test_that("PSID tests", { # PSID main take SUPER LONG so they are separate and # skipped on both CRAN and TravisCI skip_on_cran() skip_on_travis() psid_supplement_sps_name <- system.file("testdata", "psid_supplement.sps", package = "asciiSetupReader") psid_core_sps_name <- system.file("testdata", "psid_core_sps.zip", package = "asciiSetupReader") psid_main_sps_name <- system.file("testdata", "psid_main_sps.zip", package = "asciiSetupReader") psid_all_sas_name <- system.file("testdata", "psid_all_sas.zip", package = "asciiSetupReader") psid_main_sas_name <- system.file("testdata", "psid_main_sas.zip", package = "asciiSetupReader") psid_supplement_sas_name <- system.file("testdata", "psid_supplement.sas", package = "asciiSetupReader") psid_core_sas_name <- system.file("testdata", "psid_core_sas.zip", package = "asciiSetupReader") psid_supplement_parsed_sps <- parse_setup(psid_supplement_sps_name) psid_core_parsed_sps <- parse_setup(psid_core_sps_name) psid_main_parsed_sps <- parse_setup(psid_main_sps_name) psid_all_parsed_sas <- parse_setup(psid_all_sas_name) psid_main_parsed_sas <- parse_setup(psid_main_sas_name) psid_supplement_parsed_sas <- parse_setup(psid_supplement_sas_name) psid_core_parsed_sas <- parse_setup(psid_core_sas_name) expect_silent(parse_setup(psid_main_sps_name)) expect_silent(parse_setup(psid_main_sas_name)) expect_silent(parse_setup(psid_all_sas_name)) expect_silent(parse_setup(psid_core_sas_name)) expect_silent(parse_setup(psid_supplement_sas_name)) expect_silent(parse_setup(psid_supplement_sps_name)) expect_silent(parse_setup(psid_core_sps_name)) expect_equal(head(names(psid_main_parsed_sps$value_labels)), c("ER30000", "ER30003", "ER30005", "ER30006", "ER30007", "ER30010")) expect_equal(tail(names(psid_main_parsed_sps$value_labels)), c("TA151282", "TA151286", "TA151288", "TA151290", "TA151291", "TA151301")) expect_equal(psid_main_parsed_sps$value_labels$ER30000, c("Release number 1, February 2019" = "1", "Release number 2, May 2019" = "2")) expect_equal(psid_main_parsed_sps$value_labels$ER30003, c("Head" = "1", "Wife/Wife" = "2", "Son or daughter" = "3", "Brother or sister" = "4", "Father or mother" = "5", "Grandchild, niece, nephew, other relatives under 18" = "6", "Other, including in-laws, other adult relatives" = "7", "Husband or Wife of Head who moved out or died in the year prior to the 1968 interview" = "8", "NA" = "9", "Individual from core sample who was born or moved in after the 1968 interview; individual from Immigrant or..." = "0")) expect_equal(psid_main_parsed_sps$value_labels$ER30010, c("Highest grade or year of schooling completed" = "1", "Highest grade or year of schooling completed" = "2", "Highest grade or year of schooling completed" = "3", "Highest grade or year of schooling completed" = "4", "Highest grade or year of schooling completed" = "5", "Highest grade or year of schooling completed" = "6", "Highest grade or year of schooling completed" = "7", "Highest grade or year of schooling completed" = "8", "Highest grade or year of schooling completed" = "9", "Highest grade or year of schooling completed" = "10", "Highest grade or year of schooling completed" = "11", "Highest grade or year of schooling completed" = "12", "Highest grade or year of schooling completed" = "13", "Highest grade or year of schooling completed" = "14", "Highest grade or year of schooling completed" = "15", "Highest grade or year of schooling completed" = "16", "At least one year of postgraduate work" = "17", "NA; DK" = "99", "Preschool; born or moved in after the 1968 interview or individual from Immigrant or Latino samples (ER30003 0);..." = "0")) expect_equal(psid_main_parsed_sps$value_labels$TA050372, c("Checked with a public employment agency" = "1", "DK" = "8", "NA; refused" = "9", "Inap.: has not checked with a public employment agency; has not been looking for work during the past four weeks..." = "0")) expect_equal(psid_main_parsed_sps$value_labels$TA110336, c("Hour" = "1", "Day" = "2", "Week" = "3", "Two Weeks" = "4", "Month" = "5", "Year" = "6", "Other" = "7", "DK" = "8", "NA; refused; NA, DK, RF how much money earned at job 5 in 2010 (TA110335 9999998 or 9999999 or -999999)" = "9", "Inap.: has not done any work for money since January 1, 2009 (TA110141 5); NA, DK, RF whether any work done for..." = "0")) expect_equal(psid_main_parsed_sps$value_labels$TA131219, c("Actual value" = "1", "Actual value" = "2", "Actual value" = "3", "Actual value" = "4", "Actual value" = "5", "Actual value" = "6", "Actual value" = "7", "Has no children (TA130100 0)" = "0", "All items are DK/NA/refused" = "9")) expect_equal(psid_main_parsed_sps$value_labels$TA151290, c("Never married, cohabiting" = "1", "Never married, not cohabiting" = "2", "Married, spouse present" = "3", "Married, spouse not present" = "4", "Separated" = "5", "Divorced, cohabiting" = "6", "Divorced, not cohabiting" = "7", "Widowed" = "8", "NA; DK; refused" = "9")) expect_equal(psid_main_parsed_sps$value_labels$TA151291, c("Northeast" = "1", "North Central" = "2", "South" = "3", "West" = "4", "Alaska, Hawaii" = "5", "Foreign country" = "6", "NA; DK; refused" = "9")) expect_equal(psid_main_parsed_sps$value_labels$TA151301, c("Less than high school diploma" = "1", "GED, no college" = "2", "High school graduate, no college" = "3", "GED plus some college" = "4", "High school graduate plus some college" = "5", "GED plus Associates degree" = "6", "High school graduate plus Associates degree" = "7", "GED plus Bachelors degree" = "8", "High school graduate plus Bachelors degree" = "9", "GED plus Masters degree" = "10", "High school graduate plus Masters degree" = "11", "GED plus Doctoral degree" = "12", "High school graduate plus Doctoral degree" = "13", "GED plus Medical degree" = "14", "High school graduate plus Medical degree" = "15", "GED plus Law degree" = "16", "High school graduate plus Law degree" = "17", "GED plus other degree" = "18", "High school graduate plus other degree" = "19", "Skipped, asked in TA 2013" = "96", "NA; DK; refused" = "99")) expect_equal(head(names(psid_main_parsed_sas$value_labels)), c("ER30000", "ER30003", "ER30005", "ER30006", "ER30007", "ER30010")) expect_equal(tail(names(psid_main_parsed_sas$value_labels)), c("TA151282", "TA151286", "TA151288", "TA151290", "TA151291", "TA151301")) expect_equal(psid_main_parsed_sas$value_labels$ER30000, c("Release number 1, February 2019" = "1", "Release number 2, May 2019" = "2")) expect_equal(psid_main_parsed_sas$value_labels$ER30003, c("Head" = "1", "Wife/Wife" = "2", "Son or daughter" = "3", "Brother or sister" = "4", "Father or mother" = "5", "Grandchild, niece, nephew, other relatives under 18" = "6", "Other, including in-laws, other adult relatives" = "7", "Husband or Wife of Head who moved out or died in the year prior to the 1968 interview" = "8", "NA" = "9", "Individual from core sample who was born or moved in after the 1968 interview individual from Immigrant or Latino samples (ER30001 3001-3511, 4001-4462,7001-9308)" = "0")) expect_equal(psid_main_parsed_sas$value_labels$ER30010, c("Highest grade or year of schooling completed" = "1 - 16", "At least one year of postgraduate work" = "17", "NA DK" = "99", "Preschool born or moved in after the 1968 interview or individual from Immigrant or Latino samples (ER30003 0) still in school (ER30009 1 or 9)" = "0")) expect_equal(psid_main_parsed_sas$value_labels$TA050372, c("Checked with a public employment agency" = "1", "DK" = "8", "NA refused" = "9", "Inap.: has not checked with a public employment agency has not been looking for work during the past four weeks (TA050371 5,8 or 9) not head or wife/Wife in 2005 PSID interview (TA050011 3)" = "0")) expect_equal(psid_main_parsed_sas$value_labels$TA110336, c("Hour" = "1", "Day" = "2", "Week" = "3", "Two Weeks" = "4", "Month" = "5", "Year" = "6", "Other" = "7", "DK" = "8", "NA refused NA, DK, RF how much money earned at job 5 in 2010 (TA110335 9999998 or 9999999 or -999999)" = "9", "Inap.: has not done any work for money since January 1, 2009 (TA110141 5) NA, DK, RF whether any work done for money since January 1, 2009 (TA110141 8 or 9) fewer than five employers (TA110323 0)job 5 began after 2010 (TA110324 gt 2010) job 5 ended before 2010 (TA110326 lt 2010) NA, DK, RF year when job 5 ended (TA110326 9998 or 9999)" = "0")) expect_equal(psid_main_parsed_sas$value_labels$TA131219, c("Actual value" = "1 - 7", "Has no children (TA130100 0)" = "0", "All items are DK/NA/refused" = "9")) expect_equal(psid_main_parsed_sas$value_labels$TA151290, c("Never married, cohabiting" = "1", "Never married, not cohabiting" = "2", "Married, spouse present" = "3", "Married, spouse not present" = "4", "Separated" = "5", "Divorced, cohabiting" = "6", "Divorced, not cohabiting" = "7", "Widowed" = "8", "NA DK refused" = "9")) expect_equal(psid_main_parsed_sas$value_labels$TA151291, c("Northeast" = "1", "North Central" = "2", "South" = "3", "West" = "4", "Alaska, Hawaii" = "5", "Foreign country" = "6", "NA DK refused" = "9")) expect_equal(psid_main_parsed_sas$value_labels$TA151301, c("Less than high school diploma" = "1", "GED, no college" = "2", "High school graduate, no college" = "3", "GED plus some college" = "4", "High school graduate plus some college" = "5", "GED plus Associates degree" = "6", "High school graduate plus Associates degree" = "7", "GED plus Bachelors degree" = "8", "High school graduate plus Bachelors degree" = "9", "GED plus Masters degree" = "10", "High school graduate plus Masters degree" = "11", "GED plus Doctoral degree" = "12", "High school graduate plus Doctoral degree" = "13", "GED plus Medical degree" = "14", "High school graduate plus Medical degree" = "15", "GED plus Law degree" = "16", "High school graduate plus Law degree" = "17", "GED plus other degree" = "18", "High school graduate plus other degree" = "19", "Skipped, asked in TA 2013" = "96", "NA DK refused" = "99")) expect_equal(head(names(psid_all_parsed_sas$value_labels)), c("ER30000", "ER30003", "ER30005", "ER30006", "ER30009", "ER30010")) expect_equal(tail(names(psid_all_parsed_sas$value_labels)), c("ER34611", "ER34644", "ER34646", "ER34647", "ER34648", "ER34649")) expect_equal(psid_all_parsed_sas$value_labels$ER30000, c("Release number 1, February 2019" = "1", "Release number 2, May 2019" = "2")) expect_equal(psid_all_parsed_sas$value_labels$ER30003, c("Head" = "1", "Wife/Wife" = "2", "Son or daughter" = "3", "Brother or sister" = "4", "Father or mother" = "5", "Grandchild, niece, nephew, other relatives under 18" = "6", "Other, including in-laws, other adult relatives" = "7", "Husband or Wife of Head who moved out or died in the year prior to the 1968 interview" = "8", "NA" = "9", "Individual from core sample who was born or moved in after the 1968 interview individual from Immigrant or Latino samples (ER30001 3001-3511, 4001-4462,7001-9308)" = "0")) expect_equal(psid_all_parsed_sas$value_labels$ER30010, c("Highest grade or year of schooling completed" = "1 - 16", "At least one year of postgraduate work" = "17", "NA DK" = "99", "Preschool born or moved in after the 1968 interview or individual from Immigrant or Latino samples (ER30003 0) still in school (ER30009 1 or 9)" = "0")) expect_equal(psid_all_parsed_sas$value_labels$ER30382, c("Working now" = "1", "Only temporarily laid off" = "2", "Looking for work, unemployed" = "3", "Retired" = "4", "Permanently disabled" = "5", "HouseWife keeping house" = "6", "Student" = "7", "Other" = "8", "NA DK" = "9", "Inap.: from Immigrant or Latino samples (ER30001 3001-3511,4001-4462,7001-9308) born or moved in after the 1982 interview (ER30373>0 and ER30374 0) main family nonresponse by 1982 or mover-out nonr esponse by 1981 (ER30373 0) mover-out nonresponse for 1982 only if deceased (ER30374 81-89) in an institution in both 1981 and 1982 (ER30374 51-59 and ER30378 0) not a person aged 16 or older (ER30376 001-015)" = "0")) expect_equal(psid_all_parsed_sas$value_labels$ER30383, c("Full-time student" = "1", "Part-time student" = "3", "Not enrolled in school" = "5", "NA DK" = "9", "Inap.: from Immigrant or Latino samples (ER30001 3001-3511,4001-4462,7001-9308) born or moved in after the 1982 interview (ER30373>0 and ER30374 0) main family nonresponse by 1982 or mover-out nonr esponse by 1981 (ER30373 0) Head or Wife in 1982 (ER30374 1-20 and ER30375 1 or 02) in an institution in both 1981 and 1982 (ER30374 51-59 and ER30378 0) not a person aged 16 or older (ER30376 001- 015)" = "0")) expect_equal(psid_all_parsed_sas$value_labels$ER30384, c("Highest grade or year of school completed" = "1 - 17", "NA DK" = "99", "Inap.: from Immigrant or Latino samples (ER30001 3001-3511,4001-4462,7001-9308) born or moved in after the 1982 interview (ER30373>0 and ER30374 0) main family nonresponse by 1982 or mover-out nonr esponse by 1981 (ER30373 0) in an institution in both 1981 and 1982 (ER30374 51-59 and ER30378 0) not a person aged 16 or older (ER30376 001-015)" = "0")) expect_equal(psid_all_parsed_sas$value_labels$ER33295, c("Yes" = "1", "No" = "5", "Doesnt do" = "7", "DK" = "8", "NA" = "9", "Inap.: from Immigrant sample (ER30001 3001-3511,4001-4462) main family nonresponse by 1995 or mover-out nonresponse by 1994 (ER33201 0) born or moved in after the 1995 interview (ER33201>0 and ER33 202 0) in an institution or mover-out nonresponse in 1995 (ER33202 51-89) not a person age 55 or older (ER33204 001-054)" = "0")) expect_equal(psid_all_parsed_sas$value_labels$ER33296, c("Yes" = "1", "No" = "5", "Doesnt do" = "7", "DK" = "8", "NA" = "9", "Inap.: from Immigrant sample (ER30001 3001-3511,4001-4462) main family nonresponse by 1995 or mover-out nonresponse by 1994 (ER33201 0) born or moved in after the 1995 interview (ER33201>0 and ER33 202 0) in an institution or mover-out nonresponse in 1995 (ER33202 51-89) not a person age 55 or older (ER33204 001-054)" = "0")) expect_equal(psid_all_parsed_sas$value_labels$ER34648, c("This sample member was main family nonresponse and had been in the FU in 2015." = "1", "This nonsample individual had been in the 2015 FU, and this FU became nonresponse in 2017." = "3", "This sample member had been in an institution in 2015, but his or her family became nonresponse in 2017." = "4", "This sample member, linked to a 2017 response family, was in an institution at the time of the 2017 interview." = "5", "This sample member moved out or died between the 2015 and 2017 interviews." = "6", "This nonsample individual moved out or died between the 2015 and 2017 interviews." = "8", "This individual had become nonresponse by the time of the 2017 interview." = "10", "Main family recontact: this person was selected for recontact in 2017, but the family was not successfully interviewed." = "21", "Splitoff recontact: this sample member moved out of a 2017 recontact main family but was not successfully interviewed." = "26", "Individual connected with the Latino sample (ER30001 7001-9308) this sample was dropped beginning in 1996. Individual dropped from the Census (SEO) sample due to budgetary constraints this group wa s dropped beginning in 1997." = "40", "DK NA" = "99", "Inap.: this individual was in a panel family in 2017 (ER34502 1-20)." = "0")) expect_true(is.null(psid_main_parsed_sps$missing)) expect_equal(nrow(psid_supplement_parsed_sps$missing), 16) expect_true(is.null(psid_core_parsed_sps$missing)) expect_true(is.null(psid_main_parsed_sas$missing)) expect_true(is.null(psid_all_parsed_sas$missing)) expect_equal(nrow(psid_supplement_parsed_sas$missing), 16) expect_true(is.null(psid_core_parsed_sas$missing)) expect_equal(head(psid_supplement_parsed_sps$missing$variable), c("VIANN_94", "VOANN_94", "VSHOM_94", "VBREL_94", "VSREL_94", "VHIMP_94")) expect_equal(tail(psid_supplement_parsed_sps$missing$variable), c("VIASS_94", "VIDEB_94", "VINHA_94", "VINHB_94", "VINHC_94", "VSTOC_94")) expect_equal(head(psid_supplement_parsed_sps$missing$values), c("0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0")) expect_equal(tail(psid_supplement_parsed_sps$missing$values), c("0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0")) expect_equal(head(unique(psid_supplement_parsed_sps$missing$variable)), c("VIANN_94", "VOANN_94", "VSHOM_94", "VBREL_94", "VSREL_94", "VHIMP_94")) expect_equal(tail(unique(psid_supplement_parsed_sps$missing$variable)), c("VIASS_94", "VIDEB_94", "VINHA_94", "VINHB_94", "VINHC_94", "VSTOC_94")) expect_equal(head(psid_supplement_parsed_sas$missing$variable), c("VIANN_94", "VOANN_94", "VSHOM_94", "VBREL_94", "VSREL_94", "VHIMP_94")) expect_equal(tail(psid_supplement_parsed_sas$missing$variable), c("VIASS_94", "VIDEB_94", "VINHA_94", "VINHB_94", "VINHC_94", "VSTOC_94")) expect_equal(head(psid_supplement_parsed_sas$missing$values), c("0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0")) expect_equal(tail(psid_supplement_parsed_sas$missing$values), c("0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0")) expect_equal(head(unique(psid_supplement_parsed_sas$missing$variable)), c("VIANN_94", "VOANN_94", "VSHOM_94", "VBREL_94", "VSREL_94", "VHIMP_94")) expect_equal(tail(unique(psid_supplement_parsed_sas$missing$variable)), c("VIASS_94", "VIDEB_94", "VINHA_94", "VINHB_94", "VINHC_94", "VSTOC_94")) expect_equal(nrow(psid_core_parsed_sas$setup), 2084) expect_equal(nrow(psid_supplement_parsed_sas$setup), 17) expect_equal(nrow(psid_main_parsed_sas$setup), 3569) expect_equal(nrow(psid_all_parsed_sas$setup), 1534) expect_equal(head(psid_all_parsed_sas$setup$begin), c(1, 2, 6, 9, 10, 11)) expect_equal(head(psid_all_parsed_sas$setup$end), c(1, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11)) expect_equal(tail(psid_all_parsed_sas$setup$begin), c(4062, 4063, 4065, 4067, 4069, 4076)) expect_equal(tail(psid_all_parsed_sas$setup$end), c(4062, 4064, 4066, 4068, 4075, 4080)) expect_equal(head(psid_main_parsed_sas$setup$begin), c(1, 2, 6, 9, 10, 14)) expect_equal(head(psid_main_parsed_sas$setup$end), c(1, 5, 8, 9, 13, 15)) expect_equal(tail(psid_main_parsed_sas$setup$begin), c(7365, 7371, 7375, 7380, 7381, 7388)) expect_equal(tail(psid_main_parsed_sas$setup$end), c(7370, 7374, 7379, 7380, 7387, 7392)) expect_equal(head(psid_supplement_parsed_sas$setup$begin), c(1, 6, 13, 20, 27, 34)) expect_equal(tail(psid_supplement_parsed_sas$setup$begin), c(76, 83, 90, 97, 104, 111)) expect_equal(head(psid_core_parsed_sas$setup$begin), c(1, 2, 7, 11, 13, 15)) expect_equal(tail(psid_core_parsed_sas$setup$begin), c(3525, 3535, 3545, 3546, 3552, 3553)) expect_equal(head(psid_core_parsed_sas$setup$end), c(1, 6, 10, 12, 14, 16)) expect_equal(tail(psid_core_parsed_sas$setup$end), c(3534, 3544, 3545, 3551, 3552, 3558)) expect_equal(head(psid_supplement_parsed_sas$setup$end), c(5, 12, 19, 26, 33, 40)) expect_equal(tail(psid_supplement_parsed_sas$setup$end), c(82, 89, 96, 103, 110, 117)) expect_equal(head(psid_supplement_parsed_sas$setup$column_number), c("ID94", "VIANN_94", "VOANN_94", "VSHOM_94", "VBREL_94", "VSREL_94")) expect_equal(tail(psid_supplement_parsed_sas$setup$column_number), c("VIASS_94", "VIDEB_94", "VINHA_94", "VINHB_94", "VINHC_94", "VSTOC_94")) expect_equal(head(psid_supplement_parsed_sas$setup$column_name), c("X1994_INTERVIEW_NUMBER", "PUT_INTO_ANNUITY_94", "CASH_IN_ANNUITY_94", "SELL_MAIN_HOME_94", "BUY_REAL_ESTATE_94", "SELL_REAL_ESTATE_94")) expect_equal(tail(psid_supplement_parsed_sas$setup$column_name), c("ASSETS_BROUGHT_IN_94", "DEBTS_BROUGHT_IN_94", "FIRST_GIFT_INHERITANCE_94", "SECOND_GIFT_INHERITANCE_94", "THIRD_GIFT_INHERITANCE_94", "NET_INTO_STOCK_94")) expect_equal(head(psid_core_parsed_sas$setup$column_number), c("ER10001", "ER10002", "ER10003", "ER10004", "ER10005", "ER10006")) expect_equal(tail(psid_core_parsed_sas$setup$column_number), c("ER12079", "ER12080", "ER12081", "ER12082", "ER12083", "ER12084")) expect_equal(head(psid_core_parsed_sas$setup$column_name), c("RELEASE_NUMBER", "X1997_INTERVIEW", "INTERVIEWER_ID", "CURRENT_STATE", "MONTH_CURRENT_IW", "DAY_CURRENT_IW")) expect_equal(tail(psid_core_parsed_sas$setup$column_name), c("TOTAL_FAMILY_INCOME", "LABOR_INCOME_HEAD", "ACC_LABOR_INCOME_HD", "LABOR_INCOME_WIFE", "ACC_LABOR_INCOME_WF", "FAMILY_WEIGHT")) expect_equal(head(psid_main_parsed_sas$setup$column_number), c("ER30000", "ER30001", "ER30002", "ER32000", "ER32021", "ER32022")) expect_equal(head(psid_main_parsed_sas$setup$column_name), c("RELEASE_NUMBER", "X1968_INTERVIEW_NUMBER", "PERSON_NUMBER_68", "SEX_OF_INDIVIDUAL", "YEAR_BIRTH_INFO_MOST_RECENTLY_UPDATED", "LIVE_BIRTHS_TO_THIS_INDIVIDUAL")) expect_equal(tail(psid_main_parsed_sas$setup$column_number), c("ER34640", "ER34642", "ER34643", "ER34644", "ER34650", "ER34651")) expect_equal(tail(psid_main_parsed_sas$setup$column_name), c("OFUM_TOTAL_TRANSFER_INCOME_IMPUTED_17", "YEAR_S_O_FAM_FORMED_17", "MAIN_FAM_ID_FOR_S_O_17", "FOLLOW_STATUS_17", "CORE_IMM_INDIVIDUAL_LONGITUDINAL_WT_17", "CORE_IMM_INDIVIDUAL_CROSS_SECTION_WT_17")) expect_equal(head(psid_all_parsed_sas$setup$column_number), c("ER30000", "ER30001", "ER30002", "ER32000", "ER32001", "ER32002")) expect_equal(head(psid_all_parsed_sas$setup$column_name), c("RELEASE_NUMBER", "X1968_INTERVIEW_NUMBER", "PERSON_NUMBER_68", "SEX_OF_INDIVIDUAL", "WTR_ALWAYS_IN_RESPONDING_FAMILY_UNIT", "WTR_EVER_CODED_INSTITUTIONAL")) expect_equal(tail(psid_all_parsed_sas$setup$column_number), c("ER34646", "ER34647", "ER34648", "ER34649", "ER34650", "ER34651")) expect_equal(tail(psid_all_parsed_sas$setup$column_name), c("WTR_ELIGIBLE_FOR_TA_17", "RESULT_OF_TA_IW_ATTEMPT_17", "TYPE_OF_IND_RECORD_17", "WHY_NONRESPONSE_17", "CORE_IMM_INDIVIDUAL_LONGITUDINAL_WT_17", "CORE_IMM_INDIVIDUAL_CROSS_SECTION_WT_17")) expect_equal(nrow(psid_supplement_parsed_sps$setup), 17) expect_equal(nrow(psid_core_parsed_sps$setup), 2084) expect_equal(nrow(psid_main_parsed_sps$setup), 3569) expect_equal(head(psid_main_parsed_sps$setup$begin), c(1, 2, 6, 9, 10, 14)) expect_equal(head(psid_main_parsed_sps$setup$end), c(1, 5, 8, 9, 13, 15)) expect_equal(tail(psid_main_parsed_sps$setup$begin), c(7365, 7371, 7375, 7380, 7381, 7388)) expect_equal(tail(psid_main_parsed_sps$setup$end), c(7370, 7374, 7379, 7380, 7387, 7392)) expect_equal(head(psid_supplement_parsed_sps$setup$begin), c(1, 6, 13, 20, 27, 34)) expect_equal(tail(psid_supplement_parsed_sps$setup$begin), c(76, 83, 90, 97, 104, 111)) expect_equal(head(psid_supplement_parsed_sps$setup$end), c(5, 12, 19, 26, 33, 40)) expect_equal(tail(psid_supplement_parsed_sps$setup$end), c(82, 89, 96, 103, 110, 117)) expect_equal(head(psid_core_parsed_sps$setup$begin), c(1, 2, 7, 11, 13, 15)) expect_equal(tail(psid_core_parsed_sps$setup$begin), c(3525, 3535, 3545, 3546, 3552, 3553)) expect_equal(head(psid_core_parsed_sps$setup$end), c(1, 6, 10, 12, 14, 16)) expect_equal(tail(psid_core_parsed_sps$setup$end), c(3534, 3544, 3545, 3551, 3552, 3558)) expect_equal(head(psid_main_parsed_sps$setup$column_number), c("ER30000", "ER30001", "ER30002", "ER32000", "ER32021", "ER32022")) expect_equal(head(psid_main_parsed_sps$setup$column_name), c("RELEASE_NUMBER", "X1968_INTERVIEW_NUMBER", "PERSON_NUMBER_68", "SEX_OF_INDIVIDUAL", "YEAR_BIRTH_INFO_MOST_RECENTLY_UPDATED", "LIVE_BIRTHS_TO_THIS_INDIVIDUAL")) expect_equal(tail(psid_main_parsed_sps$setup$column_number), c("ER34640", "ER34642", "ER34643", "ER34644", "ER34650", "ER34651")) expect_equal(tail(psid_main_parsed_sps$setup$column_name), c("OFUM_TOTAL_TRANSFER_INCOME_IMPUTED_17", "YEAR_S_O_FAM_FORMED_17", "MAIN_FAM_ID_FOR_S_O_17", "FOLLOW_STATUS_17", "CORE_IMM_INDIVIDUAL_LONGITUDINAL_WT_17", "CORE_IMM_INDIVIDUAL_CROSS_SECTION_WT_17")) expect_equal(head(psid_supplement_parsed_sps$setup$column_number), c("ID94", "VIANN_94", "VOANN_94", "VSHOM_94", "VBREL_94", "VSREL_94")) expect_equal(tail(psid_supplement_parsed_sps$setup$column_number), c("VIASS_94", "VIDEB_94", "VINHA_94", "VINHB_94", "VINHC_94", "VSTOC_94")) expect_equal(head(psid_supplement_parsed_sps$setup$column_name), c("X1994_INTERVIEW_NUMBER", "PUT_INTO_ANNUITY_94", "CASH_IN_ANNUITY_94", "SELL_MAIN_HOME_94", "BUY_REAL_ESTATE_94", "SELL_REAL_ESTATE_94")) expect_equal(tail(psid_supplement_parsed_sps$setup$column_name), c("ASSETS_BROUGHT_IN_94", "DEBTS_BROUGHT_IN_94", "FIRST_GIFT_INHERITANCE_94", "SECOND_GIFT_INHERITANCE_94", "THIRD_GIFT_INHERITANCE_94", "NET_INTO_STOCK_94")) expect_equal(head(psid_core_parsed_sps$setup$column_number), c("ER10001", "ER10002", "ER10003", "ER10004", "ER10005", "ER10006")) expect_equal(tail(psid_core_parsed_sps$setup$column_number), c("ER12079", "ER12080", "ER12081", "ER12082", "ER12083", "ER12084")) expect_equal(head(psid_core_parsed_sps$setup$column_name), c("RELEASE_NUMBER", "X1997_INTERVIEW", "INTERVIEWER_ID", "CURRENT_STATE", "MONTH_CURRENT_IW", "DAY_CURRENT_IW")) expect_equal(tail(psid_core_parsed_sps$setup$column_name), c("TOTAL_FAMILY_INCOME", "LABOR_INCOME_HEAD", "ACC_LABOR_INCOME_HD", "LABOR_INCOME_WIFE", "ACC_LABOR_INCOME_WF", "FAMILY_WEIGHT")) })