test_that("Adding features to a table work", { skip("Must be ran interactively") skip_if_not_installed("dplyr") set_arc_token(auth_code()) # ensure that Iris Test exists first res <- publish_layer(iris, "Iris Test") irs <- arc_open(file.path(res$services$encodedServiceURL, "0")) test_row <- data.frame( Sepal.Length = 1:5, Sepal.Width = 2:6, Petal.Length = 3:7, Petal.Width = 4:8, Species = "ArcGIS Iris" ) expect_success(add_features(irs, test_row, match_on = "alias")) # create a massive data frame test_df <- as_tibble(sample_n(iris, 4500, replace = TRUE)) |> dplyr::mutate( Species = sample(c("Hi", "Howdy", "Esri", "Ft"), dplyr::n(), replace = TRUE) ) expect_success(add_features(irs, test_df, match_on = "alias")) }) test_that("Adding features to a feature layer works", { skip("Must be ran interactively") skip_if_not_installed("sf") # ensure that NC test is published first nc <- sf::st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package = "sf")) tkn <- auth_code() set_arc_token(tkn) res <- publish_layer(nc, "NC test") nc_layer <- get_layer(arc_open(res$services$encodedServiceURL), 0) nc$geometry <- sf::st_convex_hull(nc$geometry) res <- add_features(nc_layer, nc) }) test_that("truncate_layer() works:", { skip("Must be ran interactively") truncate_layer(nc_layer) })