cat("#### Test estimateV str, spl & dev for orange with asreml42\n") test_that("Orange_estimateV_asreml42", { skip_if_not_installed("asreml") skip_on_cran() library(dae) library(asreml) library(asremlPlus) # Orange tree data from asreml examples data(orange) ##Independent slope and intercept - with str asreml.options(design = TRUE) asreml.obj <- asreml(circ ~x, random= ~ str( ~Tree/x, ~diag(2):id(5)) + spl(x) + spl(x):Tree, knot.points = list(x = c(118,484,664,1004,1231,1372,1582)), data = orange, maxit = 30) summary(asreml.obj)$varcomp G.g <- kronecker(diag(asreml.obj$vparameters[2:3]), mat.I(5)) V.g <- asreml.obj$design[,8:17] %*% G.g %*% t(as.matrix(asreml.obj$design[,8:17])) V.g <- V.g + asreml.obj$vparameters["spl(x)"] * asreml.obj$design[,3:7] %*% t(as.matrix(asreml.obj$design[,3:7])) V.g <- V.g + asreml.obj$vparameters["spl(x):Tree"] * asreml.obj$design[,18:42] %*% t(as.matrix(asreml.obj$design[,18:42])) V.g <- asreml.obj$sigma2 * (V.g + mat.I(nrow(orange))) V <- estimateV(asreml.obj) testthat::expect_true(all.equal(as.matrix(V.g), V)) R2.adj <-R2adj(asreml.obj, include.which.random = ~ .) testthat::expect_true(all(abs(R2.adj - 99.87164) < 1e-03)) R2.adj <-R2adj(asreml.obj, include.which.fixed = NULL, include.which.random = ~ str( ~Tree/x, ~diag(2):id(5))) testthat::expect_true(all(abs(R2.adj - 11.87985) < 1e-03)) asreml.obj <- asreml(circ ~x, random= ~ str( ~Tree/x, ~idh(2):id(Tree)) + spl(x) + spl(x):Tree, knot.points = list(x = c(118,484,664,1004,1231,1372,1582)), data = orange, maxit = 30) summary(asreml.obj)$varcomp V <- estimateV(asreml.obj) testthat::expect_true(all(abs(V - V.g) < 1e-06)) R2.adj <-R2adj(asreml.obj, include.which.random = ~ .) testthat::expect_true(all(abs(R2.adj - 99.87164) < 1e-03)) R2.adj <-R2adj(asreml.obj, include.which.fixed = NULL, include.which.random = ~ str( ~Tree/x, ~idh(2):id(Tree))) testthat::expect_true(all(abs(R2.adj - 11.87985) < 1e-03)) #Add dev asreml.obj <- asreml(circ ~ x, random = ~ str( ~Tree/x, ~diag(2):id(5)) + spl(x) + spl(x):Tree + dev(x), knot.points = list(x = c(118,484,664,1004,1231,1372,1582)), data = orange, maxit=20) summary(asreml.obj)$varcomp G.g <- kronecker(diag(asreml.obj$vparameters[c("Tree+Tree:x!diag(2)_1","Tree+Tree:x!diag(2)_2")]), mat.I(5)) colnos <- match(c(paste0("Tree_", 1:5), paste0("Tree_", 1:5, ":x")), dimnames(asreml.obj$design)[[2]]) V.g <- asreml.obj$design[,colnos] %*% G.g %*% t(as.matrix(asreml.obj$design[,colnos])) colnos <- sort(match(outer(paste0("spl(x)_", 1:5), paste0(":Tree_", 1:5), paste0), dimnames(asreml.obj$design)[[2]])) V.g <- V.g + asreml.obj$vparameters["spl(x):Tree"] * asreml.obj$design[,colnos] %*% t(as.matrix(asreml.obj$design[,colnos])) colnos <- grep("dev\\(x\\)", dimnames(asreml.obj$design)[[2]]) V.g <- V.g + asreml.obj$vparameters["dev(x)"] * asreml.obj$design[,colnos] %*% t(as.matrix(asreml.obj$design[,colnos])) V.g <- asreml.obj$sigma2 * (V.g + mat.I(nrow(orange))) testthat::expect_warning( V <- estimateV(asreml.obj), regexp = "spl\\(x\\) not included in V because it is bound") testthat::expect_true(all(abs(V - V.g) < 1e-06)) R2.adj <-R2adj(asreml.obj, include.which.random = ~ .) testthat::expect_true(all(abs(R2.adj - 99.81559) < 1e-03)) ##Correlated slope and intercept + fixed Season asreml.obj <- asreml(circ ~ x + Season, random = ~ str( ~Tree/x, ~us(2,init=c(5.0,-0.01,0.0001)):id(5)) + spl(x) + spl(x):Tree + dev(x), knot.points = list(x = c(118,484,664,1004,1231,1372,1582)), data = orange, maxit=20) summary(asreml.obj)$varcomp colnos <- grep("Tree\\+Tree", names(asreml.obj$vparameters)) G.g <- kronecker(matrix(asreml.obj$vparameters[colnos[c(1,2,2,3)]], nrow = 2), mat.I(5)) colnos <- match(c(paste0("Tree_", 1:5), paste0("Tree_", 1:5, ":x")), dimnames(asreml.obj$design)[[2]]) V.g <- asreml.obj$design[,colnos] %*% G.g %*% t(as.matrix(asreml.obj$design[,colnos])) colnos <- match(paste0("spl(x)_", 1:5), dimnames(asreml.obj$design)[[2]]) V.g <- V.g + asreml.obj$vparameters["spl(x)"] * asreml.obj$design[,colnos] %*% t(as.matrix(asreml.obj$design[,colnos])) colnos <- sort(match(outer(paste0("spl(x)_", 1:5), paste0(":Tree_", 1:5), paste0), dimnames(asreml.obj$design)[[2]])) V.g <- V.g + asreml.obj$vparameters["spl(x):Tree"] * asreml.obj$design[,colnos] %*% t(as.matrix(asreml.obj$design[,colnos])) V.g <- asreml.obj$sigma2 * (V.g + mat.I(nrow(orange))) testthat::expect_warning( V <- estimateV(asreml.obj), regexp = "dev\\(x\\) not included in V because it is bound") testthat::expect_true(all(abs(V - V.g) < 1e-06)) R2.adj <- R2adj(asreml.obj, include.which.random = ~ .) testthat::expect_true(all(abs(R2.adj - 99.8295) < 1e-03)) R2.adj <-R2adj(asreml.obj, include.which.fixed = NULL, include.which.random = ~ str( ~Tree/x, ~us(2,init=c(5.0,-0.01,0.0001)):id(5))) testthat::expect_true(all(abs(R2.adj - 14.85833) < 1e-03)) #random slope asreml.obj <- asreml(circ ~x, random= ~ Tree + Tree:x + spl(x) + dev(x), knot.points = list(x = c(118,484,664,1004,1231,1372,1582)), data = orange, maxit=30) summary(asreml.obj)$varcomp V.g <- asreml.obj$vparameters["Tree"] * asreml.obj$design[,3:7] %*% t(as.matrix(asreml.obj$design[,3:7])) V.g <- V.g + asreml.obj$vparameters["Tree:x"] * asreml.obj$design[,8:12] %*% t(as.matrix(asreml.obj$design[,8:12])) V.g <- V.g + asreml.obj$vparameters["dev(x)"] * asreml.obj$design[,18:24] %*% t(as.matrix(asreml.obj$design[,18:24])) V.g <- asreml.obj$sigma2 * (V.g + mat.I(nrow(orange))) testthat::expect_warning( V <- estimateV(asreml.obj), regexp = "spl\\(x\\) not included in V because it is bound") testthat::expect_true(all(abs(V - V.g) < 1e-06)) R2.adj <-R2adj(asreml.obj, include.which.random = ~ .) testthat::expect_true(all(abs(R2.adj - 99.34599) < 1e-03)) R2.adj <-R2adj(asreml.obj, include.which.fixed = NULL, include.which.random = ~ Tree/x) testthat::expect_true(all(abs(R2.adj - 16.05796) < 0.01)) #Overall spline and deviations based on factor - fails because cannot have a factor in dev testthat::expect_error(asreml.obj <- asreml(circ ~x , random= ~ str( ~Tree/x, ~diag(2):id(5)) + spl(X) + dev(X), knot.points = list(x = c(118,484,664,1004,1231,1372,1582)), data = orange)) asreml.options(design = FALSE) })