data_file <- system.file(package = "archive", "extdata", "") describe("archive_extract", { it("extracts all files in the archive", { a <- archive(data_file) d <- tempfile() on.exit(unlink(d, recursive = TRUE)) archive_extract(data_file, d) f <- list.files(d, full.names = TRUE) expect_equal(length(f), 3) expect_equal(file.size(f), a[order(a[["path"]]), ][["size"]]) }) it("extracts given files in the archive, indexed by integer", { d <- tempfile() on.exit(unlink(d, recursive = TRUE)) archive_extract(data_file, d, files = c(1L, 3L)) f <- list.files(d, full.names = TRUE) expect_equal(length(f), 2) a <- archive(data_file) expect_equal(sort(file.size(f)), sort(a[a$path %in% a$path[c(1, 3)], ][["size"]])) }) it("extracts given files in the archive, indexed by double", { d <- tempfile() on.exit(unlink(d, recursive = TRUE)) archive_extract(data_file, d, files = c(1, 3)) f <- list.files(d, full.names = TRUE) expect_equal(length(f), 2) a <- archive(data_file) expect_equal(sort(file.size(f)), sort(a[a$path %in% a$path[c(1, 3)], ][["size"]])) }) it("extracts given files in the archive, indexed by name", { d <- tempfile() on.exit(unlink(d, recursive = TRUE)) archive_extract(data_file, d, files = c("mtcars.csv", "iris.csv")) f <- list.files(d, full.names = TRUE) expect_equal(length(f), 2) a <- archive(data_file) expect_equal(sort(file.size(f)), sort(a[a$path %in% c("mtcars.csv", "iris.csv"), ][["size"]])) }) it("can take options", { skip_on_os("windows") skip_on_os("solaris") skip_if_no_encoding("CP866") skip_if(l10n_info()$`UTF-8` == FALSE) out_dir <- tempfile() dir.create(out_dir) on.exit(unlink(out_dir, recursive = TRUE)) filename <- "\u043f\u0440\u0438\u0432\u0435\u0442" archive_extract(test_path("cp866.tar.Z.uu"), out_dir, filename, options = "hdrcharset=CP866") files <- list.files(out_dir) Encoding(files) <- "UTF-8" expect_equal(files, filename) }) it("can strip components if desired", { in_dir <- tempfile() out_dir <- tempfile() on.exit(unlink(c(in_dir, out_dir), recursive = TRUE)) dir.create(file.path(in_dir, "foo/bar"), recursive = TRUE) write.csv(iris, file.path(in_dir, "foo", "bar", "iris.csv")) write.csv(mtcars, file.path(in_dir, "foo", "mtcars.csv")) ar <- tempfile(fileext = ".tar") archive_write_dir(ar, in_dir) archive_extract(ar, out_dir, strip_components = 1) expect_true(all(c("bar/iris.csv", "mtcars.csv") %in% list.files(out_dir, recursive = TRUE))) }) it("can handle password", { skip_on_os("windows") # see in_dir <- tempfile() out_dir <- tempfile() on.exit(unlink(c(in_dir, out_dir), recursive = TRUE)) dir.create(in_dir, recursive = TRUE) write.csv(iris, file.path(in_dir, "iris.csv")) ar <- tempfile(fileext = ".zip") archive_write_dir(ar, in_dir, options = "encryption=1", password = "foobar") expect_error(archive_extract(ar, out_dir), "Passphrase required for this entry") archive_extract(ar, out_dir, password = "foobar") expect_true(all(c("iris.csv") %in% list.files(out_dir, recursive = TRUE))) }) })