# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # Defining some type groups for use here and in the following tests int_types <- c(int8(), int16(), int32(), int64()) uint_types <- c(uint8(), uint16(), uint32(), uint64()) float_types <- c(float32(), float64()) # float16() not really supported in C++ yet test_that("Integer Array", { ints <- c(1:10, 1:10, 1:5) x <- expect_array_roundtrip(ints, int32()) }) test_that("binary Array", { # if the type is given, we just need a list of raw vectors bin <- list(as.raw(1:10), as.raw(1:10)) expect_array_roundtrip(bin, binary(), as = binary()) expect_array_roundtrip(bin, large_binary(), as = large_binary()) expect_array_roundtrip(bin, fixed_size_binary(10), as = fixed_size_binary(10)) bin[[1L]] <- as.raw(1:20) expect_error(arrow_array(bin, fixed_size_binary(10))) # otherwise the arrow type is deduced from the R classes bin <- vctrs::new_vctr( list(as.raw(1:10), as.raw(11:20)), class = "arrow_binary" ) expect_array_roundtrip(bin, binary()) bin <- vctrs::new_vctr( list(as.raw(1:10), as.raw(11:20)), class = "arrow_large_binary" ) expect_array_roundtrip(bin, large_binary()) bin <- vctrs::new_vctr( list(as.raw(1:10), as.raw(11:20)), class = "arrow_fixed_size_binary", byte_width = 10L ) expect_array_roundtrip(bin, fixed_size_binary(byte_width = 10)) # degenerate cases skip_on_linux_devel() # valgrind errors on these tests ARROW-12638 bin <- vctrs::new_vctr( list(1:10), class = "arrow_binary" ) expect_error(arrow_array(bin)) bin <- vctrs::new_vctr( list(1:10), ptype = raw(), class = "arrow_large_binary" ) expect_error(arrow_array(bin)) bin <- vctrs::new_vctr( list(1:10), class = "arrow_fixed_size_binary", byte_width = 10 ) expect_error(arrow_array(bin)) bin <- vctrs::new_vctr( list(as.raw(1:5)), class = "arrow_fixed_size_binary", byte_width = 10 ) expect_error(arrow_array(bin)) bin <- vctrs::new_vctr( list(as.raw(1:5)), class = "arrow_fixed_size_binary" ) expect_error(arrow_array(bin)) }) test_that("Slice() and RangeEquals()", { ints <- c(1:10, 101:110, 201:205) x <- arrow_array(ints) y <- x$Slice(10) expect_equal(y$type, int32()) expect_equal(length(y), 15L) expect_as_vector(y, c(101:110, 201:205)) expect_true(x$RangeEquals(y, 10, 24)) expect_false(x$RangeEquals(y, 9, 23)) expect_false(x$RangeEquals(y, 11, 24)) z <- x$Slice(10, 5) expect_as_vector(z, c(101:105)) expect_true(x$RangeEquals(z, 10, 15, 0)) # Input validation expect_error(x$Slice("ten")) expect_error(x$Slice(NA_integer_), "Slice 'offset' cannot be NA") expect_error(x$Slice(NA), "Slice 'offset' cannot be NA") expect_error(x$Slice(10, "ten")) expect_error(x$Slice(10, NA_integer_), "Slice 'length' cannot be NA") expect_error(x$Slice(NA_integer_, NA_integer_), "Slice 'offset' cannot be NA") expect_error(x$Slice(c(10, 10))) expect_error(x$Slice(10, c(10, 10))) expect_error(x$Slice(1000), "Slice 'offset' greater than array length") expect_error(x$Slice(-1), "Slice 'offset' cannot be negative") expect_error(z$Slice(10, 10), "Slice 'offset' greater than array length") expect_error(x$Slice(10, -1), "Slice 'length' cannot be negative") expect_error(x$Slice(-1, 10), "Slice 'offset' cannot be negative") expect_warning(x$Slice(10, 15), NA) expect_warning( overslice <- x$Slice(10, 16), "Slice 'length' greater than available length" ) expect_equal(length(overslice), 15) expect_warning(z$Slice(2, 10), "Slice 'length' greater than available length") expect_error(x$RangeEquals(10, 24, 0), 'other must be a "Array"') expect_error(x$RangeEquals(y, NA, 24), "'start_idx' cannot be NA") expect_error(x$RangeEquals(y, 10, NA), "'end_idx' cannot be NA") expect_error(x$RangeEquals(y, 10, 24, NA), "'other_start_idx' cannot be NA") expect_error(x$RangeEquals(y, "ten", 24)) skip("TODO: (if anyone uses RangeEquals)") expect_error(x$RangeEquals(y, 10, 2400, 0)) # does not error expect_error(x$RangeEquals(y, 1000, 24, 0)) # does not error expect_error(x$RangeEquals(y, 10, 24, 1000)) # does not error }) test_that("Double Array", { dbls <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) x_dbl <- expect_array_roundtrip(dbls, float64()) }) test_that("Array print method includes type", { x <- arrow_array(c(1:10, 1:10, 1:5)) expect_output(print(x), "Array\n\n[\n", fixed = TRUE) }) test_that("Array supports NA", { x_int <- arrow_array(as.integer(c(1:10, NA))) x_dbl <- arrow_array(as.numeric(c(1:10, NA))) expect_true(x_int$IsValid(0)) expect_true(x_dbl$IsValid(0L)) expect_true(x_int$IsNull(10L)) expect_true(x_dbl$IsNull(10)) expect_as_vector(is.na(x_int), c(rep(FALSE, 10), TRUE)) expect_as_vector(is.na(x_dbl), c(rep(FALSE, 10), TRUE)) # Input validation expect_error(x_int$IsValid("ten")) expect_error(x_int$IsNull("ten")) expect_error(x_int$IsValid(c(10, 10))) expect_error(x_int$IsNull(c(10, 10))) expect_error(x_int$IsValid(NA), "'i' cannot be NA") expect_error(x_int$IsNull(NA), "'i' cannot be NA") expect_error(x_int$IsValid(1000), "subscript out of bounds") expect_error(x_int$IsValid(-1), "subscript out of bounds") expect_error(x_int$IsNull(1000), "subscript out of bounds") expect_error(x_int$IsNull(-1), "subscript out of bounds") }) test_that("Array support null type (ARROW-7064)", { expect_array_roundtrip(vctrs::unspecified(10), null()) }) test_that("Array support 0-length NULL vectors (Arrow-17543)", { expect_type_equal(arrow_array(c()), null()) expect_type_equal(arrow_array(NULL), null()) }) test_that("Array supports logical vectors (ARROW-3341)", { # with NA x <- sample(c(TRUE, FALSE, NA), 1000, replace = TRUE) expect_array_roundtrip(x, bool()) # without NA x <- sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 1000, replace = TRUE) expect_array_roundtrip(x, bool()) }) test_that("Array supports character vectors (ARROW-3339)", { # without NA expect_array_roundtrip(c("itsy", "bitsy", "spider"), utf8()) expect_array_roundtrip(c("itsy", "bitsy", "spider"), large_utf8(), as = large_utf8()) # with NA expect_array_roundtrip(c("itsy", NA, "spider"), utf8()) expect_array_roundtrip(c("itsy", NA, "spider"), large_utf8(), as = large_utf8()) }) test_that("Character vectors > 2GB become large_utf8", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_running_large_memory_tests() big <- make_big_string() expect_array_roundtrip(big, large_utf8()) }) test_that("Arrays with length > INT_MAX can be created and inspected", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_running_large_memory_tests() big <- raw(as.double(.Machine$integer.max) + 2) big[length(big)] <- as.raw(0xff) big_array <- arrow_array(big, type = uint8()) expect_identical(length(big_array), length(big)) expect_identical( Array__GetScalar(big_array, length(big) - 1)$as_vector(), 255L ) # Calling big_array$as_vector() will return an 8 GB integer vector # which is too big to run on CI. }) test_that("empty arrays are supported", { expect_array_roundtrip(character(), utf8()) expect_array_roundtrip(character(), large_utf8(), as = large_utf8()) expect_array_roundtrip(integer(), int32()) expect_array_roundtrip(numeric(), float64()) expect_array_roundtrip(factor(character()), dictionary(int8(), utf8())) expect_array_roundtrip(logical(), bool()) }) test_that("array with all nulls are supported", { nas <- c(NA, NA) expect_array_roundtrip(as.character(nas), utf8()) expect_array_roundtrip(as.integer(nas), int32()) expect_array_roundtrip(as.numeric(nas), float64()) expect_array_roundtrip(as.factor(nas), dictionary(int8(), utf8())) expect_array_roundtrip(as.logical(nas), bool()) }) test_that("Array supports unordered factors (ARROW-3355)", { # without NA f <- factor(c("itsy", "bitsy", "spider", "spider")) expect_array_roundtrip(f, dictionary(int8(), utf8())) # with NA f <- factor(c("itsy", "bitsy", NA, "spider", "spider")) expect_array_roundtrip(f, dictionary(int8(), utf8())) }) test_that("Array supports ordered factors (ARROW-3355)", { # without NA f <- ordered(c("itsy", "bitsy", "spider", "spider")) arr_fac <- expect_array_roundtrip(f, dictionary(int8(), utf8(), ordered = TRUE)) expect_true(arr_fac$ordered) # with NA f <- ordered(c("itsy", "bitsy", NA, "spider", "spider")) expect_array_roundtrip(f, dictionary(int8(), utf8(), ordered = TRUE)) }) test_that("array supports Date (ARROW-3340)", { d <- Sys.Date() + 1:10 expect_array_roundtrip(d, date32()) d[5] <- NA expect_array_roundtrip(d, date32()) }) test_that("array supports POSIXct (ARROW-3340)", { times <- lubridate::ymd_hms("2018-10-07 19:04:05") + 1:10 expect_array_roundtrip(times, timestamp("us", "UTC")) times[5] <- NA expect_array_roundtrip(times, timestamp("us", "UTC")) times2 <- lubridate::ymd_hms("2018-10-07 19:04:05", tz = "America/New_York") + 1:10 expect_array_roundtrip(times2, timestamp("us", "America/New_York")) }) test_that("array uses local timezone for POSIXct without timezone", { withr::with_envvar(c(TZ = ""), { times <- strptime("2019-02-03 12:34:56", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + 1:10 expect_equal(attr(times, "tzone"), NULL) expect_array_roundtrip(times, timestamp("us", Sys.timezone())) # Also test the INTSXP code path skip("Ingest_POSIXct only implemented for REALSXP") times_int <- as.integer(times) attributes(times_int) <- attributes(times) expect_array_roundtrip(times_int, timestamp("us", "")) }) # If there is a timezone set, we record that withr::with_timezone("Pacific/Marquesas", { times <- strptime("2019-02-03 12:34:56", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + 1:10 expect_equal(attr(times, "tzone"), "Pacific/Marquesas") expect_array_roundtrip(times, timestamp("us", "Pacific/Marquesas")) times_with_tz <- strptime( "2019-02-03 12:34:56", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tz = "Asia/Katmandu" ) + 1:10 expect_equal(attr(times, "tzone"), "Asia/Katmandu") expect_array_roundtrip(times, timestamp("us", "Asia/Katmandu")) }) # and although the TZ is NULL in R, we set it to the Sys.timezone() withr::with_timezone(NA, { times <- strptime("2019-02-03 12:34:56", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + 1:10 expect_equal(attr(times, "tzone"), NULL) expect_array_roundtrip(times, timestamp("us", Sys.timezone())) }) }) test_that("Timezone handling in Arrow roundtrip (ARROW-3543)", { # Write a feather file as that's what the initial bug report used df <- tibble::tibble( no_tz = lubridate::ymd_hms("2018-10-07 19:04:05") + 1:10, yes_tz = lubridate::ymd_hms("2018-10-07 19:04:05", tz = "Pacific/Marquesas") + 1:10 ) if (!identical(Sys.timezone(), "Pacific/Marquesas")) { # Confirming that the columns are in fact different expect_false(any(df$no_tz == df$yes_tz)) } feather_file <- tempfile() on.exit(unlink(feather_file)) write_feather(df, feather_file) expect_identical(read_feather(feather_file), df) }) test_that("array supports integer64", { x <- bit64::as.integer64(1:10) + MAX_INT expect_array_roundtrip(x, int64()) x[4] <- NA expect_array_roundtrip(x, int64()) # all NA int64 (ARROW-3795) all_na <- arrow_array(bit64::as.integer64(NA)) expect_type_equal(all_na, int64()) expect_true(as.vector(is.na(all_na))) }) test_that("array supports hms difftime", { time <- hms::hms(56, 34, 12) expect_array_roundtrip(c(time, time), time32("s")) expect_array_roundtrip(vctrs::vec_c(NA, time), time32("s")) }) test_that("array supports difftime", { time <- as.difftime(1234, units = "secs") expect_array_roundtrip(c(time, time), duration("s")) expect_array_roundtrip(vctrs::vec_c(NA, time), duration("s")) }) test_that("support for NaN (ARROW-3615)", { x <- c(1, NA, NaN, -1) y <- arrow_array(x) expect_true(y$IsValid(2)) expect_equal(y$null_count, 1L) }) test_that("is.nan() evaluates to FALSE on NA (for consistency with base R)", { x <- c(1.0, NA, NaN, -1.0) compare_expression(is.nan(.input), x) }) test_that("is.nan() evaluates to FALSE on non-floats (for consistency with base R)", { x <- c(1L, 2L, 3L) y <- c("foo", "bar") compare_expression(is.nan(.input), x) compare_expression(is.nan(.input), y) }) test_that("is.na() evaluates to TRUE on NaN (for consistency with base R)", { x <- c(1, NA, NaN, -1) compare_expression(is.na(.input), x) }) test_that("integer types casts (ARROW-3741)", { a <- arrow_array(c(1:10, NA)) for (type in c(int_types, uint_types)) { casted <- a$cast(type) expect_equal(casted$type, type) expect_identical(as.vector(is.na(casted)), c(rep(FALSE, 10), TRUE)) } }) test_that("integer types cast safety (ARROW-3741, ARROW-5541)", { a <- arrow_array(-(1:10)) for (type in uint_types) { expect_error(a$cast(type), regexp = "Integer value -1 not in range") expect_error(a$cast(type, safe = FALSE), NA) } }) test_that("float types casts (ARROW-3741)", { x <- c(1, 2, 3, NA) a <- arrow_array(x) for (type in float_types) { casted <- a$cast(type) expect_equal(casted$type, type) expect_identical(as.vector(is.na(casted)), c(rep(FALSE, 3), TRUE)) expect_identical(as.vector(casted), x) } }) test_that("cast to half float works", { skip("Need halffloat support: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ARROW-3802") a <- arrow_array(1:4) a_f16 <- a$cast(float16()) expect_type_equal(a_16$type, float16()) }) test_that("cast input validation", { a <- arrow_array(1:4) expect_error(a$cast("not a type"), "type must be a DataType, not character") }) test_that("arrow_array() supports the type= argument. conversion from INTSXP and int64 to all int types", { num_int32 <- 12L num_int64 <- bit64::as.integer64(10) types <- c( int_types, uint_types, float_types, double() # not actually a type, a base R function but should be alias for float64 ) for (type in types) { expect_type_equal(arrow_array(num_int32, type = type)$type, as_type(type)) expect_type_equal(arrow_array(num_int64, type = type)$type, as_type(type)) } # Input validation expect_error( arrow_array(5, type = "not a type"), "type must be a DataType, not character" ) }) test_that("arrow_array() aborts on overflow", { expect_error(arrow_array(128L, type = int8())) expect_error(arrow_array(-129L, type = int8())) expect_error(arrow_array(256L, type = uint8())) expect_error(arrow_array(-1L, type = uint8())) expect_error(arrow_array(32768L, type = int16())) expect_error(arrow_array(-32769L, type = int16())) expect_error(arrow_array(65536L, type = uint16())) expect_error(arrow_array(-1L, type = uint16())) expect_error(arrow_array(65536L, type = uint16())) expect_error(arrow_array(-1L, type = uint16())) expect_error(arrow_array(bit64::as.integer64(2^31), type = int32())) expect_error(arrow_array(bit64::as.integer64(2^32), type = uint32())) }) test_that("arrow_array() does not convert doubles to integer", { for (type in c(int_types, uint_types)) { a <- arrow_array(10, type = type) expect_type_equal(a$type, type) expect_true(as.vector(a) == 10L) } }) test_that("arrow_array() converts raw vectors to uint8 arrays (ARROW-3794)", { expect_type_equal(arrow_array(as.raw(1:10))$type, uint8()) }) test_that("Array$as_vector() converts to integer (ARROW-3794)", { i8 <- (-128):127 a <- arrow_array(i8)$cast(int8()) expect_type_equal(a, int8()) expect_as_vector(a, i8) u8 <- 0:255 a <- arrow_array(u8)$cast(uint8()) expect_type_equal(a, uint8()) expect_as_vector(a, u8) }) test_that("Arrays of {,u}int{32,64} convert to integer if they can fit", { u32 <- arrow_array(1L)$cast(uint32()) expect_identical(as.vector(u32), 1L) u64 <- arrow_array(1L)$cast(uint64()) expect_identical(as.vector(u64), 1L) i64 <- arrow_array(bit64::as.integer64(1:10)) expect_identical(as.vector(i64), 1:10) }) test_that("Arrays of uint{32,64} convert to numeric if they can't fit integer", { u32 <- arrow_array(bit64::as.integer64(1) + MAX_INT)$cast(uint32()) expect_identical(as.vector(u32), 1 + MAX_INT) u64 <- arrow_array(bit64::as.integer64(1) + MAX_INT)$cast(uint64()) expect_identical(as.vector(u64), 1 + MAX_INT) }) test_that("arrow_array() recognise arrow::Array (ARROW-3815)", { a <- arrow_array(1:10) expect_equal(a, arrow_array(a)) }) test_that("arrow_array() handles data frame -> struct arrays (ARROW-3811)", { df <- tibble::tibble(x = 1:10, y = x / 2, z = letters[1:10]) a <- arrow_array(df) expect_type_equal(a$type, struct(x = int32(), y = float64(), z = utf8())) expect_as_vector(a, df) df <- structure( list(col = list(list(list(1)))), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -1L) ) a <- arrow_array(df) expect_type_equal(a$type, struct(col = list_of(list_of(list_of(float64()))))) expect_as_vector(a, df, ignore_attr = TRUE) }) test_that("StructArray methods", { df <- tibble::tibble(x = 1:10, y = x / 2, z = letters[1:10]) a <- arrow_array(df) expect_equal(a$x, arrow_array(df$x)) expect_equal(a[["x"]], arrow_array(df$x)) expect_equal(a[[1]], arrow_array(df$x)) expect_named(a, c("x", "y", "z")) expect_identical(dim(a), c(10L, 3L)) }) test_that("StructArray creation", { # from data.frame a <- StructArray$create(example_data) expect_named(a, c("int", "dbl", "dbl2", "lgl", "false", "chr", "fct")) expect_identical(dim(a), c(10L, 7L)) expect_r6_class(a, "StructArray") # from Arrays str_array <- StructArray$create(a = arrow_array(1:2), b = arrow_array(c("a", "b"))) expect_equal(str_array[[1]], arrow_array(1:2)) expect_equal(str_array[[2]], arrow_array(c("a", "b"))) expect_r6_class(str_array, "StructArray") }) test_that("arrow_array() can handle data frame with custom struct type (not inferred)", { df <- tibble::tibble(x = 1:10, y = 1:10) type <- struct(x = float64(), y = int16()) a <- arrow_array(df, type = type) expect_type_equal(a$type, type) type <- struct(x = float64(), y = int16(), z = int32()) expect_error( arrow_array(df, type = type), regexp = "Number of fields in struct.* incompatible with number of columns in the data frame" ) type <- struct(y = int16(), x = float64()) expect_error( arrow_array(df, type = type), regexp = "Field name in position.*does not match the name of the column of the data frame" ) type <- struct(x = float64(), y = utf8()) expect_error(arrow_array(df, type = type), regexp = "Invalid") }) test_that("arrow_array() supports tibble with no columns (ARROW-8354)", { df <- tibble::tibble() expect_equal(arrow_array(df)$as_vector(), df) }) test_that("arrow_array() handles vector -> list arrays (ARROW-7662)", { # Should be able to create an empty list with a type hint. expect_r6_class(arrow_array(list(), list_of(bool())), "ListArray") # logical expect_array_roundtrip(list(NA), list_of(bool())) expect_array_roundtrip(list(logical(0)), list_of(bool())) expect_array_roundtrip(list(c(TRUE), c(FALSE), c(FALSE, TRUE)), list_of(bool())) expect_array_roundtrip(list(c(TRUE), c(FALSE), NA, logical(0), c(FALSE, NA, TRUE)), list_of(bool())) # integer expect_array_roundtrip(list(NA_integer_), list_of(int32())) expect_array_roundtrip(list(integer(0)), list_of(int32())) expect_array_roundtrip(list(1:2, 3:4, 12:18), list_of(int32())) expect_array_roundtrip(list(c(1:2), NA_integer_, integer(0), c(12:18, NA_integer_)), list_of(int32())) # numeric expect_array_roundtrip(list(NA_real_), list_of(float64())) expect_array_roundtrip(list(numeric(0)), list_of(float64())) expect_array_roundtrip(list(1, c(2, 3), 4), list_of(float64())) expect_array_roundtrip(list(1, numeric(0), c(2, 3, NA_real_), 4), list_of(float64())) # character expect_array_roundtrip(list(NA_character_), list_of(utf8())) expect_array_roundtrip(list(character(0)), list_of(utf8())) expect_array_roundtrip(list("itsy", c("bitsy", "spider"), c("is")), list_of(utf8())) expect_array_roundtrip(list("itsy", character(0), c("bitsy", "spider", NA_character_), c("is")), list_of(utf8())) # factor expect_array_roundtrip(list(factor(c("b", "a"), levels = c("a", "b"))), list_of(dictionary(int8(), utf8()))) expect_array_roundtrip(list(factor(NA, levels = c("a", "b"))), list_of(dictionary(int8(), utf8()))) # struct expect_array_roundtrip( list(tibble::tibble(a = integer(0), b = integer(0), c = character(0), d = logical(0))), list_of(struct(a = int32(), b = int32(), c = utf8(), d = bool())) ) expect_array_roundtrip( list(tibble::tibble(a = list(integer()))), list_of(struct(a = list_of(int32()))) ) # degenerated data frame df <- structure(list(x = 1:2, y = 1), class = "data.frame", row.names = 1:2) expect_error(arrow_array(list(df))) }) test_that("arrow_array() handles list of dataframes -> map arrays", { # Should be able to create an empty map with a type hint. expect_r6_class(arrow_array(list(), type = map_of(utf8(), boolean())), "MapArray") # MapType is alias for List> data <- list( data.frame(key = c("a", "b"), value = c(1, 2), stringsAsFactors = FALSE), data.frame(key = c("a", "c"), value = c(4, 7), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) ) arr <- arrow_array(data, type = map_of(utf8(), int32())) expect_r6_class(arr, "MapArray") expect_as_vector(arr, data, ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(arr$keys()$type, utf8()) expect_equal(arr$items()$type, int32()) expect_equal(arr$keys(), arrow_array(c("a", "b", "a", "c"))) expect_equal(arr$items(), arrow_array(c(1, 2, 4, 7), type = int32())) expect_equal(arr$keys_nested()$type, list_of(utf8())) expect_equal(arr$items_nested()$type, list_of(int32())) expect_equal(arr$keys_nested(), arrow_array(list(c("a", "b"), c("a", "c")), type = list_of(utf8()))) expect_equal(arr$items_nested(), arrow_array(list(c(1, 2), c(4, 7)), type = list_of(int32()))) }) test_that("arrow_array() handles vector -> large list arrays", { # Should be able to create an empty list with a type hint. expect_r6_class(arrow_array(list(), type = large_list_of(bool())), "LargeListArray") # logical expect_array_roundtrip(list(NA), large_list_of(bool()), as = large_list_of(bool())) expect_array_roundtrip(list(logical(0)), large_list_of(bool()), as = large_list_of(bool())) expect_array_roundtrip(list(c(TRUE), c(FALSE), c(FALSE, TRUE)), large_list_of(bool()), as = large_list_of(bool())) expect_array_roundtrip( list(c(TRUE), c(FALSE), NA, logical(0), c(FALSE, NA, TRUE)), large_list_of(bool()), as = large_list_of(bool()) ) # integer expect_array_roundtrip(list(NA_integer_), large_list_of(int32()), as = large_list_of(int32())) expect_array_roundtrip(list(integer(0)), large_list_of(int32()), as = large_list_of(int32())) expect_array_roundtrip(list(1:2, 3:4, 12:18), large_list_of(int32()), as = large_list_of(int32())) expect_array_roundtrip( list(c(1:2), NA_integer_, integer(0), c(12:18, NA_integer_)), large_list_of(int32()), as = large_list_of(int32()) ) # numeric expect_array_roundtrip(list(NA_real_), large_list_of(float64()), as = large_list_of(float64())) expect_array_roundtrip(list(numeric(0)), large_list_of(float64()), as = large_list_of(float64())) expect_array_roundtrip(list(1, c(2, 3), 4), large_list_of(float64()), as = large_list_of(float64())) expect_array_roundtrip( list(1, numeric(0), c(2, 3, NA_real_), 4), large_list_of(float64()), as = large_list_of(float64()) ) # character expect_array_roundtrip(list(NA_character_), large_list_of(utf8()), as = large_list_of(utf8())) expect_array_roundtrip(list(character(0)), large_list_of(utf8()), as = large_list_of(utf8())) expect_array_roundtrip( list("itsy", c("bitsy", "spider"), c("is")), large_list_of(utf8()), as = large_list_of(utf8()) ) expect_array_roundtrip( list("itsy", character(0), c("bitsy", "spider", NA_character_), c("is")), large_list_of(utf8()), as = large_list_of(utf8()) ) # factor expect_array_roundtrip( list(factor(c("b", "a"), levels = c("a", "b"))), large_list_of(dictionary(int8(), utf8())), as = large_list_of(dictionary(int8(), utf8())) ) expect_array_roundtrip( list(factor(NA, levels = c("a", "b"))), large_list_of(dictionary(int8(), utf8())), as = large_list_of(dictionary(int8(), utf8())) ) # struct expect_array_roundtrip( list(tibble::tibble(a = integer(0), b = integer(0), c = character(0), d = logical(0))), large_list_of(struct(a = int32(), b = int32(), c = utf8(), d = bool())), as = large_list_of(struct(a = int32(), b = int32(), c = utf8(), d = bool())) ) expect_array_roundtrip( list(tibble::tibble(a = list(integer()))), large_list_of(struct(a = list_of(int32()))), as = large_list_of(struct(a = list_of(int32()))) ) }) test_that("arrow_array() handles vector -> fixed size list arrays", { # Should be able to create an empty list with a type hint. expect_r6_class(arrow_array(list(), type = fixed_size_list_of(bool(), 20)), "FixedSizeListArray") # logical expect_array_roundtrip(list(NA), fixed_size_list_of(bool(), 1L), as = fixed_size_list_of(bool(), 1L)) expect_array_roundtrip( list(c(TRUE, FALSE), c(FALSE, TRUE)), fixed_size_list_of(bool(), 2L), as = fixed_size_list_of(bool(), 2L) ) expect_array_roundtrip( list(c(TRUE), c(FALSE), NA), fixed_size_list_of(bool(), 1L), as = fixed_size_list_of(bool(), 1L) ) # integer expect_array_roundtrip(list(NA_integer_), fixed_size_list_of(int32(), 1L), as = fixed_size_list_of(int32(), 1L)) expect_array_roundtrip(list(1:2, 3:4, 11:12), fixed_size_list_of(int32(), 2L), as = fixed_size_list_of(int32(), 2L)) expect_array_roundtrip( list(c(1:2), c(NA_integer_, 3L)), fixed_size_list_of(int32(), 2L), as = fixed_size_list_of(int32(), 2L) ) # numeric expect_array_roundtrip(list(NA_real_), fixed_size_list_of(float64(), 1L), as = fixed_size_list_of(float64(), 1L)) expect_array_roundtrip( list(c(1, 2), c(2, 3)), fixed_size_list_of(float64(), 2L), as = fixed_size_list_of(float64(), 2L) ) expect_array_roundtrip( list(c(1, 2), c(NA_real_, 4)), fixed_size_list_of(float64(), 2L), as = fixed_size_list_of(float64(), 2L) ) # character expect_array_roundtrip(list(NA_character_), fixed_size_list_of(utf8(), 1L), as = fixed_size_list_of(utf8(), 1L)) expect_array_roundtrip( list(c("itsy", "bitsy"), c("spider", "is"), c(NA_character_, NA_character_), c("", "")), fixed_size_list_of(utf8(), 2L), as = fixed_size_list_of(utf8(), 2L) ) # factor expect_array_roundtrip( list(factor(c("b", "a"), levels = c("a", "b"))), fixed_size_list_of(dictionary(int8(), utf8()), 2L), as = fixed_size_list_of(dictionary(int8(), utf8()), 2L) ) # struct expect_array_roundtrip( list(tibble::tibble(a = 1L, b = 1L, c = "", d = TRUE)), fixed_size_list_of(struct(a = int32(), b = int32(), c = utf8(), d = bool()), 1L), as = fixed_size_list_of(struct(a = int32(), b = int32(), c = utf8(), d = bool()), 1L) ) expect_array_roundtrip( list(tibble::tibble(a = list(1L))), fixed_size_list_of(struct(a = list_of(int32())), 1L), as = fixed_size_list_of(struct(a = list_of(int32())), 1L) ) expect_array_roundtrip( list(tibble::tibble(a = list(1L))), list_of(struct(a = fixed_size_list_of(int32(), 1L))), as = list_of(struct(a = fixed_size_list_of(int32(), 1L))) ) }) test_that("Handling string data with embedded nuls", { raws <- structure( list( as.raw(c(0x70, 0x65, 0x72, 0x73, 0x6f, 0x6e)), as.raw(c(0x77, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x61, 0x6e)), as.raw(c(0x6d, 0x61, 0x00, 0x6e)), # <-- there's your nul, 0x00 as.raw(c(0x66, 0x00, 0x00, 0x61, 0x00, 0x6e)), # multiple nuls as.raw(c(0x63, 0x61, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x72, 0x61)), as.raw(c(0x74, 0x76)) ), class = c("arrow_binary", "vctrs_vctr", "list") ) expect_error( rawToChar(raws[[3]]), "embedded nul in string: 'ma\\0n'", # See? fixed = TRUE ) array_with_nul <- arrow_array(raws)$cast(utf8()) # no error on conversion, because altrep laziness v <- expect_error(as.vector(array_with_nul), NA) # attempting materialization -> error expect_error(v[], paste0( "embedded nul in string: 'ma\\0n'; to strip nuls when converting from Arrow ", "to R, set options(arrow.skip_nul = TRUE)" ), fixed = TRUE ) # also error on materializing v[3] expect_error(v[3], paste0( "embedded nul in string: 'ma\\0n'; to strip nuls when converting from Arrow ", "to R, set options(arrow.skip_nul = TRUE)" ), fixed = TRUE ) withr::with_options(list(arrow.skip_nul = TRUE), { # no warning yet because altrep laziness v <- as.vector(array_with_nul) expect_warning( expect_identical( v[], c("person", "woman", "man", "fan", "camera", "tv") ), "Stripping '\\0' (nul) from character vector", fixed = TRUE ) v <- as.vector(array_with_nul) expect_warning( expect_identical(v[3], "man"), "Stripping '\\0' (nul) from character vector", fixed = TRUE ) v <- as.vector(array_with_nul) expect_warning( expect_identical(v[4], "fan"), "Stripping '\\0' (nul) from character vector", fixed = TRUE ) }) }) test_that("arrow_array() should have helpful error", { expect_error(arrow_array(list(numeric(0)), list_of(bool())), "Expecting a logical vector") lgl <- logical(0) int <- integer(0) num <- numeric(0) char <- character(0) expect_error(arrow_array(list(lgl, lgl, int)), "Expecting a logical vector") expect_error(arrow_array(list(char, num, char)), "Expecting a character vector") a <- expect_error(arrow_array("one", int32())) b <- expect_error(vec_to_Array("one", int32())) # the captured conditions (errors) are not identical, but their messages should be expect_s3_class(a, "rlang_error") expect_s3_class(b, "simpleError") expect_equal(a$message, b$message, ignore_attr = TRUE) }) test_that("Array$View() (ARROW-6542)", { a <- arrow_array(1:3) b <- a$View(float32()) expect_equal(b$type, float32()) expect_equal(length(b), 3L) # Input validation expect_error(a$View("not a type"), "type must be a DataType, not character") }) test_that("Array$Validate()", { a <- arrow_array(1:10) expect_error(a$Validate(), NA) }) test_that("is.Array", { a <- arrow_array(1, type = int32()) expect_true(is.Array(a)) expect_true(is.Array(a, "int32")) expect_true(is.Array(a, c("int32", "int16"))) expect_false(is.Array(a, "utf8")) expect_true(is.Array(a$View(float32())), "float32") expect_false(is.Array(1)) expect_true(is.Array(ChunkedArray$create(1, 2))) }) test_that("Array$Take()", { a <- arrow_array(10:20) expect_as_vector(a$Take(c(4, 2)), c(14, 12)) }) test_that("[ method on Array", { vec <- 11:20 a <- arrow_array(vec) expect_as_vector(a[5:9], vec[5:9]) expect_as_vector(a[c(9, 3, 5)], vec[c(9, 3, 5)]) expect_as_vector(a[rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), 5)], vec[c(1, 3, 5, 7, 9)]) expect_as_vector(a[rep(c(TRUE, FALSE, NA, FALSE, TRUE), 2)], c(11, NA, 15, 16, NA, 20)) expect_as_vector(a[-4], vec[-4]) expect_as_vector(a[-1], vec[-1]) }) test_that("[ accepts Arrays and otherwise handles bad input", { vec <- 11:20 a <- arrow_array(vec) ind <- c(9, 3, 5) expect_error( a[arrow_array(ind)], "Cannot extract rows with an Array of type double" ) expect_as_vector(a[arrow_array(ind - 1, type = int8())], vec[ind]) expect_as_vector(a[arrow_array(ind - 1, type = uint8())], vec[ind]) expect_as_vector(a[ChunkedArray$create(8, 2, 4, type = uint8())], vec[ind]) filt <- seq_along(vec) %in% ind expect_as_vector(a[arrow_array(filt)], vec[filt]) expect_error( a["string"], "Cannot extract rows with an object of class character" ) }) test_that("%in% works on dictionary arrays", { a1 <- arrow_array(as.factor(c("A", "B", "C"))) a2 <- DictionaryArray$create(c(0L, 1L, 2L), c(4.5, 3.2, 1.1)) c1 <- arrow_array(c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)) c2 <- arrow_array(c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE)) b1 <- arrow_array("B") b2 <- arrow_array(5.4) expect_equal(is_in(a1, b1), c1) expect_equal(is_in(a2, b2), c2) expect_error(is_in(a1, b2)) }) test_that("[ accepts Expressions", { vec <- 11:20 a <- arrow_array(vec) b <- arrow_array(1:10) expect_as_vector(a[b > 4], vec[5:10]) }) test_that("Array head/tail", { vec <- 11:20 a <- arrow_array(vec) expect_as_vector(head(a), head(vec)) expect_as_vector(head(a, 4), head(vec, 4)) expect_as_vector(head(a, 40), head(vec, 40)) expect_as_vector(head(a, -4), head(vec, -4)) expect_as_vector(head(a, -40), head(vec, -40)) expect_as_vector(tail(a), tail(vec)) expect_as_vector(tail(a, 4), tail(vec, 4)) expect_as_vector(tail(a, 40), tail(vec, 40)) expect_as_vector(tail(a, -40), tail(vec, -40)) }) test_that("Dictionary array: create from arrays, not factor", { a <- DictionaryArray$create(c(2L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 0L), c(4.5, 3.2, 1.1)) expect_equal(a$type, dictionary(int32(), float64())) }) test_that("Dictionary array: translate to R when dict isn't string", { a <- DictionaryArray$create(c(2L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 0L), c(4.5, 3.2, 1.1)) expect_warning( expect_identical( as.vector(a), factor(c(3, 2, 2, 3, 1), labels = c("4.5", "3.2", "1.1")) ) ) }) test_that("Array$Equals", { vec <- 11:20 a <- arrow_array(vec) b <- arrow_array(vec) d <- arrow_array(3:4) expect_equal(a, b) expect_true(a$Equals(b)) expect_false(a$Equals(vec)) expect_false(a$Equals(d)) }) test_that("Array$ApproxEquals", { vec <- c(1.0000000000001, 2.400000000000001) a <- arrow_array(vec) b <- arrow_array(round(vec, 1)) expect_false(a$Equals(b)) expect_true(a$ApproxEquals(b)) expect_false(a$ApproxEquals(vec)) }) test_that("auto int64 conversion to int can be disabled (ARROW-10093)", { withr::with_options(list(arrow.int64_downcast = FALSE), { a <- arrow_array(1:10, int64()) expect_true(inherits(a$as_vector(), "integer64")) batch <- RecordBatch$create(x = a) expect_true(inherits(as.data.frame(batch)$x, "integer64")) tab <- Table$create(x = a) expect_true(inherits(as.data.frame(batch)$x, "integer64")) }) }) test_that("as_arrow_array() default method calls arrow_array()", { expect_equal( as_arrow_array(1:10), arrow_array(1:10) ) expect_equal( as_arrow_array(1:10, type = float64()), arrow_array(1:10, type = float64()) ) }) test_that("as_arrow_array respects `type` argument (ARROW-17620)", { df <- tibble::tibble(x = 1:10, y = 1:10) type <- struct(x = float64(), y = int16()) a <- arrow_array(df, type = type) expect_type_equal(a, as_arrow_array(df, type = type)) }) test_that("as_arrow_array() works for Array", { array <- arrow_array(logical(), type = null()) expect_identical(as_arrow_array(array), array) expect_equal( as_arrow_array(array, type = int32()), arrow_array(integer()) ) }) test_that("as_arrow_array() works for Array", { scalar <- Scalar$create(TRUE) expect_equal(as_arrow_array(scalar), arrow_array(TRUE)) expect_equal( as_arrow_array(scalar, type = int32()), arrow_array(1L) ) }) test_that("as_arrow_array() works for ChunkedArray", { expect_equal( as_arrow_array(chunked_array(type = null())), arrow_array(logical(), type = null()) ) expect_equal( as_arrow_array(chunked_array(1:3, 4:6)), arrow_array(1:6) ) expect_equal( as_arrow_array(chunked_array(1:3, 4:6), type = float64()), arrow_array(1:6, type = float64()) ) }) test_that("as_arrow_array() works for vctrs_vctr types", { vctr <- vctrs::new_vctr(1:5, class = "custom_vctr") expect_equal( as_arrow_array(vctr), vctrs_extension_array(vctr) ) # with explicit type expect_equal( as_arrow_array( vctr, type = vctrs_extension_type( vctrs::vec_ptype(vctr), storage_type = float64() ) ), vctrs_extension_array( vctr, storage_type = float64() ) ) # with impossible type expect_snapshot_error(as_arrow_array(vctr, type = float64())) }) test_that("as_arrow_array() works for nested extension types", { vctr <- vctrs::new_vctr(1:5, class = "custom_vctr") nested <- tibble::tibble(x = vctr) type <- infer_type(nested) # with type = NULL nested_array <- as_arrow_array(nested) expect_identical(as.vector(nested_array), nested) # with explicit type expect_equal(as_arrow_array(nested, type = type), nested_array) # with extension type extension_array <- vctrs_extension_array(nested) expect_equal( as_arrow_array(nested, type = extension_array$type), extension_array ) # with an extension type for the data.frame but no extension columns nested_plain <- tibble::tibble(x = 1:5) extension_array <- vctrs_extension_array(nested_plain) expect_equal( as_arrow_array(nested_plain, type = extension_array$type), extension_array ) }) test_that("arrow_array() calls as_arrow_array() for nested extension types", { vctr <- vctrs::new_vctr(1:5, class = "custom_vctr") nested <- tibble::tibble(x = vctr) type <- infer_type(nested) # with type = NULL nested_array <- arrow_array(nested) expect_identical(as.vector(nested_array), nested) # with explicit type expect_equal(arrow_array(nested, type = type), nested_array) # with extension type extension_array <- vctrs_extension_array(nested) expect_equal( arrow_array(nested, type = extension_array$type), extension_array ) # with an extension type for the data.frame but no extension columns nested_plain <- tibble::tibble(x = 1:5) extension_array <- vctrs_extension_array(nested_plain) expect_equal( arrow_array(nested_plain, type = extension_array$type), extension_array ) }) test_that("as_arrow_array() default method errors", { vec <- structure(list(), class = "class_not_supported") # check errors simulating a call from C++ expect_snapshot_error(as_arrow_array(vec, from_vec_to_array = TRUE)) expect_snapshot_error( as_arrow_array(vec, type = float64(), from_vec_to_array = TRUE) ) # check errors actually coming through C++ expect_snapshot_error(arrow_array(vec, type = float64())) expect_snapshot_error( RecordBatch$create(col = vec, schema = schema(col = float64())) ) }) test_that("as_arrow_array() works for blob::blob()", { skip_if_not_installed("blob") # empty expect_r6_class(as_arrow_array(blob::blob()), "Array") expect_equal( as_arrow_array(blob::blob()), as_arrow_array(list(), type = binary()) ) # all null expect_equal( as_arrow_array(blob::blob(NULL, NULL)), as_arrow_array(list(NULL, NULL), type = binary()) ) expect_equal( as_arrow_array(blob::blob(as.raw(1:5), NULL)), as_arrow_array(list(as.raw(1:5), NULL), type = binary()) ) expect_equal( as_arrow_array(blob::blob(as.raw(1:5)), type = large_binary()), as_arrow_array(list(as.raw(1:5)), type = large_binary()) ) expect_snapshot_error( as_arrow_array(blob::blob(as.raw(1:5)), type = int32()) ) }) test_that("as_arrow_array() works for vctrs::list_of()", { # empty expect_r6_class(as_arrow_array(vctrs::list_of(.ptype = integer())), "Array") expect_equal( as_arrow_array(vctrs::list_of(.ptype = integer())), as_arrow_array(list(), type = list_of(int32())) ) # all NULL expect_equal( as_arrow_array(vctrs::list_of(NULL, NULL, .ptype = integer())), as_arrow_array(list(NULL, NULL), type = list_of(int32())) ) expect_equal( as_arrow_array(vctrs::list_of(1:5, NULL, .ptype = integer())), as_arrow_array(list(1:5, NULL), type = list_of(int32())) ) expect_equal( as_arrow_array( vctrs::list_of(1:5, .ptype = integer()), type = large_list_of(int32()) ), as_arrow_array(list(1:5), type = large_list_of(int32())) ) expect_snapshot_error( as_arrow_array(vctrs::list_of(1:5, .ptype = integer()), type = int32()) ) }) test_that("concat_arrays works", { concat_empty <- concat_arrays() expect_true(concat_empty$type == null()) expect_equal(concat_empty$length(), 0L) concat_empty_typed <- concat_arrays(type = int64()) expect_true(concat_empty_typed$type == int64()) expect_equal(concat_empty$length(), 0L) concat_int <- concat_arrays(arrow_array(1:3), arrow_array(4:5)) expect_true(concat_int$type == int32()) expect_equal(concat_int, arrow_array(1:5)) concat_int64 <- concat_arrays( arrow_array(1:3), arrow_array(4:5, type = int64()), type = int64() ) expect_true(concat_int64$type == int64()) expect_equal(concat_int, arrow_array(1:5)) expect_error( concat_arrays( arrow_array(1:3), arrow_array(4:5, type = int64()) ), "must be identically typed" ) }) test_that("concat_arrays() coerces its input to Array", { concat_ints <- concat_arrays(1L, 2L) expect_true(concat_ints$type == int32()) expect_equal(concat_ints, arrow_array(c(1L, 2L))) expect_error( concat_arrays(1L, "not a number", type = int32()), "cannot convert" ) expect_error( concat_arrays(1L, "not a number"), "must be identically typed" ) }) test_that("Array doesn't support c()", { expect_snapshot_error( c(arrow_array(1:2), arrow_array(3:5)) ) }) test_that("Array to C-interface", { # create a struct array since that's one of the more complicated array types df <- tibble::tibble(x = 1:10, y = x / 2, z = letters[1:10]) arr <- arrow_array(df) # export the array via the C-interface schema_ptr <- allocate_arrow_schema() array_ptr <- allocate_arrow_array() arr$export_to_c(array_ptr, schema_ptr) # then import it and check that the roundtripped value is the same circle <- Array$import_from_c(array_ptr, schema_ptr) expect_equal(arr, circle) # must clean up the pointers or we leak delete_arrow_schema(schema_ptr) delete_arrow_array(array_ptr) }) test_that("Can convert R integer/double to decimal (ARROW-11631)", { # Check both decimal128 and decimal256 decimal128_from_dbl <- arrow_array(c(1, NA_real_), type = decimal128(12, 2)) decimal256_from_dbl <- arrow_array(c(1, NA_real_), type = decimal256(12, 2)) decimal128_from_int <- arrow_array(c(1L, NA_integer_), type = decimal128(12, 2)) decimal256_from_int <- arrow_array(c(1L, NA_integer_), type = decimal256(12, 2)) # Check ALTREP input altrep_dbl <- as.vector(arrow_array(c(1, NA_real_))) altrep_int <- as.vector(arrow_array(c(1L, NA_integer_))) decimal_from_altrep_dbl <- arrow_array(altrep_dbl, type = decimal128(12, 2)) decimal_from_altrep_int <- arrow_array(altrep_int, type = decimal128(12, 2)) expect_equal( decimal128_from_dbl, arrow_array(c(1, NA))$cast(decimal128(12, 2)) ) expect_equal( decimal256_from_dbl, arrow_array(c(1, NA))$cast(decimal256(12, 2)) ) expect_equal( decimal128_from_int, arrow_array(c(1, NA))$cast(decimal128(12, 2)) ) expect_equal( decimal256_from_int, arrow_array(c(1, NA))$cast(decimal256(12, 2)) ) expect_equal( decimal_from_altrep_dbl, arrow_array(c(1, NA))$cast(decimal128(12, 2)) ) expect_equal( decimal_from_altrep_int, arrow_array(c(1, NA))$cast(decimal128(12, 2)) ) # Check that other types aren't silently but invalidly converted expect_error( arrow_array(complex(), decimal128(12, 2)), "Conversion to decimal from non-integer/double" ) })