#devtools::test("asremlPlus") context("model_selection") cat("#### Test estimateV for chick pea example with asreml42\n") test_that("chickpea_estimateV_asreml42", { skip_if_not_installed("asreml") skip_on_cran() library(dae) library(asreml) library(asremlPlus) data(chkpeadat) asreml.options(design = TRUE, fail = "soft") asreml.obj <- asreml(fixed = Biomass.plant ~ Lines * TRT + Smarthouse/(vLanes + vPos), random = ~ Smarthouse:Zone + Smarthouse:spl(vLanes), residual = ~ idv(Smarthouse):ar1(Lane):ar1(Position), data = chkpeadat, maxit = 13) #'## estimate with fixed spline - no G terms in V matrix Vnospl <- estimateV(asreml.obj, fixed.spline.terms = "Smarthouse:spl(vLanes)") # Form variance matrix based on estimated variance parameters V <- kronecker(mat.ar1(asreml.obj$vparameters[5], length(levels(chkpeadat$Lane))), mat.ar1(asreml.obj$vparameters[6], length(levels(chkpeadat$Position)))) V <- asreml.obj$vparameters[4] * kronecker(diag(1,2), V) testthat::expect_false(any(abs(Vnospl - V) > 1e-08)) #Estimate G and R separately Gnospl <- estimateV(asreml.obj, which.matrix = "G", fixed.spline.terms = "Smarthouse:spl(vLanes)") Rnospl <- estimateV(asreml.obj, which.matrix = "R", fixed.spline.terms = "Smarthouse:spl(vLanes)") testthat::expect_false(any(abs(Gnospl + Rnospl - V) > 1e-08)) #'## estimate with random spline Vranspl <- estimateV(asreml.obj) Zspl <- as.matrix(asreml.obj$design[ , grepl("Smarthouse", colnames(asreml.obj$design)) & grepl("spl\\(vLanes\\)", colnames(asreml.obj$design))]) V <- V + asreml.obj$sigma2 * asreml.obj$vparameters[2] * (Zspl %*% t(Zspl)) testthat::expect_false(any(abs(Vranspl - V) > 1e-08)) #Estimate G and R separately Granspl <- estimateV(asreml.obj, which.matrix = "G") Rranspl <- estimateV(asreml.obj, which.matrix = "R") testthat::expect_false(any(abs(Rranspl - Rnospl) > 1e-06)) testthat::expect_false(any(abs(Granspl + Rranspl - Vranspl) > 1e-06)) testthat::expect_false(any(abs(Granspl + Rranspl - V) > 1e-06)) #Estimate with random spline and k = 6 asreml.obj <- asreml(fixed = Biomass.plant ~ Lines * TRT + Smarthouse/(vLanes + vPos), random = ~ Smarthouse:spl(vLanes, k = 6), residual = ~Smarthouse:ar1(Lane):ar1(Position), data = chkpeadat, trace = FALSE) summary(asreml.obj)$varcomp V <- kronecker(mat.ar1(asreml.obj$vparameters[3], length(levels(chkpeadat$Lane))), mat.ar1(asreml.obj$vparameters[4], length(levels(chkpeadat$Position)))) V <- kronecker(diag(1,2), V) Vranspl6 <- estimateV(asreml.obj) Zspl6 <- as.matrix(asreml.obj$design[ , grepl("Smarthouse", colnames(asreml.obj$design)) & grepl("spl\\(vLanes\\, k = 6\\)", colnames(asreml.obj$design))]) V <- asreml.obj$sigma2 * (V + asreml.obj$vparameters[1] * (Zspl6 %*% t(Zspl6))) testthat::expect_false(any(abs(Vranspl6 - V) > 1e-08)) #Estimate G and R separately Granspl <- estimateV(asreml.obj, which.matrix = "G") Rranspl <- estimateV(asreml.obj, which.matrix = "R") testthat::expect_false(any(abs(Granspl + Rranspl - V) > 1e-06)) asreml.options(design = FALSE) #no residual asreml.obj <- asreml(fixed = Biomass.plant ~ Lines * TRT + Smarthouse/(vLanes + vPos), random = ~ Smarthouse:spl(vLanes), data = chkpeadat, trace = FALSE) Vnospl <- estimateV(asreml.obj, fixed.spline.terms = "Smarthouse:spl(vLanes)") V <- diag(asreml.obj$sigma2, nrow = nrow(chkpeadat)) testthat::expect_false(any(abs(Vnospl - V) > 1e-08)) #Estimate G and R separately Gnospl <- estimateV(asreml.obj, which.matrix = "G", fixed.spline.terms = "Smarthouse:spl(vLanes)") Rnospl <- estimateV(asreml.obj, which.matrix = "R", fixed.spline.terms = "Smarthouse:spl(vLanes)") testthat::expect_false(any(abs(Gnospl + Rnospl - V) > 1e-08)) asreml.obj <- asreml(fixed = Biomass.plant ~ Lines * TRT + Smarthouse/(vLanes + vPos), random = ~ Smarthouse:spl(vLanes), residual = ~ idv(units), data = chkpeadat, trace = FALSE) Vnospl <- estimateV(asreml.obj, fixed.spline.terms = "Smarthouse:spl(vLanes)") V <- diag(asreml.obj$vparameters[2], nrow = nrow(chkpeadat)) testthat::expect_false(any(abs(Vnospl - V) > 1e-08)) #single dsum asreml.obj <- asreml(fixed = Biomass.plant ~ Smarthouse + Lines * TRT, random = ~Smarthouse:Lane, residual = ~dsum(~ ar1(Lane):ar1(Position) + Lane:ar1(Position) | Smarthouse, levels = list(c(1), c(2))), data = chkpeadat, trace = FALSE) Vdsum <- estimateV(asreml.obj) gamma.Lane <- asreml.obj$vparameters[1] s2.SW <- asreml.obj$vparameters[2] rho.lSW <- asreml.obj$vparameters[3] rho.pSW <- asreml.obj$vparameters[4] lane.ar1SW <- mat.ar1(order=24, rho=rho.lSW) pos.ar1SW <- mat.ar1(order=22, rho=rho.pSW) RSW <- s2.SW * mat.dirprod(lane.ar1SW, pos.ar1SW) s2.SE <- asreml.obj$vparameters[5] rho.pSE <- asreml.obj$vparameters[6] pos.ar1SE <- mat.ar1(order=22, rho=rho.pSE) RSE <- s2.SE * mat.dirprod(mat.I(24), pos.ar1SE) V <- mat.dirsum(list(RSW, RSE)) #2 Smarthouses = 1056 V <- gamma.Lane * with(chkpeadat, fac.sumop(fac.combine(list(Smarthouse,Lane)))) + V testthat::expect_false(any(abs(Vdsum - V) > 1e-08)) #Estimate G and R separately Gdsum <- estimateV(asreml.obj, which.matrix = "G") Rdsum <- estimateV(asreml.obj, which.matrix = "R") testthat::expect_false(any(abs(Gdsum + Rdsum - V) > 1e-08)) #multiple dsum - same as single dsum asreml.obj <- asreml(fixed = Biomass.plant ~ Smarthouse + Lines * TRT, random = ~Smarthouse:Lane, residual = ~ dsum(~ ar1(Lane):ar1(Position) | Smarthouse, levels = c(1)) + + dsum(~ Lane:ar1(Position) | Smarthouse, levels = c(2)), data = chkpeadat, trace = FALSE) Vdsum <- estimateV(asreml.obj) testthat::expect_false(any(abs(Vdsum - V) > 1e-08)) #Estimate G and R separately Gdsum <- estimateV(asreml.obj, which.matrix = "G") Rdsum <- estimateV(asreml.obj, which.matrix = "R") testthat::expect_false(any(abs(Gdsum + Rdsum - V) > 1e-08)) }) cat("#### Test estimateV for Wheat example with asreml42\n") test_that("Wheat_estimateV_asreml42", { skip_if_not_installed("asreml") skip_on_cran() library(dae) library(asreml) library(asremlPlus) data(Wheat.dat) #No residual asreml.obj <- asreml(fixed = yield ~ Rep + Variety, random = ~Row, data = Wheat.dat, trace = FALSE) VWheat <- estimateV(asreml.obj) s2 <- asreml.obj$sigma2 gamma.Row <- asreml.obj$vparameters[1] V <- fac.vcmat(Wheat.dat$Row, gamma.Row) + diag(1, nrow=150, ncol=150) V <- s2*V testthat::expect_false(any(abs(VWheat - V) > 1e-08)) #units residual asreml.obj <- asreml(fixed = yield ~ Rep + Variety, random = ~Row, residual = ~ units, data = Wheat.dat, trace = FALSE) VWheat <- estimateV(asreml.obj) s2 <- asreml.obj$sigma2 gamma.Row <- asreml.obj$vparameters[1] V <- fac.vcmat(Wheat.dat$Row, gamma.Row) + diag(1, nrow=150, ncol=150) V <- s2*V testthat::expect_false(any(abs(VWheat - V) > 1e-08)) #units residual asreml.obj <- asreml(fixed = yield ~ Rep + Variety, random = ~Row, residual = ~ idv(units), data = Wheat.dat, trace = FALSE) VWheat <- estimateV(asreml.obj) s2 <- asreml.obj$sigma2 gamma.Row <- asreml.obj$vparameters[1] V <- fac.vcmat(Wheat.dat$Row, gamma.Row) + diag(asreml.obj$vparameters[2], nrow=150, ncol=150) testthat::expect_false(any(abs(VWheat - V) > 1e-08)) #named residual asreml.obj <- asreml(fixed = yield ~ Rep + Variety, random = ~Row, residual = ~ Row:Column, data = Wheat.dat, trace = FALSE) VWheat <- estimateV(asreml.obj) s2 <- asreml.obj$sigma2 gamma.Row <- asreml.obj$vparameters[1] V <- fac.vcmat(Wheat.dat$Row, gamma.Row) + diag(1, nrow=150, ncol=150) V <- s2*V testthat::expect_false(any(abs(VWheat - V) > 1e-08)) #residual with specials asreml.obj <- asreml(fixed = yield ~ Rep + Variety, random = ~Row + units, residual = ~ar1(Row):ar1(Column), data = Wheat.dat, maxit = 25, trace = FALSE) VWheat <- estimateV(asreml.obj) s2 <- asreml.obj$sigma2 gamma.Row <- asreml.obj$vparameters[1] gamma.unit <- asreml.obj$vparameters[2] rho.r <- asreml.obj$vparameters[4] rho.c <- asreml.obj$vparameters[5] row.ar1 <- mat.ar1(order=10, rho=rho.r) col.ar1 <- mat.ar1(order=15, rho=rho.c) V <- fac.vcmat(Wheat.dat$Row, gamma.Row) + gamma.unit * diag(1, nrow=150, ncol=150) + mat.dirprod(row.ar1, col.ar1) V <- s2*V testthat::expect_true(all(abs(VWheat - V) < 1e-08)) #residual with Row corb asreml.obj <- asreml(fixed = yield ~ Rep + Variety, random = ~Row, residual = ~corb(Row, b = 1):ar1(Column), data = Wheat.dat, maxit = 25, trace = FALSE) VWheat <- estimateV(asreml.obj) s2 <- asreml.obj$sigma2 gamma.Row <- asreml.obj$vparameters[1] rho.r <- asreml.obj$vparameters[3] rho.c <- c(asreml.obj$vparameters[4]) row.corb <- mat.banded(x = c(1,rho.r), nrow=10, ncol=10) col.ar1 <- mat.ar1(order=15, rho=rho.c) V <- fac.vcmat(Wheat.dat$Row, gamma.Row) + mat.dirprod(row.corb, col.ar1) V <- s2*V testthat::expect_true(all.equal(VWheat, V, tolerance = 1e-05)) #residual with Col corb asreml.obj <- asreml(fixed = yield ~ Rep + Variety, random = ~Row, residual = ~ar1(Row):corb(Column, b = 4), data = Wheat.dat, maxit = 25, trace = FALSE) VWheat <- estimateV(asreml.obj) s2 <- asreml.obj$sigma2 gamma.Row <- asreml.obj$vparameters[1] rho.r <- asreml.obj$vparameters[3] rho.c <- c(asreml.obj$vparameters[4:7]) row.ar1 <- mat.ar1(order=10, rho=rho.r) col.corb <- mat.banded(x = c(1,rho.c), nrow=15, ncol=15) V <- fac.vcmat(Wheat.dat$Row, gamma.Row) + mat.dirprod(row.ar1, col.corb) V <- s2*V testthat::expect_false(any(abs(VWheat - V) > 1e-08)) #residual with two corb asreml.obj <- asreml(fixed = yield ~ Rep + Variety, random = ~Row, residual = ~corb(Row, b = 1):corb(Column, b = 4), data = Wheat.dat, maxit = 25, trace = FALSE) VWheat <- estimateV(asreml.obj) s2 <- asreml.obj$sigma2 gamma.Row <- asreml.obj$vparameters[1] rho.r <- asreml.obj$vparameters[3] rho.c <- c(asreml.obj$vparameters[c(4:7)]) row.corb <- mat.banded(x=c(1,rho.r), nrow=10, ncol=10) col.corb <- mat.banded(x = c(1,rho.c), nrow=15, ncol=15) V <- fac.vcmat(Wheat.dat$Row, gamma.Row) + mat.dirprod(row.corb, col.corb) V <- s2*V testthat::expect_false(any(abs(VWheat - V) > 1e-08)) RWheat <- estimateV(asreml.obj, which.matrix = "R") R <- s2*mat.dirprod(row.corb, col.corb) testthat::expect_false(any(abs(RWheat - R) > 1e-08)) }) cat("#### Test estimateV str for orange with asreml42\n") test_that("Orange_estimateV_str_asreml42", { skip_if_not_installed("asreml") skip_on_cran() library(dae) library(asreml) library(asremlPlus) # Orange tree data from asreml examples data(orange) orange <- within(orange, { x2 <- x^2 cx <- x - mean(unique(2)) cx2 <- cx^2 }) asreml.options(design = TRUE) asreml::asreml.options(extra = 5, ai.sing = TRUE, fail = "soft") ##Independent quadratic terms - with diag asreml.obj <- asreml(circ ~x, random= ~ str( ~Tree/(x + x2), ~diag(3):id(5)), data = orange, maxit = 30) (asreml.obj$vparameters) G.g <- kronecker(diag(asreml.obj$vparameters[1:3]), mat.I(5)) Z <- as.matrix(asreml.obj$design[,3:17] ) V.g <- asreml.obj$sigma2 *(Z %*% G.g %*% t(Z)) G <- estimateV(asreml.obj, which.matrix = "G") testthat::expect_true(all(abs(G - V.g) < 1e-06)) #idh asreml.obj <- asreml(circ ~x, random= ~ str( ~Tree/(x + x2), ~idh(3):id(Tree)), data = orange, maxit = 30) (asreml.obj$vparameters) G.g <- kronecker(diag(asreml.obj$vparameters[1:3]), mat.I(5)) Z <- as.matrix(asreml.obj$design[,3:17] ) V.g <- asreml.obj$sigma2 *(Z %*% G.g %*% t(Z)) G <- estimateV(asreml.obj, which.matrix = "G") testthat::expect_true(all(abs(G - V.g) < 1e-06)) ##Correlated slope and intercept + fixed Season asreml.obj <- asreml(circ ~ x, random = ~ str( ~Tree/(x + x2), ~us(3, init = c(1.2, 0.8, 1.2, 0.8,0.8,1.2)):id(5)), data = orange, maxit=500) (asreml.obj$vparameters) G.g <- kronecker(matrix(asreml.obj$vparameters[c(1,2,4, 2,3,5, 4:6)], nrow = 3), mat.I(5)) Z.3_17 <- as.matrix(asreml.obj$design[,3:17] ) V.g <- asreml.obj$sigma2 *(Z %*% G.g %*% t(Z)) G <- estimateV(asreml.obj, which.matrix = "G", bound.exclusions = NULL) testthat::expect_true(all.equal(G, V.g)) ##Correlated slope and intercept - corg asreml.obj <- asreml(circ ~ x, random = ~ str( ~Tree/(x + x2), ~corg(3):id(5)), data = orange, maxit=20) (vpar <- asreml.obj$vparameters) g <- diag(1, nrow = 3) g[1,2] <- g[2,1] <- vpar[2] g[1,3] <- g[3,1] <- vpar[3] g[3,2] <- g[2,3] <- vpar[4] g <- vpar[1]*g G.g <- kronecker(matrix(g, nrow = 3), mat.I(5)) Z <- as.matrix(asreml.obj$design[,3:17] ) V.g <- asreml.obj$sigma2 *(Z %*% G.g %*% t(Z)) G <- estimateV(asreml.obj, which.matrix = "G", bound.exclusions = NULL) testthat::expect_true(all.equal(G, V.g, tol = 1e-03)) ##Correlated slope and intercept - cor asreml.obj <- asreml(circ ~ x, random = ~ str( ~Tree/(x + x2), ~cor(3):id(5)), data = orange, maxit=20) (vpar <- asreml.obj$vparameters) g <- matrix(vpar[1], nrow = 3, ncol = 3) diag(g) <- 1 G.g <- kronecker(matrix(g, nrow = 3), mat.I(5)) Z <- as.matrix(asreml.obj$design[,3:17] ) V.g <- asreml.obj$sigma2 *(Z %*% G.g %*% t(Z)) G <- estimateV(asreml.obj, which.matrix = "G", bound.exclusions = NULL) #mulltiply G by 10 because G.param has the initial value 0.1 stored instead of 1, the correlations being bound testthat::expect_true(all.equal(G,V.g, tol = 1e-03)) ##Correlated slope and intercept - ar1 asreml.obj <- asreml(circ ~ x, random = ~ str( ~Tree/(x + x2), ~ar1(3):id(5)), data = orange, maxit=20) (vpar <- asreml.obj$vparameters) g <- mat.ar1(vpar[2], 3) G.g <-vpar[1] * kronecker(matrix(g, nrow = 3), mat.I(5)) Z <- as.matrix(asreml.obj$design[,3:17] ) V.g <- asreml.obj$sigma2 *(Z %*% G.g %*% t(Z)) G <- estimateV(asreml.obj, which.matrix = "G", bound.exclusions = NULL) testthat::expect_true(all.equal(G, V.g, tol = 1e-03)) ##Correlated slope and intercept - ar2 asreml.obj <- asreml(circ ~ x, random = ~ str( ~Tree/(x + x2), ~ar2(3):id(5)), data = orange, maxit=20) (vpar <- asreml.obj$vparameters) g <- mat.ar2(vpar[2:3], 3) G.g <- vpar[1] * kronecker(matrix(g, nrow = 3), mat.I(5)) Z <- as.matrix(asreml.obj$design[,3:17] ) V.g <- asreml.obj$sigma2 *(Z %*% G.g %*% t(Z)) G <- estimateV(asreml.obj, which.matrix = "G", bound.exclusions = NULL) testthat::expect_true(all.equal(G, V.g, tol = 1e-03)) ##Correlated slope and intercept - ma1 asreml.obj <- asreml(circ ~ x, random = ~ str( ~Tree/(x + x2), ~ma1(3):id(5)), data = orange, maxit=20) (vpar <- asreml.obj$vparameters) g <- mat.ma1(vpar[2], 3) G.g <- vpar[1] * kronecker(matrix(g, nrow = 3), mat.I(5)) Z <- as.matrix(asreml.obj$design[,3:17] ) V.g <- asreml.obj$sigma2 *(Z %*% G.g %*% t(Z)) G <- estimateV(asreml.obj, which.matrix = "G", bound.exclusions = NULL) testthat::expect_true(all.equal(G, V.g, tol = 1e-03)) ##Correlated slope and intercept - sar asreml.obj <- asreml(circ ~ x, random = ~ str( ~Tree/(x + x2), ~sar(3):id(5)), data = orange, maxit=20) (vpar <- asreml.obj$vparameters) g <- mat.sar(vpar[2], 3) G.g <- vpar[1] * kronecker(matrix(g, nrow = 3), mat.I(5)) Z <- as.matrix(asreml.obj$design[,3:17] ) V.g <- asreml.obj$sigma2 *(Z %*% G.g %*% t(Z)) G <- estimateV(asreml.obj, which.matrix = "G", bound.exclusions = NULL) testthat::expect_true(all.equal(G, V.g, tol = 1e-03)) }) cat("#### Test for corr random models with asreml42\n") test_that("corr_random_barley_asreml42", { skip_if_not_installed("asreml") skip_on_cran() library(dae) library(asreml) library(asremlPlus) asreml::asreml.options(extra = 5, ai.sing = TRUE, fail = "soft") asreml.options(design = TRUE) #This data is for the Durban 2003 barley data cited in Piepho, Boer and Williams (2022) data("barley.dat") #Fit initial model - Row and column random current.asr <- do.call(asreml, list(yield ~ rep + gen, random = ~ row + col, data=barley.dat, maxit = 50)) info <- infoCriteria(current.asr, IClikelihood = "full") testthat::expect_equal(info$varDF, 3) testthat::expect_lt(abs(info$AIC - -484.1135), 0.10) #Create an asrtests object, removing boundary terms init.asrt <- as.asrtests(current.asr, NULL, NULL, IClikelihood = "full", label = "Random row and col effects") init.asrt <- rmboundary(init.asrt) corr.asrt <- addSpatialModel(init.asrt, spatial.model = "corr", row.covar = "crow", col.covar = "ccol", row.factor = "row", col.factor = "col") asreml.obj <- corr.asrt$asreml.obj (asreml.obj$vparameters) (asreml.obj$vparameters.con) #Test of estimate V G <- estimateV(asreml.obj, which.matrix = "G") G.g <- asreml.obj$vparameters[1]*kronecker(mat.ar1(asreml.obj$vparameters[2], 16), mat.ar1(asreml.obj$vparameters[3], 34)) Z <- as.matrix(asreml.obj$design[,276:length(colnames(asreml.obj$design))]) V.g <- asreml.obj$sigma2 *(Z %*% G.g %*% t(Z)) testthat::expect_true(all.equal(V.g, G, check.attributes = FALSE)) })