library("arules") library("testthat") verb <- FALSE options(digits = 2) data <- list( c("a", "b", "c"), c("a", "b"), c("a", "b", "d"), c("b", "e"), c("a", "c"), c("c", "e"), c("a", "b", "d", "e") ) names(data) <- paste("Tr", c(1:7), sep = "") trans <- transactions(data) ########################################################## # test the APRIORI interface context("APRIORI interface") ### rules (all warnings are for low support) r <- apriori(trans, parameter = list(supp = 0.25, conf = 0), control = list(verb = verb)) expect_identical(length(r), 18L) #r #summary(r) #inspect(sort(r, by = "lift")[1:7]) ### test appearance r <- apriori( trans, parameter = list(supp = 0.25, conf = 0), appearance = list(rhs = c("a", "b")), control = list(verb = verb) ) expect_identical(length(r), 6L) #inspect(r) r <- apriori( trans, parameter = list(supp = 0.25, conf = 0), appearance = list(lhs = c("a", "b"), rhs = "c"), control = list(verb = verb) ) expect_identical(length(r), 2L) r <- apriori( trans, parameter = list(supp = 0.25, conf = 0), appearance = list(none = c("a", "b")), control = list(verb = verb) ) expect_identical(length(r), 3L) expect_error(as(list( rhs = c("a", "b"), lhs = "a", labels = itemLabels(trans) ), "APappearance")) ### test r <- apriori( trans, parameter = list( supp = 0.25, conf = 0, originalSupp = FALSE, ext = TRUE ), control = list(verb = verb) ) expect_true("coverage" %in% colnames(quality(r))) #inspect(r[1:2]) ########################################################## # test the ECLAT interface context("ECLAT interface") f <- eclat(trans, control = list(verb = verb)) expect_identical(length(f), 20L) sup <- c( 0.14, 0.14, 0.14, 0.29, 0.29, 0.29, 0.14, 0.14, 0.29, 0.14, 0.14, 0.14, 0.14, 0.29, 0.57, 0.71, 0.71, 0.43, 0.43, 0.29 ) expect_equal(round(quality(f)$support, 2), sup) expect_equal(labels(f)[5], "{a,d}") #f #summary(f) #inspect(f[1:2]) #labels(f[1:2]) ### test subset f.sub <- subset(f, subset = items %in% "a") l <- labels(f.sub) expect_equal(l, grep("a", l, value = T)) ### test tidlists f <- eclat(trans, parameter = list(tidLists = TRUE), control = list(verb = verb)) #f #summary(f) tl <- tidLists(f) expect_identical(dim(tl), c(20L, 7L)) #tl #summary(tl) #inspect(tl) expect_equal(as(tl[5], "list"), list('{a,d}' = c("Tr3", "Tr7"))) ## Compare if APRIOR and ECLAT produce the same results data("Income") fsets <- apriori( Income, parameter = list(target = "frequ", supp = 0.2), control = list(verb = verb) ) esets <- eclat( Income, parameter = list(target = "frequ", supp = 0.2), control = list(verb = verb) ) ## compare if output is the same expect_true(all(table(match(fsets, esets)) == 1)) ########################################################## # test maximal and closed itemset mining context("Maximal and closed itemsets") is_a_freq <- apriori(trans, parameter = list(target = "frequent"), control = list(verb = verb)) is_a_max <- apriori(trans, parameter = list(target = "max"), control = list(verb = verb)) is_a_closed <- apriori(trans, parameter = list(target = "closed"), control = list(verb = verb)) is_a_gen <- apriori(trans, parameter = list(target = "generator"), control = list(verb = verb)) is_e_freq <- eclat(trans, parameter = list(target = "frequent"), control = list(verb = verb)) is_e_max <- eclat(trans, parameter = list(target = "max"), control = list(verb = verb)) is_e_closed <- eclat(trans, parameter = list(target = "closed"), control = list(verb = verb)) is_e_gen <- eclat(trans, parameter = list(target = "generator"), control = list(verb = verb)) expect_true(setequal(is_a_freq, is_e_freq)) expect_true(setequal(is_a_max, is_e_max)) expect_true(setequal(is_a_closed, is_e_closed)) expect_true(setequal(is_a_gen, is_e_gen)) #inspect(is_a_freq) #inspect(is_e_freq)