data_file <- system.file(package = "archive", "extdata", "") describe("archive_read", { it("creates a read only connection", { in_con <- file(data_file) con <- archive_read(in_con) on.exit({close(in_con); close(con)}) expect_is(con, "connection") expect_is(con, "archive_read") s <- summary(con) expect_true(startsWith(s[["description"]], "archive_read")) expect_equal(s[["mode"]], "r") expect_equal(s[["text"]], "text") expect_equal(s[["opened"]], "closed") expect_equal(s[["can read"]], "yes") expect_equal(s[["can write"]], "no") }) it("can be read from with a text connection", { con <- archive_read(data_file) i <- iris i$Species <- as.character(i$Species) expect_equal(read.csv(con, stringsAsFactors = FALSE), head(i)) }) it("can be read from with a binary connection", { con <- archive_read(data_file, mode = "rb") text <- rawToChar(readBin(con, "raw", n =$size)) close(con) i <- iris i$Species <- as.character(i$Species) expect_equal(read.csv(text = text, stringsAsFactors = FALSE), head(i)) }) it("works with readRDS", { on.exit(unlink("archive.tar")) w_con <- archive_write(archive = "archive.tar", file = "mtcars") saveRDS(mtcars, w_con) close(w_con) r_con <- archive_read(archive = "archive.tar", file = "mtcars") out <- readRDS(r_con) expect_false(isOpen(r_con)) close(r_con) expect_identical(out, mtcars) }) it("takes options", { skip_on_os("windows") skip_on_os("solaris") skip_if_no_encoding("CP866") skip_if(l10n_info()$`UTF-8` == FALSE) con <- archive_read(test_path("cp866.tar.Z.uu"), "\u043f\u0440\u0438\u0432\u0435\u0442", mode = "rb", options = "hdrcharset=CP866") on.exit(close(con)) res <- readBin(con, what = raw(), n = 100) res_utf8 <- iconv(list(res), from = "CP866", to = "UTF-8") expect_equal(res_utf8, "\u0401\u0404\u0449\u045e\u0445\u0407") }) })