# Copyright (c) 2012-2024 Trevor L Davis # # This file is free software: you may copy, redistribute and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your # option) any later version. # # This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # This file incorporates work from the argparse module in Python 2.7.3. # # Copyright (c) 1990-2012 Python Software Foundation; All Rights Reserved # # See (inst/)COPYRIGHTS or http://docs.python.org/2/license.html for the full # Python (GPL-compatible) license stack. test_that("print_help works as expected", { skip_if_not(detects_python()) parser <- ArgumentParser(description = "Process some integers.") expect_output(parser$print_help(), "usage:") expect_output(parser$print_help(), "optional arguments:|options:") expect_output(parser$print_help(), "Process some integers.") expect_output(parser$print_usage(), "usage:") expect_true(grepl("Process some integers.", parser$format_help())) expect_true(grepl("usage:", parser$format_usage())) # Request/bug by PlasmaBinturong parser$add_argument("integers", metavar = "N", type = "integer", nargs = "+", help = "an integer for the accumulator") expect_error(capture.output(parser$parse_args(), "parse error")) if (!interactive()) skip("interactive() == FALSE") expect_error(capture.output(parser$parse_args("-h")), "help requested") }) test_that("`convert_argument()` works as expected", { skip_if_not(detects_python()) expect_equal(convert_argument("foobar"), 'r"""foobar"""') expect_equal(convert_argument(14.9), "14.9") expect_equal(convert_argument(c(12.1, 14.9)), "(12.1, 14.9)") expect_equal(convert_argument(c("a", "b")), '(r"""a""", r"""b""")') }) test_that("`convert_..._to_arguments()` works as expected", { skip_if_not(detects_python()) # test in mode "add_argument" c.2a <- function(...) convert_..._to_arguments("add_argument", ...) waz <- "wazzup" expect_equal(c.2a(foo = "bar", hello = "world"), 'foo=r"""bar""", hello=r"""world"""') expect_equal(c.2a(foo = "bar", waz), 'foo=r"""bar""", r"""wazzup"""') expect_equal(c.2a(type = "character"), "type=str") expect_equal(c.2a(default = TRUE), "default=True") expect_equal(c.2a(default = 3.4), "default=3.4") expect_equal(c.2a(default = "foo"), 'default=r"""foo"""') # test in mode "ArgumentParser" c.2a <- function(...) convert_..._to_arguments("ArgumentParser", ...) expect_match(c.2a(argument_default = FALSE), "argument_default=False") expect_match(c.2a(argument_default = 30), "argument_default=30") expect_match(c.2a(argument_default = "foobar"), 'argument_default=r"""foobar"""') expect_match(c.2a(foo = "bar"), "^prog='PROGRAM'|^prog='test-argparse.R'") expect_match(c.2a(formatter_class = "argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter"), "formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter") }) test_that("`add_argument()` works as expected", { skip_if_not(detects_python()) parser <- ArgumentParser() parser$add_argument("integers", metavar = "N", type = "integer", nargs = "+", help = "an integer for the accumulator") parser$add_argument("--sum", dest = "accumulate", action = "store_const", const = "sum", default = "max", help = "sum the integers (default: find the max)") arguments <- parser$parse_args(c("--sum", "1", "2")) f <- get(arguments$accumulate) expect_output(parser$print_help(), "sum the integers") expect_equal(arguments$accumulate, "sum") expect_equal(arguments$integers, c(1, 2)) expect_equal(f(arguments$integers), 3) expect_error(parser$add_argument("--foo", type = "boolean")) # Bug found by Martin Diehl parser$add_argument("--label", type = "character", nargs = 2, dest = "label", action = "store", default = c("a", "b"), help = "label for X and Y axis") suppressWarnings(parser$add_argument("--bool", type = "logical", nargs = 2, dest = "bool", action = "store", default = c(FALSE, TRUE))) arguments <- parser$parse_args(c("--sum", "1", "2")) expect_equal(arguments$label, c("a", "b")) expect_equal(arguments$bool, c(FALSE, TRUE)) # Bug found by Oliver Dreschel (@oliverdreschel) p <- ArgumentParser() p$add_argument('--listlab', type='character', help='This is a helpstring,"Containing Quotes"') expect_equal(p$parse_args()$listlab, NULL) # Use R casting of logicals p <- ArgumentParser() p$add_argument("--bool", type = "logical", action = "store") expect_false(p$parse_args("--bool=F")$bool) expect_true(p$parse_args("--bool=T")$bool) expect_error(p$parse_args("--bool=1")$bool) # Use R casting of logicals with type append p <- ArgumentParser() p$add_argument("--bool", type = "logical", action = "append") expect_equal(p$parse_args(c("--bool=F", "--bool=true", "--bool=T"))$bool, c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE)) expect_error(p$parse_args(c("--bool=F", "--bool=1", "--bool=T"))$bool) # Bug/Feature request found by Hyunsoo Kim p <- ArgumentParser() p$add_argument("--test", default = NULL) expect_equal(p$parse_args()$test, NULL) # Feature request of Paul Newell parser <- ArgumentParser() parser$add_argument("extent", nargs = 4, type = "double", metavar = c("e1", "e2", "e3", "e4")) expect_output(parser$print_usage(), "usage: PROGRAM \\[-h\\] e1 e2 e3 e4") # Bug report by Claire D. McWhite parser <- ArgumentParser() parser$add_argument("-o", "--output_filename", required = FALSE, default = "outfile.txt") expect_equal(parser$parse_args()$output_filename, "outfile.txt") parser <- ArgumentParser() parser$add_argument("-o", "--output_filename", required = TRUE, default = "outfile.txt") expect_error(parser$parse_args()) }) test_that("version flags works as expected", { skip_if_not(detects_python()) # Feature request of Dario Beraldi parser <- ArgumentParser() parser$add_argument("-v", "--version", action = "version", version = "1.0.1") if (interactive()) { expect_error(parser$parse_args("-v"), "version requested:\n1.0.1") expect_error(parser$parse_args("--version"), "version requested:\n1.0.1") } # empty list parser <- ArgumentParser() el <- parser$parse_args() expect_true(is.list(el)) expect_equal(length(el), 0) }) test_that("`parse_known_args()` works as expected", { skip_if_not(detects_python()) parser <- ArgumentParser() parser$add_argument("-o", "--output_filename", default = "outfile.txt") a_r <- parser$parse_known_args(c("-o", "foobar.txt", "-n", "4")) expect_equal(a_r[[1]]$output_filename, "foobar.txt") expect_equal(a_r[[2]], c("-n", "4")) }) test_that("`parse_intermixed_args()` works as expected", { skip_if_not(detects_python(minimum_version = '3.7')) parser <- ArgumentParser() parser$add_argument('--foo') parser$add_argument('cmd') parser$add_argument('rest', nargs='*', type='integer') args <- strsplit('doit 1 --foo bar 2 3', ' ')[[1]] args <- parser$parse_intermixed_args(args) expect_equal(args$cmd, 'doit') expect_equal(args$foo, 'bar') expect_equal(args$rest, 1:3) }) test_that("`parse_known_intermixed_args()` works as expected", { skip_if_not(detects_python(minimum_version = '3.7')) parser <- ArgumentParser() parser$add_argument('--foo') parser$add_argument('cmd') parser$add_argument('rest', nargs='*', type='integer') args <- strsplit('doit 1 --foo bar 2 3 -n', ' ')[[1]] a_r <- parser$parse_known_intermixed_args(args) expect_equal(a_r[[1]]$cmd, 'doit') expect_equal(a_r[[1]]$foo, 'bar') expect_equal(a_r[[1]]$rest, 1:3) expect_equal(a_r[[2]], c('-n')) }) test_that("`set_defaults()` works as expected", { skip_if_not(detects_python()) parser <- ArgumentParser() parser$set_defaults(bar=42) args <- parser$parse_args(c()) expect_equal(args$bar, 42) # expect_equal(parser$get_default("bar"), 42) }) test_that("`ArgumentParser()` works as expected", { skip_if_not(detects_python()) parser <- ArgumentParser(prog = "foobar", usage = "%(prog)s arg1 arg2") parser$add_argument("--hello", dest = "saying", action = "store_const", const = "hello", default = "bye", help = "%(prog)s's saying (default: %(default)s)") expect_output(parser$print_help(), "foobar arg1 arg2") expect_output(parser$print_help(), "foobar's saying \\(default: bye\\)") expect_error(ArgumentParser(python_cmd = "foobar")) skip_if_not(interactive(), "Skip passing -h if not interactive()") # Bug report by George Chlipala expect_error(ArgumentParser()$parse_args("-h"), "help requested") expect_error(ArgumentParser(add_help = TRUE)$parse_args("-h"), "help requested") expect_error(ArgumentParser(add_help = FALSE)$parse_args("-h"), "unrecognized arguments") }) test_that("`parse_args()` works as expected", { skip_if_not(detects_python()) parser <- ArgumentParser("foobar", usage = "%(prog)s arg1 arg2") parser$add_argument("--hello", dest = "saying", action = "store", default = "foo", choices = c("foo", "bar"), help = "%(prog)s's saying (default: %(default)s)") expect_equal(parser$parse_args("--hello=bar"), list(saying = "bar")) expect_error(parser$parse_args("--hello=what")) # Unhelpful error message found by Martí Duran Ferrer parser <- ArgumentParser() parser$add_argument("M", required = TRUE, help = "Test") expect_error(parser$parse_args(), "python error") # bug reported by Dominik Mueller p <- argparse::ArgumentParser() p$add_argument("--int", type = "integer") p$add_argument("--double", type = "double") p$add_argument("--character", type = "character") p$add_argument("--numeric", type = "numeric") input <- "1" args <- p$parse_args(c("--int", input, "--double", input, "--character", input, "--numeric", input)) expect_equal(class(args$int), "integer") expect_equal(class(args$double), "numeric") expect_equal(class(args$character), "character") expect_equal(class(args$numeric), "numeric") expect_equal(args$int, as.integer(1.0)) expect_equal(args$double, 1.0) expect_equal(args$character, "1") expect_equal(args$numeric, 1.0) # bug reported by Arthur Gilly parser <- ArgumentParser(description="Description of tool.\nAuthor information.") expect_true(is.list(parser$parse_args())) # bug found my Matthew Hall (@mdhall272, #51) parser <- ArgumentParser(description='foo') parser$add_argument('--bar', default = "[\\D]") expect_equal(parser$parse_args()$bar, "[\\D]") # Bug found by Taylor Pospisil skip_on_os("windows") # Didn't work on Github Actions Windows skip_on_cran() # Once gave an error on win-builder parser <- ArgumentParser() parser$add_argument("--lotsofstuff", type = "character", nargs = "+") args <- parser$parse_args(c("--lotsofstuff", rep("stuff", 1000))) expect_equal(args$lotsofstuff, rep("stuff", 1000)) # Bug found by @miker985 test_that("we can action = 'append' with a default list", { parser <- argparse::ArgumentParser() parser$add_argument("--test-dim", dest = "dims", action = "append", default = c("year", "sex", "age")) args <- parser$parse_args(c("--test-dim", "race")) expect_equal(args$dims, c("year", "sex", "age", "race")) }) }) # Bug found by Erick Rocha Fonseca test_that("Unicode support works if Python and OS sufficient", { skip_if_not(detects_python()) skip_on_os("windows") # Didn't work on win-builder skip_on_cran() # Didn't work on Debian Clang did_find_python3 <- findpython::can_find_python_cmd(minimum_version = "3.0", required_modules = c("argparse", "json|simplejson"), silent = TRUE) if (!did_find_python3) skip("Need at least Python 3.0 for Unicode support") p <- ArgumentParser(python_cmd = attr(did_find_python3, "python_cmd")) p$add_argument("name") expect_equal(p$parse_args("\u8292\u679C"), list(name = "\u8292\u679C")) # 芒果 }) test_that("Unicode attempt throws error if Python or OS not sufficient", { skip_if_not(detects_python()) skip_on_os("windows") # Didn't work on AppVeyor skip_on_cran() # Didn't work on Debian Clang did_find_python2 <- findpython::can_find_python_cmd(maximum_version = "2.7", required_modules = c("argparse", "json|simplejson"), silent = TRUE) if (!did_find_python2) skip("Need Python 2 to guarantee throws Unicode error") p <- ArgumentParser(python_cmd = attr(did_find_python2, "python_cmd")) p$add_argument("name") expect_error(p$parse_args("\u8292\u679C"), "Non-ASCII character detected.") # 芒果 }) # Mutually exclusive groups is a feature request by Vince Reuter test_that("mutually exclusive groups works as expected", { skip_if_not(detects_python()) parser <- ArgumentParser(prog = "PROG") group <- parser$add_mutually_exclusive_group() group$add_argument("--foo", action = "store_true") group$add_argument("--bar", action = "store_false") arguments <- parser$parse_args("--foo") expect_true(arguments$bar) expect_true(arguments$foo) arguments <- parser$parse_args("--bar") expect_false(arguments$bar) expect_false(arguments$foo) expect_error(parser$parse_args(c("--foo", "--bar")), "argument --bar: not allowed with argument --foo") parser <- ArgumentParser(prog = "PROG") group <- parser$add_mutually_exclusive_group(required = TRUE) group$add_argument("--foo", action = "store_true") group$add_argument("--bar", action = "store_false") expect_error(parser$parse_args(character()), " one of the arguments --foo --bar is required") }) # argument groups is a feature request by Dario Beraldi test_that("add argument group works as expected", { skip_if_not(detects_python()) parser <- ArgumentParser(prog = "PROG", add_help = FALSE) group1 <- parser$add_argument_group("group1", "group1 description") group1$add_argument("foo", help = "foo help") group2 <- parser$add_argument_group("group2", "group2 description") group2$add_argument("--bar", help = "bar help") expect_output(parser$print_help(), "group1 description") expect_output(parser$print_help(), "group2 description") }) # subparser support is a feature request by Zebulun Arendsee test_that("sub parsers work as expected", { skip_if_not(detects_python()) # create the top-level parser parser <- ArgumentParser(prog = "PROG") parser$add_argument("--foo", action = "store_true", help = "foo help") subparsers <- parser$add_subparsers(help = "sub-command help") # create the parser for the "a" command parser_a <- subparsers$add_parser("a", help = "a help") parser_a$add_argument("bar", type = "integer", help = "bar help") # create the parser for the "b" command parser_b <- subparsers$add_parser("b", help = "b help") parser_b$add_argument("--baz", choices = "XYZ", help = "baz help") # parse some argument lists arguments <- parser$parse_args(c("a", "12")) expect_equal(arguments$bar, 12) expect_equal(arguments$foo, FALSE) arguments <- parser$parse_args(c("--foo", "b", "--baz", "Z")) expect_equal(arguments$baz, "Z") expect_equal(arguments$foo, TRUE) expect_output(parser$print_help(), "sub-command help") expect_output(parser_a$print_help(), "usage: PROG a") expect_output(parser_b$print_help(), "usage: PROG b") }) test_that("Paths that `quit()`", { skip_if_not(detects_python()) skip_on_os("windows") cmd <- file.path(R.home(), "bin/Rscript") skip_if(Sys.which(cmd) == "") expect_equal(system2(cmd, c("scripts/test_version.R", "--version"), stdout = TRUE), "1.0.1") help <- system2(cmd, c("scripts/test_help.R", "--help"), stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE) expect_equal("usage: scripts/test_help.R [-h]", help[1]) expect_equal(" -h, --help show this help message and exit", help[4]) })