context("generalize horizon names") ## sample data x <- c('A', 'AC', 'Bt1', '^AC', 'C', 'BC', 'CB') ## tests test_that("basic pattern matching", { # the third pattern will steal from the second n <- c('A', '^AC', 'C') p <- c('A', '\\^A', 'C') res <- generalize.hz(x, new = n, pat = p, non.matching.code = 'not-used') # matching only text, not factor levels expect_equal(as.character(res), c('A', 'C', 'not-used', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C')) # check levels: these should match the ording of `n` + non matching code expect_equal(levels(res), c('A', '^AC', 'C', 'not-used')) res2 <- generalizeHz(x, new = n, pat = p, non.matching.code = 'not-used') # matching only text, not factor levels expect_equal(as.character(res2), c('A', 'C', 'not-used', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C')) # check levels: these should match the ording of `n` + non matching code expect_equal(levels(res2), c('A', '^AC', 'C', 'not-used')) }) test_that("advanced pattern matching, requires perl", { # the third pattern may steal from the second n <- c('A', '^AC', 'C') # A -- ^A -- C without preceding A p <- c('A', '\\^A', '(? 16] <- "Bt" test_that("guessGenHzLevels works as expected", { expect_error(as.numeric(guessGenHzLevels(sp3)$median.depths)) GHL(sp3) <- "genhz" expect_equal(as.numeric(guessGenHzLevels(sp3)$median.depths), c(5,40,44)) }) test_that("hzTransitionProbabilities works as expected", { res <- hzTransitionProbabilities(sp3, "genhz") expect_equal(res, structure(c(0, 0, 0, 0.375, 1, 0.111111111111111, 0.625, 0, 0.888888888888889), .Dim = c(3L, 3L), .Dimnames = list(c("A", "Bt", "C"), c("A", "Bt", "C")), ties = FALSE)) res <- hzTransitionProbabilities(sp3, "genhz", loopTerminalStates = TRUE) expect_equal(res, structure(c(0, 0, 0, 0.375, 1, 0.111111111111111, 0.625, 0, 0.888888888888889), .Dim = c(3L, 3L), .Dimnames = list(c("A", "Bt", "C"), c("A", "Bt", "C")), ties = FALSE)) horizons(sp3)$genhz2 <- NA expect_message(hzTransitionProbabilities(sp3, "genhz2")) # ties in probability matrix dftest <- data.frame(id = c(1,1,1,2,2,2), top = c(0,25,50,0,25,50), bottom = c(25,50,100,25,50,100), genhz = c("A","B","C","A","B","R")) depths(dftest) <- id ~ top + bottom expect_warning(hzTransitionProbabilities(dftest, "genhz")) }) test_that("evalGenHZ works as expected", { res <- evalGenHZ(sp3, genhz = "genhz", vars = "clay") expect_equal(names(res), c("horizons","stats","dist")) expect_equal(as.character(res$stats$clay), c("11.26 (3.46)", "28.29 (11.49)", "8.3 (1.74)")) }) test_that("generalize.hz works as expected", { res <- generalize.hz(sp3$name, new = "H", pat = ".*") expect_equal(levels(res), c("H","not-used")) expect_equal(as.character(res)[10], "H") res <- generalize.hz(sp3$genhz, new = c("A","Bt"), pat = c("A","[^A]")) expect_equal(levels(res), c("A","Bt","not-used")) expect_equal(as.character(res)[10], "Bt") }) test_that(" works as expected", { data(sp3) depths(sp3) <- id ~ top + bottom # crude generalized horizons horizons(sp3) <- rbind(data.frame(hzID = sp3[,1]$hzID, genhz = "A", stringsAsFactors = FALSE), data.frame(hzID = sp3[,2:100]$hzID, genhz = "C", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)) # slightly realistic sp3$genhz[sp3$clay > 16] <- "Bt" # make sure it runs res <-, fm = ~ genhz, cpm = 1, slab.structure = 0:max(sp3))) # expected output expect_equal(nrow(res), 3) expect_equal(res$top, c(0,10,60)) expect_equal(res$confidence, c(50,49,67)) # rough check on Brier scores / Shannon H expect_true( all( round(res$pseudo.brier, 2) == c(0.35, 0.48, 0.21) ) ) expect_true( all( round(res$mean.H, 2) == c(1.27, 1.01, 0.54) ) ) }) test_that("generalizeHz SPC method", { data(sp4) depths(sp4) <- id ~ top + bottom # name is the regular hz designation hzdesgnname(sp4) <- "name" sp4 <- generalizeHz(sp4, c('A','B','C'), c('^A', '^B', '^C'), ghl = "mylabel") expect_equal(GHL(sp4), "mylabel") })