(6\\)\\] on maha_dist row reduction passed! Verified columns: Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length " ) # single insist_rows rule inside chain expect_output( iris %>% chain_start(store_success=TRUE) %>% insist_rows(maha_dist, within_n_sds(6), Sepal.Length:Petal.Length) %>% chain_end(success_report), paste0( "1 result verified: \\ninsist_rows: verification \\[within_n_sds\\(6\\)\\] on maha_dist row reduction passed! ", "Verified columns: Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length " ) ) # single insist_rows rule inside chain without store_success expect_output( iris %>% chain_start %>% insist_rows(maha_dist, within_n_sds(6), Sepal.Length:Petal.Length) %>% chain_end(success_report), "No success results stored." ) # two insist_rows rules outside chain expect_output( iris %>% insist_rows(maha_dist, within_n_sds(6), Sepal.Length:Petal.Length, success_fun=success_report) %>% insist_rows(maha_dist, within_n_sds(7), Sepal.Length:Petal.Length, success_fun=success_report), paste0( "insist_rows: verification \\[within_n_sds\\(6\\)\\] on maha_dist row reduction passed! ", "Verified columns: Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length \\n", "insist_rows: verification \\[within_n_sds\\(7\\)\\] on maha_dist row reduction passed! ", "Verified columns: Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length " ) ) # two insist_rows rules inside chain expect_output( iris %>% chain_start(store_success=TRUE) %>% insist_rows(maha_dist, within_n_sds(6), Sepal.Length:Petal.Length) %>% insist_rows(maha_dist, within_n_sds(7), Sepal.Length:Petal.Length) %>% chain_end(success_report), paste0( "2 results verified: \\n", "insist_rows: verification \\[within_n_sds\\(6\\)\\] on maha_dist row reduction passed! ", "Verified columns: Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length \\n", "insist_rows: verification \\[within_n_sds\\(7\\)\\] on maha_dist row reduction passed! ", "Verified columns: Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length " ) ) # two insist_rows rules inside chain without store_success=TRUE expect_output( iris %>% chain_start() %>% insist_rows(maha_dist, within_n_sds(6), Sepal.Length:Petal.Length) %>% insist_rows(maha_dist, within_n_sds(7), Sepal.Length:Petal.Length) %>% chain_end(success_report), "No success results stored." ) }) success_df <- function(verb, message, call, columns, row_redux_call, description) { data.frame( verb = verb, message = message, call = call, columns = columns, row_redux_call = row_redux_call, description = description, stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) } test_that("success_df_return works fine with verification methods", { # single assert rule outside chain expect_equal( assert(mtcars, in_set(0, 1), am, success_fun=success_df_return), success_df("assert", "verification [in_set(0, 1)] passed!", "in_set(0, 1)", "am", NA, NA) ) # single assert rule inside chain expect_equal( mtcars %>% chain_start(store_success=TRUE) %>% assert(in_set(0, 1), am) %>% chain_end(success_df_return), success_df("assert", "verification [in_set(0, 1)] passed!", "in_set(0, 1)", "am", NA, NA) ) # single assert rule inside chain without store_success expect_error( mtcars %>% chain_start %>% assert(in_set(0, 1), am) %>% chain_end(success_df_return), "No success results stored." ) # two assert rules inside chain expect_equal( mtcars %>% chain_start(store_success=TRUE) %>% assert(in_set(0, 1), am) %>% assert(in_set(0, 1), vs) %>% chain_end(success_df_return), success_df( rep("assert", 2), rep("verification [in_set(0, 1)] passed!", 2), rep("in_set(0, 1)", 2), c("am", "vs"), rep(NA, 2), rep(NA, 2)) ) # two assert rules inside chain without store_success=TRUE expect_error( mtcars %>% chain_start() %>% assert(in_set(0, 1), am) %>% assert(in_set(0, 1), vs) %>% chain_end(success_df_return), "No success results stored." ) # single verify rule outside chain expect_equal( mtcars %>% verify(drat > 2, success_fun=success_df_return), success_df("verify", "verification [drat > 2] passed!", "drat > 2", NA, NA, NA) ) # single verify rule inside chain expect_equal( mtcars %>% chain_start(store_success=TRUE) %>% verify(drat > 2) %>% chain_end(success_df_return), success_df("verify", "verification [drat > 2] passed!", "drat > 2", NA, NA, NA) ) # single verify rule inside chain without store_success expect_error( mtcars %>% chain_start %>% verify(drat > 2) %>% chain_end(success_df_return), "No success results stored." ) # two verify rules inside chain expect_equal( mtcars %>% chain_start(store_success=TRUE) %>% verify(drat > 2) %>% verify(am %in% c(0, 1)) %>% chain_end(success_df_return), success_df( rep("verify", 2), c("verification [drat > 2] passed!", "verification [am %in% c(0, 1)] passed!"), c("drat > 2", "am %in% c(0, 1)"), rep(NA, 2), rep(NA, 2), rep(NA, 2)) ) # two verify rules inside chain without store_success=TRUE expect_error( mtcars %>% chain_start() %>% verify(drat > 2) %>% verify(am %in% c(0, 1)) %>% chain_end(success_df_return), "No success results stored." ) # single assert_rows rule outside chain expect_equal( assert_rows(mtcars, rowSums, within_bounds(0,2), vs, am, success_fun=success_df_return), success_df( "assert_rows", "verification [within_bounds(0, 2)] on rowSums row reduction passed!", "within_bounds(0, 2)", "vs, am", "rowSums", NA) ) # single assert_rows rule inside chain expect_equal( mtcars %>% chain_start(store_success=TRUE) %>% assert_rows(rowSums, within_bounds(0,2), vs, am) %>% chain_end(success_df_return), success_df( "assert_rows", "verification [within_bounds(0, 2)] on rowSums row reduction passed!", "within_bounds(0, 2)", "vs, am", "rowSums", NA) ) # single assert_rows rule inside chain without store_success expect_error( mtcars %>% chain_start %>% assert_rows(rowSums, within_bounds(0,2), vs, am) %>% chain_end(success_df_return), "No success results stored." ) # two assert_rows rules inside chain expect_equal( mtcars %>% chain_start(store_success=TRUE) %>% assert_rows(rowSums, within_bounds(0,2), vs, am) %>% assert_rows(num_row_NAs, within_bounds(0,.1), vs, am) %>% chain_end(success_df_return), success_df( rep("assert_rows", 2), c("verification [within_bounds(0, 2)] on rowSums row reduction passed!", "verification [within_bounds(0, 0.1)] on num_row_NAs row reduction passed!"), c("within_bounds(0, 2)", "within_bounds(0, 0.1)"), rep("vs, am", 2), c("rowSums", "num_row_NAs"), rep(NA, 2) ) ) # two assert_rows rules inside chain without store_success=TRUE expect_error( mtcars %>% chain_start() %>% verify(drat > 2) %>% verify(am %in% c(0, 1)) %>% chain_end(success_df_return), "No success results stored." ) # single insist rule outside chain expect_equal( insist(mtcars, within_n_sds(5), vs, success_fun=success_df_return), success_df("insist", "verification [within_n_sds(5)] passed!", "within_n_sds(5)", "vs", NA, NA) ) # single insist rule inside chain expect_equal( mtcars %>% chain_start(store_success=TRUE) %>% insist(within_n_sds(5), vs) %>% chain_end(success_df_return), success_df("insist", "verification [within_n_sds(5)] passed!", "within_n_sds(5)", "vs", NA, NA) ) # single insist rule inside chain without store_success expect_error( mtcars %>% chain_start %>% insist(within_n_sds(5), vs) %>% chain_end(success_df_return), "No success results stored." ) # two insist rules inside chain expect_equal( mtcars %>% chain_start(store_success=TRUE) %>% insist(within_n_sds(5), vs) %>% insist(within_n_sds(5), am) %>% chain_end(success_df_return), success_df( rep("insist", 2), rep("verification [within_n_sds(5)] passed!", 2), rep("within_n_sds(5)", 2), c("vs", "am"), rep(NA, 2), rep(NA, 2) ) ) # two insist rules inside chain without store_success=TRUE expect_error( mtcars %>% chain_start() %>% insist(within_n_sds(5), vs) %>% insist(within_n_sds(5), am) %>% chain_end(success_df_return), "No success results stored." ) # single insist_rows rule outside chain expect_equal( insist_rows(iris, maha_dist, within_n_sds(6), Sepal.Length:Petal.Length, success_fun=success_df_return), success_df("insist_rows", "verification [within_n_sds(6)] on maha_dist row reduction passed!", "within_n_sds(6)", "Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, Petal.Length", "maha_dist", NA) ) # single insist_rows rule inside chain expect_equal( iris %>% chain_start(store_success=TRUE) %>% insist_rows(maha_dist, within_n_sds(6), Sepal.Length:Petal.Length) %>% chain_end(success_df_return), success_df("insist_rows", "verification [within_n_sds(6)] on maha_dist row reduction passed!", "within_n_sds(6)", "Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, Petal.Length", "maha_dist", NA) ) # single insist_rows rule inside chain without store_success expect_error( iris %>% chain_start %>% insist_rows(maha_dist, within_n_sds(6), Sepal.Length:Petal.Length) %>% chain_end(success_df_return), "No success results stored." ) # two insist_rows rules inside chain expect_equal( iris %>% chain_start(store_success=TRUE) %>% insist_rows(maha_dist, within_n_sds(6), Sepal.Length:Petal.Length) %>% insist_rows(maha_dist, within_n_sds(7), Sepal.Length:Petal.Length) %>% chain_end(success_df_return), rbind( success_df("insist_rows", "verification [within_n_sds(6)] on maha_dist row reduction passed!", "within_n_sds(6)", "Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, Petal.Length", "maha_dist", NA), success_df("insist_rows", "verification [within_n_sds(7)] on maha_dist row reduction passed!", "within_n_sds(7)", "Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, Petal.Length", "maha_dist", NA) ) ) # two insist_rows rules inside chain without store_success=TRUE expect_error( iris %>% chain_start %>% insist_rows(maha_dist, within_n_sds(6), Sepal.Length:Petal.Length) %>% insist_rows(maha_dist, within_n_sds(7), Sepal.Length:Petal.Length) %>% chain_end(success_df_return), "No success results stored." ) }) # defects defect_result <- function(verb, the_call, columns, row_redux_call, description) { row_redux_message <- "" if (! row_redux_message <- paste0(" on ", row_redux_call, " row reduction") msg <- paste0("verification [", the_call, "]", row_redux_message, " omitted due to data defect!") defect <- list( verb = verb, message = msg, call = the_call, columns = columns, row_redux_call = row_redux_call, description = description ) class(defect) <- c("assertr_defect", "defect", "condition") list(defect) } get_assertr_defect <- function(assertion) { attr(assertion, "assertr_defect") } test_that("success_defect appends omitted verification due to defect of data", { expect_equal( get_assertr_defect(defect_append(NULL, mtcars, "method", "rule", "column", "redux", NA)), defect_result("method", "rule", "column", "redux", NA) ) }) test_that("defect_report works fine with verification methods", { defective_data <- mtcars %>% assert(in_set(0, 2), vs, obligatory=TRUE, error_fun=error_append) defective_data_in_chain <- mtcars %>% chain_start() %>% assert(in_set(0, 2), vs, obligatory=TRUE) not_defective_data <- mtcars %>% assert(in_set(0, 2), vs, error_fun=error_append) not_defective_data_in_chain <- mtcars %>% chain_start() %>% assert(in_set(0, 2), vs) # single assert rule on defective data outside chain expect_output( defective_data %>% assert(in_set(0, 1), am, defect_fun=defect_report), "assert: verification \\[in_set\\(0, 1\\)\\] omitted due to data defect! Columns passed to assertion: am " ) # single assert rule on defective data inside chain expect_output( defective_data_in_chain %>% assert(in_set(0, 1), am) %>% chain_end(error_fun=defect_report), "1 assertion omitted: \\nassert: verification \\[in_set\\(0, 1\\)\\] omitted due to data defect! Columns passed to assertion: am " ) # single assert rule inside chain without marking rule as obligatory expect_output( not_defective_data_in_chain %>% chain_end(error_fun=defect_report), "No rules run on defective data." ) # two assert rules on defective data outside chain expect_output( defective_data %>% assert(in_set(0, 1), am, defect_fun=defect_report) %>% assert(in_set(0, 1), vs, defect_fun=defect_report), paste0( "assert: verification \\[in_set\\(0, 1\\)\\] omitted due to data defect! Columns passed to assertion: am \\n", "assert: verification \\[in_set\\(0, 1\\)\\] omitted due to data defect! Columns passed to assertion: vs " ) ) # two assert rule on defective data inside chain expect_output( defective_data_in_chain %>% assert(in_set(0, 1), am) %>% assert(in_set(0, 1), vs) %>% chain_end(error_fun=defect_report), paste0( "2 assertions omitted: \\n", "assert: verification \\[in_set\\(0, 1\\)\\] omitted due to data defect! Columns passed to assertion: am \\n", "assert: verification \\[in_set\\(0, 1\\)\\] omitted due to data defect! Columns passed to assertion: vs " ) ) # two assert rule on defective data inside chain without store_success=TRUE expect_output( not_defective_data_in_chain %>% assert(in_set(0, 1), vs) %>% chain_end(error_fun=defect_report), "No rules run on defective data." ) # single verify rule on defective data outside chain expect_output( defective_data %>% verify(drat > 2, defect_fun=defect_report), "verify: verification \\[drat > 2\\] omitted due to data defect!" ) # single verify rule on defective data inside chain expect_output( defective_data_in_chain %>% verify(drat > 2) %>% chain_end(error_fun=defect_report), "1 assertion omitted: \\nverify: verification \\[drat > 2\\] omitted due to data defect!" ) # single verify rule on not defective data inside chain expect_output( not_defective_data_in_chain %>% verify(drat > 2) %>% chain_end(error_fun=defect_report), "No rules run on defective data." ) # two verify rules on defective data outside chain expect_output( defective_data %>% verify(drat > 2, defect_fun=defect_report) %>% verify(am %in% c(0, 1), defect_fun=defect_report), "verify: verification \\[drat > 2\\] omitted due to data defect!\\nverify: verification \\[am %in% c\\(0, 1\\)\\] omitted due to data defect!" ) # two verify rules on defective data inside chain expect_output( defective_data_in_chain %>% verify(drat > 2) %>% verify(am %in% c(0, 1)) %>% chain_end(error_fun=defect_report), paste0( "2 assertions omitted: \\n", "verify: verification \\[drat > 2\\] omitted due to data defect!\\n", "verify: verification \\[am %in% c\\(0, 1\\)\\] omitted due to data defect!" ) ) # two verify rules on not defective data inside chain expect_output( not_defective_data_in_chain %>% verify(drat > 2) %>% verify(am %in% c(0, 1)) %>% chain_end(error_fun=defect_report), "No rules run on defective data." ) # single assert_rows defective rule outside chain expect_output( defective_data %>% assert_rows(rowSums, within_bounds(0,2), vs, am, defect_fun=defect_report), "assert_rows: verification \\[within_bounds\\(0, 2\\)\\] on rowSums row reduction omitted due to data defect! Columns passed to assertion: vs am " ) # single assert_rows defective rule inside chain expect_output( defective_data_in_chain %>% assert_rows(rowSums, within_bounds(0,2), vs, am) %>% chain_end(error_fun=defect_report), paste0( "1 assertion omitted: \\nassert_rows: verification \\[within_bounds\\(0, 2\\)\\] on rowSums row reduction omitted due to data defect! ", "Columns passed to assertion: vs am ") ) # single assert_rows on not defective data inside chain expect_output( not_defective_data_in_chain %>% assert_rows(rowSums, within_bounds(0,2), vs, am) %>% chain_end(error_fun=defect_report), "No rules run on defective data." ) # two assert_rows rule on defective data outside chain expect_output( defective_data %>% assert_rows(rowSums, within_bounds(0,2), vs, am, defect_fun=defect_report) %>% assert_rows(num_row_NAs, within_bounds(0,.1), vs, am, defect_fun=defect_report), paste0( "assert_rows: verification \\[within_bounds\\(0, 2\\)\\] on rowSums row reduction omitted due to data defect! Columns passed to assertion: vs am ", "\\nassert_rows: verification \\[within_bounds\\(0, 0.1\\)\\] on num_row_NAs row reduction omitted due to data defect! Columns passed to assertion: vs am " ) ) # two assert_rows rules on defective data inside chain expect_output( defective_data_in_chain %>% assert_rows(rowSums, within_bounds(0,2), vs, am) %>% assert_rows(num_row_NAs, within_bounds(0,.1), vs, am) %>% chain_end(error_fun=defect_report), paste0( "2 assertions omitted: \\nassert_rows: verification \\[within_bounds\\(0, 2\\)\\] on rowSums row reduction omitted due to data defect! ", "Columns passed to assertion: vs am \\nassert_rows: verification \\[within_bounds\\(0, 0.1\\)\\] on num_row_NAs row reduction ", "omitted due to data defect! Columns passed to assertion: vs am " ) ) # two assert_rows rule on not defective data inside chain expect_output( not_defective_data_in_chain %>% assert_rows(rowSums, within_bounds(0,2), vs, am) %>% assert_rows(num_row_NAs, within_bounds(0,.1), vs, am) %>% chain_end(error_fun=defect_report), "No rules run on defective data." ) # single insist rule on defective data outside chain expect_output( defective_data %>% insist(within_n_sds(5), vs, defect_fun=defect_report), "insist: verification \\[within_n_sds\\(5\\)\\] omitted due to data defect! Columns passed to assertion: vs " ) # single insist rule on defective data inside chain expect_output( defective_data_in_chain %>% insist(within_n_sds(5), vs) %>% chain_end(error_fun=defect_report), "1 assertion omitted: \\ninsist: verification \\[within_n_sds\\(5\\)\\] omitted due to data defect! Columns passed to assertion: vs " ) # single insist rule on non defective data inside chain expect_output( not_defective_data_in_chain %>% insist(within_n_sds(5), vs) %>% chain_end(error_fun=defect_report), "No rules run on defective data." ) # two insist rule on defective data outside chain expect_output( defective_data %>% insist(within_n_sds(5), vs, defect_fun=defect_report) %>% insist(within_n_sds(5), am, defect_fun=defect_report), paste0( "insist: verification \\[within_n_sds\\(5\\)\\] omitted due to data defect! Columns passed to assertion: vs \\n", "insist: verification \\[within_n_sds\\(5\\)\\] omitted due to data defect! Columns passed to assertion: am " ) ) # two insist rule on defective data inside chain expect_output( defective_data_in_chain %>% insist(within_n_sds(5), vs) %>% insist(within_n_sds(5), am) %>% chain_end(error_fun=defect_report), paste0( "2 assertions omitted: \\n", "insist: verification \\[within_n_sds\\(5\\)\\] omitted due to data defect! Columns passed to assertion: vs \\n", "insist: verification \\[within_n_sds\\(5\\)\\] omitted due to data defect! Columns passed to assertion: am " ) ) # two insist rule on non defective data inside chain expect_output( not_defective_data_in_chain %>% insist(within_n_sds(5), vs) %>% insist(within_n_sds(5), am) %>% chain_end(error_fun=defect_report), "No rules run on defective data." ) # single insist_rows on defective data outside chain expect_output( iris %>% insist_rows(maha_dist, within_n_sds(3), Sepal.Length:Petal.Length, obligatory=TRUE, error_fun=error_append) %>% insist_rows(maha_dist, within_n_sds(6), Sepal.Length:Petal.Length, defect_fun=defect_report), "insist_rows: verification \\[within_n_sds\\(6\\)\\] on maha_dist row reduction omitted due to data defect! Columns passed to assertion: Sepal.Length:Petal.Length " ) # single insist_rows on defective data inside chain expect_output( iris %>% chain_start %>% insist_rows(maha_dist, within_n_sds(3), Sepal.Length:Petal.Length, obligatory=TRUE) %>% insist_rows(maha_dist, within_n_sds(6), Sepal.Length:Petal.Length) %>% chain_end(error_fun=defect_report), paste0( "1 assertion omitted: \\ninsist_rows: verification \\[within_n_sds\\(6\\)\\] on maha_dist row reduction omitted due to data defect! ", "Columns passed to assertion: Sepal.Length:Petal.Length " ) ) # single insist_rows on not defective data inside chain expect_output( iris %>% chain_start %>% insist_rows(maha_dist, within_n_sds(3), Sepal.Length:Petal.Length, error_fun=error_append) %>% insist_rows(maha_dist, within_n_sds(6), Sepal.Length:Petal.Length) %>% chain_end(error_fun=defect_report), "No rules run on defective data." ) # two insist_rows rule on not defective data outside chain expect_silent( iris %>% insist_rows(maha_dist, within_n_sds(3), Sepal.Length:Petal.Length, error_fun=error_append) %>% insist_rows(maha_dist, within_n_sds(6), Sepal.Length:Petal.Length, defect_fun=defect_report) %>% insist_rows(maha_dist, within_n_sds(7), Sepal.Length:Petal.Length, defect_fun=defect_report) ) # two insist_rows rule on defective data inside chain expect_output( iris %>% chain_start %>% insist_rows(maha_dist, within_n_sds(3), Sepal.Length:Petal.Length, obligatory=TRUE, error_fun=error_append) %>% insist_rows(maha_dist, within_n_sds(6), Sepal.Length:Petal.Length) %>% insist_rows(maha_dist, within_n_sds(7), Sepal.Length:Petal.Length) %>% chain_end(error_fun=defect_report), paste0( "2 assertions omitted: \\n", "insist_rows: verification \\[within_n_sds\\(6\\)\\] on maha_dist row reduction omitted due to data defect! ", "Columns passed to assertion: Sepal.Length:Petal.Length \\n", "insist_rows: verification \\[within_n_sds\\(7\\)\\] on maha_dist row reduction omitted due to data defect! ", "Columns passed to assertion: Sepal.Length:Petal.Length " ) ) # two insist_rows rule on non defective data inside chain expect_output( iris %>% chain_start %>% insist_rows(maha_dist, within_n_sds(3), Sepal.Length:Petal.Length, error_fun=error_append) %>% insist_rows(maha_dist, within_n_sds(6), Sepal.Length:Petal.Length) %>% insist_rows(maha_dist, within_n_sds(7), Sepal.Length:Petal.Length) %>% chain_end(error_fun=defect_report), "No rules run on defective data." ) }) defect_df <- function(verb, message, call, columns, row_redux_call, description) { data.frame( verb = verb, message = message, call = call, columns = columns, row_redux_call = row_redux_call, description = description, stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) } test_that("defect_df_return works fine with verification methods", { defective_data <- mtcars %>% assert(in_set(0, 2), vs, obligatory=TRUE, error_fun=error_append) defective_data_in_chain <- mtcars %>% chain_start() %>% assert(in_set(0, 2), vs, obligatory=TRUE) not_defective_data <- mtcars %>% assert(in_set(0, 2), vs, error_fun=error_append) not_defective_data_in_chain <- mtcars %>% chain_start() %>% assert(in_set(0, 2), vs) # single assert rule outside chain expect_equal( defective_data %>% assert(in_set(0, 1), am, defect_fun=defect_df_return), defect_df("assert", "verification [in_set(0, 1)] omitted due to data defect!", "in_set(0, 1)", "am", NA, NA) ) # single assert rule inside chain expect_equal( defective_data_in_chain %>% assert(in_set(0, 1), am) %>% chain_end(error_fun=defect_df_return), defect_df("assert", "verification [in_set(0, 1)] omitted due to data defect!", "in_set(0, 1)", "am", NA, NA) ) # single assert rule on not defective data inside chain expect_error( not_defective_data_in_chain %>% assert(in_set(0, 1), am) %>% chain_end(error_fun=defect_df_return), "No rules run on defective data." ) # two assert rules on defective data inside chain expect_equal( defective_data_in_chain %>% assert(in_set(0, 1), am) %>% assert(in_set(0, 1), vs) %>% chain_end(error_fun=defect_df_return), defect_df( rep("assert", 2), rep("verification [in_set(0, 1)] omitted due to data defect!", 2), rep("in_set(0, 1)", 2), c("am", "vs"), rep(NA, 2), rep(NA, 2)) ) # two assert rules on not defective data inside chain expect_error( not_defective_data_in_chain %>% assert(in_set(0, 1), am) %>% assert(in_set(0, 1), vs) %>% chain_end(error_fun=defect_df_return), "No rules run on defective data." ) # single verify rule on defective data outside chain expect_equal( defective_data %>% verify(drat > 2, defect_fun=defect_df_return), defect_df("verify", "verification [drat > 2] omitted due to data defect!", "drat > 2", NA, NA, NA) ) # single verify rule on defective data inside chain expect_equal( defective_data_in_chain %>% verify(drat > 2) %>% chain_end(error_fun=defect_df_return), defect_df("verify", "verification [drat > 2] omitted due to data defect!", "drat > 2", NA, NA, NA) ) # single verify rule on not defective data inside chain without store_defect expect_error( not_defective_data_in_chain %>% verify(drat > 2) %>% chain_end(error_fun=defect_df_return), "No rules run on defective data." ) # two verify rules on defective data inside chain expect_equal( defective_data_in_chain %>% verify(drat > 2) %>% verify(am %in% c(0, 1)) %>% chain_end(error_fun=defect_df_return), defect_df( rep("verify", 2), c("verification [drat > 2] omitted due to data defect!", "verification [am %in% c(0, 1)] omitted due to data defect!"), c("drat > 2", "am %in% c(0, 1)"), rep(NA, 2), rep(NA, 2), rep(NA, 2)) ) # two verify rules on not defective data inside expect_error( not_defective_data_in_chain %>% verify(drat > 2) %>% verify(am %in% c(0, 1)) %>% chain_end(error_fun=defect_df_return), "No rules run on defective data." ) # single assert_rows rule on defective data outside chain expect_equal( defective_data %>% assert_rows(rowSums, within_bounds(0,2), vs, am, defect_fun=defect_df_return), defect_df("assert_rows", "verification [within_bounds(0, 2)] on rowSums row reduction omitted due to data defect!", "within_bounds(0, 2)", "vs, am", "rowSums", NA) ) # single assert_rows rule on defective data inside chain expect_equal( defective_data_in_chain %>% assert_rows(rowSums, within_bounds(0,2), vs, am) %>% chain_end(error_fun=defect_df_return), defect_df("assert_rows", "verification [within_bounds(0, 2)] on rowSums row reduction omitted due to data defect!", "within_bounds(0, 2)", "vs, am", "rowSums", NA) ) # single assert_rows rule on defective data inside chain without store_defect expect_error( not_defective_data_in_chain %>% assert_rows(rowSums, within_bounds(0,2), vs, am) %>% chain_end(error_fun=defect_df_return), "No rules run on defective data." ) # two assert_rows rules on defective data inside chain expect_equal( defective_data_in_chain %>% assert_rows(rowSums, within_bounds(0,2), vs, am) %>% assert_rows(num_row_NAs, within_bounds(0,.1), vs, am) %>% chain_end(error_fun=defect_df_return), defect_df( rep("assert_rows", 2), c("verification [within_bounds(0, 2)] on rowSums row reduction omitted due to data defect!", "verification [within_bounds(0, 0.1)] on num_row_NAs row reduction omitted due to data defect!"), c("within_bounds(0, 2)", "within_bounds(0, 0.1)"), rep("vs, am", 2), c("rowSums", "num_row_NAs"), rep(NA, 2) ) ) # two assert_rows rules on defective data inside chain without store_defect=TRUE expect_error( not_defective_data_in_chain %>% verify(drat > 2) %>% verify(am %in% c(0, 1)) %>% chain_end(error_fun=defect_df_return), "No rules run on defective data." ) # single insist rule on defective data outside chain expect_equal( defective_data %>% insist(within_n_sds(5), vs, defect_fun=defect_df_return), defect_df("insist", "verification [within_n_sds(5)] omitted due to data defect!", "within_n_sds(5)", "vs", NA, NA) ) # single insist rule on defective data inside chain expect_equal( defective_data_in_chain %>% insist(within_n_sds(5), vs) %>% chain_end(error_fun=defect_df_return), defect_df("insist", "verification [within_n_sds(5)] omitted due to data defect!", "within_n_sds(5)", "vs", NA, NA) ) # single insist rule on defective data inside chain without store_defect expect_error( not_defective_data_in_chain %>% insist(within_n_sds(5), vs) %>% chain_end(error_fun=defect_df_return), "No rules run on defective data." ) # two insist rules on defective data inside chain expect_equal( defective_data_in_chain %>% insist(within_n_sds(5), vs) %>% insist(within_n_sds(5), am) %>% chain_end(error_fun=defect_df_return), defect_df( rep("insist", 2), rep("verification [within_n_sds(5)] omitted due to data defect!", 2), rep("within_n_sds(5)", 2), c("vs", "am"), rep(NA, 2), rep(NA, 2) ) ) # two insist rules on defective data inside chain without store_defect=TRUE expect_error( not_defective_data_in_chain %>% insist(within_n_sds(5), vs) %>% insist(within_n_sds(5), am) %>% chain_end(error_fun=defect_df_return), "No rules run on defective data." ) # single insist_rows rule on defective data outside chain expect_equal( iris %>% insist_rows(maha_dist, within_n_sds(3), Sepal.Length:Petal.Length, obligatory=TRUE, error_fun=error_append) %>% insist_rows(maha_dist, within_n_sds(6), Sepal.Length:Petal.Length, defect_fun=defect_df_return), defect_df("insist_rows", "verification [within_n_sds(6)] on maha_dist row reduction omitted due to data defect!", "within_n_sds(6)", "Sepal.Length:Petal.Length", "maha_dist", NA) ) # single insist_rows rule on defective data inside chain expect_equal( iris %>% chain_start %>% insist_rows(maha_dist, within_n_sds(3), Sepal.Length:Petal.Length, obligatory=TRUE, error_fun=error_append) %>% insist_rows(maha_dist, within_n_sds(6), Sepal.Length:Petal.Length) %>% chain_end(error_fun=defect_df_return), defect_df("insist_rows", "verification [within_n_sds(6)] on maha_dist row reduction omitted due to data defect!", "within_n_sds(6)", "Sepal.Length:Petal.Length", "maha_dist", NA) ) # single insist_rows rule on defective data inside chain without store_defect expect_error( iris %>% chain_start %>% insist_rows(maha_dist, within_n_sds(3), Sepal.Length:Petal.Length, error_fun=error_append) %>% insist_rows(maha_dist, within_n_sds(6), Sepal.Length:Petal.Length) %>% chain_end(error_fun=defect_df_return), "No rules run on defective data." ) # two insist_rows rules on defective data inside chain expect_equal( iris %>% chain_start %>% insist_rows(maha_dist, within_n_sds(3), Sepal.Length:Petal.Length, obligatory=TRUE, error_fun=error_append) %>% insist_rows(maha_dist, within_n_sds(6), Sepal.Length:Petal.Length) %>% insist_rows(maha_dist, within_n_sds(7), Sepal.Length:Petal.Length) %>% chain_end(error_fun=defect_df_return), rbind( defect_df("insist_rows", "verification [within_n_sds(6)] on maha_dist row reduction omitted due to data defect!", "within_n_sds(6)", "Sepal.Length:Petal.Length", "maha_dist", NA), defect_df("insist_rows", "verification [within_n_sds(7)] on maha_dist row reduction omitted due to data defect!", "within_n_sds(7)", "Sepal.Length:Petal.Length", "maha_dist", NA) ) ) # two insist_rows rules on defective data inside chain without store_defect=TRUE expect_error( iris %>% chain_start %>% insist_rows(maha_dist, within_n_sds(3), Sepal.Length:Petal.Length, error_fun=error_append) %>% insist_rows(maha_dist, within_n_sds(6), Sepal.Length:Petal.Length) %>% insist_rows(maha_dist, within_n_sds(7), Sepal.Length:Petal.Length) %>% chain_end(error_fun=defect_df_return), "No rules run on defective data." ) })