R Under development (unstable) (2024-11-18 r87347 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > library("testthat") > > test_check("argparse") Loading required package: argparse Error in findpython::find_python_cmd(required_modules = required_modules) : Couldn't find a sufficient Python binary. If you haven't installed the Python dependency yet please do so. If you have but it isn't on the system path (as is default on Windows) please add it to path or set options('python_cmd'='/path/to/binary') or set the PYTHON, PYTHON2, or PYTHON3 environmental variables. Python must have access to the modules: argparse, json | simplejson Error in findpython::find_python_cmd(required_modules = required_modules) : Couldn't find a sufficient Python binary. If you haven't installed the Python dependency yet please do so. If you have but it isn't on the system path (as is default on Windows) please add it to path or set options('python_cmd'='/path/to/binary') or set the PYTHON, PYTHON2, or PYTHON3 environmental variables. Python must have access to the modules: argparse, json | simplejson Error in findpython::find_python_cmd(required_modules = required_modules) : Couldn't find a sufficient Python binary. If you haven't installed the Python dependency yet please do so. If you have but it isn't on the system path (as is default on Windows) please add it to path or set options('python_cmd'='/path/to/binary') or set the PYTHON, PYTHON2, or PYTHON3 environmental variables. Python must have access to the modules: argparse, json | simplejson Error in findpython::find_python_cmd(required_modules = required_modules) : Couldn't find a sufficient Python binary. If you haven't installed the Python dependency yet please do so. If you have but it isn't on the system path (as is default on Windows) please add it to path or set options('python_cmd'='/path/to/binary') or set the PYTHON, PYTHON2, or PYTHON3 environmental variables. Python must have access to the modules: argparse, json | simplejson Error in findpython::find_python_cmd(required_modules = required_modules) : Couldn't find a sufficient Python binary. If you haven't installed the Python dependency yet please do so. If you have but it isn't on the system path (as is default on Windows) please add it to path or set options('python_cmd'='/path/to/binary') or set the PYTHON, PYTHON2, or PYTHON3 environmental variables. Python must have access to the modules: argparse, json | simplejson Error in findpython::find_python_cmd(required_modules = required_modules) : Couldn't find a sufficient Python binary. If you haven't installed the Python dependency yet please do so. If you have but it isn't on the system path (as is default on Windows) please add it to path or set options('python_cmd'='/path/to/binary') or set the PYTHON, PYTHON2, or PYTHON3 environmental variables. Python must have access to the modules: argparse, json | simplejson Error in findpython::find_python_cmd(required_modules = required_modules) : Couldn't find a sufficient Python binary. If you haven't installed the Python dependency yet please do so. If you have but it isn't on the system path (as is default on Windows) please add it to path or set options('python_cmd'='/path/to/binary') or set the PYTHON, PYTHON2, or PYTHON3 environmental variables. Python must have access to the modules: argparse, json | simplejson Error in findpython::find_python_cmd(required_modules = required_modules) : Couldn't find a sufficient Python binary. If you haven't installed the Python dependency yet please do so. If you have but it isn't on the system path (as is default on Windows) please add it to path or set options('python_cmd'='/path/to/binary') or set the PYTHON, PYTHON2, or PYTHON3 environmental variables. Python must have access to the modules: argparse, json | simplejson Error in findpython::find_python_cmd(required_modules = required_modules) : Couldn't find a sufficient Python binary. If you haven't installed the Python dependency yet please do so. If you have but it isn't on the system path (as is default on Windows) please add it to path or set options('python_cmd'='/path/to/binary') or set the PYTHON, PYTHON2, or PYTHON3 environmental variables. Python must have access to the modules: argparse, json | simplejson Error in findpython::find_python_cmd(required_modules = required_modules) : Couldn't find a sufficient Python binary. If you haven't installed the Python dependency yet please do so. If you have but it isn't on the system path (as is default on Windows) please add it to path or set options('python_cmd'='/path/to/binary') or set the PYTHON, PYTHON2, or PYTHON3 environmental variables. Python must have access to the modules: argparse, json | simplejson Error in findpython::find_python_cmd(required_modules = required_modules) : Couldn't find a sufficient Python binary. If you haven't installed the Python dependency yet please do so. If you have but it isn't on the system path (as is default on Windows) please add it to path or set options('python_cmd'='/path/to/binary') or set the PYTHON, PYTHON2, or PYTHON3 environmental variables. Python must have access to the modules: argparse, json | simplejson Error in findpython::find_python_cmd(required_modules = required_modules) : Couldn't find a sufficient Python binary. If you haven't installed the Python dependency yet please do so. If you have but it isn't on the system path (as is default on Windows) please add it to path or set options('python_cmd'='/path/to/binary') or set the PYTHON, PYTHON2, or PYTHON3 environmental variables. Python must have access to the modules: argparse, json | simplejson Error in findpython::find_python_cmd(required_modules = required_modules) : Couldn't find a sufficient Python binary. If you haven't installed the Python dependency yet please do so. If you have but it isn't on the system path (as is default on Windows) please add it to path or set options('python_cmd'='/path/to/binary') or set the PYTHON, PYTHON2, or PYTHON3 environmental variables. Python must have access to the modules: argparse, json | simplejson Error in findpython::find_python_cmd(required_modules = required_modules) : Couldn't find a sufficient Python binary. If you haven't installed the Python dependency yet please do so. If you have but it isn't on the system path (as is default on Windows) please add it to path or set options('python_cmd'='/path/to/binary') or set the PYTHON, PYTHON2, or PYTHON3 environmental variables. Python must have access to the modules: argparse, json | simplejson Error in findpython::find_python_cmd(required_modules = required_modules) : Couldn't find a sufficient Python binary. If you haven't installed the Python dependency yet please do so. If you have but it isn't on the system path (as is default on Windows) please add it to path or set options('python_cmd'='/path/to/binary') or set the PYTHON, PYTHON2, or PYTHON3 environmental variables. Python must have access to the modules: argparse, json | simplejson Error in findpython::find_python_cmd(required_modules = required_modules) : Couldn't find a sufficient Python binary. If you haven't installed the Python dependency yet please do so. If you have but it isn't on the system path (as is default on Windows) please add it to path or set options('python_cmd'='/path/to/binary') or set the PYTHON, PYTHON2, or PYTHON3 environmental variables. Python must have access to the modules: argparse, json | simplejson Error in findpython::find_python_cmd(required_modules = required_modules) : Couldn't find a sufficient Python binary. If you haven't installed the Python dependency yet please do so. If you have but it isn't on the system path (as is default on Windows) please add it to path or set options('python_cmd'='/path/to/binary') or set the PYTHON, PYTHON2, or PYTHON3 environmental variables. Python must have access to the modules: argparse, json | simplejson [ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 17 | PASS 0 ] ══ Skipped tests (17) ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ • detects_python() is not TRUE (15): 'test-argparse.R:23:5', 'test-argparse.R:42:5', 'test-argparse.R:50:5', 'test-argparse.R:71:5', 'test-argparse.R:135:5', 'test-argparse.R:152:5', 'test-argparse.R:193:5', 'test-argparse.R:203:5', 'test-argparse.R:219:5', 'test-argparse.R:284:5', 'test-argparse.R:297:5', 'test-argparse.R:311:5', 'test-argparse.R:333:5', 'test-argparse.R:345:5', 'test-argparse.R:372:5' • detects_python(minimum_version = "3.7") is not TRUE (2): 'test-argparse.R:162:5', 'test-argparse.R:175:5' [ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 17 | PASS 0 ] > > proc.time() user system elapsed 0.68 0.35 1.03