# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. skip_if_not_available("dataset") library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE) dataset_dir <- make_temp_dir() hive_dir <- make_temp_dir() ipc_dir <- make_temp_dir() test_that("Setup (putting data in the dir)", { if (arrow_with_parquet()) { dir.create(file.path(dataset_dir, 1)) dir.create(file.path(dataset_dir, 2)) write_parquet(df1, file.path(dataset_dir, 1, "file1.parquet")) write_parquet(df2, file.path(dataset_dir, 2, "file2.parquet")) expect_length(dir(dataset_dir, recursive = TRUE), 2) dir.create(file.path(hive_dir, "subdir", "group=1", "other=xxx"), recursive = TRUE) dir.create(file.path(hive_dir, "subdir", "group=2", "other=yyy"), recursive = TRUE) write_parquet(df1, file.path(hive_dir, "subdir", "group=1", "other=xxx", "file1.parquet")) write_parquet(df2, file.path(hive_dir, "subdir", "group=2", "other=yyy", "file2.parquet")) expect_length(dir(hive_dir, recursive = TRUE), 2) } # Now, an IPC format dataset dir.create(file.path(ipc_dir, 3)) dir.create(file.path(ipc_dir, 4)) write_feather(df1, file.path(ipc_dir, 3, "file1.arrow")) write_feather(df2, file.path(ipc_dir, 4, "file2.arrow")) expect_length(dir(ipc_dir, recursive = TRUE), 2) }) test_that("IPC/Feather format data", { ds <- open_dataset(ipc_dir, partitioning = "part", format = "feather") expect_r6_class(ds$format, "IpcFileFormat") expect_r6_class(ds$filesystem, "LocalFileSystem") expect_named(ds, c(names(df1), "part")) expect_identical(dim(ds), c(20L, 7L)) expect_equal( ds %>% select(string = chr, integer = int, part) %>% filter(integer > 6 & part == 3) %>% collect() %>% summarize(mean = mean(integer)), df1 %>% select(string = chr, integer = int) %>% filter(integer > 6) %>% summarize(mean = mean(integer)) ) # Collecting virtual partition column works expect_equal( ds %>% arrange(part) %>% pull(part) %>% as.vector(), c(rep(3, 10), rep(4, 10)) ) }) expect_scan_result <- function(ds, schm) { sb <- ds$NewScan() expect_r6_class(sb, "ScannerBuilder") expect_equal(sb$schema, schm) sb$Project(c("chr", "lgl")) sb$Filter(Expression$field_ref("dbl") == 8) scn <- sb$Finish() expect_r6_class(scn, "Scanner") tab <- scn$ToTable() expect_r6_class(tab, "Table") expect_equal_data_frame( tab, df1[8, c("chr", "lgl")] ) } test_that("URI-decoding with directory partitioning", { root <- make_temp_dir() fmt <- FileFormat$create("feather") fs <- LocalFileSystem$create() selector <- FileSelector$create(root, recursive = TRUE) dir1 <- file.path(root, "2021-05-04 00%3A00%3A00", "%24") dir.create(dir1, recursive = TRUE) write_feather(df1, file.path(dir1, "data.feather")) partitioning <- DirectoryPartitioning$create( schema(date = timestamp(unit = "s"), string = utf8()) ) factory <- FileSystemDatasetFactory$create( fs, selector, NULL, fmt, partitioning = partitioning ) schm <- factory$Inspect() ds <- factory$Finish(schm) expect_scan_result(ds, schm) partitioning <- DirectoryPartitioning$create( schema(date = timestamp(unit = "s"), string = utf8()), segment_encoding = "none" ) factory <- FileSystemDatasetFactory$create( fs, selector, NULL, fmt, partitioning = partitioning ) schm <- factory$Inspect() expect_error(factory$Finish(schm), "Invalid: error parsing") partitioning_factory <- DirectoryPartitioningFactory$create( c("date", "string") ) factory <- FileSystemDatasetFactory$create( fs, selector, NULL, fmt, partitioning_factory ) schm <- factory$Inspect() ds <- factory$Finish(schm) # Can't directly inspect partition expressions, so do it implicitly via scan expect_equal( ds %>% filter(date == "2021-05-04 00:00:00", string == "$") %>% select(int) %>% collect(), df1 %>% select(int) %>% collect() ) partitioning_factory <- DirectoryPartitioningFactory$create( c("date", "string"), segment_encoding = "none" ) factory <- FileSystemDatasetFactory$create( fs, selector, NULL, fmt, partitioning_factory ) schm <- factory$Inspect() ds <- factory$Finish(schm) expect_equal( ds %>% filter(date == "2021-05-04 00%3A00%3A00", string == "%24") %>% select(int) %>% collect(), df1 %>% select(int) %>% collect() ) }) test_that("URI-decoding with hive partitioning", { root <- make_temp_dir() fmt <- FileFormat$create("feather") fs <- LocalFileSystem$create() selector <- FileSelector$create(root, recursive = TRUE) dir1 <- file.path(root, "date=2021-05-04 00%3A00%3A00", "string=%24") dir.create(dir1, recursive = TRUE) write_feather(df1, file.path(dir1, "data.feather")) partitioning <- hive_partition( date = timestamp(unit = "s"), string = utf8() ) factory <- FileSystemDatasetFactory$create( fs, selector, NULL, fmt, partitioning = partitioning ) schm <- factory$Inspect() ds <- factory$Finish(schm) expect_scan_result(ds, schm) partitioning <- hive_partition( date = timestamp(unit = "s"), string = utf8(), segment_encoding = "none" ) factory <- FileSystemDatasetFactory$create( fs, selector, NULL, fmt, partitioning = partitioning ) expect_error(factory$Finish(schm), "Invalid: error parsing") partitioning_factory <- hive_partition() factory <- FileSystemDatasetFactory$create( fs, selector, NULL, fmt, partitioning_factory ) schm <- factory$Inspect() ds <- factory$Finish(schm) # Can't directly inspect partition expressions, so do it implicitly via scan expect_equal( ds %>% filter(date == "2021-05-04 00:00:00", string == "$") %>% select(int) %>% collect(), df1 %>% select(int) %>% collect() ) partitioning_factory <- hive_partition(segment_encoding = "none") factory <- FileSystemDatasetFactory$create( fs, selector, NULL, fmt, partitioning_factory ) schm <- factory$Inspect() ds <- factory$Finish(schm) expect_equal( ds %>% filter(date == "2021-05-04 00%3A00%3A00", string == "%24") %>% select(int) %>% collect(), df1 %>% select(int) %>% collect() ) }) test_that("URI-decoding with hive partitioning with key encoded", { root <- make_temp_dir() fmt <- FileFormat$create("feather") fs <- LocalFileSystem$create() selector <- FileSelector$create(root, recursive = TRUE) dir1 <- file.path(root, "test%20key=2021-05-04 00%3A00%3A00", "test%20key1=%24") dir.create(dir1, recursive = TRUE) write_feather(df1, file.path(dir1, "data.feather")) partitioning <- hive_partition( `test key` = timestamp(unit = "s"), `test key1` = utf8(), segment_encoding = "uri" ) factory <- FileSystemDatasetFactory$create( fs, selector, NULL, fmt, partitioning = partitioning ) schm <- factory$Inspect() ds <- factory$Finish(schm) expect_scan_result(ds, schm) # segment encoding for both key and values partitioning_factory <- hive_partition(segment_encoding = "uri") factory <- FileSystemDatasetFactory$create( fs, selector, NULL, fmt, partitioning_factory ) schm <- factory$Inspect() ds <- factory$Finish(schm) expect_equal( ds %>% filter(`test key` == "2021-05-04 00:00:00", `test key1` == "$") %>% select(int) %>% collect(), df1 %>% select(int) %>% collect() ) # no segment encoding partitioning_factory <- hive_partition(segment_encoding = "none") factory <- FileSystemDatasetFactory$create( fs, selector, NULL, fmt, partitioning_factory ) schm <- factory$Inspect() ds <- factory$Finish(schm) expect_equal( ds %>% filter(`test%20key` == "2021-05-04 00%3A00%3A00", `test%20key1` == "%24") %>% select(int) %>% collect(), df1 %>% select(int) %>% collect() ) }) # Everything else below here is using parquet files skip_if_not_available("parquet") files <- c( file.path(dataset_dir, 1, "file1.parquet", fsep = "/"), file.path(dataset_dir, 2, "file2.parquet", fsep = "/") ) test_that("Simple interface for datasets", { ds <- open_dataset(dataset_dir, partitioning = schema(part = uint8())) expect_r6_class(ds$format, "ParquetFileFormat") expect_r6_class(ds$filesystem, "LocalFileSystem") expect_r6_class(ds, "Dataset") expect_equal( ds %>% select(chr, dbl) %>% filter(dbl > 7 & dbl < 53L) %>% # Testing the auto-casting of scalars collect() %>% arrange(dbl), rbind( df1[8:10, c("chr", "dbl")], df2[1:2, c("chr", "dbl")] ) ) expect_equal( ds %>% select(string = chr, integer = int, part) %>% filter(integer > 6 & part == 1) %>% # 6 not 6L to test autocasting collect() %>% summarize(mean = mean(integer)), df1 %>% select(string = chr, integer = int) %>% filter(integer > 6) %>% summarize(mean = mean(integer)) ) # Collecting virtual partition column works expect_equal( ds %>% arrange(part) %>% pull(part) %>% as.vector(), c(rep(1, 10), rep(2, 10)) ) }) test_that("Can set schema on dataset", { ds <- open_dataset(dataset_dir) expected_schema <- schema(x = int32(), y = utf8()) expect_false(ds$schema == expected_schema) ds_new <- ds$WithSchema(expected_schema) expect_equal(ds_new$schema, expected_schema) expect_false(ds$schema == expected_schema) ds$schema <- expected_schema expect_equal(ds$schema, expected_schema) }) test_that("as.data.frame.Dataset", { ds <- open_dataset(dataset_dir, partitioning = schema(part = uint8())) expect_identical(dim(as.data.frame(ds)), c(20L, 7L)) }) test_that("dim method returns the correct number of rows and columns", { ds <- open_dataset(dataset_dir, partitioning = schema(part = uint8())) expect_identical(dim(ds), c(20L, 7L)) }) test_that("dimnames, colnames on Dataset objects", { ds <- open_dataset(dataset_dir, partitioning = schema(part = uint8())) col_names <- c("int", "dbl", "lgl", "chr", "fct", "ts", "part") expect_identical(dimnames(ds), list(NULL, col_names)) expect_identical(colnames(ds), col_names) }) test_that("dim() correctly determine numbers of rows and columns on arrow_dplyr_query object", { ds <- open_dataset(dataset_dir, partitioning = schema(part = uint8())) expect_identical( ds %>% filter(chr == "a") %>% dim(), c(2L, 7L) ) expect_equal( ds %>% select(chr, fct, int) %>% dim(), c(20L, 3L) ) expect_identical( ds %>% select(chr, fct, int) %>% filter(chr == "a") %>% dim(), c(2L, 3L) ) }) test_that("Simple interface for datasets (custom ParquetFileFormat)", { ds <- open_dataset(dataset_dir, partitioning = schema(part = uint8()), format = FileFormat$create("parquet", dict_columns = c("chr")) ) expect_type_equal(ds$schema$GetFieldByName("chr")$type, dictionary()) }) test_that("Hive partitioning", { ds <- open_dataset(hive_dir, partitioning = hive_partition(other = utf8(), group = uint8())) expect_r6_class(ds, "Dataset") expect_equal( ds %>% filter(group == 2) %>% select(chr, dbl) %>% filter(dbl > 7 & dbl < 53) %>% collect() %>% arrange(dbl), df2[1:2, c("chr", "dbl")] ) }) test_that("input validation", { expect_error( open_dataset(hive_dir, hive_partition(other = utf8(), group = uint8())) ) }) test_that("Partitioning inference", { # These are the same tests as above, just using the *PartitioningFactory ds1 <- open_dataset(dataset_dir, partitioning = "part") expect_named(ds1, c(names(df1), "part")) expect_equal( ds1 %>% select(string = chr, integer = int, part) %>% filter(integer > 6 & part == 1) %>% collect() %>% summarize(mean = mean(integer)), df1 %>% select(string = chr, integer = int) %>% filter(integer > 6) %>% summarize(mean = mean(integer)) ) ds2 <- open_dataset(hive_dir) expect_named(ds2, c(names(df1), "group", "other")) expect_equal( ds2 %>% filter(group == 2) %>% select(chr, dbl) %>% filter(dbl > 7 & dbl < 53) %>% collect() %>% arrange(dbl), df2[1:2, c("chr", "dbl")] ) }) test_that("Specifying partitioning when hive_style", { expected_schema <- open_dataset(hive_dir)$schema # If string and names match hive partition names, it's accepted silently ds_with_chr <- open_dataset(hive_dir, partitioning = c("group", "other")) expect_equal(ds_with_chr$schema, expected_schema) # If they don't match, we get an error expect_error( open_dataset(hive_dir, partitioning = c("asdf", "zxcv")), paste( '"partitioning" does not match the detected Hive-style partitions:', 'c\\("group", "other"\\).*after opening the dataset' ) ) # If schema and names match, the schema is used to specify the types ds_with_sch <- open_dataset( hive_dir, partitioning = schema(group = int32(), other = utf8()) ) expect_equal(ds_with_sch$schema, expected_schema) ds_with_int8 <- open_dataset( hive_dir, partitioning = schema(group = int8(), other = utf8()) ) expect_equal(ds_with_int8$schema[["group"]]$type, int8()) # If they don't match, we get an error expect_error( open_dataset(hive_dir, partitioning = schema(a = int32(), b = utf8())), paste( '"partitioning" does not match the detected Hive-style partitions:', 'c\\("group", "other"\\).*after opening the dataset' ) ) # This can be disabled with hive_style = FALSE ds_not_hive <- open_dataset( hive_dir, partitioning = c("group", "other"), hive_style = FALSE ) # Since it's DirectoryPartitioning, the column values are all strings # like "group=1" expect_equal(ds_not_hive$schema[["group"]]$type, utf8()) # And if no partitioning is specified and hive_style = FALSE, we don't parse at all ds_not_hive <- open_dataset( hive_dir, hive_style = FALSE ) expect_null(ds_not_hive$schema[["group"]]) expect_null(ds_not_hive$schema[["other"]]) }) test_that("Including partition columns in schema, hive style", { expected_schema <- open_dataset(hive_dir)$schema # Specify a different type than what is autodetected expected_schema$group <- float32() ds <- open_dataset(hive_dir, schema = expected_schema) expect_equal(ds$schema, expected_schema) # Now also with specifying `partitioning` ds2 <- open_dataset(hive_dir, schema = expected_schema, partitioning = c("group", "other")) expect_equal(ds2$schema, expected_schema) }) test_that("Including partition columns in schema and partitioning, hive style CSV (ARROW-14743)", { mtcars_dir <- tempfile() on.exit(unlink(mtcars_dir)) tab <- Table$create(mtcars) # Writing is hive-style by default write_dataset(tab, mtcars_dir, format = "csv", partitioning = "cyl") mtcars_ds <- open_dataset( mtcars_dir, schema = tab$schema, format = "csv", partitioning = "cyl" ) expect_equal(mtcars_ds$schema, tab$schema) }) test_that("partitioning = NULL to ignore partition information (but why?)", { ds <- open_dataset(hive_dir, partitioning = NULL) expect_named(ds, names(df1)) # i.e. not c(names(df1), "group", "other") }) test_that("Dataset with multiple file formats", { skip("https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ARROW-7653") ds <- open_dataset(list( open_dataset(dataset_dir, format = "parquet", partitioning = "part"), open_dataset(ipc_dir, format = "arrow", partitioning = "part") )) expect_named(ds, c(names(df1), "part")) expect_equal( ds %>% filter(int > 6 & part %in% c(1, 3)) %>% select(string = chr, integer = int) %>% collect(), df1 %>% select(string = chr, integer = int) %>% filter(integer > 6) %>% rbind(., .) # Stack it twice ) }) test_that("Creating UnionDataset", { ds1 <- open_dataset(file.path(dataset_dir, 1)) ds2 <- open_dataset(file.path(dataset_dir, 2)) union1 <- open_dataset(list(ds1, ds2)) expect_r6_class(union1, "UnionDataset") expect_equal( union1 %>% select(chr, dbl) %>% filter(dbl > 7 & dbl < 53L) %>% # Testing the auto-casting of scalars collect() %>% arrange(dbl), rbind( df1[8:10, c("chr", "dbl")], df2[1:2, c("chr", "dbl")] ) ) # Now with the c() method union2 <- c(ds1, ds2) expect_r6_class(union2, "UnionDataset") expect_equal( union2 %>% select(chr, dbl) %>% filter(dbl > 7 & dbl < 53L) %>% # Testing the auto-casting of scalars collect() %>% arrange(dbl), rbind( df1[8:10, c("chr", "dbl")], df2[1:2, c("chr", "dbl")] ) ) # Confirm c() method error handling expect_error(c(ds1, 42), "character") }) test_that("UnionDataset can merge schemas", { sub_df1 <- Table$create( x = Array$create(c(1, 2, 3)), y = Array$create(c("a", "b", "c")) ) sub_df2 <- Table$create( x = Array$create(c(4, 5)), z = Array$create(c("d", "e")) ) path1 <- make_temp_dir() path2 <- make_temp_dir() write_dataset(sub_df1, path1, format = "parquet") write_dataset(sub_df2, path2, format = "parquet") ds1 <- open_dataset(path1, format = "parquet") ds2 <- open_dataset(path2, format = "parquet") ds <- c(ds1, ds2) actual <- ds %>% collect() %>% arrange(x) expect_equal(colnames(actual), c("x", "y", "z")) union_all_common <- function(...) { common <- vctrs::vec_cast_common(...) rlang::inject(union_all(!!!common)) } expected <- union_all_common( as_tibble(sub_df1), as_tibble(sub_df2) ) expect_equal(actual, expected) # without unifying schemas, takes the first schema and discards any columns # in the second which aren't in the first ds <- open_dataset(list(ds1, ds2), unify_schemas = FALSE) expected <- union_all_common( as_tibble(sub_df1), as_tibble(sub_df2) %>% select(x) ) actual <- ds %>% collect() %>% arrange(x) expect_equal(colnames(actual), c("x", "y")) expect_equal(actual, expected) }) test_that("UnionDataset handles InMemoryDatasets", { sub_df1 <- Table$create( x = Array$create(c(1, 2, 3)), y = Array$create(c("a", "b", "c")) ) sub_df2 <- Table$create( x = Array$create(c(4, 5)), z = Array$create(c("d", "e")) ) ds1 <- InMemoryDataset$create(sub_df1) ds2 <- InMemoryDataset$create(sub_df2) ds <- c(ds1, ds2) actual <- ds %>% arrange(x) %>% compute() expected <- concat_tables(sub_df1, sub_df2) expect_equal(actual, expected) }) test_that("scalar aggregates with many batches (ARROW-16904)", { tf <- tempfile() write_parquet(data.frame(x = 1:100), tf, chunk_size = 20) ds <- open_dataset(tf) replicate(100, ds %>% summarize(min(x)) %>% pull()) expect_true( all( replicate(100, ds %>% summarize(min(x)) %>% pull() %>% as.vector()) == 1 ) ) expect_true( all( replicate(100, ds %>% summarize(max(x)) %>% pull() %>% as.vector()) == 100 ) ) }) test_that("streaming map_batches into an ExecPlan", { skip_if_not(CanRunWithCapturedR()) ds <- open_dataset(dataset_dir, partitioning = "part") # summarize returns arrow_dplyr_query, which gets collected into a tibble expect_equal( ds %>% filter(int > 5) %>% select(int, lgl) %>% map_batches(~ summarize(., min_int = min(int))) %>% arrange(min_int) %>% collect(), tibble(min_int = c(6L, 101L)) ) # $num_rows returns integer vector, so we need to wrap it in a RecordBatch expect_equal( ds %>% filter(int > 5) %>% select(int, lgl) %>% map_batches(~ record_batch(nrows = .$num_rows)) %>% pull(nrows) %>% as.vector() %>% sort(), c(5, 10) ) # Can take a raw dataset as X argument expect_equal( ds %>% map_batches(~ count(., part)) %>% arrange(part) %>% collect(), tibble(part = c(1, 2), n = c(10, 10)) ) # $Take returns RecordBatch expect_equal( ds %>% filter(int > 5) %>% select(int, lgl) %>% map_batches(~ .$Take(0)) %>% arrange(int) %>% collect(), tibble(int = c(6, 101), lgl = c(TRUE, TRUE)) ) # Do things in R and put back into Arrow expect_equal( ds %>% filter(int < 5) %>% select(int) %>% map_batches( # as_mapper() can't handle %>%? ~ mutate(as.data.frame(.), lets = letters[int]) ) %>% arrange(int) %>% collect(), tibble(int = 1:4, lets = letters[1:4]) ) }) test_that("map_batches with explicit schema", { fun_with_dots <- function(batch, first_col, first_col_val) { record_batch( !!first_col := first_col_val, b = batch$a$cast(float64()) ) } empty_reader <- RecordBatchReader$create( batches = list(), schema = schema(a = int32()) ) expect_equal( map_batches( empty_reader, fun_with_dots, "first_col_name", "first_col_value", .schema = schema(first_col_name = string(), b = float64()) )$read_table(), arrow_table(first_col_name = character(), b = double()) ) reader <- RecordBatchReader$create( batches = list( record_batch(a = 1, b = "two"), record_batch(a = 2, b = "three") ) ) expect_equal( map_batches( reader, fun_with_dots, "first_col_name", "first_col_value", .schema = schema(first_col_name = string(), b = float64()) )$read_table(), arrow_table( first_col_name = c("first_col_value", "first_col_value"), b = as.numeric(1:2) ) ) }) test_that("map_batches without explicit schema", { fun_with_dots <- function(batch, first_col, first_col_val) { record_batch( !!first_col := first_col_val, b = batch$a$cast(float64()) ) } empty_reader <- RecordBatchReader$create( batches = list(), schema = schema(a = int32()) ) expect_error( map_batches( empty_reader, fun_with_dots, "first_col_name", "first_col_value" )$read_table(), "Can't infer schema" ) reader <- RecordBatchReader$create( batches = list( record_batch(a = 1, b = "two"), record_batch(a = 2, b = "three") ) ) expect_equal( map_batches( reader, fun_with_dots, "first_col_name", "first_col_value" )$read_table(), arrow_table( first_col_name = c("first_col_value", "first_col_value"), b = as.numeric(1:2) ) ) }) test_that("head/tail", { # head/tail with no query are still deterministic order ds <- open_dataset(dataset_dir) big_df <- rbind(df1, df2) # No n provided (default is 6, all from one batch) expect_equal_data_frame(head(ds), head(df1)) expect_equal_data_frame(tail(ds), tail(df2)) # n = 0: have to drop `fct` because factor levels don't come through from # arrow when there are 0 rows zero_df <- big_df[FALSE, names(big_df) != "fct"] expect_equal_data_frame(as.data.frame(head(ds, 0))[, names(ds) != "fct"], zero_df) expect_equal_data_frame(as.data.frame(tail(ds, 0))[, names(ds) != "fct"], zero_df) # Two more cases: more than 1 batch, and more than nrow for (n in c(12, 1000)) { expect_equal_data_frame(head(ds, n), head(big_df, n)) expect_equal_data_frame(tail(ds, n), tail(big_df, n)) } expect_error(head(ds, -1)) # Not yet implemented expect_error(tail(ds, -1)) # Not yet implemented }) test_that("unique()", { ds <- open_dataset(dataset_dir) in_r_mem <- rbind(df1, df2) at <- arrow_table(in_r_mem) rbr <- as_record_batch_reader(in_r_mem) expect_s3_class(unique(ds), "arrow_dplyr_query") expect_s3_class(unique(at), "arrow_dplyr_query") expect_s3_class(unique(rbr), "arrow_dplyr_query") # on a arrow_dplyr_query adq_eg <- ds %>% select(fct) %>% unique() expect_s3_class(adq_eg, "arrow_dplyr_query") # order not set by distinct so some sorting required expect_equal(sort(collect(unique(ds))$int), sort(unique(in_r_mem)$int)) # on a arrow table expect_equal( at %>% unique() %>% collect(), unique(in_r_mem) ) expect_equal( rbr %>% unique() %>% collect(), unique(in_r_mem) ) expect_snapshot_error(unique(arrow_table(in_r_mem), incomparables = TRUE)) }) test_that("Dataset [ (take by index)", { ds <- open_dataset(dataset_dir) # Taking only from one file expect_equal_data_frame( ds[c(4, 5, 9), 3:4], df1[c(4, 5, 9), 3:4] ) # Taking from more than one expect_equal_data_frame( ds[c(4, 5, 9, 12, 13), 3:4], rbind(df1[c(4, 5, 9), 3:4], df2[2:3, 3:4]) ) # Taking out of order expect_equal_data_frame( ds[c(4, 13, 9, 12, 5), ], rbind( df1[4, ], df2[3, ], df1[9, ], df2[2, ], df1[5, ] ) ) # Take from a query ds2 <- ds %>% filter(int > 6) %>% select(int, lgl) expect_equal_data_frame( ds2[c(2, 5), ], rbind( df1[8, c("int", "lgl")], df2[1, c("int", "lgl")] ) ) }) test_that("Dataset and query print methods", { ds <- open_dataset(hive_dir) expect_output( print(ds), paste( "FileSystemDataset with 2 Parquet files", "8 columns", "int: int32", "dbl: double", "lgl: bool", "chr: string", "fct: dictionary", "ts: timestamp[us, tz=UTC]", "group: int32", "other: string", sep = "\n" ), fixed = TRUE ) expect_type(ds$metadata, "list") q <- select(ds, string = chr, lgl, integer = int) expect_output( print(q), paste( "Dataset (query)", "string: string", "lgl: bool", "integer: int32", "", "See $.data for the source Arrow object", sep = "\n" ), fixed = TRUE ) expect_output( print(q %>% filter(integer == 6) %>% group_by(lgl)), paste( "Dataset (query)", "string: string", "lgl: bool", "integer: int32", "", "* Filter: (int == 6)", "* Grouped by lgl", "See $.data for the source Arrow object", sep = "\n" ), fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("Can delete filesystem dataset files after collection", { # While this test should pass on all platforms, this is primarily # a test for Windows because that platform won't allow open files # to be deleted. dataset_dir2 <- tempfile() ds0 <- open_dataset(dataset_dir) write_dataset(ds0, dataset_dir2) ds <- open_dataset(dataset_dir2) collected <- ds %>% arrange(int) %>% collect() unlink(dataset_dir2, recursive = TRUE) expect_false(dir.exists(dataset_dir2)) expect_identical( collected, ds0 %>% arrange(int) %>% collect() ) # Also try with head(), since this creates a nested query whose interior # components should also be cleaned up to allow deleting the original # dataset write_dataset(ds0, dataset_dir2) ds <- open_dataset(dataset_dir2) collected <- ds %>% arrange(int) %>% head() %>% arrange(int) %>% collect() unlink(dataset_dir2, recursive = TRUE) expect_false(dir.exists(dataset_dir2)) expect_identical( collected, ds0 %>% arrange(int) %>% head() %>% arrange(int) %>% collect() ) }) test_that("Scanner$ScanBatches", { ds <- open_dataset(ipc_dir, format = "feather") batches <- ds$NewScan()$Finish()$ScanBatches() table <- Table$create(!!!batches) expect_equal_data_frame(table, rbind(df1, df2)) batches <- ds$NewScan()$Finish()$ScanBatches() table <- Table$create(!!!batches) expect_equal_data_frame(table, rbind(df1, df2)) }) test_that("Scanner$ToRecordBatchReader()", { ds <- open_dataset(dataset_dir, partitioning = "part") scan <- ds %>% filter(part == 1) %>% select(int, lgl) %>% filter(int > 6) %>% Scanner$create() reader <- scan$ToRecordBatchReader() expect_r6_class(reader, "RecordBatchReader") expect_equal_data_frame( reader$read_table(), df1[df1$int > 6, c("int", "lgl")] ) }) test_that("Scanner$create() filter/projection pushdown", { ds <- open_dataset(dataset_dir, partitioning = "part") # the standard to compare all Scanner$create()s against scan_one <- ds %>% filter(int > 7 & dbl < 57) %>% select(int, dbl, lgl) %>% mutate(int_plus = int + 1, dbl_minus = dbl - 1) %>% Scanner$create() # select a column in projection scan_two <- ds %>% filter(int > 7 & dbl < 57) %>% # select an extra column, since we are going to select(int, dbl, lgl, chr) %>% mutate(int_plus = int + 1, dbl_minus = dbl - 1) %>% Scanner$create(projection = c("int", "dbl", "lgl", "int_plus", "dbl_minus")) expect_identical( as.data.frame(scan_one$ToRecordBatchReader()$read_table()), as.data.frame(scan_two$ToRecordBatchReader()$read_table()) ) # adding filters to Scanner$create scan_three <- ds %>% filter(int > 7) %>% select(int, dbl, lgl) %>% mutate(int_plus = int + 1, dbl_minus = dbl - 1) %>% Scanner$create( filter = Expression$create("less", Expression$field_ref("dbl"), Expression$scalar(57)) ) expect_identical( as.data.frame(scan_one$ToRecordBatchReader()$read_table()), as.data.frame(scan_three$ToRecordBatchReader()$read_table()) ) expect_error( ds %>% select(int, dbl, lgl) %>% Scanner$create(projection = "not_a_col"), # Full message is "attempting to project with unknown columns" >= 4.0.0, but # prior versions have a less nice "all(projection %in% names(proj)) is not TRUE" "project" ) expect_error( ds %>% select(int, dbl, lgl) %>% Scanner$create(filter = list("foo", "bar")), "filter expressions must be either an expression or a list of expressions" ) }) test_that("Assembling a Dataset manually and getting a Table", { fs <- LocalFileSystem$create() selector <- FileSelector$create(dataset_dir, recursive = TRUE) partitioning <- DirectoryPartitioning$create(schema(part = double())) fmt <- FileFormat$create("parquet") factory <- FileSystemDatasetFactory$create(fs, selector, NULL, fmt, partitioning = partitioning) expect_r6_class(factory, "FileSystemDatasetFactory") schm <- factory$Inspect() expect_r6_class(schm, "Schema") phys_schm <- ParquetFileReader$create(files[1])$GetSchema() expect_named(phys_schm, names(df1)) expect_named(schm, c(names(phys_schm), "part")) child <- factory$Finish(schm) expect_r6_class(child, "FileSystemDataset") expect_r6_class(child$schema, "Schema") expect_r6_class(child$format, "ParquetFileFormat") expect_named(schm, names(child$schema)) expect_equal(child$files, files) ds <- Dataset$create(list(child), schm) expect_scan_result(ds, schm) }) test_that("Assembling multiple DatasetFactories with DatasetFactory", { factory1 <- dataset_factory(file.path(dataset_dir, 1), format = "parquet") expect_r6_class(factory1, "FileSystemDatasetFactory") factory2 <- dataset_factory(file.path(dataset_dir, 2), format = "parquet") expect_r6_class(factory2, "FileSystemDatasetFactory") factory <- DatasetFactory$create(list(factory1, factory2)) expect_r6_class(factory, "DatasetFactory") schm <- factory$Inspect() expect_r6_class(schm, "Schema") phys_schm <- ParquetFileReader$create(files[1])$GetSchema() expect_named(phys_schm, names(df1)) ds <- factory$Finish(schm) expect_r6_class(ds, "UnionDataset") expect_r6_class(ds$schema, "Schema") expect_named(schm, names(ds$schema)) expect_equal(unlist(map(ds$children, ~ .$files)), files) expect_scan_result(ds, schm) }) # By default, snappy encoding will be used, and # Snappy has a UBSan issue: https://github.com/google/snappy/pull/148 skip_on_linux_devel() # see https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ARROW-11328 test_that("Collecting zero columns from a dataset doesn't return entire dataset", { tmp <- tempfile() write_dataset(mtcars, tmp, format = "parquet") expect_equal( open_dataset(tmp) %>% select() %>% collect() %>% dim(), c(32, 0) ) }) test_that("dataset RecordBatchReader to C-interface to arrow_dplyr_query", { ds <- open_dataset(hive_dir) # export the RecordBatchReader via the C-interface stream_ptr <- allocate_arrow_array_stream() scan <- Scanner$create(ds) reader <- scan$ToRecordBatchReader() reader$export_to_c(stream_ptr) expect_equal( RecordBatchStreamReader$import_from_c(stream_ptr) %>% filter(int < 8 | int > 55) %>% mutate(part_plus = group + 6) %>% arrange(dbl) %>% collect(), ds %>% filter(int < 8 | int > 55) %>% mutate(part_plus = group + 6) %>% arrange(dbl) %>% collect() ) # must clean up the pointer or we leak delete_arrow_array_stream(stream_ptr) }) test_that("dataset to C-interface to arrow_dplyr_query with proj/filter", { ds <- open_dataset(hive_dir) # filter the dataset ds <- ds %>% filter(int > 2) # export the RecordBatchReader via the C-interface stream_ptr <- allocate_arrow_array_stream() scan <- Scanner$create( ds, projection = names(ds), filter = Expression$create("less", Expression$field_ref("int"), Expression$scalar(8L)) ) reader <- scan$ToRecordBatchReader() reader$export_to_c(stream_ptr) # then import it and check that the roundtripped value is the same circle <- RecordBatchStreamReader$import_from_c(stream_ptr) # create an arrow_dplyr_query() from the recordbatch reader reader_adq <- arrow_dplyr_query(circle) expect_equal( reader_adq %>% mutate(part_plus = group + 6) %>% arrange(dbl) %>% collect(), ds %>% filter(int < 8, int > 2) %>% mutate(part_plus = group + 6) %>% arrange(dbl) %>% collect() ) # must clean up the pointer or we leak delete_arrow_array_stream(stream_ptr) }) test_that("Filter parquet dataset with is.na ARROW-15312", { ds_path <- make_temp_dir() df <- tibble(x = 1:3, y = c(0L, 0L, NA_integer_), z = c(0L, 1L, NA_integer_)) write_dataset(df, ds_path) # OK: Collect then filter: returns row 3, as expected expect_identical( open_dataset(ds_path) %>% collect() %>% filter(is.na(y)), df %>% collect() %>% filter(is.na(y)) ) # Before the fix: Filter then collect on y returned a 0-row tibble expect_identical( open_dataset(ds_path) %>% filter(is.na(y)) %>% collect(), df %>% filter(is.na(y)) %>% collect() ) # OK: Filter then collect (on z) returns row 3, as expected expect_identical( open_dataset(ds_path) %>% filter(is.na(z)) %>% collect(), df %>% filter(is.na(z)) %>% collect() ) }) test_that("FileSystemFactoryOptions with DirectoryPartitioning", { parent_path <- make_temp_dir() ds_path <- file.path(parent_path, "a_subdir") write_dataset(mtcars, ds_path, partitioning = "cyl", hive = FALSE) expect_equal(dir(parent_path), "a_subdir") expect_equal(dir(ds_path), c("4", "6", "8")) ds <- open_dataset( parent_path, partitioning = "cyl", factory_options = list(partition_base_dir = ds_path) ) expect_equal( ds %>% arrange(cyl) %>% pull(cyl) %>% as.vector(), sort(mtcars$cyl) ) # Add an invalid file file.create(file.path(ds_path, "ASDFnotdata.pq")) ds <- open_dataset( parent_path, partitioning = "cyl", factory_options = list( partition_base_dir = ds_path, # open_dataset() fails if we don't exclude invalid exclude_invalid_files = TRUE ) ) expect_equal( ds %>% arrange(cyl) %>% pull(cyl) %>% as.vector(), sort(mtcars$cyl) ) ds <- open_dataset( parent_path, partitioning = "cyl", factory_options = list( partition_base_dir = ds_path, # We can also ignore by prefix selector_ignore_prefixes = "ASDF" ) ) expect_equal( ds %>% arrange(cyl) %>% pull(cyl) %>% as.vector(), sort(mtcars$cyl) ) # Add a _$folder$ file (which Hadoop may write) file.create(file.path(ds_path, "cyl_$folder$")) ds <- open_dataset( parent_path, partitioning = "cyl", factory_options = list( partition_base_dir = ds_path, # we can't ignore suffixes but we can exclude invalid exclude_invalid_files = TRUE ) ) expect_equal( ds %>% arrange(cyl) %>% pull(cyl) %>% as.vector(), sort(mtcars$cyl) ) # Now with a list of files ds <- open_dataset( dir(ds_path, recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE), factory_options = list( exclude_invalid_files = TRUE ) ) expect_equal( ds %>% summarize(sum(gear)) %>% collect() %>% as.data.frame(), mtcars %>% summarize(sum(gear)) ) }) test_that("FileSystemFactoryOptions with HivePartitioning", { parent_path <- make_temp_dir() ds_path <- file.path(parent_path, "a_subdir") write_dataset(mtcars, ds_path, partitioning = "cyl") expect_equal(dir(parent_path), "a_subdir") expect_equal(dir(ds_path), c("cyl=4", "cyl=6", "cyl=8")) ds <- open_dataset(parent_path) # With Hive partitioning, partition_base_dir isn't needed expect_setequal(names(ds), names(mtcars)) expect_equal( ds %>% arrange(cyl) %>% pull(cyl) %>% as.vector(), sort(mtcars$cyl) ) # Add an invalid file file.create(file.path(ds_path, "ASDFnotdata.pq")) ds <- open_dataset( parent_path, factory_options = list( # open_dataset() fails if we don't exclude invalid exclude_invalid_files = TRUE ) ) expect_equal( ds %>% arrange(cyl) %>% pull(cyl) %>% as.vector(), sort(mtcars$cyl) ) ds <- open_dataset( parent_path, factory_options = list( # We can also ignore by prefix selector_ignore_prefixes = "ASDF" ) ) expect_equal( ds %>% arrange(cyl) %>% pull(cyl) %>% as.vector(), sort(mtcars$cyl) ) # Add a _$folder$ file (which Hadoop may write) file.create(file.path(ds_path, "cyl_$folder$")) ds <- open_dataset( parent_path, factory_options = list( # we can't ignore suffixes but we can exclude invalid exclude_invalid_files = TRUE ) ) expect_equal( ds %>% arrange(cyl) %>% pull(cyl) %>% as.vector(), sort(mtcars$cyl) ) }) test_that("FileSystemFactoryOptions input validation", { expect_error( open_dataset(dataset_dir, factory_options = list(other = TRUE)), 'Invalid factory_options: "other"' ) expect_error( open_dataset( dataset_dir, partitioning = "part", factory_options = list(partition_base_dir = 42) ), "factory_options$partition_base_dir is not a string", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error( open_dataset(dataset_dir, factory_options = list(selector_ignore_prefixes = 42)), "factory_options$selector_ignore_prefixes must be a character vector", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error( open_dataset(dataset_dir, factory_options = list(exclude_invalid_files = 42)), "factory_options$exclude_invalid_files must be TRUE/FALSE", fixed = TRUE ) expect_warning( open_dataset(hive_dir, factory_options = list(partition_base_dir = hive_dir)), "factory_options$partition_base_dir is not meaningful for Hive partitioning", fixed = TRUE ) files <- dir(dataset_dir, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE) expect_error( open_dataset(files, factory_options = list(selector_ignore_prefixes = "__")), paste( "Invalid factory_options for creating a Dataset from a vector", 'of file paths: "selector_ignore_prefixes"' ), fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("can add in augmented fields", { ds <- open_dataset(hive_dir) observed <- ds %>% mutate(file_name = add_filename()) %>% collect() expect_named( observed, c("int", "dbl", "lgl", "chr", "fct", "ts", "group", "other", "file_name") ) expect_equal( sort(unique(observed$file_name)), list.files(hive_dir, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE) ) error_regex <- paste( "`add_filename()` or use of the `__filename` augmented field can only", "be used with Dataset objects, can only be added before doing", "an aggregation or a join, and cannot be referenced in subsequent", "pipeline steps until either compute() or collect() is called." ) # errors appropriately with ArrowTabular objects expect_error( arrow_table(mtcars) %>% mutate(file = add_filename()) %>% collect(), regexp = error_regex, fixed = TRUE ) # errors appropriately with aggregation expect_error( ds %>% summarise(max_int = max(int)) %>% mutate(file_name = add_filename()) %>% collect(), regexp = error_regex, fixed = TRUE ) # joins to tables another_table <- select(example_data, int, dbl2) expect_error( ds %>% left_join(another_table, by = "int") %>% mutate(file = add_filename()) %>% collect(), regexp = error_regex, fixed = TRUE ) # and on joins to datasets another_dataset_dir <- tempfile() on.exit(unlink(another_dataset_dir, recursive = TRUE)) another_dataset <- write_dataset(another_table, another_dataset_dir) expect_error( ds %>% left_join(open_dataset(another_dataset_dir), by = "int") %>% mutate(file = add_filename()) %>% collect(), regexp = error_regex, fixed = TRUE ) # this hits the implicit_schema path by joining afterwards join_after <- ds %>% mutate(file = add_filename()) %>% left_join(open_dataset(another_dataset_dir), by = "int") %>% collect() expect_named( join_after, c("int", "dbl", "lgl", "chr", "fct", "ts", "group", "other", "file", "dbl2") ) expect_equal( sort(unique(join_after$file)), list.files(hive_dir, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE) ) # another test on the explicit_schema path summarise_after <- ds %>% mutate(file = add_filename()) %>% group_by(file) %>% summarise(max_int = max(int)) %>% collect() expect_equal( sort(summarise_after$file), list.files(hive_dir, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE) ) }) test_that("can set thrift size string and container limits for datasets", { expect_r6_class(open_dataset(dataset_dir, thrift_string_size_limit = 1000000), "FileSystemDataset") expect_error( open_dataset(dataset_dir, thrift_string_size_limit = 1), "TProtocolException: Exceeded size limit" ) expect_r6_class(open_dataset(dataset_dir, thrift_container_size_limit = 1000000), "FileSystemDataset") expect_error( open_dataset(dataset_dir, thrift_container_size_limit = 1), "TProtocolException: Exceeded size limit" ) })