# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. skip_if_not_available("gcs") test_that("FileSystem$from_uri with gs://", { fs_and_path <- FileSystem$from_uri("gs://my/test/bucket/") expect_r6_class(fs_and_path$fs, "GcsFileSystem") expect_identical(fs_and_path$path, "my/test/bucket") }) test_that("GcsFileSystem$create() options", { expect_r6_class(GcsFileSystem$create(), "GcsFileSystem") expect_r6_class(GcsFileSystem$create(anonymous = TRUE), "GcsFileSystem") # Verify default options expect_equal(GcsFileSystem$create()$options, list( anonymous = FALSE, scheme = "https", retry_limit_seconds = 15 )) # Verify a more complete set of options round-trips options <- list( anonymous = TRUE, endpoint_override = "localhost:8888", scheme = "http", default_bucket_location = "here", retry_limit_seconds = 30, default_metadata = c(a = "list", of = "stuff") ) fs <- do.call(GcsFileSystem$create, options) expect_r6_class( fs, "GcsFileSystem" ) expect_equal( fs$options, options ) # Expiration round-trips options <- list( expiration = as.POSIXct("2030-01-01", tz = "UTC"), access_token = "MY_TOKEN" ) fs <- do.call(GcsFileSystem$create, options) expect_equal(fs$options$expiration, options$expiration) # Verify create fails if expiration isn't a POSIXct expect_error( GcsFileSystem$create(access_token = "", expiration = ""), "must be of class POSIXct, not" ) }) test_that("GcsFileSystem$create() input validation", { expect_error( GcsFileSystem$create(anonymous = TRUE, access_token = "something"), 'Cannot specify "access_token" when anonymous = TRUE' ) expect_error( GcsFileSystem$create(expiration = Sys.time()), "token auth requires both 'access_token' and 'expiration'" ) expect_error( GcsFileSystem$create(json_credentials = "{}", expiration = Sys.time()), "Cannot provide access_token with json_credentials" ) expect_error( GcsFileSystem$create(role_arn = "something"), 'Invalid options for GcsFileSystem: "role_arn"' ) }) test_that("GcsFileSystem$create() can read json_credentials", { # From string fs <- GcsFileSystem$create(json_credentials = "fromstring") expect_equal(fs$options$json_credentials, "fromstring") # From disk cred_string <- '{"key" : "valu\u00e9"}' cred_string_bytes_utf8 <- iconv( cred_string, from = Encoding(cred_string), to = "UTF-8", toRaw = TRUE )[[1]] cred_path <- tempfile() on.exit(unlink(cred_path)) con <- file(cred_path, open = "wb") writeBin(cred_string_bytes_utf8, con) close(con) fs <- GcsFileSystem$create(json_credentials = cred_path) expect_equal(fs$options$json_credentials, "{\"key\" : \"valué\"}") }) skip_on_cran() skip_if_not(system("storage-testbench -h") == 0, message = "googleapis-storage-testbench is not installed.") library(dplyr) testbench_port <- Sys.getenv("TESTBENCH_PORT", "9001") pid_minio <- sys::exec_background("storage-testbench", c("--port", testbench_port), std_out = FALSE, std_err = FALSE # TODO: is there a good place to send output? ) withr::defer(tools::pskill(pid_minio)) Sys.sleep(1) # Wait for startup fs <- GcsFileSystem$create( endpoint_override = sprintf("localhost:%s", testbench_port), retry_limit_seconds = 1, scheme = "http", anonymous = TRUE, # Will fail to resolve host name if anonymous isn't TRUE project_id = "test-project-id" ) now <- as.character(as.numeric(Sys.time())) tryCatch(fs$CreateDir(now), error = function(cond) { if (grepl("Couldn't connect to server", cond, fixed = TRUE)) { abort( c(sprintf("Unable to connect to testbench on port %s.", testbench_port), i = "You can set a custom port with TESTBENCH_PORT environment variable." ), parent = cond ) } else { stop(cond) } }) # Clean up when we're all done withr::defer(fs$DeleteDir(now)) gcs_path <- function(...) { paste(now, ..., sep = "/") } gcs_uri <- function(...) { template <- paste0("gs://anonymous@%s?", paste("scheme=http", "endpoint_override=localhost%s%s", "retry_limit_seconds=1", "project_id=test-project-id", sep = "&")) sprintf(template, gcs_path(...), "%3A", testbench_port) } test_filesystem("gcs", fs, gcs_path, gcs_uri) withr::deferred_run()