describe("archive_write", { it("creates a writable connection", { a <- tempfile(fileext = ".zip") out_con <- archive_write(a, "mtcars.csv") on.exit({ unlink(a) }) expect_is(out_con, "connection") expect_is(out_con, "archive_write") write.csv(file = out_con, mtcars) in_con <- unz(a, "mtcars.csv") data <- read.csv(in_con, row.names = 1) expect_equal(data, mtcars) }) it("works with all supported formats", { extensions <- c("7z", "cpio", "iso", #"mtree", mtree is a textual description of a file hierarchy, rather than a normal archive format. "tar", "tgz", "taz", "tar.gz", "tbz", "tbz2", "tz2", "tar.bz2", "tlz", "tar.lzma", "txz", "tar.xz", #"tzo", "taZ", "tZ", #"warc", "jar", "zip") if (libarchive_version() >= "3.3.3") { extensions <- c(extensions, "tar.zst") } test_extension <- function(ext) { filename <- tempfile(fileext = paste0(".", ext)) on.exit(unlink(filename)) expect_error(write.csv(mtcars, archive_write(filename, "mtcars.csv")), NA, info = ext) expect_equal(read.csv(archive_read(filename, "mtcars.csv"), row.names = 1), mtcars) } for (ext in extensions) { test_extension(ext) } }) it("can take options", { f <- tempfile(fileext = ".tar.gz") f2 <- tempfile(fileext = ".tar.gz") on.exit(unlink(c(f, f2))) write.csv(mtcars, archive_write(f, "mtcars.csv", options = "compression-level=0") ) write.csv(mtcars, archive_write(f2, "mtcars.csv", options = "compression-level=9") ) expect_gt(file.size(f), file.size(f2)) }) it("zip writer can take options", { f <- tempfile(fileext = ".zip") f2 <- tempfile(fileext = ".zip") on.exit(unlink(c(f, f2))) write.csv(mtcars, archive_write(f, "mtcars.csv", options = "compression-level=1") ) write.csv(mtcars, archive_write(f2, "mtcars.csv", options = "compression-level=9") ) expect_gt(file.size(f), file.size(f2)) }) it("can translate character sets with a cpio archive", { skip_on_os("windows") skip_on_os("solaris") skip_if_no_encoding("CP866") skip_on_os("mac") # for some unknown reason this test fails on macOS f <- tempfile(fileext = ".cpio") filename <- "\u0401\u0404\u0449\u045e\u0445\u0407" write.csv(mtcars, archive_write(f, filename, options = "hdrcharset=CP866") ) a <- archive(f, options = "hdrcharset=CP866") expect_equal(a$path, filename) }) it("can translate character sets with a zip archive", { skip_on_os("windows") skip_on_os("solaris") skip_if_no_encoding("CP866") skip_on_os("mac") # for some unknown reason this test fails on macOS f <- tempfile(fileext = ".zip") filename <- "\u0401\u0404\u0449\u045e\u0445\u0407" write.csv(mtcars, archive_write(f, filename, options = "hdrcharset=CP866") ) a <- archive(f, options = "hdrcharset=CP866") expect_equal(a$path, filename) }) it("works with relative paths", { dir.create(d <- tempfile()) old <- getwd() on.exit(setwd(old), add = TRUE) setwd(d) dir.create("files") write.csv(iris, file.path("files", "iris.csv")) write.csv(mtcars, file.path("files", "mtcars.csv")) write.csv(airquality, file.path("files", "airquality.csv")) # Add some to a new archive a <- archive_write_dir("data.tar.gz", "files") expect_equal( sort(a$path), c("airquality.csv", "iris.csv", "mtcars.csv") ) }) it("works with absolute paths", { dir.create(d <- tempfile()) old <- getwd() on.exit(setwd(old), add = TRUE) setwd(d) dir.create("files") write.csv(iris, file.path("files", "iris.csv")) write.csv(mtcars, file.path("files", "mtcars.csv")) write.csv(airquality, file.path("files", "airquality.csv")) # Add some to a new archive a <- archive_write_dir("data.tar.gz", normalizePath("files")) expect_equal( sort(a$path), c("airquality.csv", "iris.csv", "mtcars.csv") ) }) })