Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 1 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(5) Matrix format ( keep(55) ) = 0 ICNTL(6) Maximum transversal ( keep(23) ) = 7 ICNTL(7) Ordering = 7 ICNTL(12) LDLT ordering strat ( keep(95) ) = 0 ICNTL(13) Parallel root (0=on, 1=off) = 1 ICNTL(18) Distributed matrix ( keep(54) ) = 0 ICNTL(19) Schur option ( keep(60) 0=off,else=on ) = 0 ICNTL(22) Out-off-core option (0=Off, >0=ON) = 0 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 ================================================= MUMPS compiled with option -DGEMMT_AVAILABLE This MUMPS version includes code for SAVE_RESTORE This MUMPS version includes code for DIST_RHS ================================================= L D L^T Solver for general symmetric matrices Type of parallelism: Working host ****** ANALYSIS STEP ******** Average density of rows/columns = 41 Ordering based on AMF Estimated INTEGER space for factors : 1273 INFO(3), est. real space to store factors : 21319 Estimated number of entries in factors : 12171 Current value of space relaxation parameter : 20 Estimated size of IS (In Core factorization): 2237 Estimated size of S (In Core factorization): 29924 Estimated size of S (OOC factorization) : 25554 Leaving analysis phase with ... INFOG(1) = 0 INFOG(2) = 0 -- (20) Number of entries in factors (estim.) = 12171 -- (3) Real space for factors (estimated) = 21319 -- (4) Integer space for factors (estimated) = 1273 -- (5) Maximum frontal size (estimated) = 133 -- (6) Number of nodes in the tree = 11 -- (32) Type of analysis effectively used = 1 -- (7) Ordering option effectively used = 2 ICNTL(6) Maximum transversal option = 0 ICNTL(7) Pivot order option = 7 ICNTL(14) Percentage of memory relaxation = 20 Number of level 2 nodes = 0 Number of split nodes = 0 RINFOG(1) Operations during elimination (estim)= 9.542D+05 MEMORY ESTIMATIONS ... Estimations with standard Full-Rank (FR) factorization: Estimated space in MBytes for IC factorization (INFO(15)): 1 Total space in MBytes, IC factorization (INFOG(17)): 1 Total space in MBytes, OOC factorization (INFOG(27)): 1 Elapsed time in analysis driver= 0.0010 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(5) Matrix format ( keep(55) ) = 0 ICNTL(6) Maximum transversal ( keep(23) ) = 7 ICNTL(7) Ordering = 7 ICNTL(12) LDLT ordering strat ( keep(95) ) = 0 ICNTL(13) Parallel root (0=on, 1=off) = 1 ICNTL(18) Distributed matrix ( keep(54) ) = 0 ICNTL(19) Schur option ( keep(60) 0=off,else=on ) = 0 ICNTL(22) Out-off-core option (0=Off, >0=ON) = 0 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 2 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 ****** FACTORIZATION STEP ******** ****** FACTORIZATION STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR NUMERICAL FACTORIZATION ... Number of working processes = 1 ICNTL(22) Out-of-core option = 0 ICNTL(35) BLR activation (eff. choice) = 0 ICNTL(14) Memory relaxation = 20 INFOG(3) Real space for factors (estimated)= 21319 INFOG(4) Integer space for factors (estim.)= 1273 Maximum frontal size (estimated) = 133 Number of nodes in the tree = 11 Memory allowed (MB -- 0: N/A ) = 0 Memory provided by user, sum of LWK_USER = 0 Relative threshold for pivoting, CNTL(1) = 0.1000D-01 Max difference from 1 after scaling the entries for ONE-NORM (option 7/8) = 0.39D+00 Effective size of S (based on INFO(39))= 29924 Elapsed time to reformat/distribute matrix = 0.0010 Allocated buffers ------------------ Size of reception buffer in bytes ...... = 140000 Size of async. emission buffer (bytes).. = 140012 Small emission buffer (bytes) .......... = 20 STATISTICS PRIOR NUMERICAL FACTORIZATION ... Size of internal working array S = 29924 Size of internal working array IS = 2237 Minimum (ICNTL(14)=0) size of S = 24924 Minimum (ICNTL(14)=0) size of IS = 1397 Real space for original matrix = 4410 Integer space for original matrix = 4822 INFO(3) Real space for factors (estimated) = 21319 INFO(4) Integer space for factors (estim.) = 1273 Maximum frontal size (estimated) = 133 Start factorization with total estimated flops (RINFOG(1)) = 9.542D+05 LEAVING FACTORIZATION PHASE WITH ... INFO (1) = 0 --- (2) = 0 Number of nodes in the tree = 11 INFO (9) Real space for factors = 21319 --- (10) Integer space for factors = 1273 --- (11) Maximum size of frontal matrices = 133 --- (12) Number of negative pivots = 0 --- (13) Number of delayed pivots = 0 --- (14) Number of memory compresses = 0 --- (25) Number of entries in factors = 0 RINFO(2) Operations during node assembly = 5.877D+03 -----(3) Operations during node elimination = 9.542D+05 ** Memory allocated, total in Mbytes (INFOG(19)): 1 ** Eff. min. Space MBYTES for facto (INFO(16)): 1 ** Memory effectively used, total in Mbytes (INFOG(22)): 1 Elapsed time for factorization = 0.0010 Leaving factorization with ... RINFOG(2) Operations in node assembly = 5.877D+03 ------(3) Operations in node elimination = 9.542D+05 ICNTL (8) Scaling effectively used = 7 INFOG (9) Real space for factors = 21319 INFOG(10) Integer space for factors = 1273 INFOG(11) Maximum front size = 133 INFOG(29) Number of entries in factors = 12171 INFOG(12) Number of negative pivots = 0 INFOG(13) Number of delayed pivots = 0 Number of 2x2 pivots in type 1 nodes = 0 Number of 2X2 pivots in type 2 nodes = 0 INFOG(14) Number of memory compress = 0 RINFOG(12) Determinant (real part) = 0.98568468 INFOG(34) Determinant (base 2 exponent) = 704 Elapsed time in factorization driver= 0.0020 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 3 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 0 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR SOLVE PHASE ........... Number of right-hand-sides = 1 Blocking factor for multiple rhs = 1 ICNTL (9) = 1 --- (10) = 0 --- (11) = 0 --- (20) = 0 --- (21) = 0 --- (30) = 0 --- (35) = 0 ** Space in MBYTES used for solve : 0 Leaving solve with ... Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.001000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.001000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Local statistics Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.001000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.001000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Elapsed time in solve driver= 0.0010 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 0 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 3 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR SOLVE PHASE ........... Number of right-hand-sides = 5 Blocking factor for multiple rhs = 5 ICNTL (9) = 1 --- (10) = 0 --- (11) = 0 --- (20) = 1 --- (21) = 0 --- (30) = 0 --- (35) = 0 ** Space in MBYTES used for solve : 0 Leaving solve with ... Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Local statistics Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Elapsed time in solve driver= 0.0000 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 3 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR SOLVE PHASE ........... Number of right-hand-sides = 206 Blocking factor for multiple rhs = 206 ICNTL (9) = 1 --- (10) = 0 --- (11) = 0 --- (20) = 1 --- (21) = 0 --- (30) = 1 --- (35) = 0 ** Space in MBYTES used for solve : 1 Leaving solve with ... Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.006000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.003000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.003000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Local statistics Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.006000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.003000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.003000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Elapsed time in solve driver= 0.0070 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB = -2 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 1 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(5) Matrix format ( keep(55) ) = 0 ICNTL(6) Maximum transversal ( keep(23) ) = 7 ICNTL(7) Ordering = 7 ICNTL(12) LDLT ordering strat ( keep(95) ) = 0 ICNTL(13) Parallel root (0=on, 1=off) = 1 ICNTL(18) Distributed matrix ( keep(54) ) = 0 ICNTL(19) Schur option ( keep(60) 0=off,else=on ) = 0 ICNTL(22) Out-off-core option (0=Off, >0=ON) = 0 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 ================================================= MUMPS compiled with option -DGEMMT_AVAILABLE This MUMPS version includes code for SAVE_RESTORE This MUMPS version includes code for DIST_RHS ================================================= L D L^T Solver for general symmetric matrices Type of parallelism: Working host ****** ANALYSIS STEP ******** Average density of rows/columns = 41 Ordering based on AMF Estimated INTEGER space for factors : 1273 INFO(3), est. real space to store factors : 21319 Estimated number of entries in factors : 12171 Current value of space relaxation parameter : 20 Estimated size of IS (In Core factorization): 2237 Estimated size of S (In Core factorization): 29924 Estimated size of S (OOC factorization) : 25554 Leaving analysis phase with ... INFOG(1) = 0 INFOG(2) = 0 -- (20) Number of entries in factors (estim.) = 12171 -- (3) Real space for factors (estimated) = 21319 -- (4) Integer space for factors (estimated) = 1273 -- (5) Maximum frontal size (estimated) = 133 -- (6) Number of nodes in the tree = 11 -- (32) Type of analysis effectively used = 1 -- (7) Ordering option effectively used = 2 ICNTL(6) Maximum transversal option = 0 ICNTL(7) Pivot order option = 7 ICNTL(14) Percentage of memory relaxation = 20 Number of level 2 nodes = 0 Number of split nodes = 0 RINFOG(1) Operations during elimination (estim)= 9.542D+05 MEMORY ESTIMATIONS ... Estimations with standard Full-Rank (FR) factorization: Estimated space in MBytes for IC factorization (INFO(15)): 1 Total space in MBytes, IC factorization (INFOG(17)): 1 Total space in MBytes, OOC factorization (INFOG(27)): 1 Elapsed time in analysis driver= 0.0000 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(5) Matrix format ( keep(55) ) = 0 ICNTL(6) Maximum transversal ( keep(23) ) = 7 ICNTL(7) Ordering = 7 ICNTL(12) LDLT ordering strat ( keep(95) ) = 0 ICNTL(13) Parallel root (0=on, 1=off) = 1 ICNTL(18) Distributed matrix ( keep(54) ) = 0 ICNTL(19) Schur option ( keep(60) 0=off,else=on ) = 0 ICNTL(22) Out-off-core option (0=Off, >0=ON) = 0 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 2 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 ****** FACTORIZATION STEP ******** ****** FACTORIZATION STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR NUMERICAL FACTORIZATION ... Number of working processes = 1 ICNTL(22) Out-of-core option = 0 ICNTL(35) BLR activation (eff. choice) = 0 ICNTL(14) Memory relaxation = 20 INFOG(3) Real space for factors (estimated)= 21319 INFOG(4) Integer space for factors (estim.)= 1273 Maximum frontal size (estimated) = 133 Number of nodes in the tree = 11 Memory allowed (MB -- 0: N/A ) = 0 Memory provided by user, sum of LWK_USER = 0 Relative threshold for pivoting, CNTL(1) = 0.1000D-01 Max difference from 1 after scaling the entries for ONE-NORM (option 7/8) = 0.51D+00 Effective size of S (based on INFO(39))= 29924 Elapsed time to reformat/distribute matrix = 0.0000 Allocated buffers ------------------ Size of reception buffer in bytes ...... = 140000 Size of async. emission buffer (bytes).. = 140012 Small emission buffer (bytes) .......... = 20 STATISTICS PRIOR NUMERICAL FACTORIZATION ... Size of internal working array S = 29924 Size of internal working array IS = 2237 Minimum (ICNTL(14)=0) size of S = 24924 Minimum (ICNTL(14)=0) size of IS = 1397 Real space for original matrix = 4410 Integer space for original matrix = 4822 INFO(3) Real space for factors (estimated) = 21319 INFO(4) Integer space for factors (estim.) = 1273 Maximum frontal size (estimated) = 133 Start factorization with total estimated flops (RINFOG(1)) = 9.542D+05 LEAVING FACTORIZATION PHASE WITH ... INFO (1) = 0 --- (2) = 0 Number of nodes in the tree = 11 INFO (9) Real space for factors = 21319 --- (10) Integer space for factors = 1273 --- (11) Maximum size of frontal matrices = 133 --- (12) Number of negative pivots = 0 --- (13) Number of delayed pivots = 0 --- (14) Number of memory compresses = 0 --- (25) Number of entries in factors = 0 RINFO(2) Operations during node assembly = 5.877D+03 -----(3) Operations during node elimination = 9.542D+05 ** Memory allocated, total in Mbytes (INFOG(19)): 1 ** Eff. min. Space MBYTES for facto (INFO(16)): 1 ** Memory effectively used, total in Mbytes (INFOG(22)): 1 Elapsed time for factorization = 0.0000 Leaving factorization with ... RINFOG(2) Operations in node assembly = 5.877D+03 ------(3) Operations in node elimination = 9.542D+05 ICNTL (8) Scaling effectively used = 7 INFOG (9) Real space for factors = 21319 INFOG(10) Integer space for factors = 1273 INFOG(11) Maximum front size = 133 INFOG(29) Number of entries in factors = 12171 INFOG(12) Number of negative pivots = 0 INFOG(13) Number of delayed pivots = 0 Number of 2x2 pivots in type 1 nodes = 0 Number of 2X2 pivots in type 2 nodes = 0 INFOG(14) Number of memory compress = 0 RINFOG(12) Determinant (real part) = 0.50689016 INFOG(34) Determinant (base 2 exponent) = 1729 Elapsed time in factorization driver= 0.0010 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 3 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 0 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR SOLVE PHASE ........... Number of right-hand-sides = 1 Blocking factor for multiple rhs = 1 ICNTL (9) = 1 --- (10) = 0 --- (11) = 0 --- (20) = 0 --- (21) = 0 --- (30) = 0 --- (35) = 0 ** Space in MBYTES used for solve : 0 Leaving solve with ... Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Local statistics Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Elapsed time in solve driver= 0.0000 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 0 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 3 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR SOLVE PHASE ........... Number of right-hand-sides = 5 Blocking factor for multiple rhs = 5 ICNTL (9) = 1 --- (10) = 0 --- (11) = 0 --- (20) = 1 --- (21) = 0 --- (30) = 0 --- (35) = 0 ** Space in MBYTES used for solve : 0 Leaving solve with ... Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.001000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.001000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Local statistics Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.001000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.001000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Elapsed time in solve driver= 0.0010 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 3 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR SOLVE PHASE ........... Number of right-hand-sides = 206 Blocking factor for multiple rhs = 206 ICNTL (9) = 1 --- (10) = 0 --- (11) = 0 --- (20) = 1 --- (21) = 0 --- (30) = 1 --- (35) = 0 ** Space in MBYTES used for solve : 1 Leaving solve with ... Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.006000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.002000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.003000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Local statistics Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.006000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.002000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.003000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Elapsed time in solve driver= 0.0080 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB = -2 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 1 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(5) Matrix format ( keep(55) ) = 0 ICNTL(6) Maximum transversal ( keep(23) ) = 7 ICNTL(7) Ordering = 7 ICNTL(12) LDLT ordering strat ( keep(95) ) = 0 ICNTL(13) Parallel root (0=on, 1=off) = 1 ICNTL(18) Distributed matrix ( keep(54) ) = 0 ICNTL(19) Schur option ( keep(60) 0=off,else=on ) = 0 ICNTL(22) Out-off-core option (0=Off, >0=ON) = 0 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 ================================================= MUMPS compiled with option -DGEMMT_AVAILABLE This MUMPS version includes code for SAVE_RESTORE This MUMPS version includes code for DIST_RHS ================================================= L D L^T Solver for general symmetric matrices Type of parallelism: Working host ****** ANALYSIS STEP ******** Average density of rows/columns = 41 Ordering based on AMF Estimated INTEGER space for factors : 1273 INFO(3), est. real space to store factors : 21319 Estimated number of entries in factors : 12171 Current value of space relaxation parameter : 20 Estimated size of IS (In Core factorization): 2237 Estimated size of S (In Core factorization): 29924 Estimated size of S (OOC factorization) : 25554 Leaving analysis phase with ... INFOG(1) = 0 INFOG(2) = 0 -- (20) Number of entries in factors (estim.) = 12171 -- (3) Real space for factors (estimated) = 21319 -- (4) Integer space for factors (estimated) = 1273 -- (5) Maximum frontal size (estimated) = 133 -- (6) Number of nodes in the tree = 11 -- (32) Type of analysis effectively used = 1 -- (7) Ordering option effectively used = 2 ICNTL(6) Maximum transversal option = 0 ICNTL(7) Pivot order option = 7 ICNTL(14) Percentage of memory relaxation = 20 Number of level 2 nodes = 0 Number of split nodes = 0 RINFOG(1) Operations during elimination (estim)= 9.542D+05 MEMORY ESTIMATIONS ... Estimations with standard Full-Rank (FR) factorization: Estimated space in MBytes for IC factorization (INFO(15)): 1 Total space in MBytes, IC factorization (INFOG(17)): 1 Total space in MBytes, OOC factorization (INFOG(27)): 1 Elapsed time in analysis driver= 0.0010 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(5) Matrix format ( keep(55) ) = 0 ICNTL(6) Maximum transversal ( keep(23) ) = 7 ICNTL(7) Ordering = 7 ICNTL(12) LDLT ordering strat ( keep(95) ) = 0 ICNTL(13) Parallel root (0=on, 1=off) = 1 ICNTL(18) Distributed matrix ( keep(54) ) = 0 ICNTL(19) Schur option ( keep(60) 0=off,else=on ) = 0 ICNTL(22) Out-off-core option (0=Off, >0=ON) = 0 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 2 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 ****** FACTORIZATION STEP ******** ****** FACTORIZATION STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR NUMERICAL FACTORIZATION ... Number of working processes = 1 ICNTL(22) Out-of-core option = 0 ICNTL(35) BLR activation (eff. choice) = 0 ICNTL(14) Memory relaxation = 20 INFOG(3) Real space for factors (estimated)= 21319 INFOG(4) Integer space for factors (estim.)= 1273 Maximum frontal size (estimated) = 133 Number of nodes in the tree = 11 Memory allowed (MB -- 0: N/A ) = 0 Memory provided by user, sum of LWK_USER = 0 Relative threshold for pivoting, CNTL(1) = 0.1000D-01 Max difference from 1 after scaling the entries for ONE-NORM (option 7/8) = 0.52D+00 Effective size of S (based on INFO(39))= 29924 Elapsed time to reformat/distribute matrix = 0.0000 Allocated buffers ------------------ Size of reception buffer in bytes ...... = 140000 Size of async. emission buffer (bytes).. = 140012 Small emission buffer (bytes) .......... = 20 STATISTICS PRIOR NUMERICAL FACTORIZATION ... Size of internal working array S = 29924 Size of internal working array IS = 2237 Minimum (ICNTL(14)=0) size of S = 24924 Minimum (ICNTL(14)=0) size of IS = 1397 Real space for original matrix = 4410 Integer space for original matrix = 4822 INFO(3) Real space for factors (estimated) = 21319 INFO(4) Integer space for factors (estim.) = 1273 Maximum frontal size (estimated) = 133 Start factorization with total estimated flops (RINFOG(1)) = 9.542D+05 LEAVING FACTORIZATION PHASE WITH ... INFO (1) = 0 --- (2) = 0 Number of nodes in the tree = 11 INFO (9) Real space for factors = 21319 --- (10) Integer space for factors = 1273 --- (11) Maximum size of frontal matrices = 133 --- (12) Number of negative pivots = 0 --- (13) Number of delayed pivots = 0 --- (14) Number of memory compresses = 0 --- (25) Number of entries in factors = 0 RINFO(2) Operations during node assembly = 5.877D+03 -----(3) Operations during node elimination = 9.542D+05 ** Memory allocated, total in Mbytes (INFOG(19)): 1 ** Eff. min. Space MBYTES for facto (INFO(16)): 1 ** Memory effectively used, total in Mbytes (INFOG(22)): 1 Elapsed time for factorization = 0.0000 Leaving factorization with ... RINFOG(2) Operations in node assembly = 5.877D+03 ------(3) Operations in node elimination = 9.542D+05 ICNTL (8) Scaling effectively used = 7 INFOG (9) Real space for factors = 21319 INFOG(10) Integer space for factors = 1273 INFOG(11) Maximum front size = 133 INFOG(29) Number of entries in factors = 12171 INFOG(12) Number of negative pivots = 0 INFOG(13) Number of delayed pivots = 0 Number of 2x2 pivots in type 1 nodes = 0 Number of 2X2 pivots in type 2 nodes = 0 INFOG(14) Number of memory compress = 0 RINFOG(12) Determinant (real part) = 0.63373155 INFOG(34) Determinant (base 2 exponent) = 1012 Elapsed time in factorization driver= 0.0000 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 3 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 0 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR SOLVE PHASE ........... Number of right-hand-sides = 1 Blocking factor for multiple rhs = 1 ICNTL (9) = 1 --- (10) = 0 --- (11) = 0 --- (20) = 0 --- (21) = 0 --- (30) = 0 --- (35) = 0 ** Space in MBYTES used for solve : 0 Leaving solve with ... Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Local statistics Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Elapsed time in solve driver= 0.0000 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 0 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 3 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR SOLVE PHASE ........... Number of right-hand-sides = 5 Blocking factor for multiple rhs = 5 ICNTL (9) = 1 --- (10) = 0 --- (11) = 0 --- (20) = 1 --- (21) = 0 --- (30) = 0 --- (35) = 0 ** Space in MBYTES used for solve : 0 Leaving solve with ... Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Local statistics Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Elapsed time in solve driver= 0.0000 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 3 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR SOLVE PHASE ........... Number of right-hand-sides = 206 Blocking factor for multiple rhs = 206 ICNTL (9) = 1 --- (10) = 0 --- (11) = 0 --- (20) = 1 --- (21) = 0 --- (30) = 1 --- (35) = 0 ** Space in MBYTES used for solve : 1 Leaving solve with ... Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.001000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.001000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Local statistics Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.001000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.001000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Elapsed time in solve driver= 0.0010 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB = -2 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 1 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(5) Matrix format ( keep(55) ) = 0 ICNTL(6) Maximum transversal ( keep(23) ) = 7 ICNTL(7) Ordering = 7 ICNTL(12) LDLT ordering strat ( keep(95) ) = 0 ICNTL(13) Parallel root (0=on, 1=off) = 1 ICNTL(18) Distributed matrix ( keep(54) ) = 0 ICNTL(19) Schur option ( keep(60) 0=off,else=on ) = 0 ICNTL(22) Out-off-core option (0=Off, >0=ON) = 0 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 ================================================= MUMPS compiled with option -DGEMMT_AVAILABLE This MUMPS version includes code for SAVE_RESTORE This MUMPS version includes code for DIST_RHS ================================================= L D L^T Solver for general symmetric matrices Type of parallelism: Working host ****** ANALYSIS STEP ******** Average density of rows/columns = 41 Ordering based on AMF Estimated INTEGER space for factors : 1273 INFO(3), est. real space to store factors : 21319 Estimated number of entries in factors : 12171 Current value of space relaxation parameter : 20 Estimated size of IS (In Core factorization): 2237 Estimated size of S (In Core factorization): 29924 Estimated size of S (OOC factorization) : 25554 Leaving analysis phase with ... INFOG(1) = 0 INFOG(2) = 0 -- (20) Number of entries in factors (estim.) = 12171 -- (3) Real space for factors (estimated) = 21319 -- (4) Integer space for factors (estimated) = 1273 -- (5) Maximum frontal size (estimated) = 133 -- (6) Number of nodes in the tree = 11 -- (32) Type of analysis effectively used = 1 -- (7) Ordering option effectively used = 2 ICNTL(6) Maximum transversal option = 0 ICNTL(7) Pivot order option = 7 ICNTL(14) Percentage of memory relaxation = 20 Number of level 2 nodes = 0 Number of split nodes = 0 RINFOG(1) Operations during elimination (estim)= 9.542D+05 MEMORY ESTIMATIONS ... Estimations with standard Full-Rank (FR) factorization: Estimated space in MBytes for IC factorization (INFO(15)): 1 Total space in MBytes, IC factorization (INFOG(17)): 1 Total space in MBytes, OOC factorization (INFOG(27)): 1 Elapsed time in analysis driver= 0.0010 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(5) Matrix format ( keep(55) ) = 0 ICNTL(6) Maximum transversal ( keep(23) ) = 7 ICNTL(7) Ordering = 7 ICNTL(12) LDLT ordering strat ( keep(95) ) = 0 ICNTL(13) Parallel root (0=on, 1=off) = 1 ICNTL(18) Distributed matrix ( keep(54) ) = 0 ICNTL(19) Schur option ( keep(60) 0=off,else=on ) = 0 ICNTL(22) Out-off-core option (0=Off, >0=ON) = 0 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 2 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 ****** FACTORIZATION STEP ******** ****** FACTORIZATION STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR NUMERICAL FACTORIZATION ... Number of working processes = 1 ICNTL(22) Out-of-core option = 0 ICNTL(35) BLR activation (eff. choice) = 0 ICNTL(14) Memory relaxation = 20 INFOG(3) Real space for factors (estimated)= 21319 INFOG(4) Integer space for factors (estim.)= 1273 Maximum frontal size (estimated) = 133 Number of nodes in the tree = 11 Memory allowed (MB -- 0: N/A ) = 0 Memory provided by user, sum of LWK_USER = 0 Relative threshold for pivoting, CNTL(1) = 0.1000D-01 Max difference from 1 after scaling the entries for ONE-NORM (option 7/8) = 0.49D+00 Effective size of S (based on INFO(39))= 29924 Elapsed time to reformat/distribute matrix = 0.0000 Allocated buffers ------------------ Size of reception buffer in bytes ...... = 140000 Size of async. emission buffer (bytes).. = 140012 Small emission buffer (bytes) .......... = 20 STATISTICS PRIOR NUMERICAL FACTORIZATION ... Size of internal working array S = 29924 Size of internal working array IS = 2237 Minimum (ICNTL(14)=0) size of S = 24924 Minimum (ICNTL(14)=0) size of IS = 1397 Real space for original matrix = 4410 Integer space for original matrix = 4822 INFO(3) Real space for factors (estimated) = 21319 INFO(4) Integer space for factors (estim.) = 1273 Maximum frontal size (estimated) = 133 Start factorization with total estimated flops (RINFOG(1)) = 9.542D+05 LEAVING FACTORIZATION PHASE WITH ... INFO (1) = 0 --- (2) = 0 Number of nodes in the tree = 11 INFO (9) Real space for factors = 21319 --- (10) Integer space for factors = 1273 --- (11) Maximum size of frontal matrices = 133 --- (12) Number of negative pivots = 0 --- (13) Number of delayed pivots = 0 --- (14) Number of memory compresses = 0 --- (25) Number of entries in factors = 0 RINFO(2) Operations during node assembly = 5.877D+03 -----(3) Operations during node elimination = 9.542D+05 ** Memory allocated, total in Mbytes (INFOG(19)): 1 ** Eff. min. Space MBYTES for facto (INFO(16)): 1 ** Memory effectively used, total in Mbytes (INFOG(22)): 1 Elapsed time for factorization = 0.0010 Leaving factorization with ... RINFOG(2) Operations in node assembly = 5.877D+03 ------(3) Operations in node elimination = 9.542D+05 ICNTL (8) Scaling effectively used = 7 INFOG (9) Real space for factors = 21319 INFOG(10) Integer space for factors = 1273 INFOG(11) Maximum front size = 133 INFOG(29) Number of entries in factors = 12171 INFOG(12) Number of negative pivots = 0 INFOG(13) Number of delayed pivots = 0 Number of 2x2 pivots in type 1 nodes = 0 Number of 2X2 pivots in type 2 nodes = 0 INFOG(14) Number of memory compress = 0 RINFOG(12) Determinant (real part) = 0.89028421 INFOG(34) Determinant (base 2 exponent) = 758 Elapsed time in factorization driver= 0.0010 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 3 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 0 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR SOLVE PHASE ........... Number of right-hand-sides = 1 Blocking factor for multiple rhs = 1 ICNTL (9) = 1 --- (10) = 0 --- (11) = 0 --- (20) = 0 --- (21) = 0 --- (30) = 0 --- (35) = 0 ** Space in MBYTES used for solve : 0 Leaving solve with ... Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Local statistics Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Elapsed time in solve driver= 0.0000 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 0 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 3 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR SOLVE PHASE ........... Number of right-hand-sides = 5 Blocking factor for multiple rhs = 5 ICNTL (9) = 1 --- (10) = 0 --- (11) = 0 --- (20) = 1 --- (21) = 0 --- (30) = 0 --- (35) = 0 ** Space in MBYTES used for solve : 0 Leaving solve with ... Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Local statistics Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Elapsed time in solve driver= 0.0010 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 3 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR SOLVE PHASE ........... Number of right-hand-sides = 206 Blocking factor for multiple rhs = 206 ICNTL (9) = 1 --- (10) = 0 --- (11) = 0 --- (20) = 1 --- (21) = 0 --- (30) = 1 --- (35) = 0 ** Space in MBYTES used for solve : 1 Leaving solve with ... Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.001000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Local statistics Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.001000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Elapsed time in solve driver= 0.0010 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB = -2 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 1 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(5) Matrix format ( keep(55) ) = 0 ICNTL(6) Maximum transversal ( keep(23) ) = 7 ICNTL(7) Ordering = 7 ICNTL(12) LDLT ordering strat ( keep(95) ) = 0 ICNTL(13) Parallel root (0=on, 1=off) = 1 ICNTL(18) Distributed matrix ( keep(54) ) = 0 ICNTL(19) Schur option ( keep(60) 0=off,else=on ) = 0 ICNTL(22) Out-off-core option (0=Off, >0=ON) = 0 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 ================================================= MUMPS compiled with option -DGEMMT_AVAILABLE This MUMPS version includes code for SAVE_RESTORE This MUMPS version includes code for DIST_RHS ================================================= L D L^T Solver for general symmetric matrices Type of parallelism: Working host ****** ANALYSIS STEP ******** Average density of rows/columns = 41 Ordering based on AMF Estimated INTEGER space for factors : 1273 INFO(3), est. real space to store factors : 21319 Estimated number of entries in factors : 12171 Current value of space relaxation parameter : 20 Estimated size of IS (In Core factorization): 2237 Estimated size of S (In Core factorization): 29924 Estimated size of S (OOC factorization) : 25554 Leaving analysis phase with ... INFOG(1) = 0 INFOG(2) = 0 -- (20) Number of entries in factors (estim.) = 12171 -- (3) Real space for factors (estimated) = 21319 -- (4) Integer space for factors (estimated) = 1273 -- (5) Maximum frontal size (estimated) = 133 -- (6) Number of nodes in the tree = 11 -- (32) Type of analysis effectively used = 1 -- (7) Ordering option effectively used = 2 ICNTL(6) Maximum transversal option = 0 ICNTL(7) Pivot order option = 7 ICNTL(14) Percentage of memory relaxation = 20 Number of level 2 nodes = 0 Number of split nodes = 0 RINFOG(1) Operations during elimination (estim)= 9.542D+05 MEMORY ESTIMATIONS ... Estimations with standard Full-Rank (FR) factorization: Estimated space in MBytes for IC factorization (INFO(15)): 1 Total space in MBytes, IC factorization (INFOG(17)): 1 Total space in MBytes, OOC factorization (INFOG(27)): 1 Elapsed time in analysis driver= 0.0010 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(5) Matrix format ( keep(55) ) = 0 ICNTL(6) Maximum transversal ( keep(23) ) = 7 ICNTL(7) Ordering = 7 ICNTL(12) LDLT ordering strat ( keep(95) ) = 0 ICNTL(13) Parallel root (0=on, 1=off) = 1 ICNTL(18) Distributed matrix ( keep(54) ) = 0 ICNTL(19) Schur option ( keep(60) 0=off,else=on ) = 0 ICNTL(22) Out-off-core option (0=Off, >0=ON) = 0 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 2 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 ****** FACTORIZATION STEP ******** ****** FACTORIZATION STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR NUMERICAL FACTORIZATION ... Number of working processes = 1 ICNTL(22) Out-of-core option = 0 ICNTL(35) BLR activation (eff. choice) = 0 ICNTL(14) Memory relaxation = 20 INFOG(3) Real space for factors (estimated)= 21319 INFOG(4) Integer space for factors (estim.)= 1273 Maximum frontal size (estimated) = 133 Number of nodes in the tree = 11 Memory allowed (MB -- 0: N/A ) = 0 Memory provided by user, sum of LWK_USER = 0 Relative threshold for pivoting, CNTL(1) = 0.1000D-01 Max difference from 1 after scaling the entries for ONE-NORM (option 7/8) = 0.36D+00 Effective size of S (based on INFO(39))= 29924 Elapsed time to reformat/distribute matrix = 0.0000 Allocated buffers ------------------ Size of reception buffer in bytes ...... = 140000 Size of async. emission buffer (bytes).. = 140012 Small emission buffer (bytes) .......... = 20 STATISTICS PRIOR NUMERICAL FACTORIZATION ... Size of internal working array S = 29924 Size of internal working array IS = 2237 Minimum (ICNTL(14)=0) size of S = 24924 Minimum (ICNTL(14)=0) size of IS = 1397 Real space for original matrix = 4410 Integer space for original matrix = 4822 INFO(3) Real space for factors (estimated) = 21319 INFO(4) Integer space for factors (estim.) = 1273 Maximum frontal size (estimated) = 133 Start factorization with total estimated flops (RINFOG(1)) = 9.542D+05 LEAVING FACTORIZATION PHASE WITH ... INFO (1) = 0 --- (2) = 0 Number of nodes in the tree = 11 INFO (9) Real space for factors = 21319 --- (10) Integer space for factors = 1273 --- (11) Maximum size of frontal matrices = 133 --- (12) Number of negative pivots = 0 --- (13) Number of delayed pivots = 0 --- (14) Number of memory compresses = 0 --- (25) Number of entries in factors = 0 RINFO(2) Operations during node assembly = 5.877D+03 -----(3) Operations during node elimination = 9.542D+05 ** Memory allocated, total in Mbytes (INFOG(19)): 1 ** Eff. min. Space MBYTES for facto (INFO(16)): 1 ** Memory effectively used, total in Mbytes (INFOG(22)): 1 Elapsed time for factorization = 0.0010 Leaving factorization with ... RINFOG(2) Operations in node assembly = 5.877D+03 ------(3) Operations in node elimination = 9.542D+05 ICNTL (8) Scaling effectively used = 7 INFOG (9) Real space for factors = 21319 INFOG(10) Integer space for factors = 1273 INFOG(11) Maximum front size = 133 INFOG(29) Number of entries in factors = 12171 INFOG(12) Number of negative pivots = 0 INFOG(13) Number of delayed pivots = 0 Number of 2x2 pivots in type 1 nodes = 0 Number of 2X2 pivots in type 2 nodes = 0 INFOG(14) Number of memory compress = 0 RINFOG(12) Determinant (real part) = 0.61862440 INFOG(34) Determinant (base 2 exponent) = 670 Elapsed time in factorization driver= 0.0010 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 3 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 0 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR SOLVE PHASE ........... Number of right-hand-sides = 1 Blocking factor for multiple rhs = 1 ICNTL (9) = 1 --- (10) = 0 --- (11) = 0 --- (20) = 0 --- (21) = 0 --- (30) = 0 --- (35) = 0 ** Space in MBYTES used for solve : 0 Leaving solve with ... Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Local statistics Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Elapsed time in solve driver= 0.0000 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 0 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 3 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR SOLVE PHASE ........... Number of right-hand-sides = 5 Blocking factor for multiple rhs = 5 ICNTL (9) = 1 --- (10) = 0 --- (11) = 0 --- (20) = 1 --- (21) = 0 --- (30) = 0 --- (35) = 0 ** Space in MBYTES used for solve : 0 Leaving solve with ... Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Local statistics Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Elapsed time in solve driver= 0.0010 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 3 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR SOLVE PHASE ........... Number of right-hand-sides = 206 Blocking factor for multiple rhs = 206 ICNTL (9) = 1 --- (10) = 0 --- (11) = 0 --- (20) = 1 --- (21) = 0 --- (30) = 1 --- (35) = 0 ** Space in MBYTES used for solve : 1 Leaving solve with ... Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.001000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.001000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Local statistics Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.001000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.001000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Elapsed time in solve driver= 0.0020 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB = -2 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 1 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(5) Matrix format ( keep(55) ) = 0 ICNTL(6) Maximum transversal ( keep(23) ) = 7 ICNTL(7) Ordering = 7 ICNTL(12) LDLT ordering strat ( keep(95) ) = 0 ICNTL(13) Parallel root (0=on, 1=off) = 1 ICNTL(18) Distributed matrix ( keep(54) ) = 0 ICNTL(19) Schur option ( keep(60) 0=off,else=on ) = 0 ICNTL(22) Out-off-core option (0=Off, >0=ON) = 0 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 ================================================= MUMPS compiled with option -DGEMMT_AVAILABLE This MUMPS version includes code for SAVE_RESTORE This MUMPS version includes code for DIST_RHS ================================================= L D L^T Solver for general symmetric matrices Type of parallelism: Working host ****** ANALYSIS STEP ******** Average density of rows/columns = 41 Ordering based on AMF Estimated INTEGER space for factors : 1273 INFO(3), est. real space to store factors : 21319 Estimated number of entries in factors : 12171 Current value of space relaxation parameter : 20 Estimated size of IS (In Core factorization): 2237 Estimated size of S (In Core factorization): 29924 Estimated size of S (OOC factorization) : 25554 Leaving analysis phase with ... INFOG(1) = 0 INFOG(2) = 0 -- (20) Number of entries in factors (estim.) = 12171 -- (3) Real space for factors (estimated) = 21319 -- (4) Integer space for factors (estimated) = 1273 -- (5) Maximum frontal size (estimated) = 133 -- (6) Number of nodes in the tree = 11 -- (32) Type of analysis effectively used = 1 -- (7) Ordering option effectively used = 2 ICNTL(6) Maximum transversal option = 0 ICNTL(7) Pivot order option = 7 ICNTL(14) Percentage of memory relaxation = 20 Number of level 2 nodes = 0 Number of split nodes = 0 RINFOG(1) Operations during elimination (estim)= 9.542D+05 MEMORY ESTIMATIONS ... Estimations with standard Full-Rank (FR) factorization: Estimated space in MBytes for IC factorization (INFO(15)): 1 Total space in MBytes, IC factorization (INFOG(17)): 1 Total space in MBytes, OOC factorization (INFOG(27)): 1 Elapsed time in analysis driver= 0.0010 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(5) Matrix format ( keep(55) ) = 0 ICNTL(6) Maximum transversal ( keep(23) ) = 7 ICNTL(7) Ordering = 7 ICNTL(12) LDLT ordering strat ( keep(95) ) = 0 ICNTL(13) Parallel root (0=on, 1=off) = 1 ICNTL(18) Distributed matrix ( keep(54) ) = 0 ICNTL(19) Schur option ( keep(60) 0=off,else=on ) = 0 ICNTL(22) Out-off-core option (0=Off, >0=ON) = 0 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 2 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 ****** FACTORIZATION STEP ******** ****** FACTORIZATION STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR NUMERICAL FACTORIZATION ... Number of working processes = 1 ICNTL(22) Out-of-core option = 0 ICNTL(35) BLR activation (eff. choice) = 0 ICNTL(14) Memory relaxation = 20 INFOG(3) Real space for factors (estimated)= 21319 INFOG(4) Integer space for factors (estim.)= 1273 Maximum frontal size (estimated) = 133 Number of nodes in the tree = 11 Memory allowed (MB -- 0: N/A ) = 0 Memory provided by user, sum of LWK_USER = 0 Relative threshold for pivoting, CNTL(1) = 0.1000D-01 Max difference from 1 after scaling the entries for ONE-NORM (option 7/8) = 0.22D+00 Effective size of S (based on INFO(39))= 29924 Elapsed time to reformat/distribute matrix = 0.0000 Allocated buffers ------------------ Size of reception buffer in bytes ...... = 140000 Size of async. emission buffer (bytes).. = 140012 Small emission buffer (bytes) .......... = 20 STATISTICS PRIOR NUMERICAL FACTORIZATION ... Size of internal working array S = 29924 Size of internal working array IS = 2237 Minimum (ICNTL(14)=0) size of S = 24924 Minimum (ICNTL(14)=0) size of IS = 1397 Real space for original matrix = 4410 Integer space for original matrix = 4822 INFO(3) Real space for factors (estimated) = 21319 INFO(4) Integer space for factors (estim.) = 1273 Maximum frontal size (estimated) = 133 Start factorization with total estimated flops (RINFOG(1)) = 9.542D+05 LEAVING FACTORIZATION PHASE WITH ... INFO (1) = 0 --- (2) = 0 Number of nodes in the tree = 11 INFO (9) Real space for factors = 21319 --- (10) Integer space for factors = 1273 --- (11) Maximum size of frontal matrices = 133 --- (12) Number of negative pivots = 0 --- (13) Number of delayed pivots = 0 --- (14) Number of memory compresses = 0 --- (25) Number of entries in factors = 0 RINFO(2) Operations during node assembly = 5.877D+03 -----(3) Operations during node elimination = 9.542D+05 ** Memory allocated, total in Mbytes (INFOG(19)): 1 ** Eff. min. Space MBYTES for facto (INFO(16)): 1 ** Memory effectively used, total in Mbytes (INFOG(22)): 1 Elapsed time for factorization = 0.0000 Leaving factorization with ... RINFOG(2) Operations in node assembly = 5.877D+03 ------(3) Operations in node elimination = 9.542D+05 ICNTL (8) Scaling effectively used = 7 INFOG (9) Real space for factors = 21319 INFOG(10) Integer space for factors = 1273 INFOG(11) Maximum front size = 133 INFOG(29) Number of entries in factors = 12171 INFOG(12) Number of negative pivots = 0 INFOG(13) Number of delayed pivots = 0 Number of 2x2 pivots in type 1 nodes = 0 Number of 2X2 pivots in type 2 nodes = 0 INFOG(14) Number of memory compress = 0 RINFOG(12) Determinant (real part) = 0.79434037 INFOG(34) Determinant (base 2 exponent) = 761 Elapsed time in factorization driver= 0.0010 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 3 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 0 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR SOLVE PHASE ........... Number of right-hand-sides = 1 Blocking factor for multiple rhs = 1 ICNTL (9) = 1 --- (10) = 0 --- (11) = 0 --- (20) = 0 --- (21) = 0 --- (30) = 0 --- (35) = 0 ** Space in MBYTES used for solve : 0 Leaving solve with ... Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Local statistics Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Elapsed time in solve driver= 0.0000 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 0 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 3 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR SOLVE PHASE ........... Number of right-hand-sides = 5 Blocking factor for multiple rhs = 5 ICNTL (9) = 1 --- (10) = 0 --- (11) = 0 --- (20) = 1 --- (21) = 0 --- (30) = 0 --- (35) = 0 ** Space in MBYTES used for solve : 0 Leaving solve with ... Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Local statistics Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Elapsed time in solve driver= 0.0010 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 3 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR SOLVE PHASE ........... Number of right-hand-sides = 206 Blocking factor for multiple rhs = 206 ICNTL (9) = 1 --- (10) = 0 --- (11) = 0 --- (20) = 1 --- (21) = 0 --- (30) = 1 --- (35) = 0 ** Space in MBYTES used for solve : 1 Leaving solve with ... Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.001000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Local statistics Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.001000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Elapsed time in solve driver= 0.0010 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB = -2 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 1 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(5) Matrix format ( keep(55) ) = 0 ICNTL(6) Maximum transversal ( keep(23) ) = 7 ICNTL(7) Ordering = 7 ICNTL(12) LDLT ordering strat ( keep(95) ) = 0 ICNTL(13) Parallel root (0=on, 1=off) = 1 ICNTL(18) Distributed matrix ( keep(54) ) = 0 ICNTL(19) Schur option ( keep(60) 0=off,else=on ) = 0 ICNTL(22) Out-off-core option (0=Off, >0=ON) = 0 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 ================================================= MUMPS compiled with option -DGEMMT_AVAILABLE This MUMPS version includes code for SAVE_RESTORE This MUMPS version includes code for DIST_RHS ================================================= L D L^T Solver for general symmetric matrices Type of parallelism: Working host ****** ANALYSIS STEP ******** Average density of rows/columns = 41 Ordering based on AMF Estimated INTEGER space for factors : 1273 INFO(3), est. real space to store factors : 21319 Estimated number of entries in factors : 12171 Current value of space relaxation parameter : 20 Estimated size of IS (In Core factorization): 2237 Estimated size of S (In Core factorization): 29924 Estimated size of S (OOC factorization) : 25554 Leaving analysis phase with ... INFOG(1) = 0 INFOG(2) = 0 -- (20) Number of entries in factors (estim.) = 12171 -- (3) Real space for factors (estimated) = 21319 -- (4) Integer space for factors (estimated) = 1273 -- (5) Maximum frontal size (estimated) = 133 -- (6) Number of nodes in the tree = 11 -- (32) Type of analysis effectively used = 1 -- (7) Ordering option effectively used = 2 ICNTL(6) Maximum transversal option = 0 ICNTL(7) Pivot order option = 7 ICNTL(14) Percentage of memory relaxation = 20 Number of level 2 nodes = 0 Number of split nodes = 0 RINFOG(1) Operations during elimination (estim)= 9.542D+05 MEMORY ESTIMATIONS ... Estimations with standard Full-Rank (FR) factorization: Estimated space in MBytes for IC factorization (INFO(15)): 1 Total space in MBytes, IC factorization (INFOG(17)): 1 Total space in MBytes, OOC factorization (INFOG(27)): 1 Elapsed time in analysis driver= 0.0000 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(5) Matrix format ( keep(55) ) = 0 ICNTL(6) Maximum transversal ( keep(23) ) = 7 ICNTL(7) Ordering = 7 ICNTL(12) LDLT ordering strat ( keep(95) ) = 0 ICNTL(13) Parallel root (0=on, 1=off) = 1 ICNTL(18) Distributed matrix ( keep(54) ) = 0 ICNTL(19) Schur option ( keep(60) 0=off,else=on ) = 0 ICNTL(22) Out-off-core option (0=Off, >0=ON) = 0 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 2 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 ****** FACTORIZATION STEP ******** ****** FACTORIZATION STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR NUMERICAL FACTORIZATION ... Number of working processes = 1 ICNTL(22) Out-of-core option = 0 ICNTL(35) BLR activation (eff. choice) = 0 ICNTL(14) Memory relaxation = 20 INFOG(3) Real space for factors (estimated)= 21319 INFOG(4) Integer space for factors (estim.)= 1273 Maximum frontal size (estimated) = 133 Number of nodes in the tree = 11 Memory allowed (MB -- 0: N/A ) = 0 Memory provided by user, sum of LWK_USER = 0 Relative threshold for pivoting, CNTL(1) = 0.1000D-01 Max difference from 1 after scaling the entries for ONE-NORM (option 7/8) = 0.22D+00 Effective size of S (based on INFO(39))= 29924 Elapsed time to reformat/distribute matrix = 0.0000 Allocated buffers ------------------ Size of reception buffer in bytes ...... = 140000 Size of async. emission buffer (bytes).. = 140012 Small emission buffer (bytes) .......... = 20 STATISTICS PRIOR NUMERICAL FACTORIZATION ... Size of internal working array S = 29924 Size of internal working array IS = 2237 Minimum (ICNTL(14)=0) size of S = 24924 Minimum (ICNTL(14)=0) size of IS = 1397 Real space for original matrix = 4410 Integer space for original matrix = 4822 INFO(3) Real space for factors (estimated) = 21319 INFO(4) Integer space for factors (estim.) = 1273 Maximum frontal size (estimated) = 133 Start factorization with total estimated flops (RINFOG(1)) = 9.542D+05 LEAVING FACTORIZATION PHASE WITH ... INFO (1) = 0 --- (2) = 0 Number of nodes in the tree = 11 INFO (9) Real space for factors = 21319 --- (10) Integer space for factors = 1273 --- (11) Maximum size of frontal matrices = 133 --- (12) Number of negative pivots = 0 --- (13) Number of delayed pivots = 0 --- (14) Number of memory compresses = 0 --- (25) Number of entries in factors = 0 RINFO(2) Operations during node assembly = 5.877D+03 -----(3) Operations during node elimination = 9.542D+05 ** Memory allocated, total in Mbytes (INFOG(19)): 1 ** Eff. min. Space MBYTES for facto (INFO(16)): 1 ** Memory effectively used, total in Mbytes (INFOG(22)): 1 Elapsed time for factorization = 0.0000 Leaving factorization with ... RINFOG(2) Operations in node assembly = 5.877D+03 ------(3) Operations in node elimination = 9.542D+05 ICNTL (8) Scaling effectively used = 7 INFOG (9) Real space for factors = 21319 INFOG(10) Integer space for factors = 1273 INFOG(11) Maximum front size = 133 INFOG(29) Number of entries in factors = 12171 INFOG(12) Number of negative pivots = 0 INFOG(13) Number of delayed pivots = 0 Number of 2x2 pivots in type 1 nodes = 0 Number of 2X2 pivots in type 2 nodes = 0 INFOG(14) Number of memory compress = 0 RINFOG(12) Determinant (real part) = 0.74313580 INFOG(34) Determinant (base 2 exponent) = 1386 Elapsed time in factorization driver= 0.0000 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 3 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 0 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR SOLVE PHASE ........... Number of right-hand-sides = 1 Blocking factor for multiple rhs = 1 ICNTL (9) = 1 --- (10) = 0 --- (11) = 0 --- (20) = 0 --- (21) = 0 --- (30) = 0 --- (35) = 0 ** Space in MBYTES used for solve : 0 Leaving solve with ... Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Local statistics Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Elapsed time in solve driver= 0.0000 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 0 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 3 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR SOLVE PHASE ........... Number of right-hand-sides = 5 Blocking factor for multiple rhs = 5 ICNTL (9) = 1 --- (10) = 0 --- (11) = 0 --- (20) = 1 --- (21) = 0 --- (30) = 0 --- (35) = 0 ** Space in MBYTES used for solve : 0 Leaving solve with ... Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Local statistics Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Elapsed time in solve driver= 0.0000 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 3 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR SOLVE PHASE ........... Number of right-hand-sides = 206 Blocking factor for multiple rhs = 206 ICNTL (9) = 1 --- (10) = 0 --- (11) = 0 --- (20) = 1 --- (21) = 0 --- (30) = 1 --- (35) = 0 ** Space in MBYTES used for solve : 1 Leaving solve with ... Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Local statistics Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Elapsed time in solve driver= 0.0010 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB = -2 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 1 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(5) Matrix format ( keep(55) ) = 0 ICNTL(6) Maximum transversal ( keep(23) ) = 7 ICNTL(7) Ordering = 7 ICNTL(12) LDLT ordering strat ( keep(95) ) = 0 ICNTL(13) Parallel root (0=on, 1=off) = 1 ICNTL(18) Distributed matrix ( keep(54) ) = 0 ICNTL(19) Schur option ( keep(60) 0=off,else=on ) = 0 ICNTL(22) Out-off-core option (0=Off, >0=ON) = 0 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 ================================================= MUMPS compiled with option -DGEMMT_AVAILABLE This MUMPS version includes code for SAVE_RESTORE This MUMPS version includes code for DIST_RHS ================================================= L D L^T Solver for general symmetric matrices Type of parallelism: Working host ****** ANALYSIS STEP ******** Average density of rows/columns = 41 Ordering based on AMF Estimated INTEGER space for factors : 1273 INFO(3), est. real space to store factors : 21319 Estimated number of entries in factors : 12171 Current value of space relaxation parameter : 20 Estimated size of IS (In Core factorization): 2237 Estimated size of S (In Core factorization): 29924 Estimated size of S (OOC factorization) : 25554 Leaving analysis phase with ... INFOG(1) = 0 INFOG(2) = 0 -- (20) Number of entries in factors (estim.) = 12171 -- (3) Real space for factors (estimated) = 21319 -- (4) Integer space for factors (estimated) = 1273 -- (5) Maximum frontal size (estimated) = 133 -- (6) Number of nodes in the tree = 11 -- (32) Type of analysis effectively used = 1 -- (7) Ordering option effectively used = 2 ICNTL(6) Maximum transversal option = 0 ICNTL(7) Pivot order option = 7 ICNTL(14) Percentage of memory relaxation = 20 Number of level 2 nodes = 0 Number of split nodes = 0 RINFOG(1) Operations during elimination (estim)= 9.542D+05 MEMORY ESTIMATIONS ... Estimations with standard Full-Rank (FR) factorization: Estimated space in MBytes for IC factorization (INFO(15)): 1 Total space in MBytes, IC factorization (INFOG(17)): 1 Total space in MBytes, OOC factorization (INFOG(27)): 1 Elapsed time in analysis driver= 0.0010 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(5) Matrix format ( keep(55) ) = 0 ICNTL(6) Maximum transversal ( keep(23) ) = 7 ICNTL(7) Ordering = 7 ICNTL(12) LDLT ordering strat ( keep(95) ) = 0 ICNTL(13) Parallel root (0=on, 1=off) = 1 ICNTL(18) Distributed matrix ( keep(54) ) = 0 ICNTL(19) Schur option ( keep(60) 0=off,else=on ) = 0 ICNTL(22) Out-off-core option (0=Off, >0=ON) = 0 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 2 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 ****** FACTORIZATION STEP ******** ****** FACTORIZATION STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR NUMERICAL FACTORIZATION ... Number of working processes = 1 ICNTL(22) Out-of-core option = 0 ICNTL(35) BLR activation (eff. choice) = 0 ICNTL(14) Memory relaxation = 20 INFOG(3) Real space for factors (estimated)= 21319 INFOG(4) Integer space for factors (estim.)= 1273 Maximum frontal size (estimated) = 133 Number of nodes in the tree = 11 Memory allowed (MB -- 0: N/A ) = 0 Memory provided by user, sum of LWK_USER = 0 Relative threshold for pivoting, CNTL(1) = 0.1000D-01 Max difference from 1 after scaling the entries for ONE-NORM (option 7/8) = 0.23D+00 Effective size of S (based on INFO(39))= 29924 Elapsed time to reformat/distribute matrix = 0.0000 Allocated buffers ------------------ Size of reception buffer in bytes ...... = 140000 Size of async. emission buffer (bytes).. = 140012 Small emission buffer (bytes) .......... = 20 STATISTICS PRIOR NUMERICAL FACTORIZATION ... Size of internal working array S = 29924 Size of internal working array IS = 2237 Minimum (ICNTL(14)=0) size of S = 24924 Minimum (ICNTL(14)=0) size of IS = 1397 Real space for original matrix = 4410 Integer space for original matrix = 4822 INFO(3) Real space for factors (estimated) = 21319 INFO(4) Integer space for factors (estim.) = 1273 Maximum frontal size (estimated) = 133 Start factorization with total estimated flops (RINFOG(1)) = 9.542D+05 LEAVING FACTORIZATION PHASE WITH ... INFO (1) = 0 --- (2) = 0 Number of nodes in the tree = 11 INFO (9) Real space for factors = 21319 --- (10) Integer space for factors = 1273 --- (11) Maximum size of frontal matrices = 133 --- (12) Number of negative pivots = 0 --- (13) Number of delayed pivots = 0 --- (14) Number of memory compresses = 0 --- (25) Number of entries in factors = 0 RINFO(2) Operations during node assembly = 5.877D+03 -----(3) Operations during node elimination = 9.542D+05 ** Memory allocated, total in Mbytes (INFOG(19)): 1 ** Eff. min. Space MBYTES for facto (INFO(16)): 1 ** Memory effectively used, total in Mbytes (INFOG(22)): 1 Elapsed time for factorization = 0.0050 Leaving factorization with ... RINFOG(2) Operations in node assembly = 5.877D+03 ------(3) Operations in node elimination = 9.542D+05 ICNTL (8) Scaling effectively used = 7 INFOG (9) Real space for factors = 21319 INFOG(10) Integer space for factors = 1273 INFOG(11) Maximum front size = 133 INFOG(29) Number of entries in factors = 12171 INFOG(12) Number of negative pivots = 0 INFOG(13) Number of delayed pivots = 0 Number of 2x2 pivots in type 1 nodes = 0 Number of 2X2 pivots in type 2 nodes = 0 INFOG(14) Number of memory compress = 0 RINFOG(12) Determinant (real part) = 0.90970890 INFOG(34) Determinant (base 2 exponent) = 2268 Elapsed time in factorization driver= 0.0060 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 3 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 0 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR SOLVE PHASE ........... Number of right-hand-sides = 1 Blocking factor for multiple rhs = 1 ICNTL (9) = 1 --- (10) = 0 --- (11) = 0 --- (20) = 0 --- (21) = 0 --- (30) = 0 --- (35) = 0 ** Space in MBYTES used for solve : 0 Leaving solve with ... Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Local statistics Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Elapsed time in solve driver= 0.0010 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 0 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 3 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR SOLVE PHASE ........... Number of right-hand-sides = 5 Blocking factor for multiple rhs = 5 ICNTL (9) = 1 --- (10) = 0 --- (11) = 0 --- (20) = 1 --- (21) = 0 --- (30) = 0 --- (35) = 0 ** Space in MBYTES used for solve : 0 Leaving solve with ... Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Local statistics Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Elapsed time in solve driver= 0.0000 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 3 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR SOLVE PHASE ........... Number of right-hand-sides = 206 Blocking factor for multiple rhs = 206 ICNTL (9) = 1 --- (10) = 0 --- (11) = 0 --- (20) = 1 --- (21) = 0 --- (30) = 1 --- (35) = 0 ** Space in MBYTES used for solve : 1 Leaving solve with ... Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.001000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Local statistics Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.001000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Elapsed time in solve driver= 0.0020 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB = -2 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 1 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(5) Matrix format ( keep(55) ) = 0 ICNTL(6) Maximum transversal ( keep(23) ) = 7 ICNTL(7) Ordering = 7 ICNTL(12) LDLT ordering strat ( keep(95) ) = 0 ICNTL(13) Parallel root (0=on, 1=off) = 1 ICNTL(18) Distributed matrix ( keep(54) ) = 0 ICNTL(19) Schur option ( keep(60) 0=off,else=on ) = 0 ICNTL(22) Out-off-core option (0=Off, >0=ON) = 0 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 ================================================= MUMPS compiled with option -DGEMMT_AVAILABLE This MUMPS version includes code for SAVE_RESTORE This MUMPS version includes code for DIST_RHS ================================================= L D L^T Solver for general symmetric matrices Type of parallelism: Working host ****** ANALYSIS STEP ******** Average density of rows/columns = 41 Ordering based on AMF Estimated INTEGER space for factors : 1273 INFO(3), est. real space to store factors : 21319 Estimated number of entries in factors : 12171 Current value of space relaxation parameter : 20 Estimated size of IS (In Core factorization): 2237 Estimated size of S (In Core factorization): 29924 Estimated size of S (OOC factorization) : 25554 Leaving analysis phase with ... INFOG(1) = 0 INFOG(2) = 0 -- (20) Number of entries in factors (estim.) = 12171 -- (3) Real space for factors (estimated) = 21319 -- (4) Integer space for factors (estimated) = 1273 -- (5) Maximum frontal size (estimated) = 133 -- (6) Number of nodes in the tree = 11 -- (32) Type of analysis effectively used = 1 -- (7) Ordering option effectively used = 2 ICNTL(6) Maximum transversal option = 0 ICNTL(7) Pivot order option = 7 ICNTL(14) Percentage of memory relaxation = 20 Number of level 2 nodes = 0 Number of split nodes = 0 RINFOG(1) Operations during elimination (estim)= 9.542D+05 MEMORY ESTIMATIONS ... Estimations with standard Full-Rank (FR) factorization: Estimated space in MBytes for IC factorization (INFO(15)): 1 Total space in MBytes, IC factorization (INFOG(17)): 1 Total space in MBytes, OOC factorization (INFOG(27)): 1 Elapsed time in analysis driver= 0.0010 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(5) Matrix format ( keep(55) ) = 0 ICNTL(6) Maximum transversal ( keep(23) ) = 7 ICNTL(7) Ordering = 7 ICNTL(12) LDLT ordering strat ( keep(95) ) = 0 ICNTL(13) Parallel root (0=on, 1=off) = 1 ICNTL(18) Distributed matrix ( keep(54) ) = 0 ICNTL(19) Schur option ( keep(60) 0=off,else=on ) = 0 ICNTL(22) Out-off-core option (0=Off, >0=ON) = 0 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 2 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 ****** FACTORIZATION STEP ******** ****** FACTORIZATION STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR NUMERICAL FACTORIZATION ... Number of working processes = 1 ICNTL(22) Out-of-core option = 0 ICNTL(35) BLR activation (eff. choice) = 0 ICNTL(14) Memory relaxation = 20 INFOG(3) Real space for factors (estimated)= 21319 INFOG(4) Integer space for factors (estim.)= 1273 Maximum frontal size (estimated) = 133 Number of nodes in the tree = 11 Memory allowed (MB -- 0: N/A ) = 0 Memory provided by user, sum of LWK_USER = 0 Relative threshold for pivoting, CNTL(1) = 0.1000D-01 Max difference from 1 after scaling the entries for ONE-NORM (option 7/8) = 0.22D+00 Effective size of S (based on INFO(39))= 29924 Elapsed time to reformat/distribute matrix = 0.0000 Allocated buffers ------------------ Size of reception buffer in bytes ...... = 140000 Size of async. emission buffer (bytes).. = 140012 Small emission buffer (bytes) .......... = 20 STATISTICS PRIOR NUMERICAL FACTORIZATION ... Size of internal working array S = 29924 Size of internal working array IS = 2237 Minimum (ICNTL(14)=0) size of S = 24924 Minimum (ICNTL(14)=0) size of IS = 1397 Real space for original matrix = 4410 Integer space for original matrix = 4822 INFO(3) Real space for factors (estimated) = 21319 INFO(4) Integer space for factors (estim.) = 1273 Maximum frontal size (estimated) = 133 Start factorization with total estimated flops (RINFOG(1)) = 9.542D+05 LEAVING FACTORIZATION PHASE WITH ... INFO (1) = 0 --- (2) = 0 Number of nodes in the tree = 11 INFO (9) Real space for factors = 21319 --- (10) Integer space for factors = 1273 --- (11) Maximum size of frontal matrices = 133 --- (12) Number of negative pivots = 0 --- (13) Number of delayed pivots = 0 --- (14) Number of memory compresses = 0 --- (25) Number of entries in factors = 0 RINFO(2) Operations during node assembly = 5.877D+03 -----(3) Operations during node elimination = 9.542D+05 ** Memory allocated, total in Mbytes (INFOG(19)): 1 ** Eff. min. Space MBYTES for facto (INFO(16)): 1 ** Memory effectively used, total in Mbytes (INFOG(22)): 1 Elapsed time for factorization = 0.0010 Leaving factorization with ... RINFOG(2) Operations in node assembly = 5.877D+03 ------(3) Operations in node elimination = 9.542D+05 ICNTL (8) Scaling effectively used = 7 INFOG (9) Real space for factors = 21319 INFOG(10) Integer space for factors = 1273 INFOG(11) Maximum front size = 133 INFOG(29) Number of entries in factors = 12171 INFOG(12) Number of negative pivots = 0 INFOG(13) Number of delayed pivots = 0 Number of 2x2 pivots in type 1 nodes = 0 Number of 2X2 pivots in type 2 nodes = 0 INFOG(14) Number of memory compress = 0 RINFOG(12) Determinant (real part) = 0.62128759 INFOG(34) Determinant (base 2 exponent) = 2070 Elapsed time in factorization driver= 0.0010 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 3 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 0 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR SOLVE PHASE ........... Number of right-hand-sides = 1 Blocking factor for multiple rhs = 1 ICNTL (9) = 1 --- (10) = 0 --- (11) = 0 --- (20) = 0 --- (21) = 0 --- (30) = 0 --- (35) = 0 ** Space in MBYTES used for solve : 0 Leaving solve with ... Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Local statistics Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Elapsed time in solve driver= 0.0010 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 0 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 3 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR SOLVE PHASE ........... Number of right-hand-sides = 5 Blocking factor for multiple rhs = 5 ICNTL (9) = 1 --- (10) = 0 --- (11) = 0 --- (20) = 1 --- (21) = 0 --- (30) = 0 --- (35) = 0 ** Space in MBYTES used for solve : 0 Leaving solve with ... Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Local statistics Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Elapsed time in solve driver= 0.0010 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 3 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR SOLVE PHASE ........... Number of right-hand-sides = 206 Blocking factor for multiple rhs = 206 ICNTL (9) = 1 --- (10) = 0 --- (11) = 0 --- (20) = 1 --- (21) = 0 --- (30) = 1 --- (35) = 0 ** Space in MBYTES used for solve : 1 Leaving solve with ... Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.001000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.001000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Local statistics Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.001000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.001000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Elapsed time in solve driver= 0.0010 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB = -2 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 1 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(5) Matrix format ( keep(55) ) = 0 ICNTL(6) Maximum transversal ( keep(23) ) = 7 ICNTL(7) Ordering = 7 ICNTL(12) LDLT ordering strat ( keep(95) ) = 0 ICNTL(13) Parallel root (0=on, 1=off) = 1 ICNTL(18) Distributed matrix ( keep(54) ) = 0 ICNTL(19) Schur option ( keep(60) 0=off,else=on ) = 0 ICNTL(22) Out-off-core option (0=Off, >0=ON) = 0 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 ================================================= MUMPS compiled with option -DGEMMT_AVAILABLE This MUMPS version includes code for SAVE_RESTORE This MUMPS version includes code for DIST_RHS ================================================= L D L^T Solver for general symmetric matrices Type of parallelism: Working host ****** ANALYSIS STEP ******** Average density of rows/columns = 41 Ordering based on AMF Estimated INTEGER space for factors : 1273 INFO(3), est. real space to store factors : 21319 Estimated number of entries in factors : 12171 Current value of space relaxation parameter : 20 Estimated size of IS (In Core factorization): 2237 Estimated size of S (In Core factorization): 29924 Estimated size of S (OOC factorization) : 25554 Leaving analysis phase with ... INFOG(1) = 0 INFOG(2) = 0 -- (20) Number of entries in factors (estim.) = 12171 -- (3) Real space for factors (estimated) = 21319 -- (4) Integer space for factors (estimated) = 1273 -- (5) Maximum frontal size (estimated) = 133 -- (6) Number of nodes in the tree = 11 -- (32) Type of analysis effectively used = 1 -- (7) Ordering option effectively used = 2 ICNTL(6) Maximum transversal option = 0 ICNTL(7) Pivot order option = 7 ICNTL(14) Percentage of memory relaxation = 20 Number of level 2 nodes = 0 Number of split nodes = 0 RINFOG(1) Operations during elimination (estim)= 9.542D+05 MEMORY ESTIMATIONS ... Estimations with standard Full-Rank (FR) factorization: Estimated space in MBytes for IC factorization (INFO(15)): 1 Total space in MBytes, IC factorization (INFOG(17)): 1 Total space in MBytes, OOC factorization (INFOG(27)): 1 Elapsed time in analysis driver= 0.0010 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(5) Matrix format ( keep(55) ) = 0 ICNTL(6) Maximum transversal ( keep(23) ) = 7 ICNTL(7) Ordering = 7 ICNTL(12) LDLT ordering strat ( keep(95) ) = 0 ICNTL(13) Parallel root (0=on, 1=off) = 1 ICNTL(18) Distributed matrix ( keep(54) ) = 0 ICNTL(19) Schur option ( keep(60) 0=off,else=on ) = 0 ICNTL(22) Out-off-core option (0=Off, >0=ON) = 0 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 2 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 ****** FACTORIZATION STEP ******** ****** FACTORIZATION STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR NUMERICAL FACTORIZATION ... Number of working processes = 1 ICNTL(22) Out-of-core option = 0 ICNTL(35) BLR activation (eff. choice) = 0 ICNTL(14) Memory relaxation = 20 INFOG(3) Real space for factors (estimated)= 21319 INFOG(4) Integer space for factors (estim.)= 1273 Maximum frontal size (estimated) = 133 Number of nodes in the tree = 11 Memory allowed (MB -- 0: N/A ) = 0 Memory provided by user, sum of LWK_USER = 0 Relative threshold for pivoting, CNTL(1) = 0.1000D-01 Max difference from 1 after scaling the entries for ONE-NORM (option 7/8) = 0.22D+00 Effective size of S (based on INFO(39))= 29924 Elapsed time to reformat/distribute matrix = 0.0000 Allocated buffers ------------------ Size of reception buffer in bytes ...... = 140000 Size of async. emission buffer (bytes).. = 140012 Small emission buffer (bytes) .......... = 20 STATISTICS PRIOR NUMERICAL FACTORIZATION ... Size of internal working array S = 29924 Size of internal working array IS = 2237 Minimum (ICNTL(14)=0) size of S = 24924 Minimum (ICNTL(14)=0) size of IS = 1397 Real space for original matrix = 4410 Integer space for original matrix = 4822 INFO(3) Real space for factors (estimated) = 21319 INFO(4) Integer space for factors (estim.) = 1273 Maximum frontal size (estimated) = 133 Start factorization with total estimated flops (RINFOG(1)) = 9.542D+05 LEAVING FACTORIZATION PHASE WITH ... INFO (1) = 0 --- (2) = 0 Number of nodes in the tree = 11 INFO (9) Real space for factors = 21319 --- (10) Integer space for factors = 1273 --- (11) Maximum size of frontal matrices = 133 --- (12) Number of negative pivots = 0 --- (13) Number of delayed pivots = 0 --- (14) Number of memory compresses = 0 --- (25) Number of entries in factors = 0 RINFO(2) Operations during node assembly = 5.877D+03 -----(3) Operations during node elimination = 9.542D+05 ** Memory allocated, total in Mbytes (INFOG(19)): 1 ** Eff. min. Space MBYTES for facto (INFO(16)): 1 ** Memory effectively used, total in Mbytes (INFOG(22)): 1 Elapsed time for factorization = 0.0000 Leaving factorization with ... RINFOG(2) Operations in node assembly = 5.877D+03 ------(3) Operations in node elimination = 9.542D+05 ICNTL (8) Scaling effectively used = 7 INFOG (9) Real space for factors = 21319 INFOG(10) Integer space for factors = 1273 INFOG(11) Maximum front size = 133 INFOG(29) Number of entries in factors = 12171 INFOG(12) Number of negative pivots = 0 INFOG(13) Number of delayed pivots = 0 Number of 2x2 pivots in type 1 nodes = 0 Number of 2X2 pivots in type 2 nodes = 0 INFOG(14) Number of memory compress = 0 RINFOG(12) Determinant (real part) = 0.69129263 INFOG(34) Determinant (base 2 exponent) = 2070 Elapsed time in factorization driver= 0.0000 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 3 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 0 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR SOLVE PHASE ........... Number of right-hand-sides = 1 Blocking factor for multiple rhs = 1 ICNTL (9) = 1 --- (10) = 0 --- (11) = 0 --- (20) = 0 --- (21) = 0 --- (30) = 0 --- (35) = 0 ** Space in MBYTES used for solve : 0 Leaving solve with ... Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Local statistics Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Elapsed time in solve driver= 0.0000 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 0 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 3 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR SOLVE PHASE ........... Number of right-hand-sides = 5 Blocking factor for multiple rhs = 5 ICNTL (9) = 1 --- (10) = 0 --- (11) = 0 --- (20) = 1 --- (21) = 0 --- (30) = 0 --- (35) = 0 ** Space in MBYTES used for solve : 0 Leaving solve with ... Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Local statistics Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Elapsed time in solve driver= 0.0000 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 3 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR SOLVE PHASE ........... Number of right-hand-sides = 206 Blocking factor for multiple rhs = 206 ICNTL (9) = 1 --- (10) = 0 --- (11) = 0 --- (20) = 1 --- (21) = 0 --- (30) = 1 --- (35) = 0 ** Space in MBYTES used for solve : 1 Leaving solve with ... Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Local statistics Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Elapsed time in solve driver= 0.0010 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB = -2 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 1 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(5) Matrix format ( keep(55) ) = 0 ICNTL(6) Maximum transversal ( keep(23) ) = 7 ICNTL(7) Ordering = 7 ICNTL(12) LDLT ordering strat ( keep(95) ) = 0 ICNTL(13) Parallel root (0=on, 1=off) = 1 ICNTL(18) Distributed matrix ( keep(54) ) = 0 ICNTL(19) Schur option ( keep(60) 0=off,else=on ) = 0 ICNTL(22) Out-off-core option (0=Off, >0=ON) = 0 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 ================================================= MUMPS compiled with option -DGEMMT_AVAILABLE This MUMPS version includes code for SAVE_RESTORE This MUMPS version includes code for DIST_RHS ================================================= L D L^T Solver for general symmetric matrices Type of parallelism: Working host ****** ANALYSIS STEP ******** Average density of rows/columns = 41 Ordering based on AMF Estimated INTEGER space for factors : 1273 INFO(3), est. real space to store factors : 21319 Estimated number of entries in factors : 12171 Current value of space relaxation parameter : 20 Estimated size of IS (In Core factorization): 2237 Estimated size of S (In Core factorization): 29924 Estimated size of S (OOC factorization) : 25554 Leaving analysis phase with ... INFOG(1) = 0 INFOG(2) = 0 -- (20) Number of entries in factors (estim.) = 12171 -- (3) Real space for factors (estimated) = 21319 -- (4) Integer space for factors (estimated) = 1273 -- (5) Maximum frontal size (estimated) = 133 -- (6) Number of nodes in the tree = 11 -- (32) Type of analysis effectively used = 1 -- (7) Ordering option effectively used = 2 ICNTL(6) Maximum transversal option = 0 ICNTL(7) Pivot order option = 7 ICNTL(14) Percentage of memory relaxation = 20 Number of level 2 nodes = 0 Number of split nodes = 0 RINFOG(1) Operations during elimination (estim)= 9.542D+05 MEMORY ESTIMATIONS ... Estimations with standard Full-Rank (FR) factorization: Estimated space in MBytes for IC factorization (INFO(15)): 1 Total space in MBytes, IC factorization (INFOG(17)): 1 Total space in MBytes, OOC factorization (INFOG(27)): 1 Elapsed time in analysis driver= 0.0010 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(5) Matrix format ( keep(55) ) = 0 ICNTL(6) Maximum transversal ( keep(23) ) = 7 ICNTL(7) Ordering = 7 ICNTL(12) LDLT ordering strat ( keep(95) ) = 0 ICNTL(13) Parallel root (0=on, 1=off) = 1 ICNTL(18) Distributed matrix ( keep(54) ) = 0 ICNTL(19) Schur option ( keep(60) 0=off,else=on ) = 0 ICNTL(22) Out-off-core option (0=Off, >0=ON) = 0 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 2 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 ****** FACTORIZATION STEP ******** ****** FACTORIZATION STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR NUMERICAL FACTORIZATION ... Number of working processes = 1 ICNTL(22) Out-of-core option = 0 ICNTL(35) BLR activation (eff. choice) = 0 ICNTL(14) Memory relaxation = 20 INFOG(3) Real space for factors (estimated)= 21319 INFOG(4) Integer space for factors (estim.)= 1273 Maximum frontal size (estimated) = 133 Number of nodes in the tree = 11 Memory allowed (MB -- 0: N/A ) = 0 Memory provided by user, sum of LWK_USER = 0 Relative threshold for pivoting, CNTL(1) = 0.1000D-01 Max difference from 1 after scaling the entries for ONE-NORM (option 7/8) = 0.22D+00 Effective size of S (based on INFO(39))= 29924 Elapsed time to reformat/distribute matrix = 0.0000 Allocated buffers ------------------ Size of reception buffer in bytes ...... = 140000 Size of async. emission buffer (bytes).. = 140012 Small emission buffer (bytes) .......... = 20 STATISTICS PRIOR NUMERICAL FACTORIZATION ... Size of internal working array S = 29924 Size of internal working array IS = 2237 Minimum (ICNTL(14)=0) size of S = 24924 Minimum (ICNTL(14)=0) size of IS = 1397 Real space for original matrix = 4410 Integer space for original matrix = 4822 INFO(3) Real space for factors (estimated) = 21319 INFO(4) Integer space for factors (estim.) = 1273 Maximum frontal size (estimated) = 133 Start factorization with total estimated flops (RINFOG(1)) = 9.542D+05 LEAVING FACTORIZATION PHASE WITH ... INFO (1) = 0 --- (2) = 0 Number of nodes in the tree = 11 INFO (9) Real space for factors = 21319 --- (10) Integer space for factors = 1273 --- (11) Maximum size of frontal matrices = 133 --- (12) Number of negative pivots = 0 --- (13) Number of delayed pivots = 0 --- (14) Number of memory compresses = 0 --- (25) Number of entries in factors = 0 RINFO(2) Operations during node assembly = 5.877D+03 -----(3) Operations during node elimination = 9.542D+05 ** Memory allocated, total in Mbytes (INFOG(19)): 1 ** Eff. min. Space MBYTES for facto (INFO(16)): 1 ** Memory effectively used, total in Mbytes (INFOG(22)): 1 Elapsed time for factorization = 0.0000 Leaving factorization with ... RINFOG(2) Operations in node assembly = 5.877D+03 ------(3) Operations in node elimination = 9.542D+05 ICNTL (8) Scaling effectively used = 7 INFOG (9) Real space for factors = 21319 INFOG(10) Integer space for factors = 1273 INFOG(11) Maximum front size = 133 INFOG(29) Number of entries in factors = 12171 INFOG(12) Number of negative pivots = 0 INFOG(13) Number of delayed pivots = 0 Number of 2x2 pivots in type 1 nodes = 0 Number of 2X2 pivots in type 2 nodes = 0 INFOG(14) Number of memory compress = 0 RINFOG(12) Determinant (real part) = 0.79082415 INFOG(34) Determinant (base 2 exponent) = 2058 Elapsed time in factorization driver= 0.0010 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 3 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 0 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR SOLVE PHASE ........... Number of right-hand-sides = 1 Blocking factor for multiple rhs = 1 ICNTL (9) = 1 --- (10) = 0 --- (11) = 0 --- (20) = 0 --- (21) = 0 --- (30) = 0 --- (35) = 0 ** Space in MBYTES used for solve : 0 Leaving solve with ... Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Local statistics Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Elapsed time in solve driver= 0.0000 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 0 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 3 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR SOLVE PHASE ........... Number of right-hand-sides = 5 Blocking factor for multiple rhs = 5 ICNTL (9) = 1 --- (10) = 0 --- (11) = 0 --- (20) = 1 --- (21) = 0 --- (30) = 0 --- (35) = 0 ** Space in MBYTES used for solve : 0 Leaving solve with ... Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Local statistics Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Elapsed time in solve driver= 0.0000 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 3 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR SOLVE PHASE ........... Number of right-hand-sides = 206 Blocking factor for multiple rhs = 206 ICNTL (9) = 1 --- (10) = 0 --- (11) = 0 --- (20) = 1 --- (21) = 0 --- (30) = 1 --- (35) = 0 ** Space in MBYTES used for solve : 1 Leaving solve with ... Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.001000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.001000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Local statistics Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.001000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.001000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Elapsed time in solve driver= 0.0010 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB = -2 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 1 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(5) Matrix format ( keep(55) ) = 0 ICNTL(6) Maximum transversal ( keep(23) ) = 7 ICNTL(7) Ordering = 7 ICNTL(12) LDLT ordering strat ( keep(95) ) = 0 ICNTL(13) Parallel root (0=on, 1=off) = 1 ICNTL(18) Distributed matrix ( keep(54) ) = 0 ICNTL(19) Schur option ( keep(60) 0=off,else=on ) = 0 ICNTL(22) Out-off-core option (0=Off, >0=ON) = 0 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 ================================================= MUMPS compiled with option -DGEMMT_AVAILABLE This MUMPS version includes code for SAVE_RESTORE This MUMPS version includes code for DIST_RHS ================================================= L D L^T Solver for general symmetric matrices Type of parallelism: Working host ****** ANALYSIS STEP ******** Average density of rows/columns = 41 Ordering based on AMF Estimated INTEGER space for factors : 1273 INFO(3), est. real space to store factors : 21319 Estimated number of entries in factors : 12171 Current value of space relaxation parameter : 20 Estimated size of IS (In Core factorization): 2237 Estimated size of S (In Core factorization): 29924 Estimated size of S (OOC factorization) : 25554 Leaving analysis phase with ... INFOG(1) = 0 INFOG(2) = 0 -- (20) Number of entries in factors (estim.) = 12171 -- (3) Real space for factors (estimated) = 21319 -- (4) Integer space for factors (estimated) = 1273 -- (5) Maximum frontal size (estimated) = 133 -- (6) Number of nodes in the tree = 11 -- (32) Type of analysis effectively used = 1 -- (7) Ordering option effectively used = 2 ICNTL(6) Maximum transversal option = 0 ICNTL(7) Pivot order option = 7 ICNTL(14) Percentage of memory relaxation = 20 Number of level 2 nodes = 0 Number of split nodes = 0 RINFOG(1) Operations during elimination (estim)= 9.542D+05 MEMORY ESTIMATIONS ... Estimations with standard Full-Rank (FR) factorization: Estimated space in MBytes for IC factorization (INFO(15)): 1 Total space in MBytes, IC factorization (INFOG(17)): 1 Total space in MBytes, OOC factorization (INFOG(27)): 1 Elapsed time in analysis driver= 0.0010 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(5) Matrix format ( keep(55) ) = 0 ICNTL(6) Maximum transversal ( keep(23) ) = 7 ICNTL(7) Ordering = 7 ICNTL(12) LDLT ordering strat ( keep(95) ) = 0 ICNTL(13) Parallel root (0=on, 1=off) = 1 ICNTL(18) Distributed matrix ( keep(54) ) = 0 ICNTL(19) Schur option ( keep(60) 0=off,else=on ) = 0 ICNTL(22) Out-off-core option (0=Off, >0=ON) = 0 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 2 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 ****** FACTORIZATION STEP ******** ****** FACTORIZATION STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR NUMERICAL FACTORIZATION ... Number of working processes = 1 ICNTL(22) Out-of-core option = 0 ICNTL(35) BLR activation (eff. choice) = 0 ICNTL(14) Memory relaxation = 20 INFOG(3) Real space for factors (estimated)= 21319 INFOG(4) Integer space for factors (estim.)= 1273 Maximum frontal size (estimated) = 133 Number of nodes in the tree = 11 Memory allowed (MB -- 0: N/A ) = 0 Memory provided by user, sum of LWK_USER = 0 Relative threshold for pivoting, CNTL(1) = 0.1000D-01 Max difference from 1 after scaling the entries for ONE-NORM (option 7/8) = 0.22D+00 Effective size of S (based on INFO(39))= 29924 Elapsed time to reformat/distribute matrix = 0.0000 Allocated buffers ------------------ Size of reception buffer in bytes ...... = 140000 Size of async. emission buffer (bytes).. = 140012 Small emission buffer (bytes) .......... = 20 STATISTICS PRIOR NUMERICAL FACTORIZATION ... Size of internal working array S = 29924 Size of internal working array IS = 2237 Minimum (ICNTL(14)=0) size of S = 24924 Minimum (ICNTL(14)=0) size of IS = 1397 Real space for original matrix = 4410 Integer space for original matrix = 4822 INFO(3) Real space for factors (estimated) = 21319 INFO(4) Integer space for factors (estim.) = 1273 Maximum frontal size (estimated) = 133 Start factorization with total estimated flops (RINFOG(1)) = 9.542D+05 LEAVING FACTORIZATION PHASE WITH ... INFO (1) = 0 --- (2) = 0 Number of nodes in the tree = 11 INFO (9) Real space for factors = 21319 --- (10) Integer space for factors = 1273 --- (11) Maximum size of frontal matrices = 133 --- (12) Number of negative pivots = 0 --- (13) Number of delayed pivots = 0 --- (14) Number of memory compresses = 0 --- (25) Number of entries in factors = 0 RINFO(2) Operations during node assembly = 5.877D+03 -----(3) Operations during node elimination = 9.542D+05 ** Memory allocated, total in Mbytes (INFOG(19)): 1 ** Eff. min. Space MBYTES for facto (INFO(16)): 1 ** Memory effectively used, total in Mbytes (INFOG(22)): 1 Elapsed time for factorization = 0.0000 Leaving factorization with ... RINFOG(2) Operations in node assembly = 5.877D+03 ------(3) Operations in node elimination = 9.542D+05 ICNTL (8) Scaling effectively used = 7 INFOG (9) Real space for factors = 21319 INFOG(10) Integer space for factors = 1273 INFOG(11) Maximum front size = 133 INFOG(29) Number of entries in factors = 12171 INFOG(12) Number of negative pivots = 0 INFOG(13) Number of delayed pivots = 0 Number of 2x2 pivots in type 1 nodes = 0 Number of 2X2 pivots in type 2 nodes = 0 INFOG(14) Number of memory compress = 0 RINFOG(12) Determinant (real part) = 0.58809423 INFOG(34) Determinant (base 2 exponent) = 2056 Elapsed time in factorization driver= 0.0000 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 3 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 0 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR SOLVE PHASE ........... Number of right-hand-sides = 1 Blocking factor for multiple rhs = 1 ICNTL (9) = 1 --- (10) = 0 --- (11) = 0 --- (20) = 0 --- (21) = 0 --- (30) = 0 --- (35) = 0 ** Space in MBYTES used for solve : 0 Leaving solve with ... Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Local statistics Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Elapsed time in solve driver= 0.0000 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 0 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 3 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR SOLVE PHASE ........... Number of right-hand-sides = 5 Blocking factor for multiple rhs = 5 ICNTL (9) = 1 --- (10) = 0 --- (11) = 0 --- (20) = 1 --- (21) = 0 --- (30) = 0 --- (35) = 0 ** Space in MBYTES used for solve : 0 Leaving solve with ... Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Local statistics Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Elapsed time in solve driver= 0.0010 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 3 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR SOLVE PHASE ........... Number of right-hand-sides = 206 Blocking factor for multiple rhs = 206 ICNTL (9) = 1 --- (10) = 0 --- (11) = 0 --- (20) = 1 --- (21) = 0 --- (30) = 1 --- (35) = 0 ** Space in MBYTES used for solve : 1 Leaving solve with ... Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.001000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.001000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Local statistics Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.001000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.001000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Elapsed time in solve driver= 0.0010 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB = -2 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 1 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(5) Matrix format ( keep(55) ) = 0 ICNTL(6) Maximum transversal ( keep(23) ) = 7 ICNTL(7) Ordering = 7 ICNTL(12) LDLT ordering strat ( keep(95) ) = 0 ICNTL(13) Parallel root (0=on, 1=off) = 1 ICNTL(18) Distributed matrix ( keep(54) ) = 0 ICNTL(19) Schur option ( keep(60) 0=off,else=on ) = 0 ICNTL(22) Out-off-core option (0=Off, >0=ON) = 0 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 ================================================= MUMPS compiled with option -DGEMMT_AVAILABLE This MUMPS version includes code for SAVE_RESTORE This MUMPS version includes code for DIST_RHS ================================================= L D L^T Solver for general symmetric matrices Type of parallelism: Working host ****** ANALYSIS STEP ******** Average density of rows/columns = 41 Ordering based on AMF Estimated INTEGER space for factors : 1273 INFO(3), est. real space to store factors : 21319 Estimated number of entries in factors : 12171 Current value of space relaxation parameter : 20 Estimated size of IS (In Core factorization): 2237 Estimated size of S (In Core factorization): 29924 Estimated size of S (OOC factorization) : 25554 Leaving analysis phase with ... INFOG(1) = 0 INFOG(2) = 0 -- (20) Number of entries in factors (estim.) = 12171 -- (3) Real space for factors (estimated) = 21319 -- (4) Integer space for factors (estimated) = 1273 -- (5) Maximum frontal size (estimated) = 133 -- (6) Number of nodes in the tree = 11 -- (32) Type of analysis effectively used = 1 -- (7) Ordering option effectively used = 2 ICNTL(6) Maximum transversal option = 0 ICNTL(7) Pivot order option = 7 ICNTL(14) Percentage of memory relaxation = 20 Number of level 2 nodes = 0 Number of split nodes = 0 RINFOG(1) Operations during elimination (estim)= 9.542D+05 MEMORY ESTIMATIONS ... Estimations with standard Full-Rank (FR) factorization: Estimated space in MBytes for IC factorization (INFO(15)): 1 Total space in MBytes, IC factorization (INFOG(17)): 1 Total space in MBytes, OOC factorization (INFOG(27)): 1 Elapsed time in analysis driver= 0.0010 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(5) Matrix format ( keep(55) ) = 0 ICNTL(6) Maximum transversal ( keep(23) ) = 7 ICNTL(7) Ordering = 7 ICNTL(12) LDLT ordering strat ( keep(95) ) = 0 ICNTL(13) Parallel root (0=on, 1=off) = 1 ICNTL(18) Distributed matrix ( keep(54) ) = 0 ICNTL(19) Schur option ( keep(60) 0=off,else=on ) = 0 ICNTL(22) Out-off-core option (0=Off, >0=ON) = 0 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 2 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 ****** FACTORIZATION STEP ******** ****** FACTORIZATION STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR NUMERICAL FACTORIZATION ... Number of working processes = 1 ICNTL(22) Out-of-core option = 0 ICNTL(35) BLR activation (eff. choice) = 0 ICNTL(14) Memory relaxation = 20 INFOG(3) Real space for factors (estimated)= 21319 INFOG(4) Integer space for factors (estim.)= 1273 Maximum frontal size (estimated) = 133 Number of nodes in the tree = 11 Memory allowed (MB -- 0: N/A ) = 0 Memory provided by user, sum of LWK_USER = 0 Relative threshold for pivoting, CNTL(1) = 0.1000D-01 Max difference from 1 after scaling the entries for ONE-NORM (option 7/8) = 0.22D+00 Effective size of S (based on INFO(39))= 29924 Elapsed time to reformat/distribute matrix = 0.0000 Allocated buffers ------------------ Size of reception buffer in bytes ...... = 140000 Size of async. emission buffer (bytes).. = 140012 Small emission buffer (bytes) .......... = 20 STATISTICS PRIOR NUMERICAL FACTORIZATION ... Size of internal working array S = 29924 Size of internal working array IS = 2237 Minimum (ICNTL(14)=0) size of S = 24924 Minimum (ICNTL(14)=0) size of IS = 1397 Real space for original matrix = 4410 Integer space for original matrix = 4822 INFO(3) Real space for factors (estimated) = 21319 INFO(4) Integer space for factors (estim.) = 1273 Maximum frontal size (estimated) = 133 Start factorization with total estimated flops (RINFOG(1)) = 9.542D+05 LEAVING FACTORIZATION PHASE WITH ... INFO (1) = 0 --- (2) = 0 Number of nodes in the tree = 11 INFO (9) Real space for factors = 21319 --- (10) Integer space for factors = 1273 --- (11) Maximum size of frontal matrices = 133 --- (12) Number of negative pivots = 0 --- (13) Number of delayed pivots = 0 --- (14) Number of memory compresses = 0 --- (25) Number of entries in factors = 0 RINFO(2) Operations during node assembly = 5.877D+03 -----(3) Operations during node elimination = 9.542D+05 ** Memory allocated, total in Mbytes (INFOG(19)): 1 ** Eff. min. Space MBYTES for facto (INFO(16)): 1 ** Memory effectively used, total in Mbytes (INFOG(22)): 1 Elapsed time for factorization = 0.0000 Leaving factorization with ... RINFOG(2) Operations in node assembly = 5.877D+03 ------(3) Operations in node elimination = 9.542D+05 ICNTL (8) Scaling effectively used = 7 INFOG (9) Real space for factors = 21319 INFOG(10) Integer space for factors = 1273 INFOG(11) Maximum front size = 133 INFOG(29) Number of entries in factors = 12171 INFOG(12) Number of negative pivots = 0 INFOG(13) Number of delayed pivots = 0 Number of 2x2 pivots in type 1 nodes = 0 Number of 2X2 pivots in type 2 nodes = 0 INFOG(14) Number of memory compress = 0 RINFOG(12) Determinant (real part) = 0.60391055 INFOG(34) Determinant (base 2 exponent) = 2055 Elapsed time in factorization driver= 0.0020 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(8) Scaling strategy = 77 ICNTL(14) Percent of memory increase = 20 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 3 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 0 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR SOLVE PHASE ........... Number of right-hand-sides = 1 Blocking factor for multiple rhs = 1 ICNTL (9) = 1 --- (10) = 0 --- (11) = 0 --- (20) = 0 --- (21) = 0 --- (30) = 0 --- (35) = 0 ** Space in MBYTES used for solve : 0 Leaving solve with ... Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Local statistics Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Elapsed time in solve driver= 0.0010 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 0 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 3 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR SOLVE PHASE ........... Number of right-hand-sides = 5 Blocking factor for multiple rhs = 5 ICNTL (9) = 1 --- (10) = 0 --- (11) = 0 --- (20) = 1 --- (21) = 0 --- (30) = 0 --- (35) = 0 ** Space in MBYTES used for solve : 0 Leaving solve with ... Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Local statistics Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Elapsed time in solve driver= 0.0010 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 Entering DMUMPS 5.3.0 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ = 3 206 4410 executing #MPI = 1, without OMP ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0 ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** ****** SOLVE & CHECK STEP ******** GLOBAL STATISTICS PRIOR SOLVE PHASE ........... Number of right-hand-sides = 206 Blocking factor for multiple rhs = 206 ICNTL (9) = 1 --- (10) = 0 --- (11) = 0 --- (20) = 1 --- (21) = 0 --- (30) = 1 --- (35) = 0 ** Space in MBYTES used for solve : 1 Leaving solve with ... Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Local statistics Time to build/scatter RHS = 0.000000 Time in solution step (fwd/bwd) = 0.000000 .. Time in forward (fwd) step = 0.000000 .. Time in backward (bwd) step = 0.000000 Time to gather solution(cent.sol)= 0.000000 Time to copy/scale dist. solution= 0.000000 Elapsed time in solve driver= 0.0020 ***********CONTROL PARAMETERS (ICNTL)************** ICNTL(1) Output stream for error messages = 7 ICNTL(2) Output stream for diagnostic messages = 7 ICNTL(3) Output stream for global information = 7 ICNTL(4) Level of printing = 2 ICNTL(9) Solve A x=b (1) or A'x = b (else) = 1 ICNTL(10) Max steps iterative refinement = 0 ICNTL(11) Error analysis (1=all,2=some,else=off) = 0 ICNTL(20) Den.(0)/sparse(1,2,3)/dist.(10,11) RHS = 1 ICNTL(21) Gathered (0) or distributed(1) solution = 0