# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. test_that("extension types can be created", { type <- new_extension_type( int32(), "arrow_r.simple_extension", charToRaw("some custom metadata"), ) expect_r6_class(type, "ExtensionType") expect_identical(type$extension_name(), "arrow_r.simple_extension") expect_true(type$storage_type() == int32()) expect_identical(type$storage_id(), int32()$id) expect_identical(type$extension_metadata(), charToRaw("some custom metadata")) expect_identical(type$ToString(), "ExtensionType ") storage <- Array$create(1:10) array <- type$WrapArray(storage) expect_r6_class(array, "ExtensionArray") expect_r6_class(array$type, "ExtensionType") expect_true(array$type == type) expect_equal(array$storage(), storage) expect_identical(array$as_vector(), 1:10) expect_identical(chunked_array(array)$as_vector(), 1:10) expect_snapshot_error( type$as_vector("not an extension array or chunked array") ) }) test_that("extension type subclasses work", { SomeExtensionTypeSubclass <- R6Class( "SomeExtensionTypeSubclass", inherit = ExtensionType, public = list( some_custom_method = function() { private$some_custom_field }, deserialize_instance = function() { private$some_custom_field <- head(self$extension_metadata(), 5) } ), private = list( some_custom_field = NULL ) ) type <- new_extension_type( int32(), "some_extension_subclass", charToRaw("some custom metadata"), type_class = SomeExtensionTypeSubclass ) expect_r6_class(type, "SomeExtensionTypeSubclass") expect_identical(type$some_custom_method(), charToRaw("some ")) register_extension_type(type) # create a new type instance with storage/metadata not identical # to the registered type type2 <- new_extension_type( float64(), "some_extension_subclass", charToRaw("some other custom metadata"), type_class = SomeExtensionTypeSubclass ) ptr_type <- allocate_arrow_schema() type2$export_to_c(ptr_type) type3 <- DataType$import_from_c(ptr_type) delete_arrow_schema(ptr_type) expect_identical(type3$extension_name(), "some_extension_subclass") expect_identical(type3$some_custom_method(), type2$some_custom_method()) expect_identical(type3$extension_metadata(), type2$extension_metadata()) expect_true(type3$storage_type() == type2$storage_type()) array <- type3$WrapArray(Array$create(1:10)) expect_r6_class(array, "ExtensionArray") unregister_extension_type("some_extension_subclass") }) test_that("extension types can use UTF-8 for metadata", { type <- new_extension_type( int32(), "arrow.test.simple_extension", "\U0001f4a9\U0001f4a9\U0001f4a9\U0001f4a9" ) expect_identical( type$extension_metadata_utf8(), "\U0001f4a9\U0001f4a9\U0001f4a9\U0001f4a9" ) expect_match(type$ToString(), "\U0001f4a9", fixed = TRUE) }) test_that("extension types can be printed that don't use UTF-8 for metadata", { type <- new_extension_type( int32(), "arrow.test.simple_extension", as.raw(0:5) ) expect_match(type$ToString(), "00 01 02 03 04 05") }) test_that("extension subclasses can override the ExtensionEquals method", { SomeExtensionTypeSubclass <- R6Class( "SomeExtensionTypeSubclass", inherit = ExtensionType, public = list( field_values = NULL, deserialize_instance = function() { self$field_values <- unserialize(self$extension_metadata()) }, ExtensionEquals = function(other) { if (!inherits(other, "SomeExtensionTypeSubclass")) { return(FALSE) } setequal(names(other$field_values), names(self$field_values)) && identical( other$field_values[names(self$field_values)], self$field_values ) } ) ) type <- new_extension_type( int32(), "some_extension_subclass", serialize(list(field1 = "value1", field2 = "value2"), NULL), type_class = SomeExtensionTypeSubclass ) register_extension_type(type) expect_true(type$ExtensionEquals(type)) expect_true(type$Equals(type)) type2 <- new_extension_type( int32(), "some_extension_subclass", serialize(list(field2 = "value2", field1 = "value1"), NULL), type_class = SomeExtensionTypeSubclass ) expect_true(type$ExtensionEquals(type2)) expect_true(type$Equals(type2)) unregister_extension_type("some_extension_subclass") }) test_that("vctrs extension type works", { custom_vctr <- vctrs::new_vctr( 1:4, attr_key = "attr_val", class = "arrow_custom_test" ) type <- vctrs_extension_type(custom_vctr) expect_r6_class(type, "VctrsExtensionType") expect_identical(type$ptype(), vctrs::vec_ptype(custom_vctr)) expect_true(type$Equals(type)) expect_identical(type$ToString(), "") array_in <- vctrs_extension_array(custom_vctr) expect_true(array_in$type$Equals(type)) expect_identical(vctrs_extension_array(array_in), array_in) tf <- tempfile() on.exit(unlink(tf)) write_feather(arrow_table(col = array_in), tf) table_out <- read_feather(tf, as_data_frame = FALSE) array_out <- table_out$col$chunk(0) expect_r6_class(array_out$type, "VctrsExtensionType") expect_r6_class(array_out, "ExtensionArray") expect_true(array_out$type$Equals(type)) expect_identical( array_out$as_vector(), custom_vctr ) chunked_array_out <- table_out$col expect_true(chunked_array_out$type$Equals(type)) expect_identical( chunked_array_out$as_vector(), custom_vctr ) expect_snapshot_error( type$as_vector("not an extension array or chunked array") ) }) test_that("chunked arrays can roundtrip extension types", { custom_vctr1 <- vctrs::new_vctr(1:4, class = "arrow_custom_test") custom_vctr2 <- vctrs::new_vctr(5:8, class = "arrow_custom_test") custom_array1 <- vctrs_extension_array(custom_vctr1) custom_array2 <- vctrs_extension_array(custom_vctr2) custom_chunked <- chunked_array(custom_array1, custom_array2) expect_r6_class(custom_chunked$type, "VctrsExtensionType") expect_identical( custom_chunked$as_vector(), vctrs::new_vctr(1:8, class = "arrow_custom_test") ) }) test_that("RecordBatch can roundtrip extension types", { custom_vctr <- vctrs::new_vctr(1:8, class = "arrow_custom_test") custom_array <- vctrs_extension_array(custom_vctr) normal_vctr <- letters[1:8] custom_record_batch <- record_batch(custom = custom_array) expect_identical( custom_record_batch$to_data_frame(), tibble::tibble( custom = custom_vctr ) ) mixed_record_batch <- record_batch( custom = custom_array, normal = normal_vctr ) expect_identical( mixed_record_batch$to_data_frame(), tibble::tibble( custom = custom_vctr, normal = normal_vctr ) ) # check both column orders, since column order should stay in the same # order whether the columns are extension types or not mixed_record_batch2 <- record_batch( normal = normal_vctr, custom = custom_array ) expect_identical( mixed_record_batch2$to_data_frame(), tibble::tibble( normal = normal_vctr, custom = custom_vctr ) ) }) test_that("Table can roundtrip extension types", { custom_vctr <- vctrs::new_vctr(1:8, class = "arrow_custom_test") custom_array <- vctrs_extension_array(custom_vctr) normal_vctr <- letters[1:8] custom_table <- arrow_table(custom = custom_array) expect_identical( custom_table$to_data_frame(), tibble::tibble( custom = custom_vctr ) ) mixed_table <- arrow_table( custom = custom_array, normal = normal_vctr ) expect_identical( mixed_table$to_data_frame(), tibble::tibble( custom = custom_vctr, normal = normal_vctr ) ) # check both column orders, since column order should stay in the same # order whether the columns are extension types or not mixed_table2 <- arrow_table( normal = normal_vctr, custom = custom_array ) expect_identical( mixed_table2$to_data_frame(), tibble::tibble( normal = normal_vctr, custom = custom_vctr ) ) }) test_that("Dataset/arrow_dplyr_query can roundtrip extension types", { skip_if_not_available("dataset") skip_if_not(CanRunWithCapturedR()) tf <- tempfile() on.exit(unlink(tf, recursive = TRUE)) df <- expand.grid( number = 1:10, letter = letters, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, KEEP.OUT.ATTRS = FALSE ) %>% tibble::as_tibble() df$extension <- vctrs::new_vctr(df$letter, class = "arrow_custom_vctr") table <- arrow_table( number = df$number, letter = df$letter, extension = vctrs_extension_array(df$extension) ) table %>% dplyr::group_by(number) %>% write_dataset(tf) roundtripped <- open_dataset(tf) %>% dplyr::select(number, letter, extension) %>% dplyr::collect() expect_identical(unclass(roundtripped$extension), roundtripped$letter) }) test_that("Handling vctrs_rcrd type", { df <- data.frame( x = vctrs::new_rcrd(fields = list(special = 1:3), class = "special") ) tab <- arrow_table(df) expect_identical(as.data.frame(tab), df) })