# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. feather_file <- tempfile() tib <- tibble::tibble(x = 1:10, y = rnorm(10), z = letters[1:10]) test_that("Write a feather file", { tib_out <- write_feather(tib, feather_file) expect_true(file.exists(feather_file)) # Input is returned unmodified expect_identical(tib_out, tib) }) test_that("write_ipc_file() returns its input", { tib_out <- write_ipc_file(tib, feather_file) expect_true(file.exists(feather_file)) # Input is returned unmodified expect_identical(tib_out, tib) }) expect_feather_roundtrip <- function(write_fun) { tf2 <- normalizePath(tempfile(), mustWork = FALSE) tf3 <- tempfile() on.exit({ unlink(tf2) unlink(tf3) }) # Write two ways. These are what varies with each run write_fun(tib, tf2) expect_true(file.exists(tf2)) stream <- FileOutputStream$create(tf3) write_fun(tib, stream) stream$close() expect_true(file.exists(tf3)) # Read both back tab2 <- read_feather(tf2) expect_s3_class(tab2, "data.frame") tab3 <- read_feather(tf3) expect_s3_class(tab3, "data.frame") # reading directly from arrow::io::MemoryMappedFile tab4 <- read_feather(mmap_open(tf3)) expect_s3_class(tab4, "data.frame") # reading directly from arrow::io::ReadableFile tab5 <- read_feather(ReadableFile$create(tf3)) expect_s3_class(tab5, "data.frame") expect_equal(tib, tab2) expect_equal(tib, tab3) expect_equal(tib, tab4) expect_equal(tib, tab5) } test_that("feather read/write round trip", { expect_feather_roundtrip(function(x, f) write_feather(x, f, version = 1)) expect_feather_roundtrip(function(x, f) write_feather(x, f, version = 2)) expect_feather_roundtrip(function(x, f) write_feather(x, f, version = 2, compression = TRUE)) expect_feather_roundtrip(function(x, f) write_feather(x, f, version = 2, compression = "uncompressed")) expect_feather_roundtrip(function(x, f) write_feather(x, f, version = 2, compression = FALSE)) expect_feather_roundtrip(function(x, f) write_ipc_file(x, f)) expect_feather_roundtrip(function(x, f) write_ipc_file(x, f, compression = TRUE)) expect_feather_roundtrip(function(x, f) write_ipc_file(x, f, compression = "uncompressed")) expect_feather_roundtrip(function(x, f) write_ipc_file(x, f, compression = FALSE)) expect_feather_roundtrip(function(x, f) write_feather(x, f, chunk_size = 32)) expect_feather_roundtrip(function(x, f) write_ipc_file(x, f, chunk_size = 32)) if (codec_is_available("lz4")) { expect_feather_roundtrip(function(x, f) write_feather(x, f, compression = "lz4")) expect_feather_roundtrip(function(x, f) write_ipc_file(x, f, compression = "lz4")) } if (codec_is_available("zstd")) { expect_feather_roundtrip(function(x, f) write_feather(x, f, compression = "zstd")) expect_feather_roundtrip(function(x, f) write_ipc_file(x, f, compression = "zstd")) expect_feather_roundtrip(function(x, f) write_feather(x, f, compression = "zstd", compression_level = 3)) expect_feather_roundtrip(function(x, f) write_ipc_file(x, f, compression = "zstd", compression_level = 3)) } # Write from Arrow data structures expect_feather_roundtrip(function(x, f) write_feather(RecordBatch$create(x), f)) expect_feather_roundtrip(function(x, f) write_ipc_file(RecordBatch$create(x), f)) expect_feather_roundtrip(function(x, f) write_feather(Table$create(x), f)) expect_feather_roundtrip(function(x, f) write_ipc_file(Table$create(x), f)) }) test_that("write_feather option error handling", { tf <- tempfile() expect_false(file.exists(tf)) expect_error( write_feather(tib, tf, version = 1, chunk_size = 1024), "Feather version 1 does not support the 'chunk_size' option" ) expect_error( write_feather(tib, tf, version = 1, compression = "lz4"), "Feather version 1 does not support the 'compression' option" ) expect_error( write_feather(tib, tf, version = 1, compression_level = 1024), "Feather version 1 does not support the 'compression_level' option" ) expect_error( write_feather(tib, tf, compression_level = 1024), "Can only specify a 'compression_level' when 'compression' is 'zstd'" ) expect_match_arg_error(write_feather(tib, tf, compression = "bz2")) expect_false(file.exists(tf)) }) test_that("write_ipc_file option error handling", { tf <- tempfile() expect_false(file.exists(tf)) expect_error( write_ipc_file(tib, tf, version = 1), "unused argument \\(version = 1\\)" ) expect_error( write_ipc_file(tib, tf, compression_level = 1024), "Can only specify a 'compression_level' when 'compression' is 'zstd'" ) expect_match_arg_error(write_ipc_file(tib, tf, compression = "bz2")) expect_false(file.exists(tf)) }) test_that("write_feather with invalid input type", { bad_input <- Array$create(1:5) expect_snapshot_error(write_feather(bad_input, feather_file)) }) test_that("read_feather supports col_select = ", { tab1 <- read_feather(feather_file, col_select = c("x", "y")) expect_s3_class(tab1, "data.frame") expect_equal(tib$x, tab1$x) expect_equal(tib$y, tab1$y) }) test_that("feather handles col_select = ", { tab1 <- read_feather(feather_file, col_select = 1:2) expect_s3_class(tab1, "data.frame") expect_equal(tib$x, tab1$x) expect_equal(tib$y, tab1$y) }) test_that("feather handles col_select = ", { tab1 <- read_feather(feather_file, col_select = everything()) expect_identical(tib, tab1) tab2 <- read_feather(feather_file, col_select = starts_with("x")) expect_identical(tab2, tib[, "x", drop = FALSE]) tab3 <- read_feather(feather_file, col_select = c(starts_with("x"), contains("y"))) expect_identical(tab3, tib[, c("x", "y"), drop = FALSE]) tab4 <- read_feather(feather_file, col_select = -z) expect_identical(tab4, tib[, c("x", "y"), drop = FALSE]) }) test_that("feather read/write round trip", { tab1 <- read_feather(feather_file, as_data_frame = FALSE) expect_r6_class(tab1, "Table") expect_equal_data_frame(tib, tab1) }) test_that("Read feather from raw vector", { test_raw <- readBin(feather_file, what = "raw", n = 5000) df <- read_feather(test_raw) expect_s3_class(df, "data.frame") }) test_that("FeatherReader", { v1 <- tempfile() v2 <- tempfile() on.exit({ unlink(v1) unlink(v2) }) write_feather(tib, v1, version = 1) write_feather(tib, v2) f1 <- make_readable_file(v1) reader1 <- FeatherReader$create(f1) f1$close() expect_identical(reader1$version, 1L) f2 <- make_readable_file(v2) reader2 <- FeatherReader$create(f2) expect_identical(reader2$version, 2L) f2$close() }) test_that("read_feather requires RandomAccessFile and errors nicely otherwise (ARROW-8615)", { skip_if_not_available("gzip") expect_error( read_feather(CompressedInputStream$create(feather_file)), 'file must be a "RandomAccessFile"' ) }) test_that("write_feather() does not detect compression from filename", { # TODO(ARROW-17221): should this be supported? without <- tempfile(fileext = ".arrow") with_zst <- tempfile(fileext = ".arrow.zst") write_feather(mtcars, without) write_feather(mtcars, with_zst) expect_equal(file.size(without), file.size(with_zst)) }) test_that("read_feather() handles (ignores) compression in filename", { df <- tibble::tibble(x = 1:5) f <- tempfile(fileext = ".parquet.zst") write_feather(df, f) expect_equal(read_feather(f), df) }) test_that("read_feather() and write_feather() accept connection objects", { skip_if_not(CanRunWithCapturedR()) tf <- tempfile() on.exit(unlink(tf)) # make this big enough that we might expose concurrency problems, # but not so big that it slows down the tests test_tbl <- tibble::tibble( x = 1:1e4, y = vapply(x, rlang::hash, character(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE), z = vapply(y, rlang::hash, character(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE) ) write_feather(test_tbl, file(tf)) expect_identical(read_feather(tf), test_tbl) expect_identical(read_feather(file(tf)), read_feather(tf)) }) test_that("read_feather closes connection to file", { tf <- tempfile() on.exit(unlink(tf)) write_feather(tib, sink = tf) expect_true(file.exists(tf)) read_feather(tf) expect_error(file.remove(tf), NA) expect_false(file.exists(tf)) }) test_that("Character vectors > 2GB can write to feather", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_running_large_memory_tests() df <- tibble::tibble(big = make_big_string()) tf <- tempfile() on.exit(unlink(tf)) write_feather(df, tf) expect_identical(read_feather(tf), df) }) test_that("FeatherReader methods", { # Setup a feather file to use in the test feather_temp <- tempfile() on.exit({ unlink(feather_temp) }) write_feather(tib, feather_temp) feather_temp_RA <- make_readable_file(feather_temp) reader <- FeatherReader$create(feather_temp_RA) feather_temp_RA$close() # column_names expect_identical( reader$column_names, c("x", "y", "z") ) # print method expect_identical( capture.output(print(reader)), # TODO: can we get rows/columns? c("FeatherReader:", "Schema", "x: int32", "y: double", "z: string") ) }) unlink(feather_file) ft_file <- test_path("golden-files/data-arrow_2.0.0_lz4.feather") test_that("Error messages are shown when the compression algorithm lz4 is not found", { msg <- paste0( ".*", "you will need to reinstall arrow with additional features enabled.\nSet one of ", "these environment variables before installing:", "\n\n \\* Sys\\.setenv\\(LIBARROW_MINIMAL = \"false\"\\) .*", "\\(for all optional features, including 'lz4'\\)", "\n \\* Sys\\.setenv\\(ARROW_WITH_LZ4 = \"ON\"\\) \\(for just 'lz4'\\)", "\n\nSee https://arrow.apache.org/docs/r/articles/install.html for details" ) if (codec_is_available("lz4")) { d <- read_feather(ft_file) expect_s3_class(d, "data.frame") } else { expect_error(read_feather(ft_file), msg) } }) test_that("Error is created when feather reads a parquet file", { expect_error( read_feather(system.file("v0.7.1.parquet", package = "arrow")), "Not a Feather V1 or Arrow IPC file" ) }) test_that("The read_ipc_file function is an alias of read_feather", { expect_identical(read_ipc_file, read_feather) }) test_that("Can read Feather files from a URL", { skip_if_offline() skip_on_cran() feather_url <- "https://github.com/apache/arrow-testing/raw/master/data/arrow-ipc-stream/integration/1.0.0-littleendian/generated_datetime.arrow_file" # nolint fu <- read_feather(feather_url) expect_true(tibble::is_tibble(fu)) expect_identical(dim(fu), c(17L, 15L)) })