context("soil profile simulation") ## sample data data(sp3) depths(sp3) <- id ~ top + bottom # select a profile to use as the basis for simulation s <- sp3[3, ] # reset horizon names s$name <- paste('H', seq_along(s$name), sep = '') test_that("perturb() (by thickness) works as expected (single profile)", { # simulate 25 new profiles expect_warning({sim.1 <- sim(s, n = 25)}) #deprecated version creates sd column for perturb using # manually create for perturb() s$ = c(1, 2, 5, 5, 5, 10, 3) expect_silent({sim.2 <- perturb(s, n = 25, thickness.attr = "")}) # result is an SPC expect_true(inherits(sim.1, 'SoilProfileCollection')) expect_true(inherits(sim.2, 'SoilProfileCollection')) # expected lengths expect_true(length(sim.1) == 25) expect_true(length(sim.2) == 25) }) test_that("expected errors (single profile)", { # only 1 seed can be used expect_error(perturb(sp3[1:2, ], n = 25)) # sd must recycle evenly over number of original horizons # NOTE: test removed; this recycling is now handled by horizons()<- # in the deprecated version of sim() }) test_that("perturb (by boundaries) works as expected (single profile)", { # simulate 25 new profiles with a sd boundary thickness of 0.5 - 2.5cm s$bdy <- round(runif(nrow(s), 1, 5)) / 2 diagnostic_hz(s) <- data.frame(id = profile_id(s), featkind = "foo", featdept = 0, featdepb = 10) restrictions(s) <- data.frame(id = profile_id(s), restrkind = "bar", restrdept = 0, restrdepb = 10) perp <- perturb(s, n = 25, boundary.attr = "bdy") # result is an SPC expect_true(inherits(perp, 'SoilProfileCollection')) # expected lengths expect_true(length(perp) == 25) perp2 <- perturb(s, id = 26:50, boundary.attr = "bdy", new.idname = "foo") # result is an SPC expect_true(inherits(perp2, 'SoilProfileCollection')) # expected lengths expect_true(length(perp2) == 25) # custom idname expect_equal(idname(perp2), "foo") # custom IDs expect_equal(profile_id(perp2), as.character(26:50)) }) test_that("perturb() (by thickness) works as expected (multiple profiles)", { horizons(sp3)$ <- 2 expect_silent({ sim.1 <- perturb(sp3, n = 25, thickness.attr = "") }) expect_equal(length(sim.1), 250) # test min.thickness arg (no horizon thinner than min.thickness) thk <- sim.1$bottom - sim.1$top expect_true(min(thk) >= 1) # all results are logical expect_true(all(checkHzDepthLogic(sim.1)$valid)) }) test_that("perturb() (by boundary) works as expected (multiple profiles)", { horizons(sp3)$ <- 2 expect_silent({ sim.1 <- perturb(sp3[9:10,], n = 250, boundary.attr = "", min.thickness = 3, max.depth = 50) }) expect_equal(length(sim.1), 500) # test min.thickness arg (no horizon thinner than min.thickness) thk <- sim.1$bottom - sim.1$top expect_true(min(thk) >= 3) # all results are logical expect_true(all(checkHzDepthLogic(sim.1)$valid)) # test max.depth (thicknesses of 4th horizon below 50cm are unaltered) expect_equal(thk[seq_along(thk) %% 4 == 0], c(rep(34, 250), rep(22, 250))) })