# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. skip_on_os("windows") skip_if_not_available("parquet") skip_if_not_available("dataset") library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE) dataset_dir <- make_temp_dir() test_that("Setup (putting data in the dir)", { dir.create(file.path(dataset_dir, 1)) dir.create(file.path(dataset_dir, 2)) write_parquet(df1, file.path(dataset_dir, 1, "file1.parquet")) write_parquet(df2, file.path(dataset_dir, 2, "file2.parquet")) expect_length(dir(dataset_dir, recursive = TRUE), 2) }) files <- c( file.path(dataset_dir, 1, "file1.parquet", fsep = "/"), file.path(dataset_dir, 2, "file2.parquet", fsep = "/") ) test_that("dataset from single local file path", { ds <- open_dataset(files[1]) expect_r6_class(ds, "Dataset") expect_equal( ds %>% select(chr, dbl) %>% filter(dbl > 7) %>% collect() %>% arrange(dbl), df1[8:10, c("chr", "dbl")] ) }) test_that("dataset from vector of file paths", { ds <- open_dataset(files) expect_r6_class(ds, "Dataset") expect_equal( ds %>% select(chr, dbl) %>% filter(dbl > 7 & dbl < 53L) %>% collect() %>% arrange(dbl), rbind( df1[8:10, c("chr", "dbl")], df2[1:2, c("chr", "dbl")] ) ) }) test_that("dataset from directory URI", { uri <- paste0("file://", dataset_dir) ds <- open_dataset(uri, partitioning = schema(part = uint8())) expect_r6_class(ds, "Dataset") expect_equal( ds %>% select(chr, dbl) %>% filter(dbl > 7 & dbl < 53L) %>% collect() %>% arrange(dbl), rbind( df1[8:10, c("chr", "dbl")], df2[1:2, c("chr", "dbl")] ) ) }) test_that("dataset from single file URI", { uri <- paste0("file://", files[1]) ds <- open_dataset(uri) expect_r6_class(ds, "Dataset") expect_equal( ds %>% select(chr, dbl) %>% filter(dbl > 7) %>% collect() %>% arrange(dbl), df1[8:10, c("chr", "dbl")] ) }) test_that("dataset from vector of file URIs", { uris <- paste0("file://", files) ds <- open_dataset(uris) expect_r6_class(ds, "Dataset") expect_equal( ds %>% select(chr, dbl) %>% filter(dbl > 7 & dbl < 53L) %>% collect() %>% arrange(dbl), rbind( df1[8:10, c("chr", "dbl")], df2[1:2, c("chr", "dbl")] ) ) }) test_that("open_dataset errors on mixed paths and URIs", { expect_error( open_dataset(c(files[1], paste0("file://", files[2]))), "Vectors of mixed paths and URIs are not supported" ) })