mock_resp <- function(body) { resp <- list( method = "POST", url = "", status_code = 200L, headers = list( `content-type` = "application/x-protobuf", `content-length` = "8699", date = "Wed, 15 Nov 2023 16:23:08 GMT", `cache-control` = "public, max-age=30, s-maxage=30", `content-encoding` = "gzip", etag = "sd110054_1895910304", `access-control-allow-origin` = "*", `content-disposition` = "inline;filename=results.pbf" ) |> structure(class = "httr2_headers"), request = list( url = "", method = NULL, headers = list(), body = list( data = list( outFields = I("%2A"), where = I("1%3D1"), returnGeometry = I("TRUE"), token = I(""), f = I("pbf"), resultOffset = I("0") ), type = "form", content_type = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", params = list() ), fields = list(), options = list(), policies = list() ) |> structure(class = "httr2_request"), cache = environment() ) |> structure(class = "httr2_response") resp[["body"]] <- body resp } # WITH POST PROCESSING test_that("post process of response tables", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_installed(c("httr2", "sf")) tbl_fp <- system.file("small-table.pbf", package = "arcpbf") body <- open_pbf(tbl_fp) resp <- mock_resp(body) resps <- list(resp, resp, resp) expect_snapshot(resps_data_pbf(resps)) }) test_that("post process list of feature classes", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_installed(c("httr2", "sf")) tbl_fp <- system.file("small-points.pbf", package = "arcpbf") body <- open_pbf(tbl_fp) resp <- mock_resp(body) resps <- list(resp, resp, resp) expect_snapshot(resps_data_pbf(resps)) }) test_that("post process list of OIDs", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_installed(c("httr2")) tbl_fp <- system.file("ids.pbf", package = "arcpbf") body <- open_pbf(tbl_fp) resp <- mock_resp(body) resps <- list(resp, resp, resp) expect_snapshot(resps_data_pbf(resps)) }) test_that("post process list of counts", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_installed(c("httr2")) tbl_fp <- system.file("count.pbf", package = "arcpbf") body <- open_pbf(tbl_fp) resp <- mock_resp(body) resps <- list(resp, resp, resp) expect_snapshot(resps_data_pbf(resps)) }) # WITHOUT POST PROCESSING test_that("DO NOT post process of response tables", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_installed(c("httr2", "sf")) tbl_fp <- system.file("small-table.pbf", package = "arcpbf") body <- open_pbf(tbl_fp) resp <- mock_resp(body) resps <- list(resp, resp, resp) expect_snapshot(resps_data_pbf(resps, FALSE)) }) test_that("DO NOT post process list of feature classes", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_installed(c("httr2", "sf")) tbl_fp <- system.file("small-points.pbf", package = "arcpbf") body <- open_pbf(tbl_fp) resp <- mock_resp(body) resps <- list(resp, resp, resp) expect_snapshot(resps_data_pbf(resps, FALSE)) }) test_that("DO NOT post process list of OIDs", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_installed(c("httr2")) tbl_fp <- system.file("ids.pbf", package = "arcpbf") body <- open_pbf(tbl_fp) resp <- mock_resp(body) resps <- list(resp, resp, resp) expect_snapshot(resps_data_pbf(resps, FALSE)) }) test_that("DO NOT post process list of counts", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_installed(c("httr2")) tbl_fp <- system.file("count.pbf", package = "arcpbf") body <- open_pbf(tbl_fp) resp <- mock_resp(body) resps <- list(resp, resp, resp) expect_snapshot(resps_data_pbf(resps)) })