cat("#### Test estimateV specials for Cane with asreml42\n") test_that("HEB25_estimateV_asreml42", { skip_if_not_installed("asreml") skip_on_cran() library(dae) library(asreml) library(asremlPlus) ### Parana Local 851 ### 200 test lines, 40 check plots ### 10 Columns x 24 rows data(local851) test.specials <- c( "ar1", "ar2", "ar3", "sar","sar2", "ma1", "ma2", "arma", "exp", "gau", "cor") vpar.vals <- c(-0.1295442, 0.0669068, -2.265849e-01, -1.238088e-01, -1.57972e-01, 1.200424e-01, -4.0854110e-02, 0, 3.116814e-08, 2.721824e-08, 4.134244e-02) # vpar.vals <- c(-1.278067e-01, 6.676302e-02, -2.265831e-01, -1.242148e-01, -1.580255e-01, # 1.186700e-01, -4.063130e-02, 0, 1.937006e-07, 1.549264e-07, 4.164659e-02 ) names(vpar.vals) <- test.specials V.el <- c(-14.6976, -14.82033, -12.26416, -13.75973, -13.78844, -12.3181, -11.08808, 0, 10.94163, 10.94113, 10.41591) # V.el <- c(-14.72583, -14.82721, -12.17283, -13.78792, -13.80899, # -12.23504, -11.12781, 0, 10.91292, 10.91283, 10.48848) names(V.el) <- test.specials ### Model with genetic variance only asreml::asreml.options(extra = 5, ai.sing = TRUE, fail = "soft", design = TRUE) for (func in test.specials[test.specials != "arma"]) { ranform <- as.formula(paste("~ ar1(Col):", func, "(Row)", sep = "")) asreml.obj <- asreml(tch ~ Control/Check, random = ~ Col + Row + New, residual = ranform, data=site2, maxit = 30, na.action=na.method(y="include", x="include")) print(asreml.obj$vparameters[length(asreml.obj$vparameters)]) cat("\n",func,": ", asreml.obj$vparameters[length(asreml.obj$vparameters)], " and ",vpar.vals[func],"\n\n") if (abs(asreml.obj$vparameters[length(asreml.obj$vparameters)] - vpar.vals[func]) > 1e-03) cat("Difference is ", abs(asreml.obj$vparameters[length(asreml.obj$vparameters)] - vpar.vals[func]), "\n\n" ) testthat::expect_true(abs(asreml.obj$vparameters[length(asreml.obj$vparameters)] - vpar.vals[func]) < 1e-02) V <- estimateV(asreml.obj) cat("\n",func,": ", V[2, 1], " and ",V.el[func],"\n\n") testthat::expect_true(abs(V[2, 1] - V.el[func]) < 0.5) } ### Model with genetic variance only - test R estimated using estimateV asreml::asreml.options(extra = 5, ai.sing = TRUE, fail = "soft") models <- list(ar1 = mat.ar1, ar2 = mat.ar2, ar3 = mat.ar3, cor = mat.cor, sar = mat.sar, sar2 = mat.sar2, ma1 = mat.ma1, ma2 = mat.ma2, exp = mat.exp, gau = mat.gau) for (func in names(models)) { ranform <- as.formula(paste("~ ar1(Col):", func, "(Row)", sep = "")) asreml.obj <- asreml(tch ~ Control/Check, random = ~ Col + Row + New, residual = ranform, data=site2, maxit = 30, na.action=na.method(y="include", x="include")) colcorr <- asreml.obj$vparameters[grepl("Col!cor", names(asreml.obj$vparameters))] if (func %in% c("exp", "gau")) { rowcorrs <- asreml.obj$vparameters[grepl("Row!pow", names(asreml.obj$vparameters))] R.calc <- asreml.obj$sigma2 * kronecker(mat.ar1(colcorr, 10), models[[func]](rowcorrs, c(1:24))) } else { rowcorrs <- asreml.obj$vparameters[grepl("Row!cor", names(asreml.obj$vparameters))] R.calc <- asreml.obj$sigma2 * kronecker(mat.ar1(colcorr, 10), models[[func]](rowcorrs, 24)) } V <- estimateV(asreml.obj, which.matrix = "R") testthat::expect_true(all.equal(R.calc, V)) } ### This had a bug, but seems to be working - it is now converging testthat::expect_warning( asreml.obj <- asreml(tch ~ Control/Check, random = ~ Col + Row + New, residual = ~ ar1(Col):corb(Row, b = 3), data=site2, na.action=na.method(y="include", x="include")), regexp = "Some components changed by more than 1% on the last iteration") testthat::expect_true(asreml.obj$converge) testthat::expect_equal(nrow(summary(asreml.obj)$varcomp), 8) colcorr <- asreml.obj$vparameters[grepl("Col!cor", names(asreml.obj$vparameters))] rowcorrs <- asreml.obj$vparameters[grepl("Row!cor", names(asreml.obj$vparameters))] R.calc <- asreml.obj$sigma2 * kronecker(mat.ar1(colcorr, 10), mat.banded(c(1, rowcorrs), ncol = 24, nrow = 24)) V <- estimateV(asreml.obj, which.matrix = "R") testthat::expect_true(all.equal(R.calc, V)) ### Random model with New + cor - test G estimated using estimateV for (func in names(models)) { tmp <- site2 #needed to make site2 local to the for loop ranform <- as.formula(paste0("~ New + ar1(Col):", func, "(Row)")) asreml.obj <- asreml(tch ~ Control/Check, random = ranform, data=tmp, maxit = 30, na.action=na.method(y="include", x="include")) colcorr <- asreml.obj$vparameters[grepl("Col!cor", names(asreml.obj$vparameters))] if (func %in% c("exp", "gau")) { rowcorrs <- asreml.obj$vparameters[grepl("Row!pow", names(asreml.obj$vparameters))] G.calc <- asreml.obj$vparameters["Col:Row"] * kronecker(mat.ar1(colcorr, 10), models[[func]](rowcorrs, c(1:24))) } else { rowcorrs <- asreml.obj$vparameters[grepl("Row!cor", names(asreml.obj$vparameters))] G.calc <- asreml.obj$vparameters["Col:Row"] * kronecker(mat.ar1(colcorr, 10), models[[func]](rowcorrs, 24)) } <- as.matrix(asreml.obj$design[,grepl("New", colnames(asreml.obj$design))]) D <- diag(sqrt(asreml.obj$vparameters["New"]), nrow = 240, ncol = 240) G.calc <- G.calc + D %*% ( %*% t( %*% D G.calc <- asreml.obj$sigma2 * G.calc V <- estimateV(asreml.obj, which.matrix = "G") dimnames(V) <- NULL testthat::expect_true(all.equal(G.calc, V)) } ### Model with genetic competition without pedigree asreml.options(design = TRUE) asreml.obj <- asreml(tch ~ Control/Check, random=~ Col + Row + str(~New + grp(neighbour),~us(2):id(201)), residual =~ ar1(Col):ar1(Row), group=list(neighbour=c(11:211)),data=site2, na.action=na.method(y="include", x="include")) summary(asreml.obj)$varcomp asreml.obj$vparameters V.g <- with(site2, fac.vcmat(Col, asreml.obj$vparameters["Col"]) + fac.vcmat(Row, asreml.obj$vparameters["Row"])) G.g <- kronecker(matrix(asreml.obj$vparameters[c(3,4,4,5)], nrow = 2, ncol = 2), mat.I(201)) cols <- c(grep("^New", colnames(asreml.obj$design)), grep("^grp", colnames(asreml.obj$design))) V.g <- V.g + (asreml.obj$design[, cols] %*% G.g %*% t(as.matrix(asreml.obj$design[, cols]))) ar1C <- fac.ar1mat(site2$Col, asreml.obj$vparameters["Col:Row!Col!cor"]) ar1R <- fac.ar1mat(site2$Row, asreml.obj$vparameters["Col:Row!Row!cor"]) V.g <- asreml.obj$sigma2 * (V.g + ar1C * ar1R) V <- estimateV(asreml.obj) testthat::expect_true(all(abs(V - V.g) < 1e-06)) #Test for grp function asreml.obj <- asreml(tch ~ Control/Check, random=~ Col + Row + New+ grp(neighbour), residual =~ ar1(Col):ar1(Row), group=list(neighbour=c(11:211)),data=site2, na.action=na.method(y="include", x="include")) summary(asreml.obj)$varcomp asreml.obj$vparameters V.g <- with(site2, fac.vcmat(Col, asreml.obj$vparameters["Col"]) + fac.vcmat(Row, asreml.obj$vparameters["Row"]) + fac.vcmat(New, asreml.obj$vparameters["New"])) G.g <- asreml.obj$vparameters["grp(neighbour)"] * mat.I(201) cols <- grep("^grp", colnames(asreml.obj$design)) V.g <- V.g + (asreml.obj$design[, cols] %*% G.g %*% t(as.matrix(asreml.obj$design[, cols]))) ar1C <- fac.ar1mat(site2$Col, asreml.obj$vparameters["Col:Row!Col!cor"]) ar1R <- fac.ar1mat(site2$Row, asreml.obj$vparameters["Col:Row!Row!cor"]) V.g <- asreml.obj$sigma2 * (V.g + ar1C * ar1R) V <- estimateV(asreml.obj) testthat::expect_true(all(abs(V - V.g) < 1e-03)) asreml.options(design = FALSE) })