context("Apply a function to a dimension of an array") # list of acts: (name: act for arrApply; value: if NULL, the same act is for apply(), # if list, its fields are: rf -> name for equivalent r function, args -> list # of ... in apply(), argc -> ... for arrApply()) set.seed(7) n=3 v=rnorm(n) m=matrix(rnorm(n*(n+1L)), n, n+1L) d3=seq(n, n+2L) ar3d=array(rnorm(prod(d3)), dim=d3) d4=seq(n, n+3L) ar4d=array(rnorm(prod(d4)), dim=d4) vp=lapply(d4, rnorm) p=sort(runif(3L)) lacts=list("sum"=NULL, "prod"=NULL, "all"=NULL, "any"=NULL, "min"=NULL, "max"=NULL, "mean"=NULL, "median"=NULL, "sd"=NULL, "var"=NULL, "cumsum"=NULL, "cumprod"=NULL, "diff"=NULL, # translated acts norm=list(rf="norm", argr=list(type='2'), argc=list(p=2)), trapz=list(rf=function(v) {n=length(v); return(sum(v)-0.5*(v[1]+v[n]))}), normalise=list(rf=function(v) v/norm(v, '2'), argc=list(p=2)), multv=list(rf=function(v, vv) v*vv, argr=quote(list(vv=vp[[idim]])), argc=quote(list(v=vp[[idim]]))), divv=list(rf=function(v, vv) v/vv, argr=quote(list(vv=vp[[idim]])), argc=quote(list(v=vp[[idim]]))), addv=list(rf=function(v, vv) v+vv, argr=quote(list(vv=vp[[idim]])), argc=quote(list(v=vp[[idim]]))), subv=list(rf=function(v, vv) v-vv, argr=quote(list(vv=vp[[idim]])), argc=quote(list(v=vp[[idim]]))), conv=list(rf=function(v, vv) convolve(v, rev(vv), type="open"), argr=quote(list(vv=vp[[idim]])), argc=quote(list(v=vp[[idim]]))), quantile=list(rf=function(v, vv) quantile(v, vv, type=5), argr=list(vv=p), argc=list(p=p)) ) test_ar=function(ar, tol=1.e-14, acts=lacts, ndi=seq_along(dim(ar))) { # compare arrApply() to translated r call vec=FALSE if (length(ndi) == 0) { # we have a vector ndi=1 vec=TRUE } for (act in names(acts)) { ract=acts[[act]] rfu=if (is.null(ract)) act else ract$rf for (idim in ndi) { argc=if (is.language(ract$argc)) eval(ract$argc) else ract$argc, c(list(ar, idim, act), argc)) if (!vec && length(dim(r1)) == length(dim(ar))) { # permute to the same order as in apply r1=aperm(r1, c(idim, ndi[-idim])) } argr=if (is.language(ract$argr)) eval(ract$argr) else ract$argr if (vec) { r2=suppressWarnings(, c(list(as.matrix(ar), 2, rfu), argr))) } else { r2=suppressWarnings(, c(list(ar, ndi[-idim], rfu), argr))) } expect_equal(as.numeric(r1), as.numeric(r2), tolerance=tol, scale=1, info=sprintf("'%s' on idim=%d in dims=(%s)", act, idim, paste(if (vec) length(ar) else dim(ar), collapse=", "))) } } } test_that("arrApply on a vector", { test_ar(v) }) test_that("arrApply on a matrix", { test_ar(m) }) test_that("arrApply on an array 3D", { test_ar(ar3d) }) test_that("arrApply on an array 4D", { test_ar(ar4d) }) test_that("dim preserving", expect_equal(dim(arrApply(ar3d, 3L, "sum")), dim(ar3d)[-3L]) ) test_that("dimnames preserving", { d3nm=lapply(seq_along(d3), function(i) paste0(letters[seq_len(d3[i])], "_", i)) dimnames(ar3d)=d3nm expect_equal(dimnames(arrApply(ar3d, 3L, "sum")), d3nm[-3L]) expect_equal(dimnames(arrApply(ar3d, 3L, "addv", v=double(d3[3L]))), d3nm) # one of dimnames is NULL d3nm[2L]=list(NULL) dimnames(ar3d)=d3nm expect_equal(dimnames(arrApply(ar3d, 3L, "addv", v=double(d3[3L]))), d3nm) })